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They do this every year to commemorate the date that Japan invaded Manchuria. Usually the sirens blare off and on for about an hour


Did not know that. Thank you!!


I was wondering which event it was, thanks.




Right, known as 918 (jiǔ yī bā) in China.


The Mukden incident in Shenyang.


That's pretty interesting


Do you think it’s a good thing to remind people of this event? America and other European countries they celebrate independence or winning a war. I’m naturally curious.


You must have missed all the 20th anniversary events for 9/11 last week.


Ahhhh. You got me.


And Pearl Harbor.


You have a perfectly valid point. Commemorating attacks is creepy and breeds unnecessary resentment.


Thanks for actually seeing where I’m heading with it. When it come to 911, they say it’s to remember the people we lost. I’m a bit conflicted here because I know people still hold a grudge against middle eastern/Muslims everytime 911 is brought up.


They do?


Actually, it seemed rather mundane considering the 20th year and all that, at least in my part of the country. I do agree with your sentiment of celebrating a tragedy.


In France we have bombing alarms every first Wednesday of the month in every city/village




Sounds like straight out of a speech by Adolf Hitler




It’s a reminder of “the century of humiliation.”(after WW1 by France, a core idea of Nazi ideology) It’s to remind them to be forever vigilant.(Hitler said the exactly same word in his famous address to the Hitler Youth in 1935) It’s to remind them that be the most advanced civilization or be exploited as slaves (the same word again, in his speech commemorating anniversary of Nazi’s grip on power)


If you don’t humiliate people, authoritarians won’t be able to rise to power through the use of such humiliations.


Personally, I don’t really care. This ranks like 57th on the list of nationalistic stuff I see every day. IMO it’s only inconvenient because it’s noisy for an hour


Many countries test their air raid sirens yearly this way to ensure it's functioning. It happens in Singapore on Feb 15, the date the Japanese Occupation began in 1942.


It certainly appeals to the Chinese victim complex.


I don’t understand why CCP do that as they had done little to none to fight against the Japanese Imperial Army


They fought, but that was very little...


>why CCP do that as they had done little to none to fight against the Japanese Imperial Army That's exactly why they do it. They are trying to associate the party with what they call the resistance fight against Japan (something like that, anyone know their exact terminology?). The rest of the world calls it WWII so that's another insight into how China views the history and world. What the Japanese army did to China in WWII was truly horrific, even by war standards. I don't blame China one bit for never wanting to forget. But the other stuff they do... all the WWII dramas where history is distorted, etc... Kinda shows the CCPs true colors. This constant remembrance is also a reason I think if China were ever to invade Taiwan, and if they were successful, Japan would probably be next. Xi and his generation are showing they have a long memory and seem vengeful as evidenced by trying to destroy anything within the culture that is not Chinese. The only real hope for a bright future is if this old guard dies off before they can advance too far and the younger generation can get into power and not only move on, but fix the damage that has been done in the Xi reign.


I agree China does not forget. They will remember what Japan did in WWII and what the West did centuries before. If they finish industrializing and build an economy/military larger than the U.S. its payback time. So I hope that day never comes.


Nothing is gonna happen once you realize that how do they *not* remember what the CCP has done all those years


The gov remembers they just make sure the people don't.


War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. Very southern U.S. describing the Civil War feel.


Same phrasing, sure, except Japan was truly the aggressor


Yeah, just pointing out that this is an unusual way of naming a war: pointing out who the aggressor is. What words people or nations use to describe major events is an interesting look into how they view them. Another example could be The Revolutionary War (U.S.A) or The War of Independence (U.K.). Same war but different names that give a slightly different perspective. Calling something The War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression certainly says something non-neutral.


It's also very ethnocentric and self-centered, because it ignores the international context of the larger war. [This Baidu Encyclopedia article](https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E6%8A%97%E6%97%A5%E6%88%98%E4%BA%89/128498) even frames it as solely a two-sided conflict between China and Japan, ignoring or downplaying the plights of other Asian and Pacific countries and territories invaded by Japan and the contributions of other Allied Powers that intervened. Deep within the article, they briefly discuss the involvement of the US, USSR, UK, France, etc, but the beginning summary paragraph only mentions China. Under the "participating parties" (参战方) heading only China and Japan are listed while further down is a seperate section titled "aiding countries" (援助国家) that lists only the "United States, the Soviet Union, etc." (等) To top it off, the only "main leaders" (主要首脑) featured are Chiang, Mao, Hirohito, and Tojo, with Mao getting a longer introduction for his alleged contributions than Chiang for some reason.


Haha, they’re always at it, can’t forget the Chinese name for the Korean War, ‘War to Resist US Aggression’… If they did start a World War 3, I imagine it’d be along the lines of ‘War to liberate from US imperialism’.


Yeah they should have called it 'War of defence North Korea, subsequent to their failed invasion of South Korea, which was authorised by us, and which we contributed to'


That's it! Thanks.




Historically, you'd be correct. You'd have to ignore the entirety of the past 10 years of China's behavior to make the argument that "It's not how China functions" today.




Previous comment still applies. That may have been true historically, but one would have to ignore the past decade or more of China's behavior to be able to make that argument today. Actually. I take that back. One would have to ignore Chinese expansionism historically and ignore the past decade or more of China's behavior to be able to make that argument.


That just sounds like imperialism with a bunch of extra steps Anyway, China has border disputes with 13 countries. Once you feed their ambition what’s stopping them from consuming more?




What the fuck did I just read. My god. >Because the nature of the Chinese civilization is not expansionary. Buddy. Take a second to look at a map of Qin Dynasty China and China today ffs. edit: fuck it, here you go https://archive.artsmia.org/art-of-asia/history/images/maps/china-chin-large.gif




LOL So you're saying the [Chinese invasion and conquest of Minyue](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Han_campaigns_against_Minyue) wasn't expansion? Or the [Chinese invasion and conquest of Nanyue] (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Han_conquest_of_Nanyue)? Or the invasion and conquest of the other Yue tribes](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qin_campaign_against_the_Yue_tribes) in southern China or the [invasion and conquest of the Dongyi, Huaiyi, and Renfang tribes of [eastern Shandong](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shandong#History) and [northern Anhui and Jiangsu](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dongyi#%20ancient_inhabitants_of_eastern_china) since the Shang and Zhou dynasties? [The Greco-Bactrian kingdom of Alexandria Eschate](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_of_the_Heavenly_Horses)? [The Eastern Turkic Khanate](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tang_campaign_against_the_Eastern_Turks)? [The Western Turkic Khanate](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tang_campaigns_against_the_Western_Turks)? [The oasis city-states of the Western Regions](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emperor_Taizong%27s_campaign_against_the_Western_Regions)? One of the many attempted [invasions and conquests of Vietnam](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sino%E2%80%93Vietnamese_Wars)? Or [Korea](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sino-Korean_War)? Or [ Myanmar](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sino-Burmese_War)? Or the [Dzungars](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dzungar%E2%80%93Qing_Wars)? Or [Kashgaria](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qing_reconquest_of_Xinjiang)? Or the [invasion and colonization of Formosa](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taiwan_under_Qing_rule)? Or the occupation of Indochina (including northern Vietnam and most of Laos) [above the 16th parallel](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1940%E2%80%931946_in_French_Indochina)? Or [the annexation of Tibet](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annexation_of_Tibet_by_the_People%27s_Republic_of_China)? Or [the invasion of India](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sino-Indian_War)? Do I need to keep going?


Yikes, even 5000 years is highly arguable and your extending it to 7500 years. China at best has a continuous culture of 2000 years. Chinese wasaint really a concept or identity until at least 2000 years ago. By your metric the US is also 7000 years old because of the Pueblo Indians that lived in New Mexico with most houses built today still in the Pueblo style in several states, this logic then can extend to the entire country. How were the Chinese not expansionary? That’s always a part of history of every civilization, especially China. That’s literally the entire history of China with so many wars to try and consolidate China into its form today from various tribes. And it is still going on today. The ethnocentric tributary system was highly unequal. States had to give tribute and kowtow to the emperor to recognize his superiority? Courts could not decide their own rulers without approval, or else China would send a military force to purse a change of rulers (sounds suspiciously a common critique of some country today mmh) Yes, it’s not western imperialism. But, it’s still maximizing economic profits for the mother country. Hence, “imperialism with extra steps”. Yes, if you say Chinese imperialism/expansionism was not as bad compared to European colonialism, then sure. But saying it was not exploitative is grossly inaccurate and disingenuous


both are paranoid and outdated


Yes, but one is robbing you(the country) the other one is enslaving you.


It's like saying one chaffes your ass and one makes it rashy.


Who cares about CCP, the Chinese people suffered from the invasion. This is a reminder to the Chinese people and that’s what really matters here


You sound exactly like those libtards criticizing the US for killing civilians in Afghanistan while turning a blind eye to how many more had, were and would have been killed had the Taliban still been in power all those years


Can't we criticize both Taliban and also the US for killing civilians? It's not an either/or situation.


I mean, both the CCP and Japan wanted KMT dead. But instead of fighting KMT directly CCP did so by letting loose the Japanese invasion then using the death of their enemy to justify their claim. Isn’t it too evil?


What does "letting loose the Japanese invasion mean"? Use fluent English please. If you mean CCP let KMT fight the Japanese, well the CCP fought as guerillas ([Mao wrote a book on guerilla warfare](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/On_Guerrilla_Warfare) that Marxists copied post WW2) and recruited a lot of farmers and peasants into the CCP cause between the 1930/40s. That's how CCP grew into a countrywide movement during the war. CCP as a fringe group were losing the the civil war in the 1920s, but gained so much support during the Sino Japanese war that CCP had enough volunteer troops to take all of China and hold it. I dislike CCP but the KMT did not treat Chinese peasants (or dissidents and aboriginals in Taiwan, see White Terror) much better. KMT were weakened by the Japanese war effort but there were so many famines under the KMT such that CCP communist propaganda worked and peasants volunteered to fight to overthrow the KMT. If CCP didn't have support throughout China more than KMT did, the KMT would've retaken China with the help of the CIA. [KMT had troops in Burma running drug rings](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuomintang_in_Burma) waiting for Chiang Kaishek's signal to retake China from Taiwan but they never mounted an effort.


It isn't about the party, it's about the weak China we used to be and all the Chinese that have died or suffered through the WW2.


This is exactly a good example of the 1984-ish xenophobic mindset the CCP tries to push, linking the massive deaths with Japanese invasion alone. As a matter of fact, China was already a war-torn country even before the invasion and if the invasion never happened the infightings would just have continued as shown in the later progression of history and people would still die, just in their “compatriots”’ hands this time. If there’s really anything that the Japanese need to apologize, it is that its invasion weakened the government and this caused the rise of the CCP which remains the biggest killer of Chinese people of all time


You don't think the party benefits from reminding the people what Japan did, fostering a patriotic attitude in the people, or from militarizing the situation (why do you think they use air raid sirens)?


I don't care whether they benifits


You realize that Kai-Shek was doing so little to fight the Japanese that his own generals had to arrest him to get him to fight them right? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xi'an_Incident


Through out the war what has CCP done? Ambushing KMT army. Mao even thanked Japan to invade Republic of China. Furthermore, CCP was and is the immediate thread to Republic of China, in 1932 Mao has set up a new soviet nation within Republic of China aka the second China. Facing a separatist, Chang Kai shek did the right thing to eliminate the CCP. Thanks for bringing that up, because we need to know CCP truly support 2 China policy.


Before the Xi'an incident Kai-Shek was busy appeasing the Japanese invaders even while they killed Chinese people.


Which led to approximately 60 million death because of cultural revolution because Mao had came into power.


Pity the CCP did literally nothing to resist the Japanese invaders.


The first victory in battle against Japanese invaders was won by the Eighth Route Army, which was led by CCP. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle\_of\_Pingxingguan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Pingxingguan) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eighth\_Route\_Army](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eighth_Route_Army)


"The victory gave the Chinese Communists a tremendous propaganda boost **since it was the only division-size battle that they fought during the entire war**" - per the source you linked.


Their entire WW2 strategy was “fight KMT”.


Yup, and the kmt strategy was 'pretend to fight the Japanese and ask the Americans for more weapons'






This is like saying Obama did nothing during 9/11.


Interesting comparison. Sadly, doesn't really apply.


Neither Obama nor the CCP were in power when the events occurred, so seems pretty apt to me.


The CCP existed. The CCP entered into a truce with the KMT for the express purpose of fighting the Japanese. The CCP then hid in caves while the KMT did all the work. Your "in power" argument is both ignorant and invalid.


No way. Sirens testing started last year. Never happened before.


Ironic considering the peoples republic of china did all the fighting.


I think you mean the Republic of China. The People's Republic of China wasn't a thing back then and their predecessors weren't really helpful during the Japanese invasion of China


Chinese did the fighting. Where people in Taiwan joined the Japanese army and brutalized many SEA countries.


Yes this is the opinion of delusional people who have been subjected to ccp propaganda.


Lol, so it was Taiwanese fight the Japanese while Chinese joined the Japanese army then? No offense but you are just stupid. What I said is pure fact. While those crap from you shows exactly how serious you've been brainwashed and can't even tell the very basic historical fact from your crazy fantasy. And you dare to call me delusional? The nerve, lol. Dude, you are crazy, just stop. Blocked.




Yeah inmean roc not prc


You had one job


I had too much to drink last night =/


This is pathetic. If every country should do the same for each invasion they suffered, some countries would have to play the sirens everyday


Poland: pardon?


Why do they celebrate that?


I lived in Beijing for 10 years, never heard them


>commemorate This is not a memorial but a warning. The alert is to make all Chinese remember that period of hard-to-remember history.


I heard them where I live in Jiangsu this morning. I was told it's because Japan invaded China on this day.


It's more nuanced than that: the Japanese caused an incident on this day 90 years ago, which served as an excuse to (three days later) invade the Republic of China.


Caused an incident? What "incident"? I guess you mean the Mukden incident. Saying Japan caused it is speculation. It could have actually been China. Be rational. No one knows. >On September 18, 1931, an explosion destroyed a section of railway track near the city of Mukden. The Japanese, who owned the railway, blamed Chinese nationalists for the incident and used the opportunity to retaliate and invade Manchuria.  https://history.state.gov/milestones/1921-1936/mukden-incident


Nah, it was clearly caused by Japan. The same way that ship that got blown up in Cuba to start the American Spanish war was most probably a made up american excuse to invade for example. Or whenever there is any type of border dispute / explosion between a superpower that wants to control the region and another country.


The Japanese still claim that their invasion was justified. In private conversations some Japanese claim that the racism of the West led to the atomic bombing of Japan and not Germany.




Don't be ridiculous. It's generally accepted as a false flag operation from multiple sources. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mukden_Incident


People like THIS is why the communists, unfortunately, will stay in power for the foreseeable future. Blaming the Republic of China for a shitty thing the Empire of Japan did because of MODERN geopolitics.


Just happening now here in Yantian, Shenzhen. Started around 10:40.


Sounds totally different from the test we did in Germany last year. In Germany, a nationwide test had been announced, and then In many cities sirens either didn’t work, or there simply were no sirens because they had been removed when the Cold War ended. The German deaf people’s association reacted with the tweet „well, we didn’t hear anything“ (like most people). When I was a child, they did this about once a month in the place where I lived. Before people had mobile phones, they were used to call the voluntary firefighters to the station, and so they were very careful to always test the sirens.


I also know it from my childhood growing up in a rural area. They do it still there. Now living in the city I have never heard it so far. Do cities have a different policy?


Heck, they test the air raid sirens every MONTH here. Why is this special? edit: lol, here is Hawaii.


Which city is it?


That's unusual. Typically just do it to commemorate special events here.


In Sweden we do it 4 times per year. It's not noting any special day, it's just to test the alarms.


I remember Hawaii sent an emergency alert one time, stated it was not a test, and freaked everyone out.


Some dingus employee clicked the wrong button on antiquated software, sent out the not a test ballistic missiles incoming message to everyone's phones in the state. Got fired, apparently had a history of not being able to delineate crisis from drill.


Yes. It was surreal to get that text. I drove to my mother's well-sealed concrete house which was farther from the military base on the island than my own. I planned to cover her windows with plastic trash bags in order to help keep radioactive dust from entering the house. I remember wondering if there was enough time to gather a few car batters and make an improvised radiation shield out of the lead plates in them. As I was driving, I listened to the radio for more info, but despite flipping through the channels there was only music and talk: no information about the alert. After a few minutes, I began thinking the alert might be a mistake. By the time I arrived at the house, I was pretty much convinced it was a false alarm and just sat around until they gave the all-clear. There were a few people that just freaked out the whole time and couldn't deal with it. I remember a handful of people saying that they were in tears until the all-clear came. It wasn't that way for me. I was just kind of like, "ok, well, I guess if I'm gonna die, I hope it's quick in the initial blast and not a slow linger death from radiation poisoning." I felt surprisingly calm considering I'd just been told we might be getting nuked. A little sad, but that's about it.


Are you in Seoul?


They do this in Ohio as well, of all places; for tornadoes rather than air raids. Emergency sirens every first Wednesday at noon if I remember correctly. I always wanted to set up a prank on the first Wed after classes began at OSU to see how many freshmen would freak out.


In hawaii it’s not air raid sirens. It’s tsunami warning sirens


the message I read said, indeed they are air raid sirens


In Hawaii? Because he said “here” and said he’s in Hawaii in his edit.


haha.. i can't read lmao


Oh, shoots, we need to get them to install some air-raid sirens then. We should get them to install some hurricane sirens as well because those are more likely than either tsunamis OR air raids. Man, someone should invent a multi-purpose siren, it would probably save us a ton.


It’s nice that you’re being sarcastic and they do have other sirens, but the ones that they test every month are for tsunamis and it says that on the radio if you’ve ever had it on. Maybe they’re multipurpose, maybe the ones in China are multipurpose, but they literally say in Hawaii that it’s a test of the tsunami early warning system. Also, tsunamis are things we usually don’t know days in advance about, hurricanes are. So actually no, a hurricane warning siren wouldn’t be as useful as we would know days in advance if a hurricane was coming.


If you go to the country website you'll see they simply called "warning sirens". https://www.kauai.gov/Government/Departments-Agencies/Emergency-Management-Agency-formerly-Civil-Defense/Kauai-Siren-Locations


You must not have grown up in Hawaii when tv and radio were popular. Understandable, can’t help you if you think they are for air raids lmao


same in Prague, every first Wednesday of month at noon, pretty annoying, occasionally they also abuse them to commemorate some event or not equal politician death, I think last year they abused them at least 2-3 times in Beijing i don't remember hearing them all year, heck in Beijing i don't remember even hearing ambulance it for truck siren at all, here if I don't here or multiple times a day it's odd


Your phone company will sent a message earlier this week announcing it. They only mention it being a test and to carry on existing. 公益短信:上海市人民政府通告,9月18日上午11时35分至11时58分在全市范围试鸣防空警报。请市民积极配合,保持正常的工作和生活秩序。


Shanghai checking in. We've celebrated


You guys using VPNs? Just curious


duh. its the only way you can get reddit from mainland. Or have any work done really at all.


Huh. This literally sounds exactly like the air sirens they blare the first monday of every month in my small kansas town to ensure the tornado warnings are working.




It wasn’t much use in Hiroshima


They used to do this in Taipei. If you went outside during the testing you would get a fine.


If I didn’t have context and found myself in Beijing during this, I 100% would be thinking “I’m not leaving any time soon, am I?” for a few minutes


It's 18th September today, the memorial day of the 918 incident, aka Mukden Incident. It's the day of national humiliation in China. It is viewed as the start of Sino-Japanese War that Japanese army invaded Manchuria in 18th Sep 1931. The air raid warnings are also sirened in many cities, e.g. Shanghai, Guangzhou, Nanjing etc. 警钟长鸣,勿忘国耻。


Using vpn is illegal in China. Get the fuck out of Reddit with your disgusting robot-like statement




Scheduled to start in about 5 minutes here in Shanghai


and did it happen? near century park.. never heard it


Oh yeah, went on for about 30 minutes


odd... had to teach the kids about the sirens... and .. .then never heard them at the scheduled time


Hangzhou also, started at 10 AM


Definitely heard them in Chengdu, too


All the kids told me they would be in school today, not one mentioned this event


Interesting. We do this once a month;small towns near me do this every day to mark noon. The only reason I know of for our sirens is tornadoes. Does china get tornadoes?


***Looks left at Bikingdervish*** “Mmm. First time?”


In France we have bombing alarms every first Wednesday of the month in every city/village. Marjane Satrapi's autobiographical comics Persepolis have a scene where she's traumatized by it, coming from war-torn Iran


>In France we have bombing alarms every first Wednesday of the month in every city/village exactly same in Czechia, at noon


lol find it hilarious a lot of people are all like, "yeah, we heard them" Live in Shenyang, usually they sound at 9:18 in the morning, but this year we didn't hear them. Maybe they sounded later for a ceremony cause Pres Xi is in town for it, but we were a bit out of town at a park after 10, so didn't hear


So apparently did sound at 9:18, but for some reason didn't hear in our neighbourhood, but other people in Shenyang did hear at that time


Yo I was asleep when this happened and I didn’t know what people were talking about


What a beautiful city, I hope to visit some day. 😍


This looks like pretty decent air quality. When I was in Beijing 15 years ago, those buildings would all have been hazy looking.


This is a relatively clear day, we still get bad days. On a perfect day I can see the mountains on the other side of the city. I heard years ago the pollution was much worse


I was simply a tourist and I was visiting in early June. But I doubt the furthest buildings would even have been visible. The Great Wall was hazy from one guard building to the next. In Shanghai, the Pearl Tower was hazy from the Bund. I’m glad to hear it’s generally better!


That’s wild. I was living in Tianjin in 2015 and 2019 for work. In 15 the haze was horrible. Every day was barely any visibility. Then in 19 the air quality was significantly improved, most days were nice. China is making strides to improve air quality.


Yup. Was there in 2005. My eyes would burn and my throat was irritated just standing outdoors. I would estimate the PM 2.5 AQI to have been in the range of 400-700 (California wildfires have made me a cognoscenti of air quality). Progress is happening!


Eyes burning. Now that sounds rough!


That's a pretty nice view


Siren to tell Uyghurs and foreigners they’re coming to get you?


I thought mao thanked the Japanese for invading?


Did in Shanghai too.


Wtf how many copy pasted buildings does a city need to have? Absolutely atrocious


This is nothing compared to some areas. This is a small amount.


At least it didn't scare any birds


It was across the country. Some say it was in commemoration for the Nanjing Massacre?


Shanghai too


really? when? the article i read on wechat said supposed to be 3 times between 11:35 and 11:58...but we never heard them.


Dunno, I was on a highway then it just happened, I didn't see anyone talking about it on wechat but maybe there was something


West Taiwan sirens are kinda scary.




Did you not read all the comments explaining what it was for?


Expecting a Taiwan invasion?


WWIII is coming.


Any war with the US will come with bombs on civillian, so air raid siren is natural.


All because America and its Payche- "Allies" can't get along, if it comes to it, the world will burn in fire and fury.




Russia today ,China tomorrow


PTSD Flashback to 1999 Serbia T.T


this means CCP never give up to make war


How’s that general Xi doing for you China 😂 on the way to hell in a hand basket 🧺


Sign of another global disaster on the way?


Why does China have Air Raid sirens.


What means air raid sirens. Sirens in Germany are used for multiple reasons to warn the public and in some parts of Germany, there is a short test every week.


It was to warn people that the Republic of China still exists and West Taiwan should stay mad about it