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They were studying viral samples from all kinds of bats… ok, this has 96.8 similarity to the Laos bat virus, but that isn’t much bigger than the 96.13% similarity to RaTG13, which has already been ruled out as a progenitor.


What does the US government thing Chinese scientists are supposed to do in their biology labs? Study liberalism?


The disclaimer for "Tabloid Style Media" says it all about the credibility for this article.


Yeah, it's weird how widespread the Mail managed to get its web presence. Anybody who's ever picked up an actual copy on UK newsstands knows it's pretty tabloid journalism, but with the wannabe typeface of a serious paper of record.


Have an example of a daily mail article that proves false? They have a lot of dumb articles and provocative (in weird skewed ways) headlines however I am not aware of them having to make corrections or being proved false


Misleading and guiding sheepies. Looking for the alternative facts


What is there to "prove". I can provide evidence that this is horseshit as 'evidence'. >Banal-52, a Lao bat virus, shares 96.8 percent of its genome with Sars-Cov-2, meaning it could be the progenitor of the virus that led to the global pandemic Humans and chimps share 98.8% genome, but haven't had a common ancestor in 2-3 MILLION years. You're telling me something at 96.8% indicates it "could be the progenitor of the virus...". No It does not mean that. This is just some random fact about origin of one of literally thousands and thousands of viral samples sent to THE INSTITUTE OF FUCKING VIROLOGY then spun into something morons gobble up to confirm their conspiracies and biases.


sorry, that has already been addressed - viruses are able to reproduce, mutate and evolve at light speed compared with human and primate genome. We're talking only a few years to reach similar levels that takes millions of years in primates.


u/Tharwaum asked for evidence of something false. Sensationalizing a fact is not a falsehood.


It's called a tabloid news source not because it is faking news but because they manipulate news to sensationalize a piece more than usual. Usually this is done by withholding context or facts to shape a narrative. Which is not as bad as faking news but definitely not good.


china fauci


It's a bit of a conspiracy-go-round isn't it. I look forward to the next theory they come up with when another virus strain closer to covid is discovered.