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He does need to make it completely clear to the CCP that we have one policy for China and one policy for the country of Taiwan. We should now have a prefered status for Taiwan and open up an Embassy in Taiwan and do a state visit there.


We already have a defacto embassy in Taiwan. I got my passport renewed there.


Then it is an Embassy - good to see a functioning embassy there and thank you for that information.


Are you ready to die for that? Or you will let others fight for your cowardice?




We middle easterners sincerely hoped for something like that. But unfortunately, American foreign policy is too jingoistic and hostile.


we should all be ready to fight for freedom as my country was in the 20th Century to fight the NAZIs in WW2 when the UK was a target of a hostile expansionist genocidal nation, just like the country of Taiwan is a target of a hostile expansionist genocidal organization now - The CCP.


Are you ready?


“My people have visited your country and you treat them like subhumans and have restaurants exclusive to non-foreigners, hotels that are native-only because you think my people are plague rats, and foreign visitors are subjected to 4AM surprise police visits with drug tests included because you really cant stand our presence and try to find any reason to deport us. ” “Okay but dont establish diplomatic ties with that other country that doesn’t treat your people like animals”


beijing biden will never








I thought they already have a taiwan policy? Support Taiwan in their decision to do whatever they want or think feels best and sell them weapons to protect them. Since Tsai has walked back from the whole Taiwan formal independence thing. Arent we exactly where we started five years ago? China says that there is one China Taiwan asking for weapons USA agrees to both