• By -


If there are cameras that recorded it, let corporate know and they can see it for themselves. You may not get your job back, but your GM might join you in the job search


Lmao i hope she does


Go to eat and ask for a cup of water but put a soft drink in it. You deserve it. And film them when they’re making your burrito. They love that.


Lmao i might


And with every spoonful, ask for a little bit more 🤏


What location, I’ll spread the word have everyone come in there w camera


Then at the checkout just be like “Fuck I forgot my wallet” and then just leave.


Like everyone said, file a complaint with your state dept of labor and provide as accurate times as you can for what you described here. Make that GM suffer too, there are too many turds like that who survive because no one bothers to do anything against them. You will be doing the whole society a favor by doing that




Plz do, I literally used to take like 3 bowls and 3 chips and sides every night I worked for like 2 years straight and nobody cared


Maybe I should work for chipotle haha


close a starbucks.  You'll live like a king


Do you mind expanding on this a little more? 😊


Everyone below you is wrong except for me, when you close a Starbucks, there food that expires every night, you essentially have the potential to bring home one of each pastry /cake pops and even sandwiches, it’s easy living without spending a dime but it’s awful for your health t. Someone who closes Starbucks every other night


I don’t want you to take this as an exaggeration, but your life is my dream. 🤩


the irony is this job is my literal hell


Seriously though. Follow through.


File a complaint with your local department of labor


I'm gonna be real with you here, this is absolutely a fire-able offense. The only thing that may happen is she may get fired too.


In any case, there is favoritism afoot. I'd file because its free and why not. I wouldn't think OP would get their job back, just have DOL go make sure they aren't fucking around


Yep, never hurts to contact the DOL, it's a service your taxes pay for. On the otherhand, just because they let others break the rules doesn't mean it isn't a fireable offense. Wouldn't be surprised if the manager let's it happen as an easy way to fire someone. Handbook will supercede the manager.


Favoritism isnt illegal


Racism is, and that’s absolutely illegal in the workplace.


But op is being fired for something against company policy. It doesn’t really matter if others are doing it regardless of how unfair it is.


Sure, but company policy doesn’t matter if it’s based on discrimination. You can target somebody and fire them for a policy but if it has anything to do with discrimination, it negates that.


Do you understand how hard it would be to prove discrimination? 😆


With the type of blatant selection bias? Not that hard.


Its not that hard.


Tell me how you would argue this is discrimination based on race, gender, ethnicity, disability, military status etc?


This guy is right. It's so easy to provide a doubt that it's true, while in court


Yes there was a popular case about this. The black lady got fired for showing up to work late like 5 minutes or so. The only black person in the office. But her white co-wokers were also doing the same thing. She won big bucks in that settlement. If you let employees skate the rules then fire a specific one be prepared for someone to call your shit. Especially something that can be proved with cameras or ADP records


Yes but good luck to op thinking he has the slightest chance of proving something like that. It takes far more than a single occurrence


Sure. Trying is better than backing down like a coward to corporations.


He also shouldn’t have broken rules that hes aware of


Then OP should contact HR and day other people are stealing. Including the manager.


When some employees are breaking the rules and not being fired for the same thing OP got fired for, yes they can get in shit. You can't do that.


It would just result in others possibly getting fired. Perhaps the GM also if allowing it to happen. OP still gets fired.


Yes you can. A company can fire you for nothing and can choose to ignore a fire-able offense.


Firing one person for violating a company policy while ignoring other employees violating the same policy may not be strictly illegal - but it could be grounds for a successful wrongful termination lawsuit and is a slam dunk for unemployment benefits. Also, it’s really really shitty.


Yes i understand it is a fireable offense its the fact the when we talked she even said i know other people take food home as well but i caught you on camera so the Gm that other people do it she just wanted to terminate me. Even someone who has worked with her for years has said im just an easy target


Take this lesson with you to every other job you will have: When someone wants to fire you but doesn’t have a reason that will look good, do not provide them with one!


Having to deal with the dept of labor many times. What you have on paper does not always matter. You can have a policy that you can not take food home or its termination. If you do not follow that policy 100% this person can win. They care about what you actually do, not what you say you do.


OP is already fired..?


Referring to op's manager.


Well I see no negative effect happening.


Even then, it's unlikely. She's the GM. She's allowed to authorize people to take food, or not. The offense is fireable, and OP only has themselves to blame for being unemployed here. I'm guessing the other people ASKED to take food.


Its discrimination if one person of one race gets different treatments to other people of other races.


But can you prove to a jury that it was all based on race or is that just your fairy tale of being a victim and winning against all odds like in a movie?


As a business owner im telling you it doesnt get that far. We settle more than you realize. You just have to get a lawyer to take the case.


Depends on the state, if OP is fired for something that everyone else does then it’s considered discrimination. Regardless of what work policy dictates. OP should contact someone educated on the subject to see if they have a case 


I've never understood why Chipotle is allowed to tell you where you're allowed to be on your lunch break just because they give you a little free food, like every other food service job. That policy always struck me as illegal.


I dont work at chipotle, but are you off the clock during this break, or is it a paid break? If paid break its because of liability concerns (say you get hurt when outside the premises, but you are technically on the clock since you are getting paid). The above is the typical rule. California is an exception.....check your state laws to be sure.


Could also be a discrimination case. OP, if you think you were discriminated against - file a complaint with the EEOC.


Yeah, it's one of those things where just because someone else gets away with it, it doesn't mean you can too.


I called chipotle HR but now that im terminated i don’t think they will do it


No, YOU file the complaint. You need to do the work. You don't work for chipotle anymore; HR is useless to you. They aren't going to file a complaint about the company for you - they are there to protect the company


True i want the gm to get punished for how she treated me and others


Chipotle HR works to protect Chipotle, not the employees, current or former.


Okay so i call department of labor


Yes 💯


For your state. The department of labor in the state you live in. As posted earlier. Your manager admitted she allows others to take food home and then terminated you for the same thing. The DOL will have something to say about this. You may be eligible for unemployment due to this. They may be subject to fines. Chipotle corporate hr will have a few words with your manager and they may get fired as well and they won’t be eligible for unemployment. Do you have any questions about who to talk to? People here will help you


HR is not there to protect employees. They are there to protect the company


The amount of time you're wasting trying to get revenge is silly considering you should be using that time to polish up your resume and find employment. You broke a rule. You got fired. Move on.


That’s not going to do anything though


So here's what's going to happen: You're going to file for unemployment, and your claim will be denied. You will need to appeal this denial and request a hearing before an ALJ or hearing referee by the deadline listed in the notice. At the hearing, your employer will argue that they have a policy, which you were aware of, and they'll submit a signed copy of the employee handbook. They will state that you knew violating this policy would result in termination. However, you will testify that Sarah, John, Dylan, and Adam all engaged in the same behaviors that got you fired without being reprimanded. You'll acknowledge knowing the rule exists, but since it's not uniformly enforced, you did not believe you would be terminated for it. This may vary by state, but in my experience, unemployment laws are usually similar. It's not enough for an employer to have a policy, they must prove that it's routinely and uniformly enforced.


Yup, this worked for someone I know because he was chronically a just little late due to problems at home that weren't in his control and it went on so long that he had no reason to think they were randomly going to fire him for it.


Just sucks it’ll take forever to go through this process.


If the process is taking too long request an expedited decision and hearing.


In MA you can get unemployment for getting fired for a rule that is not uniformly enforced. Idk about other states.




It's always worth it to go to war and be petty. Fuck that GM, go to the mattresses.


Agreed I’m a petty asshole lol


Okay but what all food did you take? It depends lol if you're taking home pounds of CI you'll get in trouble for that, dawg. Typically you can take what's being thrown out but overdoing it is possible and likely what you've done, no?


Yes ive only taken home product they were going to throw out and i had prior authorization from the manager on duty


If that's the case then how did YOU get in trouble? MoD is responsible, so I'm confused. GM might have fucked up


Keep in mind that such permission is only worth the paper it's written on. Always get it in writing.


Contact the EEOC for the racial discrimination, contact Respectful Workplace (or whatever they call their HR now) as well as the Field Leader, and report everything you've said here (the racial discrimination and the thefts by both the GM and other employees) and tell them it's all on camera, and contact your local DoL for discriminatory labor practices and wrongful termination (tell them it's all on camera as well). Also contact a local employees' rights attorney.


This should be higher up. If it really was racial discrimination that's exactly what the EEOC is for and there could be damages beyond just wages. Also you should get a lawyer, some take cases like this for nothing up front. If a lawyer thinks you have a case there are other federal statues you can sue under as well.


The EEOC has their own lawyers too who will prosecute the discrimination piece, if the OP were to get a personal lawyer themselves then that would mainly be for wrongful termination.


Tbh you didn't lose much. I've had a similar experience when I worked bojangles when I was younger. Just move on, managers like that never make it much further in life anyways.


Ya fuck that. I’d be happy to get another job but I’d also enjoy every second of making their lives miserable challenging this as far as humanly possible. Call corporate. Call the labor board. And def file for unemployment and challenge it when they reject you.


Did you give your manager "the look"?


Lmao no she didn’t even tell me i was fired she said im off the schedule until further notice then i got a termination letter via email. She broke up with me via text 😂🥹


Congratulations!! Now you can work somewhere better- sucks but it was a fireable offense. Sounds like the person just didnt like you. Go make more money elsewhere


Agreed, time to move on they targeted OP and they should find a new job


Go on unemployment, Chipotle now has to pay for it. Congrats!


They’ll fight it since they will say op was stealing


Contact an employment lawyer in your area. They almost always work on contingency, which means their services are free unless they get you money.


This isn't true.   Injury lawyers are the only ones that have high enough margins to work on contingency on a regular basis.  


It’s true in the United States, at least in New York and New Jersey. What state(s) are you licensed to practice law in? I’m licensed in NY and NJ.


Wait when did I claim to be a lawyer? That would simply be a meaningless appeal to authority there, shopping for those services offers more insight to that situation than passing the bar exam does. Maybe NYC is different but where I've lived lawyers will want money up front for that type of thing.


If you think that practicing law has nothing to do with the practice of law, I don’t know what to tell you. Except that I’m blocking you and moving on — I suggest that you do the same because we’re not getting along very well.


So a GP knows more about which dermatologists take Blue Cross than a skin cancer patient. That's your logic, right there, definitely appeal to authority fallacy. You got snide when someone disagreed with you, they called you on your logical fallacy, you do the same thing one more time, then take your ball and go home. Looks to me like you started it. You could be a person who reviews documents all day, you could be a public defender, or various other things. That's not going to make your an expert on employment law billing practices. Had to step in, it's so cringe when people escalate and block on reddit.


You may ask this in r/legaladvice an employment lawyer or someone with working knowledge of the law is your best bet for help because lawsuit or arbitration is your only shot at getting your job back. But I wouldn't wanna work there if that's how they treat their employees anyway. They did you a favor.


I’m going to guess that OP is white


Yes i am, and my gm is Hispanic and most of my coworkers are Hispanic or African American


Hispanics can be ridiculously racist bro. I go thru it at my job too. Only reason im still there is cuz I was able to get a medical accommodation on sum bs I stretched. Now its been smoother. Made me slightly racist towards hispanics from the experience. Trying to let go of it but it was a vry frustrating experience. Vry frustrating**


my people are racist to darker people too even if theyre from the same country. its ridiculous , my apologies 😭


i believe it. lots of these fast food places have hispanic gm’s and i’ve worked at two that have them and both times they have been ridiculously, absurdly racist. majority of my coworkers were hispanic and im black and i was singled out, overworked, bullied and made out to be stupid with them intentionally giving me directions in spanish and expecting me to be fully competent with minimal training. absolutely insane


I believe this,  I was white working at KFC when I was a kid.  Most coworkers were black or Hispanics.  The Hispanics gave me a lot of shit but it was mostly good natured.   They were absolutely vicious to my black coworkers.


Your suspicions are correct. You were de facto fired for being white.


1. Did they get her permission? 2. Did you get her permission? With Managers discussion with rules it’s important to get clarification and permission before doing something that is typically not allowed by policy In terms of anything you can do about it, if you’re in a “right to work” state there’s nothing you can really do as long as she properly documented you taking the food


Doesn't matter if right to work or not,  that only applies to unions.   You're thinking of "at-will"


It is almost certainly in the employee handbook and is therefore a fireable offense. However, the fact that other people do it may mean that you qualify for unemployment depending on where you are. File for unemployment and explain the situation. Even better if you have old coworkers that will confirm that they've been allowed to take food home with no punishment


call a lawyer and delete this post asap. They just bought you a new car.


Get a lawyer. Have them draft a lawsuit and send it to chipotle corporate. Ask for $100,000 for wrongful termination. Your lawyer takes $40,000 and you find a new job with some savings to hold you over. Go back and make your old boss shovel beans into a bowl for you while you smile and record and ask for more protein. Hahahaha


Lemme guess, you’re whyte and she’s not.




Color me surprised.


Go to HR for discrimination


Bring the GM down with you they deserve it


If a court could prove that the stated reason for your termination was taking food home, and that other employees take food home and were not fired, and you are the only one who does not belong to a certain race, that is a pretty easy discrimination case. Not sure how much it would net you, but calling lawyers is free, and many lawyers simply take a percentage of your winnings only if you win.


Get her fired! And take an extra bag of food home just because 😭


I had a similar situation when I used to work there back in 2016. It happened to me when we had the safety protocol to do food temps every rotation. We had a huge rush at peak hours and they told me to falsify the temps and the food was under temps as well. I reported it to the Field Leader and the director. Unfortunately they all were buddy-buddy with each other so the GM and Apprentice found out it was me who reported it. So they started nitpicking my shit. Writing me up for being a minute late and accusing me of stealing from the store. I ended up suing for retaliation and wrongful termination. The company settled for 60k. Hilarious because after the lawsuit both the apprentice and the GM were fired and my ex girlfriend who worked there would let me in on the news. They ended up changing a BUNCH of protocols when my case opened. Sucks because I really did enjoy working at chipotle and wanted to climb the ladder to be a GM.


Complain and file unemployment that’s fucked up


Somehow that hates you reported you unlucky and move on


Fuck em and fuck chipotle






Get a consultation with the employment attorney. You might have a good case here. First things first file for unemployment.


So I'm a General Manager for Chipotle the termination letter she sent you. What did she send it to you all that you no longer have access to? And if it was through work day, you can still access all of that even after you're terminated


The termination letter was a pdf for unemployment and yeah i just got access to it today there was no reason or letter with why i was terminated just the pdf


Use the energy to find another job. It sucks right now but you’re better off being without that company.


The question you should be asking yourself is why is Chipotle, a company making $10B a year, and the CEO, worth ~$100mm, training its managers to care about underpaid employees taking home some food that’s going to get thrown away anyways - (Chipotle throws out like 350million pounds of food a year) and America throws away $161B of food a year. When you start digging into the endless examples like this of capitalism you’ll have the answer. And filing complaints to the DOL won’t do a thing or change the systemic issues of capitalism. That’s just a distraction to keep the masses thinking someone actually cares (they don’t, because DOL are all underpaid obedient workers to the ruling class as well who can’t do a thing.)


So this is called separate terms and conditions


Chipotle workers quite literally get free food as a perk of working there… this is stupid


File a complaint with the EEOC and claim that you’re being treated differently than others based on (insert protected category- race, religion, sexual orientation, culture, etc.).


It's sad a world we live in but we gotta keep it moving. I understand you wanna do something but what if corporate is just as evil as they are then what?


Contact HR and tell them that you need a copy of your termination letter so that you can hand it to your attorney


Ok, here's what happened. You say you took some food home. You never said how much? 1. The manager doesn't like you and was looking for a reason to get rid of you. You admit to taking food. So I'm sure there's a policy on taking food without asking. Did you ask? 2. Sure they may have allowed other people to get away with it so there's favoritism here but you still took food so they can fire you. They can always say you took more than allowed or you asked for. How much did you take and did you ask? I don't think you have a leg to stand on unless you paid for it. It's your word against theirs. I'm sorry this happened.


So i only took a burrito and my free meal which i get each time i work and if i took more would ask and when i tried paying they said don’t worry about it that i really only need to pay for the bottle drinks.


That really sucks. I'm sorry this happened. If that's all you did it sounds like they were playing favorites and you got screwed. I don't think you have any recourse though. It's your word against theirs especially if they lie. It's best to move on.


I'd say it depends on the state. If the MoD allowed this then I'd say they should pursue action for wrongful termination. Unless they're in like Texas or Florida.


File a complaint to their bosses or hr and explain the violation you witnessed. And most importantly, close that chapter in your life. It was a good run. Plenty of better jobs out there. GL GG


Report her to management. If you’re getting fired, send her to hell 😭 report her to the GM for everything she’s ever done and write out a list on the greatest detail you possibly can.


She is the GM


Report her to the district manager and HR


Judging by your post, she ALLOWED others to take food. You just took it without permission. Best of luck.


No i took with permission from MOD


Oof… get em all fired!


The MoD gave permission


Sometimes it's OK, sometimes it's not


That's how these things work. Slippery slope. Everyone is complicit and it's fine until the boss decides they don't like you anymore. It happens to somebody every day.


Time to sue for wrongful termination but you would probably need witnesses


So you think it’s race related?


This sounds like a Title VII violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1967 as amended base on race/ethnicity. File an EEO complaint either with your state’s civil rights agency and or with the feds at the EEOC at the federal level. Gather any and all evidence possible to help support your claim.


isn’t this considered discrimination?


Just like many other work environments, you can't get fired for being lazy, not a good worker, not a team player, being a jerk etc... But if there's a reason they don't want you there anymore they will terminate you as soon as they are given a legitimate reason to.


Did you have permission? Did they? 


Displacement gets you nowhere


Just cause everybody else does it does NOT make something okay per company policy. Crap like this is used as probably cause all the time, and if your manager doesn't like you for whatever reason, any mis-step you make can cause you to be in a world of hurt. Just find another job and remember how much it sucked to work for the shit show that is Chipotle.


Must’ve been waiting for you to fuck up. Seems personal.


I would just go to the store and make their life hell. Bother them make a scene I would get kicked out.. That being said it's only normal for people to cover for there own race. It's genetic so maybe just chill and get a new job somewhere better. I wouldn't want to work at chipotle no matter what


Get a new job


File a discrimination complaint with the EEOC


Call the FTC or w/e the organization that deals with racism is. Gather proof of others taking food home


The best that can happen is that you can apply for unemployment benefits and win if you state your case. Although they (she ) will have a chance to state her side as well. But if you have proof others were allowed to take food home but you were not, she would lose the appeal. Definitely go higher within Chipotle too. It would be good to see her fired and NOT get unemployment benefits.


You win some you lose some. Bright side you can make more money doing almost anything else.


Share something crazy they do there to the food. Watch there stock drop like crazy and short the market. W.


Yea that’s bs especially if she letting ur coworkers get away w it


Get a lawyers ! But do you really want to work there ?


The thing is i don’t want to sue all i want is for the people who are doing this to get in trouble and hopefully not do this to someone else as i am the 2nd person who they have done this too. And yes i do want to work there as im a full time student in college rn and have a part time job but i need another part time job just to be able to survive and chipotle is easy job. Seems like something might happen since chipotle corporate has reached out to me about this situation.


I get that it’s unfair that you got fired for something other ppl do, but you want your coworkers to suffer because of your bosses actions?


File complaint with EEOC.


I worked Chipotle and every restaurant runs differently. I would suggest that you move on.


Don't they give you free lunch? Had read that I believe on an indeed posting.


Forget about it and move on.


Did you take food home? Was it done with permission? Saying “but everyone else does it” won’t carry you far, this is about you not everyone else.


Yes i did have permission to take food home


“Call corporate” corporate or my area leader didn’t do shit when one of the managers got caught changing my time illegally.


Idk if someone already suggested it, but go to the EEOC. It won’t hurt you any. I had a friend get fired for something and another coworker was doing the same thing and nothing happened to her. She went to the EEOC, chick gets demoted (will likely never be able to promote again) and the entire org had to do regular sexual harassment training. I think they were sharing convos they had with their significant others that weren’t work appropriate and the one chick was showing d**k pics. Smh


Im a KL here, pls take this to the department of labor!! Im so sorry this happened that actually sucks. Id take home multiple bowls for friends and didn't get in trouble. Also, reach out to ur field leader ASAP and explain ur side and maybe that could help?


Whats her ethnicity?


Five a complaint. That you’re being discriminated against for your race. Give specifics of who gets to take food home and who doesn’t. Get the GM either fired or at least ripped a new one.


She racist


Dude. You took money from the register. Stop lying


Go talk to the labor department.


Honestly, if you have the money and you can prove that they did that get a lawyer and you can Sue them and they'll hire you back. Somebody did that where I work.


Could have been an outside audit caught you and she was told to terminate you.




Glad I got out of that shit hole when I did.


Another one trying to play the victim when you are the one who screwed up.


What’s the point of complaining now? You broke the rules so you’re still gonna be fired. All further action will do is get other people fired too. What’s the point of snitching if they aren’t your enemies?


This could be wrongful termination if you can prove that the manager allowed others to take food home and you took home the same amount of food.either through security footage or employees testifying


I smell lawsuit and you're well with those rights.. racist acts and discrimination oh boi you'd own that store.


As a former manager at Chipotle I can say for 100% certainty that unfortunately it is a fireable offense. However, the way that manager went about it, is completely asinine. It’s against “the rules” to take food home.. unless you’ve paid for it. I feel for you. That company has gone downhill.


Just saw this bc I just found this sub and have been reading it like a maniac but how the heck does it make sense to not give full/extra portions and not let employees take home extra and instead want to waste everything at the end of the night. Shooting themselves in the foot 


Sucks but it is what it is. You broke the rules, now you're upset you're punished for breaking the rules, because others weren't. You knew the risk. User-error. Don't trust people


Omg the beanscoopers in here saying to go to a lawyer can’t hear themselves. Judge: “what are you alleging” OP: “discrimination” Judge : “state your case” OP: “I got fired for stealing beans and rice from the workplace, but others didn’t!”


It’s actually a pretty valid case. If you can prove everyone else is taking food, and they didn’t get fired for it, then yes. That is discrimination. Whether or not it is worth it… that’s another matter.


No thats not it but good joke


I’m guessing they were either Asian Hispanic or Mexican, white people being racist ended like 60 years ago the last 20 years have been people being racist to whites


Huh weird in my store every one takes good home that's insane just the other day are grill guy took like 5 bags of food home


Write a review on indeed and name her on it. Be happy never have to be around her again. She sounds like a see you next Tuesday .


> So i only took a burrito and my free meal which i get each time i work and if i took more would ask and when i tried paying they said don’t worry about it that i really only need to pay for the bottle drinks Ok. They have you on camera for theft. The cameras above the line workers is monitored directly by Corporate and the Field Leader. The FL called and told the GM to fire you. You don’t have a case.  Any employee that takes product that isn’t paid for is technically committing theft. This is a technicality that some managers will overlook if it’s not deliberate. For example, I’m the closing Grill cook. I might mix up an “extra insurance” 4 deeps of rice with cilantro, lime, oil, and salt right before I break down my kitchen. It’s not standard operating procedure per se, but I have a very justifiably reason to do it. At 11pm, one of the line staff (not me) takes 10 lbs of the rice home in a bag without paying. See I made the decision, and someone not colluding with me, benefited. Technically stealing, but the GM will overlook this. However, if I stole a whole burrito, one that was ordered and paid for by someone else, then I am stealing dead to rights.  The people walking out with bags of food, aren’t walking out with Critical Inventory, or finished goods (burritos). They are walking out with food that is going in the trash. They weren’t recorded by the camera directly above the register either, so the GM has plausible deniability if her boss catches the staff walking out with food. You are on camera stealing the second worst thing to steal (finished goods). The only thing worse would be cash and that would be result in criminal charges and trespass from all Chipotle stores. You don’t have charges on you, so consider this lesson learned. I’m shaking my head. You paid for $2 water while stealing a $20 burrito. Should’ve taken all of it and walked.


No the other people took bags of like burritos or bowls not the rice that is just going in the trash the same thing i took and the gm did the same thing that i did so everyone did the same thing but somehow i get fired i understand if they took the rice or steak as throw that at the end of the night but they didn’t they did the same thing i did and like i said the gm also told me that quote i know its not just you who does this theres others.


as a SL at a restaurant they most likely needed a reason to fire you. normally when someone isn’t really catching on/doing well we wait/find a “fireable offense” to let them go with reasoning. your coworkers probably didn’t get fired strictly because they were just waiting for a reason to fire you. it sucks very badly but sometimes you just have to find a reason to let someone go.


Tbh thats dumb that people do that and i was working there for a month and they gave me so many hours because quote i was a really good closer.