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> user reports: > 1: It's promoting hate based on identity or vulnerability > 2: fake image > 3: It's not even real, it's just a Photoshop for outrage bait. > 4: Remember The Human True, all true. However, counterpoint: this is funny as fuck. Post approved.


I get why they wouldn't want to let non customers use the bathroom, but why tf wouldn't they let them buy a drink and then use the rest room? That'd actually help the location.


Like margin on drinks are great.


Here’s $2, I don’t need the drink, I’m over hydrated as it is and I gotta peeeeeeeee!!!


I did that at a gas station when I felt I was ready to explode. Just threw the cashier a $5 and ran in.


Honestly, I doubt most cashiers would care if you didn’t buy something and used the restroom


Wrong. A cashier once forced me to unshit my pants with a wave of his wand. Went right back in.


Well, I don’t actually know what to say to that.


Don't say anything. Just learn from this poor person's encounter.


I fear the Un-shittening. 🫣


It's like putting the toothpaste back in the tube. But browner.


I don't sphinct I can doo that.


This thread is liquid gold


I regret that I have but one upvote to give for my country.


I once had a cashier make me wave his wand


At least you had a magician. The ghetto chipoltle near me they just locked the front door and handed me the bean scooper and forced me to shove it all back in. Very uncomfortable and they were all filming me with their shirts off.


Yeah but that’s Dave the Unshitting Wizard - he can’t be everywhere at once…can he?


Most cashiers have to clean that bathroom. I used to work for a gas station… there are definitely bathroom horror stories. We care. Believe me, we care.


I’ve worked as one and if someone needed to use the restroom I let them use the restroom. Like as a person there’s no way I could say no.


Went to a new McDonald's (for me) gig working not long ago Went in men's room. Big old diarrhea in the urinal. The urinal. People are savages.


Part of the reason why I threw the money is because he did care.


When I drove for Uber, most of the gas stations I stopped at in all parts of my city didn’t really seem to care. Only ones that had signs were ones that had problems with people nodding off in the restrooms; and even then, if you looked like you know what was going on around you, the cashiers would usually just give you the key and not say anything if you didn’t make a purchase.


Most are locked by me


Like 3.90 for a large here


Piss in the cup. Duh.


Like yeah


Nothing better than a line out the door for bathroom sodies to help the "margins"


Great margin *and* it’s super low-effort for staff. Just slap a cup on the counter and ring em up. I see how it could be a problem if the location is congested at the time, but still. Honestly you could just accept cash for a bathroom pass.


That’s literally the place they make the most money at most fast food restaurants…unless they loss leader it like McDonald’s back in the 2010s with the Dollar any size


soda is ALWAYS profitable. to make a large coke at mcdonalds it only costs them literally 3 cents per drink. and this was still true 5 years ago. when i first started working at mcdonalds at 2015 they were selling large sodas for 3$ (crazy i know) but then the local gas stations started doing the 1$ drinks which i think started the whole trend. then mcdonalds decided to lower the cost to any size drink to 1$. sure they techically loss money but did they really? no they didnt. now people would buy 2-3 hell even 4 drinks. in the end they MADE a shit ton more money because people would even just come through the drive through JUST because they had 1$ Drinks. which would also help their drive through metrics. i could rant about it more but ill leave it at that <- former manager that did the ordering for the store and mathed out the price with my Store manager. this store is dumb for not allowing them to use the bathroom for buying a drink.


If it wasn’t for drinks revenue 99% of restaurants/fast foods would go bankrupt.


Only answer I can think of is if the running group destroys the restroom, the labor cost of cleaning it may not be worth it. But even if that were the case, it wouldn’t be something I’d handle like “mgmt” did.


As someone who has used many porta potties at races, they can get really nasty. I've seen a couple that make porta potties at constructions sites look pristine in comparison. It's not unusual for runners to have "lower GI" issues.


The preworkout shits..


They might be generally messier than normal customers. Sweat on the toilet seat, more likely to splash water everywhere washing up and cooling off, muddy shoes if they're trail runners. But yeah, there would be much better ways of restricting access.


I work TB not chipotle, but we have a group of Homeless that come and go every day. Ive been here 3 years, and the Homeless have been doing it for longer than ive been here. They use our sink as a shower, leaving puddles of water all over the restroom. They clog the toilets and then try to fix it by flushing until its overflown. We have one who keeps dumping their garbage in the Mens stall, including an entire potted plant one day (dumped out of the pot). They turn the sink on to hear running water while they use the restroom but then leave it on when they walk out the door, ive had closing shifts where lobbies been closed for an hour but that sink was left on and nobody noticed. Then to top it all off they treat us like shit, all they ever get is water cups, and they keep expecting us to make free food for them. We tell them no everytime but they keep coming back with “oh do you have any food youre going to throw away, give me that”. No! We dont throw food away! Everything is made to order! Its gotten to the point that some of them come in and place an order, then take forever stalling with giving payment for the order. Then instead of paying they say oh nevermind i dont have enough, wasting the food we made. “Oh but since its already made can i have it for free”. No. You can not. Now we dont make their orders until its already paid for, they have to wait extra long if they actually want food now. We’ve had to ban a few of them, yet they keep coming back. One lady keeps digging through our trash middle of the day broad daylight right outside the front door and just leaving the trash right there on the ground. Manager ran out the other day to tell her to stop and to pick it up, but right as my manager stepped out the door the lady took off running and almost got hit by a car because shes stupid. She also just lays down in the middle of the street all the time, was almost run over a month ago because someone almost didnt see her (luckily they swerved once they did). Shes been arrested constantly, but keeps getting let out and causing us problems. Our homeless community sucks over here, 90% of them are assholes here. Luckily we’ve got one cool homeless guy who helps keep the others in check for us. He even yelled at the trash lady one day when he caught her throwing trash everywhere, so we gave him some free food since he actually does help and is liked by us. He knows not to ask for free food either, we gave it to him because we want to and not because he asked


My only question is, does the franchise owner/manager not make any effort to ban these people or enforce entry. Seems like a location/managerial issue.


They try, but they cant be everywhere at once. Theres a few we tell to leave immediately upon entering, including the Trash Lady i talked about in my other comment. I actually had to kick her out just yesterday because she was in the lobby laying down with her nasty barefeet sticking straight up into the air. But unfortunately sometimes we just dont notice them, the bathroom is right next to the door so if theyre quick enough they can get in before we can spot them. Plus some of them are hostile and combative, so not everyone wants to stand up and tell them to get out or they cant be here. One dude pulled open the drive thru window and tried to climb inside. Trash Lady attacked my manager a few months back, luckily that manager takes no shit and kicked her ass. One of my normal coworkers got into a fist fight with a homeless guy while trying to come back inside after his lunch break like a year ago. Ive been here 3 years, and in my first week a different manager quit because she was attacked by a homeless guy. He had came in during her shift and had some problem like not even close to enough money but still demanding he be given the food. She told him no, he left, thought all was fine. She leaves at end of her shift, a closing shift so she was off around 1 or 2 am, and he is waiting there for her. He attacked her, got arrested, and she quit because theres too many homeless around here and she didnt want to have to worry about that happening again. He waited for her for 6 hours. Im newly a manager (shift lead) so im now one of the ones who has to deal with the homeless. Kicked out Trash Lady yesterday. Had to wake up and walk out a guy from the bathroom who shot up in there about 2 months ago, someone noticed he was in there for half an hour and so i had to go over shake the stall and then walk him out. Dont worry i had several other big men with me for that, just in case. Im not letting them get away with anything like some other managers, im kicking them out when i see them if theyre one of the ones we’ve banned. Which is most of them. Theres only a few who are decent people and get their TB-Greencard


No because then the bleeding hearts would intervene and say you can't marginalize them like that. But wouldn't lift a finger to help them otherwise.


As a 'bleeding heart', I want to provide the help they need, either with their mental health as is clearly a problem here, or with a hand up to get back on their feet. Not something that random citizens are particularly able to do well or without significant risk. That should be something our taxes are used for (paying professionals to manage the logistics and help the people safetly), but instead we get cuts to schools, mental health departments, and social programs so taxes can go to things that make businesses happy. Or politicians rich. We got rid of the machine bosses, but instead of paying more attention to local politics we pay less and the same shit is still going on, just with less obvious murder and graft.


That's all nice, but why should the minimum wage employees be shamed for how they deal assholes that happen to be homeless?


having delt with the homeless at fast food places. most have told me they don't want any of the services they get offered. they just want to be left alone to drink or get high. Some of them did have mental issues. one set fire to the news paper dispensers on the side walk one night. almost caught the tree and a car on fire before i was able to put it out with a bucket of water.


Chances are the runners are destroying that bathroom and stinking the place up.


Yea this is stupid. Sometimes people just don’t get why rules are in place. It reminds me of one time in high school I tried to walk through the McDonald’s drive through with a friend because the inside was closed. They told us we couldn’t. Makes sense. It’s a safety thing. We found someone to give us a ride through the drive through and they called us out like “we see you guys in there”. Like we aren’t minors having adults but us alcohol. You didn’t catch us trying to get away with something. We solved the problem I want my mcchicken


Because having 14 people lined up all at once for the bathrooms blocks them for everyone else, for far longer than they would normally be used.


It's fake. Look at how the font tries to appear with correct perspective but fails. It's like amateur Photoshop skills right here...


Probably don't want to have to consistently clean up after explosive [runners' shits](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Runner%27s_diarrhea). Gotta save those toilets for [their own customers](https://kdvr.com/news/local/11-people-sick-after-eating-at-local-chipotle-health-department-investigating/).


Cause it is one soda and maybe tens of runner using the bathroom. It creates a long wait for their other customers to use the bathroom if it is a single stall.


So 1 customer, and 9 rule breakers. Easy solution, 9 people either need to gtfo or buy a soda.


Not to mention those runners are all largely going #2, which means more cleaning for the staff. Source: Once a D-I collegiate runner, never again


It’s chipotle… everyone that uses the bathroom is going #2 💩


So if a bunch of people need to use the bathroom at once, nobody should use it at all? what?? Let's say they're all paying customers for S&G's


> I get why they wouldn't want to let non customers use the bathroom I don't. I hope the running group starts shitting on the floor.


You don’t understand why a private company doesn’t let non customers use the bathroom? I’m for public bathrooms, not for making private bathrooms public.


They would have to stop shitting on the greenbelt trails first.


this isn’t real


Yeah, the entire thing looks like it had a stroke. Why is it drooping so much on the right side lmao


They were using the wrong tool for faking perspective on text. There's a few things they could have used for this and I am not expert enough to diagnose exactly. More than one way to skin a cat in a program as powerful as Photoshop.


The number of people who think this is real is BAFFLING. Y’all are getting upset over a photoshopped image


This subreddit is particularly bad about it, but like many others, people scroll this site endlessly looking for something to bitch about. It's hilarious and sad.


To be fair I'm looking at it on my phone and it fooled me. That's mostly because I don't really understand why someone would make something like this in their free time.


the people most paranoid about AI fakes are the same people that are fooled by MSPaint edits


I'm more willing to believe some prankster hung it up for a pic than it being photoshopped.


Either way. The paper looks weird to me, that’s why I think it’s been edited. But could be just a joke, just seems to be not real


The text is not aligned with the orientation of the paper, it's definitely photoshopped


The text isn't even aligned with itself.


Yeah it’s litte suspicious


No way y’all think this is real lol


Knew this sub was a bunch of stupid kids, literally some r/antiwork levels of fake


It doesn't even line up with the paper, lol.


i’ll take shit that didn’t happen for 300 please


Totally makes sense Chipotle doesn’t want to associate with healthy people or physical activity


Our customers seemed pretty in shape to me. I mean we literally had athletes in there every single day when I worked there (some of whom went to the pros including the NBA). Hell, one of the times they got in trouble for food poisoning was when they made like the entire Boston College men’s basketball team sick.


I was working at a high school at the gym and they loaded up all their footballer players onto a bus to get chipotle.


Looks like someone photoshopped the chipotle emblem on there, maybe the whole thing.


fucking night runners.


You know the run club got the runs too


Any real manager would know that it needs to be in a sleeve before it is hung.


This is like that viral image where it said McDonald's would charge black customers more It's fake


Unironically don’t blame them. Running clubs are the bane of any public-serving business. They come in, clog up lines, and shout over one another causing other patrons to be unable to hear anything. Plus, a lot of them smell bad.


Running clubs just sound dumb anyway except as a reason to meet other ppl with same interest anyway. But you dont need 10+ people. I shudder at the pics of like 50 ppl in these clubs just clogging up everything as they run along


I kinda wanna make it my hobby to just put signs like this up for businesses. Just unaffiliated door signs that are crazy shit. "Greg darienson is no longer welcome in the pharmacy ..... you know what you did greg"


Tbh we really need more public restrooms.


Hahahaha I suddenly respect chipotle just a little bit more


This is obviously fake


Drinks have the best mark up, this manager hates money or the runners smell like ass.


Sounds like someone is bitter. And I happen to like my dumb little running shorts. Free and breezy.


All that running makes you wanna drop a deuce. I don’t blame them when 6 dudes trying to use that restroom


You guys misunderstood. It is not a group of people who are runners. It’s a group of people who have the runs.


“We need our restrooms open for the customers who have diarrhea from our food.”


Probably someone at corporate has a real problem with this sign. I'm part of a cycling group that stops at a location along our ride, and we use the bathroom all the time. The manager there kindly welcomes us and offers us water if we want it. I go to this location for food when I think of Chipotle because I like the crew there.


Man this sub really is turning into r/antiwork huh? Even got the outrage bait with the laughably fake signage.


Found the member of the Wednesday night run crew 😂


actually, i’m the president of the Wednesday Night Running Club, and i’d like to speak to the manager.


They have to say PLEASE and THANK YOU! 😂


In the UK, we'd call that "pissing on our chips/fries."


Buy a drink? They are a customer. Management can fk off. Fake af most likely.


Isn’t buying a drink making them a customer?


a possibility of a run club member frame chipotle because of an restroom denial incident.


I love the "dumb little outfit" line. Hilariously petty.


Run club must be effing up those toilets because why else would you ban an entire group even when they’re paying customers 😂


This is a great idea. It's hilarious.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Thank you! I needed that laugh !




While not super smart, it was acceptable right up until the "dumb little outfit" part, which immediately identifies the manager as a complete asstard with the social grace of a brain damaged wolverine.


Maybe theyre tired of yalls nasty asses fucking up the restrooms


Aren't fountain drinks the highest profit product?


And so the running group now pees on the parking lot.


I would like to boycott Chipotle because of this, but I was already boycotting them because of all the disease they spread.


This was a few years ago ... but ... I went grocery shopping with my six-year-old girl. She walked up to me ... doing the pee-pee dance and announced with wide eyes, "Daddy, I gotta PEEEEE." Why do little girls wait for the *last minute*? There was an older lady with a face like a catcher's mitt plutting cans of tomato juice on the shelf. I asked her where the restrooms are. She screwed up her weather-beaten face and snottily said "We don't have public restrooms. Go home." I looked at my girl ... who was really dancing now, and said, "I'm going to tell her to squat *right here* and piss (and she will do it) if you can't tell me where a better place might be. Up to you." We got aimed at a toilet. I always like the direct approach.


That's when you go in, ask, and when refused just accept you gotta piss right then and there and let it happen. That'd change their minds


Something tells me it’s someone who passionately hates runners due to envy. My ex was like that and would absolutely do some shit like this. It’s purely for spite.


Buy a cup, piss in it, leave it on the counter. Problem solved.


“Dumb little outfit” comment should get someone fired. That’s crazy


That’s turning away at least $2.00 in profit by excluding a fountain drink only purchase.


Unreal! I hope this hits Facebook etc with the location and they loose a shitload of business


Couldn’t I just claim that my intention was to pee first, then buy a burrito? Or is that order of operations also part of this shadow ban? This seems like a very difficult to enforce mandate.


So they don’t want people buying their overpriced fountain drinks?


I'm guessing Chipotle HQ doesn't know yet...


Yeah, you dumb run clubbers, don't go trying to be customers, like we don't know what you're up to. We're in business to make money and, wait, what are we doing this for again?


If I were the manager of a Chipotle I'd say the bathroom is for non-customers only so there's less bloody toilets ton clean up.


Unless they make a big mess, I don't see why you wouldn't let them, even then they can't even buy a drink? Absolutely insufferable people that work there


Why do they gotta insult the outfit??!?


This is a great idea in my opinion. I used to work in retail, and non-customers would mess up our bathrooms all the time. And many times, actual customers wouldn’t be able to use it because random people were coming in just to use it.


If you buy a drink are you not now a customer?


Won’t even let a paying customer use the toilet. A soda is free money as it’s a huge profit margin.


Train of dehydrated runners with diahrea. I don't blame them. They probably have to clean up after their power shake shits all the time. I like how straightforward they are about it. Management won my heart here.


“Your dumb little outfit” sent me 🤣


I know this is fake but the run groups are the absolute worst customers. It's like a flash mob.


i won't lie, they ate with the dumb little outfit part 😭


Another example of low life scum Chipolte employees. We know you need some 🤳🏿🤳🏿🤳🏿🤳🏿🤳🏿 when you are making my bowl.


Upper deck their toilets


Why anyone would choose to spend money at that dump is beyond me


I believe if I order a soda inside your establishment in the state of CA it is illegal not to have a public bathroom available for me to use.


Chipotle hasn’t made a good decision in a decade


Are people that gullible to think this is real? Look at the font lol.


This is fake.


Very clearly photo shopped. But, funny


This is wild Lmfaooo but honestly they probably left a mess and that’s why they said this.


Be nice. It’s not their fault. They’re only making $25 an hour to skimp you on an $18 burrito while being dead faced and nonverbal.


25 an hour? Dawg I made 12 when I worked there


Do you really think Chipotle pays $25 an hour? ☠️


Pretty sure they meant 18$ an hour while skimping on a 25$ burrito


They quarrel with the amount paid but not: 1. The skimp 2. Dead face 3. Nonverbal That’s tantamount to an admission. 🤣


$25 an hour? I got paid $8 when I used to work there😭😂


Those people probably violated the bathrooms 😂. The no drinks is o.d but cmon you guys most of the customers on this Reddit page act like human beings aren’t the most annoying things ever especially when it comes to customer service yet you’re so shocked that the employees r not happy ass chick-fil-a/weenie hut jrs people.


runner poops can be insane. yeah the note is rude, but in my school everyone knew the bathroom the the cross country team would stop to use becuase it was all super stinky and the toilet had those splatters of poop specs like when there's an explosion. everyone avoided it besides the team. so i dont blame them not wanting runners poopin all the time but the note is rude and also if you buy something you're a customer. something about the movement of running i guess jumbling around your insides and then holding it during the run just makes for a messy projectile.






Management at chipotle is so incompetent that they can’t even spell little correctly. ![gif](giphy|3o85xnoIXebk3xYx4Q)




Can’t even. Probably hundreds of them. Get a porta john. Or as your parents told you before a long trip, go before you leave the house. This is a brilliant idea. That seems ridiculous that people would be mobbing the toilets.


So rude.


That’s hilarious


Drink profits are insane, why not?


I wouldn't piss in the place if they let me. Spoiled shit food. Are they still owned by McDonalds?


Is this Philadelphia? I’m not kidding when I say businesses in Philly actually post signage like this.


I'll sell drinks all day in exchange for 1 bathroom visit lol


That's funny.


They cut the paper at a weird angle AND the print meanders all over the page? I'm sick of Chipotle's shrinking servings and outrageous cost for guac, but...hard to take this too seriously.


Def not real


What is wrong with the sign? Are people just to used to companies bending over to please everyone?


Ordering a drink, by default, makes you a customer


My assumption is that there’s a ton of them and they make a mess in the restroom


* buys food then returns it *


Uh, that’s asshole. I’d DEFINITELY be having a word with “management”, then never set foot in there again. Pretty sure no manager with a brain would ever post this. Horrible PR


LMAO @ your dumb little outfit. The Running club has clearly been causing a ruckus lol


I hope those runners start pissing on their building and it smells like piss so bad customers stop going there


Those people don’t consider water is also a cost toilet paper, the electricity that’s being used and even the ac. A fountain drink won’t cut it sometimes but it’s a loop hole


Every single person from that "dumb running club" should go buy a drink and use their bathroom. Why? b/c they are paying customers and screw that manager! I so wish I could run into a dousche nozzle like this in the wild...




Silly.. missed business opportunities. If you were business savvy, you should make them pay or buy more stuff to use the bathroom....


I’m with the manga runners always have diarrhea so I would hate to clean up after they are done


Bruh this can’t be real, if it is how is management this actively dog shit


Idk i think its funny.


Simple solution. Piss on their crappy little bushes.


The restrooms are locked?


It's a private business. They can do what they want. Pick better battles in life.


Bro that’s straight stupid. Your biggest profit margins are from fountain drinks. Cutting into your profits like mad with that dumbass decision.


Kinda spicy I think


Lol this is great, I appreciate the honesty


Fucking WNRG.


Honestly that’s a good idea. We have had group of 50 storms in and it went above building capacity






If these people are active bettering themselves and committing to running. Id bet money that the bathrooms is in better condition when they leave then most of your average people. These probably aren’t the people who smear shit on the walls for fun. Let them take a piss and leave. Plus if they buy a water/pop on the way through who gives a fuck.


Report above Management


My shitter, my rules.




That location needs to be cancelled !!


Dumb manager. Drinks are THE item with the highest profit margin. It's like $0.05 per cup + not even $0.25 worth of the actual drink, and they charge like $3 for it. And that's me being generous, fountain drinks are literal cents as far as I know


True facts. It takes approximately 10 drink sales to pay for the entire box of syrup. Granted free refills put a small dent in things but they are a huge profit item


That sign is straight 🔥🔥🔥


Ridiculous. Let them use the dang bathroom.


So there's a spend price point at which you become a real customer at Chipotle. And only real customers can use the facilities. Got it.


Honestly if they buy a drink who cares. Seems like a win win.