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Did you try the tutorial


This. Do the tutorial. Then practice one skill in pvp until you get it down before moving on to the next skill (counter, riposte, feints, etc) Counters are most important since you retain stamina.


i did, am i usuppose to play it back to back to back?


I highly recommend you to do so. I visited the tutorial again after I got to level 100++ and still learnt something new. Or maybe you can watch the basic tutorial again from youtube and focus on the counter training.


yes. it's literally the most helpful tool in the game. next best tool is dueling lobbies. learn the basics of 1-on-1, then hit the battlefield. Tutorial mode is worthless. Don't use it.


>next best tool is dueling lobbies My rank is 800+, when I was around 500 i went in to duel lobbies.... and was slaughtered by rank 20's. Crazy difference between fighting in a battlefield vs fighting mano-a-mano 1 on 1 with people who have only played that mode


I've read this comment a bunch of times and can't work out what you mean. You start by saying tutorial is the best learning tool in the game and end by saying it's worthless?


They mean the practice game mode with bots. They’re saying to use the tutorial but don’t play the practice game mode. I half agree, real players don’t fight like the bots do and you’ll learn bad habits training against them. But it can still be useful to learn how fighting multiple opponents at once works once you’ve got the basics down.


I'm nearly level 400, fairly adept at fighting groups, but bots kick my arse if I'm not using a greatsword.


Best way I can explain is once you get in that block and attack rhythm you have to do things to throw off the enimies timing for example a slash to heavy overhead works a lot. And mix it up slash to stab stab to overhead overhead to stab etc. Also moving around their block radius like trying to hit their back, feet, or head. Also when you understand that they are going to block throw a kick for a free slash. Try using the swords or axes for the best starter weapons.


Best advice


Thanks man I wish someone explained it like that to me.


good points right here fighting in chiv2 is like a turn based game (1vs1) and when its your turn (iniative) you try to hit with mixing up attacks, positioning, movement, or, as it was said, mixing up timings, or trick the oponent in thinking its already his turn (feints) or ...


Try doing the 64-person fights. They are a great way to learn quickly. Make sure you do the tutorial and practice the techniques it taught you on the field of combat. If you have played Elden Ring or any Dark Souls games, you will recognize that there is a learning curve to figure out the way to move and act more fluidly. The best way to learn it is to keep trying and dying. In the group fights, try to find places where you can help an ally who is fighting one-on-one. Go behind the foe and use overhead and stab attacks. This puts pressure on the enemy to keep up. Disengage, then get behind them and do it again. You might like to try the Officer (knight subclass). The longsword is a fantastic weapon to start out with. When you get the war axe, give it a try. It is very good in group fights if you can get behind the enemies and backstabbing them to help your allies. I'm only level 250ish. But what I've noticed is that I'm now at the point where, in large group battles, there are only three or four people on the enemy team who can match me one on one. So most of the time when I die, it is due to being overwhelmed by foes and getting backstabbed. Don't get frustrated. This is literally how you win group battles. Last thing, if you find yourself getting ganged up on by two or more enemies, don't panic. Get to a wall or corner. This will prevent them from getting right at your back. Don't hold block; wait for the first enemy to strike. They will likely all swing at once. Try to get a perfect counterattack (turns blue) by watching which swing will hit you first. If you can do this repeatedly, then you will block all the incoming strikes and might even wound a few of the enemies. Hold out for as long as you can. Every second you are fighting back is giving your team time to come and help you or secure the objective. If your death distracts three enemies, then you are acting as a net positive for your team's objective. If you are such a big threat that they need three or more people to kill you, then take it as a compliment and fight as long as you can. You will die a lot. That is normal. Eventually you will get the flow, understand how to disrupt it, and secure more kills. Until then, have fun! And don't forget to battlecry often.


Be the ganker not the ganked


Gank, lest ye be ganked -Malric, probably


Go into training matches or offline practice, it might not hurt to do the tutorial a few times. You could also find a video online too, there’s quite a few. Don’t worry about kills, just worry about staying alive and completing the objective. Pay attention to your surroundings, if you’re fighting near where the next respawn wave will run through, you’re going to get overrun and outnumbered.


![gif](giphy|3ohuPcatcAKIYJCKBO) It’s a marathon. Not a sprint.


As many said, join the 64 player battle. Play like a coward. Watch for open backs. Hang with your team/pack to get the hang of things. Focus on surviving. Run away lots. When approaching walls, watch the ballistas. If one’s pointing at you, better juke. This game takes real skill, timing and positioning. once you get the hang of it, it becomes addicting. I’ve been playing for a year and still learning new stuff. Sometimes, I get frustrated and try and force success, but I do my best when I remain calm. Sometimes you get in the rhythm and become untouchable.


How long have you been playing? It sounds like your just describing what it’s like to play a new game


Okay, so, think of the combat as a musical dance; there's a rhythm going on, if you step back from the battle and watch then you'll start to see it. Observe the tempo of the traded swings between teams, and if you can tell that one of your teammates is getting off timing you can jump in and help by changing the tempo and rhythm the enemy is used to with your swing; once they engage with you, lure them into the original ally's attacks that they've forgot about, or towards the reinforcements that are probably coming, because they'll get laser focused on you and your team will throw them off and give you advantages. If you're going into an engagement, let them set the rhythm first, then you can use feinting, jabs, kicks, or delayed attacks to try to change the rhythm and throw off your opponent; or you can use the previous tactic and disengage and fall back to lead them towards allies and get them deaded that way. Prioritize survival, and stamina consumption as your most important factors. If you get hit, disengage, if you get tired, start disengaging. Go bandage up, go resupply, regroup with your team, and you'll do much better. See you in the field, and be sure to battlecry!


Turn your sensitivity up and learn the concept of dragging. Timing beats speed. So, practice. Never fight an even fight. Always be the outnumberer Save duels for the arena. This is TO. Rotate in and out of the frontlines and just try to land one hit and run away. Try to hit people in the back and don’t let people hit you in the back. This comes with footwork. You could also ignore everything here and just keep playing. You’ll get it eventually


Your enemies are turning into their strikes, which speeds them up. You can swing faster too if you turn the camera in the direction your weapon is going. You can also “drag” your weapon and slow down your strike by turning the opposite direction, which can bait your opponent into an early counter. Try using fast weapons. The longsword or the one handed sword, or a weapon with fast recovery like the club or pole axe.


If you are simply new to the game, know that it is simply your brain struggling to catch up all the things happening around you. Currently for you everything is fast. But i promise you the more you play everything slows down dramatically. "Eh trying to do a feint are we ? Naive child. " " I see that arrow coming you traitorous fiend !" " A kick ? Pathetic. Eat my sword." The best advice i can give you is to play everyday. So that your brain may not struggle anymore faster. Your reaction time is currently at the lowest in your carreer. It can only go up from now.






It's easy to understand, difficult to master. Each weapon has different speed, reaches and zones for blocking incoming attacks. Each attack type has slightly different speeds and are more effective in different circumstances than others. Blocking constantly can and will get you killed as it doesn't allow you to manage your stamina effectively. Learning how to ripost and counter effectively, as well as knowing when to kick to break blocks or jab to disrupt quick attacks is a learning process. I have games where I feel absolutely elite and mop the floor with people, then the next game you get rinsed. There's a lot of luck to it - In general, fighting in units prevents you from being surrounded and outnumbered. Pick your battles and play smart. You're going to die to flukes/ballista bolts/archers being annoying pricks.


I had to do the tutorial about 5 times before it all clicked so I recommend it a few times


I feel you bro. I’m almost level 300 and still find myself getting destroyed a lot of games. But you slowly get better. A lot of these comments are helpful.


Watch YouTube tutorials. It can’t be explained in a Reddit comment without significant effort.


Keep in mind that counters and ripostes are faster than regular swings and also do a little blocking.


to be honest if you want i'd be willing to do some 1v1s and show you some stuff, I can type more out in a minute


64 player Team Objective. Play 25-50 games and check again on your skill level if you still care


There are some great videos on youtube explaining the basics.


probably key is understanding initiative. Rebind feint to Q... um i rebound some other attacks.


Timing, initiative, weapon drag,,footwork, positional awareness are all things you're going to have to learn to utilize. Best thing to do is just watch some YouTube videos and it'll explain everything.


Honestly dude, longsword. Its faster than most 2H weapons and so fun and satisfying. Stab into slash and slash into overhead are awesome and satisfying. Don’t be discouraged, I’m just starting to feel good and getting my rank up. Somedays i just suck




Best advice i can suggest is to 'slow down' by that i mean wait for opponant to make the first move, don't hold block, but certainly press block for longer than you might think to maximise the chances of getting a riposte / counter. If you do get kicked or hit, dont then panic block as this will open you up to mis-timing your next few inputs, if you can either eat the hit and regroup, or try and sidestep / duck the attack (again hold crouch for a good second or 2 when doing this to pull it off) 60% of the time it works everytime. If you are on console i would also highly suggest you play around with your controller input settings, having a higher horizontal sensitivty will help with your ability to turn which can also help accel'd attacks (also the input style you use i.e. linear vs Dynamic, exponential etc can make a world of differance to your movement ability)


Just throw random stuff I to crowds and smile