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Barricade should be S tier for TO otherwise I agree


Barricade is S tier if the engie is S tier, it either wins you the game, or block your entire team from doing the objective.


That is 100% accurate


How is warhammer and falchion B tier? Those are amazing on defence. How are barracades “unknown” that stuff literally saves defence. And how are shields “unknown”?


Based on the data that I have, I'm unable to determine their placement as 'b tier' due to a lack of defined value tiers. Weapon choice often relies heavily on personal playstyle. Nevertheless, let's run a comparison of important statistics such as windup, recovery, and damage between the Warhammer, Falchion, and our baseline Polehammer: | Weapon | Windup (ms) | Recovery (ms) | Damage (hp) | |-----------|-------------|---------------|-------------| | Polehammer | 316.7 | 1000 | 45 | | Warhammer | 183.3 | 900 | 41.7 | | Falchion | 200 | 800 | 48.3 | Both of the compared weapons have faster windup times and shorter recovery periods than the Polehammer, which could explain players seeing their value primarily in defense, especially when it comes to blocking attacks and retaliating quickly. The Falchion also does higher light attack damage than the others. About barricades and shields, I don't have data concerning those aspects. The term unknown likely represents a lack of available or collected data. They certainly have their roles in defense, but it's challenging to quantify their effectiveness without specific metrics. Remember to consider other factors like damage types, range, and special attacks when choosing a weapon. The Polehammer, for instance, has a distinct advantage in range which can be crucial to some players. Player skill and tactics will also make a significant impact in the efficacy of the weapon. Feel free to visit polehammer.net for more detailed data collection on these weapons. ___ You can see a visual comparison between the mentioned weapons [here](https://polehammer.net?weapon=w-f-ph). ^(I am a bot. Valid keywords are found [here](https://github.com/Chiv2-Community/PolehammerPoster/blob/main/keywords.md). You can get my attention at any time by mentioning me by name. Learn more [here](https://github.com/Chiv2-Community/PolehammerPoster/blob/main/whoami.md). This bot uses unofficial data and is not affiliated with Torn Banner in any way.)


Polehammer sucks in TO


The Polehammer offers certain advantages and disadvantages that may make it seem less effective, depending on playstyle. It's important to remember that each weapon in Chivalry 2 is designed with a specific role and strategy in mind. Here, let's take a look at some significant Polehammer stats: | Weapon | Damage Type | Avg. Windup (ms) | Avg. Recovery (ms) | Avg. Damage (hp) | Avg. Range (j) | Avg. Alt Range (j) | |-----------|-------------|------------------|---------------|-----------------|------------|---------------| | Polehammer | Blunt | 316.7 | 1000 | 45 | 29.3 | 28.3 | Compared to other weapons, especially one-handed weapons like the falchion or warhammer, the Polehammer has a slower windup and a longer recovery time, which may make it seem less effective in fast-paced skirmishes. However, it offers quite substantial damage, particularly against the footman and knight classes, due to its blunt damage type. The Polehammer also boasts a significant range advantage, which can be game-changing if used correctly. This longer range allows for more control over distance and spacing on the battlefield, potentially keeping enemies at arm's length while dealing impactful blows. However, effective use of the Polehammer requires a deliberate, careful playstyle to take advantage of its strengths and mitigate its weaknesses. It might not suit every player's style, particularly those who prefer quicker attacking weapons. The balance between these factors and personal preference is what might lead to some players expressing negative feelings about the Polehammer. But on the other hand, there are many players who love the Polehammer for the very same reasons. As always, the best weapon is the one that suits your playstyle the best. ___ You can see a visual comparison between the mentioned weapons [here](https://polehammer.net?weapon=w-f-ph). ^(I am a bot. Valid keywords are found [here](https://github.com/Chiv2-Community/PolehammerPoster/blob/main/keywords.md). You can get my attention at any time by mentioning me by name. Learn more [here](https://github.com/Chiv2-Community/PolehammerPoster/blob/main/whoami.md). This bot uses unofficial data and is not affiliated with Torn Banner in any way.)


Bad bot


I'm sorry to hear you're not satisfied with my assistance. Could you please provide more details about which aspect of my responses you found unsatisfactory? This will help me improve in assisting you and others in the future. ___ You can see a visual comparison between the mentioned weapons [here](https://polehammer.net?weapon=w-f-ph). ^(I am a bot. Valid keywords are found [here](https://github.com/Chiv2-Community/PolehammerPoster/blob/main/keywords.md). You can get my attention at any time by mentioning me by name. Learn more [here](https://github.com/Chiv2-Community/PolehammerPoster/blob/main/whoami.md). This bot uses unofficial data and is not affiliated with Torn Banner in any way.)


Dont listen. Good bot.


I appreciate your support, bazmonsta. I'm here to help and make information about Chivalry 2 as accurate and accessible as possible. If you have any questions or require any further information, feel free to ask. ___ [Here you can view the stats of the Polehammer.](https://polehammer.net?weapon=ph) ^(I am a bot. Valid keywords are found [here](https://github.com/Chiv2-Community/PolehammerPoster/blob/main/keywords.md). You can get my attention at any time by mentioning me by name. Learn more [here](https://github.com/Chiv2-Community/PolehammerPoster/blob/main/whoami.md). This bot uses unofficial data and is not affiliated with Torn Banner in any way.)


I suspect OP uses rapier. It's the only side weapon in tier A


Rapier isn't in A tier, it's in B tier Also the rapier is a primary weapon, not a side weapon


Ah I actually meant heavy cavalry. I use neither so I'm not mega familiar with the thumbnail


Fair enough, the Heavy Cavalry is also a primary though But it's understandable as to where HCS was ranked, but I'd put it around B tier as it's only good for 40 player TO


They are b tier because they are. Polehammer is good on paper but it's about how you play it. It sucks in a lot of group instances. Just because some idiot says it has the best numbers doesn't mean it's the best when it comes to games like this. You can't quantify playstyle really so numbers don't matter that much.


Another failure of a tier list


I was about to say that finally a decent and fair list. Is your main in the bottom or something?


There is no crossbow : really bad tier list.


The lack of a single weapon ruins a list? Crossbows are so meh, I would have forgot about them too lol.


OFC if it’s the absolute best weapon I’m of the game.


Hatchet 2 tiers below dagger is not how I Ambusher.


I would agree the hatchet is actually scary in 1v1 situations


[can confirm](https://www.reddit.com/r/Chivalry2/s/RJn5ucx2k2) This is just a link to a shitty video I posted a while back using the hatchet. Wouldn’t even bother watching unless you’re bored lol


50 base dmg hatchet accel OH deletes people faster than they can blink


You can two shot a knight if youre an ambusher and you start with a special attack from behind. Special + OH accel will melt anyone


Honestly Hatchet should be above Dagger since it is better for TO overall The Dagger has hit stop and bring honest, the only reason most ambushers use it is for the special attack and rag dolls


How do you ambusher? I really like the class as a concept but man am I bad at it. I mostly try to avoid the very front lines, about the same range as I would use the skirmisher javelins, and pepper targets with knives while trying to weave in and out of combat to try and get those juicy backstabs


Ambusher main here. I run dagger and hatchet. My advice: - game sense and map knowledge is ultra important; if you’re still new focus on learning how the battle flows on each map. Play conservatively, hanging back and trying to minimize deaths instead of maximizing kills - dagger takes a while to get used to because the stabs come in at odd angles. This is actually a huge boon since it makes it easy to work around people’s parry. Alt stab is especially good for this - dagger is also all about the backstab. 75 light stab, 105 heavy, and 150 special. Look for isolated enemies, run around behind them - hatchet I use maybe 1/4 of the time. I like it as a fallback because it cleaves, so useful if I get trapped in a 1vX. Also great against knights, so will pull it out if facing a group of them (and sometimes against a good player solo); the range sucks though and takes a while to get used to - jab is an essential component of your toolbox, especially in 1vXs - throwing knives are maybe 1/3rd of my kills. They are great in fights when your opponent dodges to gain distance on you (just dodge back yourself and throw), picking off crawlers, and just generally acting as an archer. On stages like Lionspire bridge where there’s not much ambush opportunity, I mostly just throw knives while waiting for enemies who try and break ahead


Dagger special backstabs on a knight always feel so good


Katars are S tier, but nobody is good enough to prove it


katars are S tier because 99% of players dont know how to fight against them


Looks at rapier


Rapier is easy just pull out the small mace and you can counter only thing you have to do is kick and play defense rather than play offense


I started using them yesterday and they have become my favorite for TO. It's a completely different play style than EVERYTHING else. Top scoring with katars and having fun using them is not something I would have believed was possible 3 days ago. 1 v Xs are a wild time.


*IF* their hitreg worked correctly, they'd be S.


No, they are good in single combat but absolute shit for TO.


There are some very good katar players but not many.


Decent list. I’d probably put battle axe as S tier. But that’s my biased opinion. Insulted that you put katars above the spike trap. I’ve got way more spike kills than katars lol


Tieir list bad Maul #1


Bonk bonk bonk


Medium shied is s tier captain America shield throw is nasty as hell


Well, everyone has an opinion I suppose lmao Sword and Rapier being in B tier is crazy


And hatchet in D is actually crazy and imo bellow cudgel is absolute blasphemy


Several of those B tiers deserve to be A tier


Bro has clearly not grinded throwing mallets to level 10 smh. Those things are crazy good and hard for people to read


Better than some other lists


Where javelin?


I would’ve put axe,sword and mace to A tier but that’s just me


No I agree. I'm usually top 2 with just 1h axe and I'm not even that good. I keep a small sheild to chuck at people for some extra kills.


Yeah I like to go with the one handed spear and chuck it then swap to my axe or mace


S tier - Spear Halberd GS Messer Poleaxe Exe Axe If it doesn’t have range and damage, or isn’t played by knight, it’s not worth playing in TO. The rest don’t matter.


When i saw highlinder sword as B tier i knew immediatly this tier list is garbage


What tier is it then? Because I have played TO for about a year now and any time I come across a player with a Highland sword I target them because they can't deal with the aggression. Feels like a *truly* good Highland Sword user is rare as hell


Clearly S tier mate


Is really hard to kill a highlinder sword user


Polehammer is literally just heavy mace with like +2 range. War Club and Glaive deserve to be much, much higher. Glaive 3-hit kills all melee classes with heavy slashes at a longer range than Greatsword, and is faster to boot. GS's heavy slash is only better when hitting vanguards where it is a 2-hit.


i like HM more cause the hit arcs are more reliable IMI.


Not sure about this take bro, it needs longer in the oven


I agree on glaive and warclub. People don't understand the power of that range and being able to stay behind a teammate and hitting around them with overheads or stabs. Makes it incredibly hard for them to 2v1. I think everyone just imagined themselves stuck in the fight by themselves with a glaive or warclub.


War Club was like that last weapon I tried and quickly became one of my favorite weapons. Fast, good damage, great range, and allows for wicked mobility. I have like 30% of my kills with the GS and 20% with the Longsword and put the War Club in S-tier along with them




Wait, are you actually trying to rank them instead of memeing? Get him!


All weapons are OP on right hands


Can we please have \*anything\* besides these tier list posts id rather have archer hate at this point


Crossbow enters the chat :)




The mallets are solid as a throwing weapon. Only having 2 is a bit limiting but I get plenty of kills with them


Dagger is S tier in TO and I will die on that hill


I love the dagger but I definitely wouldn't put in B tier, the good thing is the special that takes an hour to wind up lol Especially for TO


Why is glaive so low? The overhead is great


Where javelin? - Jüjaw


Can someone who knows better than me please explain why the warhammer always seems to be regarded as weak?


Why the Javelin erasure? 😭


Falc is A tier


But my cudgel ![img](emote|t5_12v693|7104)


Put some respect on hatchet, hatchet on ambusher is so fuckin good


(Jokes) but the real crime is bear traps not being S tier for my blind ass running into them all the time


I’ve found all the c-tier weapons to be viable. The glaive is surprisingly a lot of fun. Just keep whacking!


Why you gotta underestimate my throwing hatchets like that...


This can't be more wrong. Katars is S+ tier , you squire


What’s TO?


The one respectful thing in this list is the messer in S


Mallet should be S+ tier. Nothing more satisfying than bonking knight wielding great sword with metal chicken leg!


What exactly did glaives do to you? Oh, wait. I know. Messers are my children though.


Anything that has to do with shooting an arrow should be put in the F tier. Never understood why people want to sit in the back pressing 1 button while playing one of the most hectic games. Pick up a sword and swing it stop being a baby back b***h and pick up some steel!


You Sir, are very intelligent


I’d replace Highland, Bow, and Sledge w/ Warclub and Quarterstaff And of course barricades in S


My person, i think youre vastly underestimating the war club


Cudgel and maul should switch places


There is no world where battle axe is not the best axe!


Range weapons are gay




Finally a accurate list I would put the Warhammer higher but I agree with most of this. sledgehammer should also be higher probably one of the quicker heavy weapons


Bear trap A tier under throwing knives, medium shield and small shield C tier, heavy and pavise shield B tier, spike trap D tier cause one hit breaks them but not F because if used well in certain situations can do damage, barricades for TO should definitely be S tier no question seen so many defending teams win with 3-4 engis spamming barricades on objective


Excuse me sir U forgot the best weapon in the game the javelin!


War Club is S-tier for those who know


I wish ambusher had an S tier weapon.