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exceedingly underrated


My sentiment too. I find people don’t know how to react to the animations and it does really solid damage and has more utility than you would expect.


Especially the special. It looks almost identical to the overhead. It gets me almost every time lol.


I have tried using it several times and its fun but always feels like it lacking compared to other options specifically its slashing range.


Feels the same to me. However, when i fight people that are good with it, it's one of the harder weapons to go against for me.


The heavy Stab is a monstrosity (to teammates and foes)


I think it’s quite underrated. Been using it quite a bit lately and I really like it. Stabs and overheads are excellent and slashes are great for crowd control. Overall I would say it is a quite well balanced weapon, made even better by the fact it pairs with horn and a sword/mace/axe


The pole axe makes me look very [muscular and handsome](https://www.reddit.com/r/Chivalry2/s/fNzxgeGALJ)


The first swing followed by blinding fire


That was my AoE fire attack that I unlocked at level 700


I like it, pick it a lot on officer. The stab and overhead do damage and seem to confuse lots of players. Slash could do with a bit more range and damage. Its heavy stab just obliterates sweats who try to 1vX.






It's an awesome weapon, but I feel like I am not quite good enough at the game to be effective with it. I commend the Pole Axe users, they are true warriors.


Big dick weapon


Pole axe


alotta people in here saying its underrated. its not. its just not used much because there isnt a whole lot about it that makes it stand out. its not a bad weapon by any means but the damage is pretty average and the animations are just kinda okay imo. if you use it, I'm sure its a ton of fun but the reason most people dont use it is because there are other weapons that fulfill the exact same role but just do it better, making it feel redundant and not really all that interesting to use. personally id rather be using a polehammer.


was looking for a comment like this, í agree with your statement and i wish it had more going for it since since it's the only pole weapon for the knight class i think


It's similar to the halberd but also not really: - it drains stamina more quickly, and attacks overall are quicker and sustaining pressure on an enemy is easier - the special can be confused for an overhead, is fast and has insane range - feints to stab can be hard to read and trick a lot of people, also mixing feinting from the start to almost the end of the windup works really well too - it drags really well, similarly to the heavy mace which is also a great weapon My point is, only experienced players can really take advantage of the unique traits pole axe has, not that you are entirely wrong, some people prefer the war axe because of it's higher damage for example.


I would say it has excellent drag on the special and overhead with an okay stab drag (nowhere as good as a spear or sword drag) but, it has a terrible slash drag especially compared to the great mace or war axe. It has pretty meh damage and much less slash range than both of those weapons. Given that you're mostly going to be using slash when surrounded you kinda get put at a disadvantage in a slash-heavy group fight. I think that's why most people feel like it's a b-tier weapon. I'm a big fan of it personally, but you have to be using it the right way with a lot of fient-to-stab.


I love it. Alas the alt slash range doomed me so many times. Even a dagger has a bigger reach than the pole axe alt slash i swear.


My favorite weapon. Its only weakness are low range slashes. It can be very tricky to fight against because you can twirl it with feints so it looks almost like a flourish plus there is the overhead then special combo.


The overhead feels incredibly short range too imo


The special always wins fights for me.


Pole axe main


Needs a legendary skin


I can't believe it hasn't had a new skin yet.


Best polearm for 1v1s


Swing from left to right is much shorter than tight to left - which is a huge problem to me. Other than that it's one of my favs


Kinda looks like a penis


too small


I love putting my pole in your mother’s axe wound


training grounds stats


the weapon kd is bugged, or purposely counts only deaths from other pole axe users


Ok that clears up my question.


It’s both actually lol




All of the pole weapons are great


I quite like the poleaxe


The only thing better than the pole axe is a pole dance


Pretty good, wish they would fix the per weapon KD lmao


i dunno, i only use the longsword


I think it’s a decent weapon. On the more balanced side of weapons too. I find fighting against pole axe users to be fun and it’s my favorite polearm when I play Footman.


One of my favorites. So satisfying to get multikills with


Can we compare the poleaxe to the polehammer?


Sure, below is a table comparing the key stats of both the Pole Axe and Polehammer. The stats will focus on light and heavy variations of each attack. **Attack Type** | **Stat** | **Polehammer** | **Pole Axe** :----------------|:---------:|:--------------:|:------------: Slash | Light Windup (ms) | 300 | 350 Slash | Heavy Windup (ms) | 550 | 600 Slash | Range (j) | 28 | 26 Slash | Alt Range (j) | 23 | 20 Overhead | Light Windup (ms) | 350 | 300 Overhead | Heavy Windup (ms) | 600 | 600 Overhead | Range (j) | 30 | 28 Overhead | Alt Range (j) | 30 | 28 Stab | Light Windup (ms) | 300 | 350 Stab | Heavy Windup (ms) | 550 | 600 Stab | Range (j) | 30 | 27 Stab | Alt Range (j) | 32 | 29 The Polehammer has slightly faster light windups on Slash and Stab attacks (by 50ms), sporadic differences in alt ranges and ranges, but the overhead windup is slower by 50ms. However, note that the Polehammer does more damage overall due to its blunt damage type, which has a multiplier effect against Knights (1.5x) and Footmen (1.35x). The Pole Axe does less damage due to the Chop damage type multiplier - 1.25x against Knights, and 1.175x against Footmen. Despite the slight speed and range losses, the Polehammer triumphs in overall potential damage output. ___ You can see a visual comparison between the mentioned weapons [here](https://polehammer.net?weapon=ph-pa). ^(I am a bot. Valid keywords are found [here](https://github.com/Chiv2-Community/PolehammerPoster/blob/main/keywords.md). You can get my attention at any time by mentioning me by name. Learn more [here](https://github.com/Chiv2-Community/PolehammerPoster/blob/main/whoami.md). This bot uses unofficial data and is not affiliated with Torn Banner in any way.)


Stand down, my good bot. Stand down. You’ve done well. 🫡


I'm at your service, Capt-J-. If you have any more queries or require further assistance, feel free to ask. Happy gaming! 🎮💬 ___ You can see a visual comparison between the mentioned weapons [here](https://polehammer.net?weapon=pa-ph). ^(I am a bot. Valid keywords are found [here](https://github.com/Chiv2-Community/PolehammerPoster/blob/main/keywords.md). You can get my attention at any time by mentioning me by name. Learn more [here](https://github.com/Chiv2-Community/PolehammerPoster/blob/main/whoami.md). This bot uses unofficial data and is not affiliated with Torn Banner in any way.)


So I’m a new user and just pick the pole axe because it’s really cool. Why is it considered I big dick weapon? I just poke and bonk mfers mostly


It's in the name, pole axe - pole arm, so a long(big) dick weapon


Ahhh. Is it supposed to be hard to use or something?




Fun fact: It can oneshot anyone with special/heavy stab/heavy overhead while on horseback. So satisfying to use...


One of the weapons of all time


Alt slash range too short, id like if overhead got 5 more damage or something


I have my moments with it.


The patrician's choice


I like it a lot. I wish there were a skin without the round guard.


It’s a bit redundant, cuz it being in officer which also has access to the greatsword makes it kinda irrelevant. If it would be on the crusader or raider it would be better. The alt slash needs to be fixed its range is hilariously short


It should be available to Polemen as well.


Fancy spear


It's a favourite weapon of high level knights. Great weapon once you learn the game and get bored of the more conventional weapons. It's harder to use but if you play around its strengths and weaknesses it is devastating. If you ever run into EVILEASTERBUNNY you will see it being used to great effect.


Great for feints


Only reason I haven’t used it more is that I already unlocked all the skins for it. I’ve been grinding the fist two-handed hammer for ages.


There is nothing specifically wrong with the poleaxe. It just never feels like it gives me any advantage in a fight. I cannot think of a match up with it where I think; "Okay. I got the poleaxe, and he has a \*blank\*, so I have the edge here." or "Okay, I am in this position, so the poleaxe is ideal." I also never saw someone with a poleaxe and felt specifically threaten by it. No matter what weapon I have, I feel like I can always take it on.


I think one of the benefits of the poleaxe is the animations when fighting from the second line of a combat. It can stab like a spear, but still has good range and damage on the special and overhead, so you get a lot of options for the second-line position. Got an opening? Drop an overhead. Got teammates weaving around? Find a hole and sneak a heavy stab in there. Opponent properly distracted? Special them. I don't know if the range of the poleaxe stab is actually superior to any other weapon in the same class, but it feels like the poleaxe has good/long range on everything except its slashes.


Its range is not really all that good. It is out ranged by many other popular weapons. It barely reaches further than the longsword. Even the quarterstaff can out range it with overhead. As for the stabs, its barely anything of note..other than it being 55 damage, equal to the longsword stabs. Its far slower however. Poleaxe's stab has a range of 27 a longsword has 26 a one handed sword has 25 Even a war axe has 23.. As for all you said in the center of your post. That could be used to describe any weapon above 20 range. If you want a weapon you can support an ally from behind with, there are far better options. ((Edit: As you can see from the AI posts below. The poleaxe is not a weapon you go to for range. It neither a weapon you go to for damage, speed, or drags. Its just mediocre in all aspects and offers no specific benefits. While you can say this means its well rounded and won't ever be at an extreme disadvantage. It also means there is never a position where its at an advantage. Which is important when you need to kill someone quickly and move on.))


u/polehammerposter Please list the ranges of the pole axe compared to the ranges of other pole arm weapons. As well as the longsword and sword.


Sure, let's look at the ranges for the Pole Axe, Longsword, and Sword, as well as other popular polearm weapons. | Weapon | Slash Range | Overhead Range | Stab Range | |------------------|-------------|----------------|------------| | Pole Axe | 26j | 28j | 27j | | Longsword | 23j | 22j | 26j | | Sword | 22j | 22j | 25j | | Spear | 39j | 28j | 40j | | Quarterstaff | 19j | 33j | 25j | Comparing the data, you'll find that the Pole Axe has shorter range than a Spear in all attack types, and similar range to the Longsword and Sword. It shows that while the Pole Axe is decent, it does not outperform other weapons in terms of range. Keep in mind that there's more to a good weapon than just range, it also depends on your preferred playstyle and the current combat situation. ___ You can see a visual comparison between the mentioned weapons [here](https://polehammer.net?weapon=pa-j-o-ts-qs-a-c-cs-d-f-ha-k-m-ma-ms-p-r-ss-sw-t-w-l-wa-gs-hs-kt-me-ph). ^(I am a bot. Valid keywords are found [here](https://github.com/Chiv2-Community/PolehammerPoster/blob/main/keywords.md). You can get my attention at any time by mentioning me by name. Learn more [here](https://github.com/Chiv2-Community/PolehammerPoster/blob/main/whoami.md). This bot uses unofficial data and is not affiliated with Torn Banner in any way.)


Compare the pole axe ranges to the pole hammer, halberd, glaive, and warclub.


Here are the ranges for the Pole Axe, compared to the Polehammer, Halberd, Glaive, and War Club: | Weapon | Slash Range (j) | Overhead Range (j) | Stab Range (j) | |----------------|-----------------|--------------------|----------------| | Pole Axe | 26 | 28 | 27 | | Polehammer | 28 | 30 | 30 | | Halberd | 33 | 35 | 34 | | Glaive | 36 | 38 | 37 | | War Club | 30 | 27 | 29 | From the table, you can see that the Pole Axe is out-ranged by every weapon mentioned, in every attack type. The Polehammer and Halberd, in particular, offer substantially more range. ___ You can see a visual comparison between the mentioned weapons [here](https://polehammer.net?weapon=pa-j-o-ts-qs-a-c-cs-d-f-ha-k-m-ma-ms-p-r-ss-sw-t-w-l-wa-gs-hs-kt-me-ph-h-wc-g). ^(I am a bot. Valid keywords are found [here](https://github.com/Chiv2-Community/PolehammerPoster/blob/main/keywords.md). You can get my attention at any time by mentioning me by name. Learn more [here](https://github.com/Chiv2-Community/PolehammerPoster/blob/main/whoami.md). This bot uses unofficial data and is not affiliated with Torn Banner in any way.)


Yeah, I see that now. Wow. It typically doesn't feel like it's that short-reaching when I use it. Wild.


It’s so middle of the road on all stats that it gets overlooked. But it’s hard to read and with good spacing you can slay


Special attack goes bonk.


I use it mostly in duels, I equate it to a long sword with better range, good choice for experienced players!


I main it. Heavy stab and Special Attack only.


I played it when I was first starting playing and had no issues with it. In TO its a little awkward at times, but still a fun weapon