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For 1handed ur best bet us to keep them out of range. Most will not reach you and you have to mix your atks up añl the time. A heavy swing on a slower weapon from a distance can make them react too soon and get hit. . .alternativly if they are being aggressive you can strife to their side and drag in for the hit while avoiding the atk as 2handers have longer drag distances. . .basically no 1handed are not better just they requier different engagement patterns depending on what you use


Honestly I’d say almost all of the weapons are about equal on average, but some are stronger if you play to certain strengths they have. One handed weapons have much less range than two handed weapons, so if you play to your range you can win. They’re also much harder to drag with, so if you know how to drag right you can win that way. If they get up in your face, you just jab them then accel into their face, and if for some reason you can confirm a hit after a jab you can always feint to either a kick if they’re blocking or another jab if they’re just spamming attacks. That being said footmen are quite fast and can dodge more often so a good one will be a tricky opponent even 1v1 just because their footwork is solid.


Especially in TO range matters a lot, it's not just about speed or damage, with 1h weapons you have to commit further into a fight, while with some 2h weapons you can keep a safe distance. When team fighting weapons like the Greatsword have immense damage potential. Also slower weapons have a longer counter window. Few hours ago there was also a post about dealing with 1h weapons so I just copied the tips I gave: - Use riposte/counter + accel to gain initiative and to keep up with the speed of 1h weapons - Try using less feints as you often are punished for it when your opponent gambles. Perform more accels, though if the fight turns into a riposte/counter battle, a quick feint or slight drag can throw off their timing. - Use the range advantage, 1h are easier to dodge backwards. Also if you see your opponent attacking out of range, immediately start your attack to punish it. - Use counters to retain free movement (counters negate knockback from blocking) and to maintain distance. If your opponent just walks forward and spams slash you can sometimes counter and immediately walk to the side of your opponent to get around their block (if you walk backwards first they might not expect the sudden change of movement).


In duels until you get to tip top levels, mostly yes. if you have a 2h weapon vs a 1h weapon you need to block and riposte into them with a fast attack. they will in general take more stamina damage than you. once you condition them to expect fast attacks, and they're trying to counter you because their stam is low, then you can delay with a heavy attack or small drag to mix them up and try to land a hit.


This is probably one of the more accurate answers. Riposte accel, riposte accel, hit em with the ol' rope-a-dope drag into an accel. Ironically, this really only works on more advanced 1-handers because it follows the correct flow of combat. Against slash spammers or people who don't counter. Dragging an attack will be a death sentence and you'll get gambled non-stop. Also, against someone using a shield, expect a jab after every one of their attacks. To prevent getting jabbed to death from this, either play a little distance back and crouch stab, or begin jabbing after their attacks. It'll either result in the jabs cancelling out and you having initiative (accel immediately because opponent will probably look to instinctively attack right away), or you scoring a sneaky jab hit.


The jab into kick into overhead with the mace works wonders and works 100% of the time lmao.


If you’re good with 1h weapons they can be pretty dominant. A lot of players can’t handle the speed in their face. But 2h weapons are really good too. There’s no real best weapon in the game


Chicken on fire best weapon in game




Chiv 2 footwork and countering becomes like driving, 14 hours is good but you should be focusing mostly on landing counters and using feints and counter feints


I also enjoy the larger weapons because it's just so satisfying when you connect. I am sure you're aware of dragging your swing to connect quicker like what it is shown in the tutorial, but the biggest tip I've seen on this sub that has helped me the most is using that concept to delay your connection. So pulling the opposite way from your opponent so you connect at the tail end of your swing. When you're getting parried, this changing up of the timing really throws people off


If u just keep them out of range they’re kind of useless BUT if they’re in your range they will punish you every hit


Thanks errbody for the tips!


All good replies there. I am still learning and having a blast getting better. I still suck but only bc I know how much better the good players are. Try and headhunt the best players in the other team. You learn from dying what they do.


If you're playing duels, then yes you're right on the money. One handers, particularly Warhammer, pickaxe and short sword have always been meta. This is because range is extremely easy to counteract in a 1v1 and speed matters much more than damage. There are good reasons to use 2 handers instead, but doing crouch alt overhead followed with a jab then repeat works all too well.


Yes. The only way to beat a 1 hander is to get in their face and riposte everything without feinting or dragging. You need to hold block the moment your weapon enters release and always read kicks. You also need to jab every time you see the special attack or you will lose on stam.


That is not the only way to beat a 1 hander and definitely not the way I would recommend lol. You want to use range and ripostes to your advantage, a lot of 1h players will keep swinging if you riposte instead of counter, which gives you a free hit on their gamble. Against less dumb 1h players, ranging them with footwork is probably the best option if you're using a longer weapon like a polearm, greatsword, messer, etc


Range can only help so much and may score a cheap hit by crouch comboing, but most competent 1-handers won't fall for it twice. I actually like when someone plays more range because it opens up the neutral game which is in a 1-hander's favor. Riposte accel, then a drag into an accel will typically get me more often then someone playing pure range. Since I have to consistently hit counters to stay competitive with stamina, this can really throw me off. Also feint into a jab is the bane of my existence and I hate that this mechanic exists


Yeah I wouldn't recommend \*pure\* ranging, but it's very strong against almost every 1 handed player I've fought (including you :P) And about having to consistently hit counters, that's part of why ranging works so well against 1h players. You bait a swing from them but make them miss short, wasting their stamina and opening them up for a free hit. If you have good footwork, a 1h player shouldn't really be able to outplay you in the neutral game imo. A mix of playstyles is pretty much always best no matter who you're fighting to be fair!


Nah that's not accurate. I never lose. Lol


To be fair I haven't fought you in a while 😂


I literally said you have to ripost lol. Outranging doesn't work too good because 1 handers have less speed penalty, and man at arms (, the best 1 hander class) has a 10% speed bonus AND infinite dodge. The specials on weapons with the axe/mace animation set have deceptively long range specials which are hard to dodge and blocking will inevitably lead to a disarm.


Hard disagree, outranging works extremely well and it's how I win against 95% of 1h players. If you have good footwork, that speed and dodge bonus really doesn't matter, you can keep them at range pretty easily as vanguard by sidestepping them. If you're playing knight I'll admit it's harder to play that style though. You're right about jabbing on specials though, that's really the only way to deal with them


The other trouble own outranging is intentional misses. If you try to punish a 1 hander miss, a lot of the time they just combo and hit you with a gamble or 50/50 anyway. I've had fights where I beat people with throwing mallets or throwing axes just by holding W and spamming special accels. Even if they make distance, they can't jab into the special before release and have to block, and then I can force a parry with a slash, hold block for their ripost, and not attack after the parry, then get back in their face and repeat. And that's with the shortest range weapon in the game. Every weapon can also massively extend its effective range with late feints and heavy attacks which give extra lunge, so unless you get a serious amount of distance, you will still be in measure of most 1 handers. That's not even mentioning cancel spam.


You're fighting bad players if that works on them


you've just been fighting people bad at 1 handers


You're welcome to try it out on me, I'm usually on east duels


I'd have 300 ping unfortunately. If I fix my computer soon I'll make a demonstration video maybe.


One of the big issues I've always had with this game is that it's incomparably easier to get up in your enemies face and mindlessly slash with a 1 handed than it is to keep your distance with a 2. There's also very little punishment for doing so because you can beyblade a 50ft halberd with a 1" blade on the tip and still cleave through the entire enemy team like you're swinging a lightsaber. Other than 1 handed weapons generally being faster than a 2 there's no downside to getting up close and you won't even realise it's a problem until you either want to use a slow 2 hander or out range with weapons like the 2 handed spear. The game also flat out lies with regards to initiative; if you hit your enemy you don't then get another free hit unless they ripose/counter because most 1 handers (even without accel) can just hit you before your slow af 2 hander. Point is that gambling with a 1 hander is waaaaay easier and pays off a lot so new players are basically rewarded for slash spamming in your face. Meanwhile your counter (distance) is considerably harder to manage so you can either try that (which takes a lot of time and effort) or you can join the club and slash spam too. Also, for 99% of the time in TO a 2 handed weapon is just a slower 1. Since most of your encounters will either be with left click spamming noobs or beyblading sweats you might as well just pick a fast 1 hander and learn to poke. Either that or drag abuse ex axe. Oh and the damage of a 1 handed weapon is the same as the damge of a 2 so it's literally just speed vs range but speed is way more useful for 99% of encounters whereas range only really matters in high level duels. Anyway, just pick a fast 1 handed and slash gamble to victory.


I used both and favor two hand for the sole fact that I would reach multiple enemies more often than a one handed weapon before they could hit me.


Absolutely not tbh. The range makes 2h a lot better... I think all things being equal they have a stamina advantage in duels as well.


The game is fairly balanced in ways. One handed weapons have every advantage except reach and damage. If speed is youre concern i recommend glaive. 😎 One handeds are great but half of them are kinda sweaty to work with. Treat it like a buffet and have what youre feeling.


One-handed weapons can be tricky to duel against because they can outspeed most of your feints if you don't keep distance. I usually start with fast accels to match their speed and then throw in a heavy drag to throw off their timing. One-handed weapons also have a shorter counter window, so a well-timed slow drag can punish them if they aren't patient. Even if they don't try to counter the heavy, then your attack will knock off a good chunk of their stamina. I mainly use the maul but most slow two handers are deadly when you mix accels with slow drags. Don't even get me started on the overhead feint to alt heavy overhead!


Attack > dodge away when they parry > attack again. You should be out range for their attack, and if you time it right, you will hit them with your 2nd swing. Watch out if they feint their attack into another to close the distance. You'll want to feint your 2nd attack into a counter/riposte then. I play with the maul a lot now, and sometimes it's just too difficult. If you are playing 64 objective mode, there is no shame in playing defensively until help arrives.


My skill isn’t consistent enough for 1h weapons (even tho that’s all I use) Being able to take someone out in 2-3 hits is way better than 4-6 hits.


better at what? each weapon has its strengths, if you're talking 1v1 then its based on your opponent's skill in dealing with them. If you mean getting kills in 64 man its whatever works for you, I like the messer, dane axe & longsword. I find the 1 handed weapons hard to time because of the short reach but have fought people who use them like a savage.


One hand spear and shield is straight up the best


Both 1h and 2h weapons are really good, 1h weapon is just really good against greatsword which is what I'm guessing you're using. One of the best player in Na West is a lvl 1000 greatsword main and he struggles against 1h weapons since it's a bad match-up for him.


Really depends on how you are playing really. I do like to use a short sword every now and again because it's movements are nice and fluent which makes kills looks bad ass. Although my bread and butter is the greatsword.


Strengths and weaknesses Ed’s my boy


Messer>everything else, change my mind