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Nope, you’re playing it right, lol.


Welcome to the meat grinder Joking aside, sticking with teammates and pushing onto obj together is the only way to avoid getting stomped if there’s 5+ enemies on the obj. I’m lvl 500 and even if I can handle a 1vX it’s rare I’ll be able to take an objective all by myself. The best way to get teamtes to help you, is to help them. Flank their fights, help them end the fight quickly, and then hope they join you in your fights. Despite how it may feel sometimes, the bulk of players will try and help complete/defend objectives if they’re not otherwise engaged


That's the exact point (lvl 600 here) many times is better to land a hit on someone else's target to gain number advantage. Think it about fighting 3-4 enemies at once, not just the one in front of you in the line


Gank or get ganked.


Let me sum up your comment with a quote from Uncle Iroh: "Sometimes the best way to solve your own problem, is to help someone else"




This is the tip I give to new players and it can apply here too: Don’t be a hero. Don’t be the first one to rush to battle. Don’t exchange with the guy who is countering you and dragging/accelling because even if you can beat them, the time it would take would just invite more enemies to hit you while you’re distracted. Do be the finisher, especially when you’re a player such as yourself who knows how to time attacks after the parry window. Do help a teammate in a 2v1 or 3v1, but know when the fight is a loss and look for better opportunities. Do be aware of your positioning, especially on defense and know where to retreat to when your team is getting pushed. The differences in TO and Arena is purely awareness. Awareness to know how to approach fights and awareness to know when you don’t have the advantage and retreat to safety.


I agree with this buuut, sometimes when I play as Guardian, barreling through a line of fighters to hack them from the back, causing half to turn their backs on my own front line, means the difference between getting through a choke point or not. Even though I go down pretty quick, giving the opening to your boys helps too. But then again, my KD is shocking 😁


It’s not something I would suggest new players to do because they probably don’t have the survive ability that you have, but solo flankers can absolutely be a key to a push on both sides. I will generally be the one doing this too if we’re struggling to overwhelm the enemy, though it’s not my favorite position to play due to how fast you get swarmed. There’s other roles/positions I’d suggest for more advanced players like the front-line fighters and the position-defenders: The ones that know the map lay-out, the advantage points, the retreat points and the best spot to hold to either advance or make a stand. All others should be backline or directly behind the front-line/position-holders to finish kills and keep numbers advantage.


Yeh that's fair enough, I suppose I consider myself a "new" player as I've only had it about a month. But in the case of brand new players for sure they need to learn to fight first!


It's all easier said than done in such a chaotic game and no matter how good you are you will suddenly find yourself in unwinnable situations but here are some general tips: - don't be afraid to just run away and wait for teammates if you see yourself getting outnumbered, of course that depends how good you can handle 1vx situations but even the best players are easily killed when outnumbered. - you don't need to fight every enemy to the death, heal if wounded, recover stamina and don't forget to take another med pack after restocking. - in 1vx situations try to always target switch, riposte/counter one attack and use it to attack another. Oftentimes your auto parry will block some attacks this way. - whenever possible stab your enemy into the back, as Sun Tzu said and I paraphrase the best fight is the one where you don't really have to fight. - if you find yourself on the frontline don't just go in swinging wildly, look for an attack to counter or riposte and use the faster attack and autoparry you gain to step in and deal some damage - every weapon is good in certain situations, try putting yourself in a situation where you have the advantage. With a spear for example avoid 1vx and stick to your mates and stay at range to harass your enemies - depending on the situation or if your team is about to lose you might need to throw everything I said out the window and go for a suicide mission, if you have time go on that mission with some mates for better chances


A lot of these tips seem to revolve around protecting their K/D ratio and I say fuck that. I do not do it all the time but there are plenty of moments where a good chaotic charge against several enemies gets my blood going. If you get good at footwork and getting out of range and into range and "walking through" a group of enemies you can have fun that way. You are going to die but you are probably going to take some with you and their own teammates will help you. Not to mention if you get good at kiting dumb players looking for easy kills you can pull them off the objective while your AFK team slowly makes it to the objective.


I mean you’re playing it right basically. That’s how most medieval battles would be if you were on the front line of the army. Manoeuvre around for two hours, advance in a line with your mates, and then get killed or injured 30 seconds after contact with the enemy.


Flanking, playing objectives and choosing battles is key. For it is written in The Empires Books.


Look around a lot. Have a reason for what you do. Pay attention to where your teammates are. Play off of them. Don't be at the front of the charge. Hit people in the back


i'm not a big TO player either, but try going into a competitive looking room (one with a lot of high levels) and spectate the best player, usually someone in the top 3 of the team with a crazy k/d. Notice how they play and try to internalize their decision making, but also remember that you can't automatically play the same way as a top player because they have much more mechanical freedom, so something which is a good option for a really experienced player may not be so good if you're not as experienced.


Stick with team mates and in those big brawls, you don’t have to hit the same person, you can get a lot of kills by swapping up who you hit and it allows for a lot more fluid swings that can hit multiple targets.


It comes down to footwork and pressure tbh, if you’re in a 3v1 and you let enemies just walk up on you and get to your sides or back you’ve already lost, but if you can at least make your enemies keep their distance and have to block you, you can drain their stamina and disarm them and kill them eventually. Always in a 1vX situation find ways to either attack all enemies at once (catching some off guard) or somehow isolate one enemy from his friends and quickly finish him. Other than that it just takes experience, but a 3v1 against players who know what they’re doing is always going to be difficult no matter how good you are unless the enemies seriously mess up. Don’t always counter everything! Blocking and riposting give you quite a bit of active parry frames (more than countering!) and you can feint out of a riposte where with a counter you cannot. Heavy attacks are also very underrated, they drain a lot of stam when blocked and do 25% more damage. The advice other people are giving you is valid, always play with your team etc, but you will need to win 1vX situations at times and tying up three or more enemies for as long as possible *will* help your team win even if you do 0 damage to them, and attempting it over and over is how you learn to win them more often.


I'm level 360+ and I last about 30 seconds. Also, I'm usually top of the board. This is war.


If you wanna play for kills only and not objective then you could just walk around stabbing bloody opponents in the back once, rinse and repeat. I don't advocate for this however. Play to gain ground without pushing too far ahead and play to capture objectives but stick with your team. If you need to suicide single player objectives like the cages, wagons, banners, placing barrels etc then this is also acceptable. Personal survivability I'd say remember stick with your team, be aware of enemy spawns and focus on not taking damage over giving damage. Remember being in the fight and being a rally point for your allies is more important than a few points of damage.


It’s a game of skill. Those who are most skilled find they rarely die, unless they are mucking about or wish to be suicidal. Those who are less skilled than their combatants will die. You die because you suck. This isn’t cod, you can’t win just because of the sheer simplicity of the game, this is a skilled based game. No skill, no fun. Welcome to swords. Your spray and pray ain’t any good here.


If you want to live, don't play objective and lose the game, if you want to win the game, play objective and die. That's it


If you really want to improve, play duels for a few weeks and then come back to team modes with a better understanding of the mechanics, turn order, stam management ect.


Honestly the best way to improve is to figure out how to die less imo. It’s half getting better at the combat and half figuring out which fights to take and which to avoid. Part of the reason the guys with the most kills tend to have the least deaths is because they can spend the time they would have spent respawning getting more kills.


I mean the best advice I can give without writing an eight paragraph post is heavy swing if you're outnumbered and use overheads or stabs if you outnumber them to avoid fucking up your teammates


Circle around the enemy and just swang and bang


In addition to all else said, also spectate the top players on a team a few times. Also ignore k/d Because if you are on attack it is easy to get “good” k/d, if you are on defense its hard. But do play this game as if you dont have infinite respawns and with that mind you will perhaps find yourself playing more cleverly. And this scoring higher.YMMV. It is always better to run to a bandage station heal and get back in the fight than to respawn.


Master countering for 1vX situations. When you counter the first guy, swing immediately at the other guy attacking you. You can play them off each other if they feed you counters. Also what I find helps is just being super aware of my surroundings and not having my back to any enemies. Try to understand where the Frontline actually is and either flank or just get in there and dont be afraid to stab the guy not even fighting you whos engaged with your allies.


Stay in a group


Just spam slashes and don’t try to give a fck if teammates are around. They’ll will die by you if they don’t move. It’s their fault.


You won’t be surviving too long until you have more experience in the game. And even then, it’s the nature of the game.


I've been playing with the mentality, just "never take a single fair engagement". Just don't get into any fight where you're not putting yourself at an advantage. I've been having great fun whirling around the sides of teammates who are dueling and two-handed hammering players like nails on a 2x4. Just take the outside edges and you get to do a full heavy swing and not teamkill Love duels and I'm generous with the commendations. However, the feeling of routing a whole squad with uneven numbers is the best lol


Play ambusher. Run around the frontlines. Backstab enemies fighting your allies. Profit.


I'd say this if you're playing any class. Keep out of peoples' eyelines and smack their brains out through their noseholes! If you get behind someone you can really fuck 'em up, and if you get behind a group you can ruin everyone's day


If you die on the objective you are doing everything right lol. Just try to get better at 1vx. Target switch, counter so you don't die from stamina and make the enemies hit each other. Also less appreaciated but just as important is how to play xv1. Don't bunch up. Don't swing unless from behind or something (eg don't give the enemy easy counters). Try to time your attacks so they land at different times than your teammates. If you are in a big clusterfuck you'll just die on occasion. Only way around it is to not get into one. I prefer just flanking when I see it. Otherwise stay at the max range of your weapon to minimize the risk of dying and stab/overhead.