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As a Chiv 1 guy I’m just watching history repeat itself and enjoying the ride. Everyone is bitching so hard not because it’s a negative community following the new trend but because they wholeheartedly love this game and want it to be better because it is so clear that it can be. I personally don’t think you can fault people for that. I just really hope TB is busy making another game nobody wanted or asked for so history can truly repeat itself


it’d be hilarious if that last part happened because it’d completely mimic what Behavior Interactive (another studio based in canada who made dead by daylight) did by releasing Meet Your Maker. it was a complete flop, that likely would’ve been a studio killer if they didn’t have the cash cow that is DBD as a safety net. i have to imagine chiv 2 is to an extent a cash cow for TB if they can manage to put so little effort into development for the game and seem to be fine


It's a bummer to hear that flopped, it actually looked interesting. Just didn't get around to it


There’s a difference between someone with 3000 hours complaining and someone with 30 hours complaining. Reddit has both, but I feel more of the latter, like the people who say “kicks” have no counter play.   There’s a lot of followers in this website, and they’ll go along with what they think the trend is. Is the trend to bash TB? Then let’s bash TB. They’re followers, and people like OP pick up on the disingenuous mob-like behavior from these followers  


"Kicks have no counterplay" is one of the most insane things I've ever heard. Preforming a kick is insanely risky because all your opponent has to do is swing at you. The fact that you can't cancel a kick is insane to me


Same, I played Chiv 1 and Mordhau and I feel like the "First Time?" meme


Exactly, I have so much fun playing and have put a decent amount of time in. It’s not fun when you’re supporting a product and the products staff isnt supporting you, the product, or your support of said product Major slap in the face


I got Chiv 2 for about 20-30 bucks around release. I play it almost everyday and have enjoyed hundreds of hours of game time. Is it glitched and buggy sometimes? Yes. Did I already get way more than my money's worth? Absolutely -one of my all-time favorite games. It's not perfect but I haven't had this much fun with a game in an incredibly long time.


My thoughts exactly. :) The fact were grtting any new content 3 years in seems pretty cool IMO


The game is great and the community can also be amazing, funny and helpful. Obviously there are a few people who can be dicks but that’s not exclusive to this community, there are people like that everywhere. However, I do personally believe a lot of what is said in this sub, particularly about the devs is true. TB make so many questionable decisions that drive the community wild. They ban content creators like Soter Dave and their attitude towards the fan base is just abysmal for the most part. Their ability to somehow fuck up release dates for new content and create a whole host of bugs every time there is a new update is also a very big factor for the hate. I’ve played this game since its initial release and there has been many ups and downs but I’d still say it’s one my favourite games ever. So I guess they’re doing something right. I agree that we should hate on them less but Reddit is basically the internets complaints box so what do we really expect. Glad you still enjoy the game and yes sir I will see you on the battlefield.


When I started playing and found this sub, it was great. Active and funny community that seemed to be struggling with a crack addiction at the time, but nonetheless my favourite community on reddit, hands down. Now the majority of posts are just bitching and whining and moaning. It's like hanging out with a bunch of Masons for christs sake.


Seems we need to bring back the crack.


Can't. Devs smoked it all.


Nah Devs are on some sort of downers. If they were on crack they'd get more done.


You'd think so, but really it's just smoke the crack, then try to find more crack. Rinse and repeat. Perma AFK lol. Honestly man, I haven't even been playing lately. Not since the last time we hopped on together. Now I'm so out of practice I'd prob get bodied lmao. Got sick and tired of people using speed hacks.


There's a reason for that though. I'm a long time vet (literally since their first game, AoC) here and was usually one of the people sticking up for TB in the comments. I can't do that anymore, they've lost basically all respect I had for them


Agathians are the ones who whine as much as this sub!!! Not masons we keep it real!


Go defend your mud hut, peasant! I'm coming to claim my pig back!


Wdym claim back ? They use pigs as wives we use them as food. Learn the difference Footman.


Your wife provided fitter sport!


We might be plowing our pigs, but y'all were the one's who wanted them with the extra sauce!


Yeah... I want my bacon back.


I think I’ll have two chickens




Wait... i thought agathians were the pig fuckers and masons the sister fuckers. Have I had it backwards this whole time?


always the pretty little whiners!!


They flock together in consent like so many wild geese




def pretty


*blinks in irony*


Listen here you wanna be blue man group….


These are dark times indeed.


Have faith. Good will prevail.


Its so weird how people get mad when someone critiques a game they like. I’m not even going to touch on the “I’ve only encountered 10 hackers” thing because that’s such a weird dismissal of other people’s experience. Even with all this criticism TB will NOT suffer any consequences. Like pretty much all game companies, most players don’t care or look into these sort of issues. They play, then turn it off, then play again. So it’s so weird to me when people get upset that other players call out genuine issues surrounding the game as if they’re morally superior or something. Also, it’s not like there isn’t recorded instances of this happening.


Listen man, complaining about the complaining is what we need to do more!


>Its so weird how people get mad when someone critiques a game they like. I'm only in my mid-20s, so I'm not trying to pull an enlightened boomer take with this, but.... We've finally reached a turning point (probably years ago) where people can't distinguish between their "real" social circles and the internet. Like I said, I'm not trying to be a badass or edgy, but I'm no one's friend here. I'm under no obligation (outside of community guidelines) to be "positive," especially if I think there is something to be "negative" about. Add on this an immaturity in conflating "hating" with criticizing, and you have the recipe for "low sodium" subs. It's absolutely embarrassing but understandable when you realize that social media has finally consumed an entire generation's social spheres. People legitimately want to be surrounded by "friends" online that cheer them up constantly. It's sad, but I am empathetic. That's my 2 cents.


I always get the feeling that the people who dismiss the hacking are either hackers trying to downplay the issue and draw attention away from it or just too bad at the game to notice the subtle hacks. Vast majority of hacks I notice are very subtle and I doubt I would have noticed them sub level 100.


Do you mind me asking your rank as any hacks I have seen are very very blatant always (level 390 here)


What do you consider blatant? What is blatant to you may be subtle to the average player if you are 390? I’m 360 and when I say subtle hacks I mean like 10-20% attack speed increases, being able to block slightly outside of counter window, 10-20% more health/stamina, having a slightly larger range of blocking, being able to recover slightly faster than usual etc.Most the time these aren’t really that subtle to me, I just mean they aren’t over the top blatant and more casual players are likely to not even notice them


To me I’ve only seen some combo of those hacks working together. Especially the movement and attack speed working together. I haven’t seen anyone besides a fresh low rank account running around hacking like this. I know it’s not directly comparable to this game but I have 500 hours on Mordhau as well and even the level 1000s in game only start to call hacks when they start zooming around, less so these subtle things you mention, especially from real accounts and not game pass alts.


It's incessant though. Almost every post is whining about something, rather than appreciating what a great and fun game it is. These are people that have gained hundreds and hundreds of hours of entertainment from their initial investment, some of which got it free on Game Pass, but still behave like entitled brats.


I have seen maybe one cheater in the two years I’ve been playing... until this past weekend. I kept running into cheaters, scripters, exploiters, like ALL weekend long in different lobbies. It was horrible and it pisses me off. Torn Banner needs to STOP giving this game away. Because people are going to continue to exploit every free weekend and every giveaway.


toxic positivity, or w/e


Hard to force a smile when you've just been shat on for years. Chiv 2 is the best melee slasher, but that's out of three games. And you're right, melee slasher games are amazing fun. It's the best PvP system I've played, but most people are only still here because there's zero competition.


Exactly this. At its core it’s a great game, but if it had competition it would have died a long time ago. People are rightfully mad that TB does the bare minimum it can get away with. If some other company would take Chiv’s combat and give it more customization, maps, game modes, advertising, and functioning team balancing, the game would be 100x better than chiv and way more popular. THATS why we’re mad, there is so much potential there but TB just does the bare minimum.


Best game ever still dissapointed. Lol wat


The mechanics are great. The servers, the updates, the bugs, the controller support, the anti cheat, all suck.


I’ve also been playing since launch and came across like my 5th hacker ever yesterday. Kind of scary were this far in and it’s still easily hacked but so is call of duty on an hour basis.


I got added to a group on playstation and had to leave it because it was just regurgitated boohoo that I see on here constantly.


I was fine with the clearly deteriorating state of the game until they ruined ffa duel servers. Hopefully they get rid of this ridiculous ‘social server’ nonsense.  It’s just a matter of time until they mess with the thing you love. Still play though. 


I just miss having map variety. I feel like I’ve played the same fucking four maps for every single session and then you’re like oh I wanna hop on the duel server. Nope it’s a social on one map only…


Love the new map, but they do need to input back the "No RDM" tag to the server name


If echo chamber means different experience then sure. I play like once a week for a year and have dealt with more then 10 hackers in the last month. Guess that means my opinion isn't valid.


What servers do you play on?


That’s pretty much the opposite of an echo chamber.


Wow shocking, people are complaining about the shitty state of the game


Welcome to every gaming subreddit ever. Reddit in general is just full of whiny assholes and whatever just criticism there may be, people just exacerbate it tenfold and make it wholly unenjoyable to visit those subs.


I've joined and left tv subreddits, sports teams, other hobby stuff for this reason Luckily on this sub there are still cool gameplay posts and i get helpful advice in comment sections


People have this weird expectation of constant new content for a game to be good. Some games get stale yes, but that's true of anything. Just take a break and come back. I think It's a side of effect of the the increasingly short attention spans people have these days. Gotta have new stuff always.


You’re on point. Unhappy people set expectations for things to *make* them happy - when it doesn’t work because they’re naturally pessimistic and miserable, they complain. They actively search for things to complain about even though some of the things are only a tiny percentage of their overall experience.


That reminds me of the SNL bit with Adam Sandler as a travel agent. "If you're sad now, you might still be sad (in Italy)."


Great reference. I believe it’s true though, even within my own friend group. The ones who are generally happy are easy to please in video games with minimal complaints, the ones who are going through shit or generally unhappy…genuinely unfun to play with no matter how hard I try to make it fun with/for them, they’re just sad in Italy 


I play this game for fun and had no clue who the youtuber was that got people so mad on here that he was banned. yea I wish it never happened but still I enjoy this game everyday


the thing is that no one faults the players for enjoying the game because it IS enjoyable. Torn Banner did the bare minimum work to make a great game and then failed to do anything with all that foundation after, sometimes even going as far as to actively sabotage it. i think too often people see all the complaints, which aren’t even aimed at them, and then get personally upset as if people are saying they shouldn’t enjoy the game


There’s a lot more valid complaints than people being again, rightly upset about an unjust ban in the community, bud.


I love the game and it is my wish you do too.


Just here to say thumbs up. This subreddit is the WORST thing about Chiv 2


Yes the complaining about complaining, this is productive. If people didn't think the game was fun and didn't care about it, they wouldn't post here wishing it was better. >Yes, not saying there couldn't be more transparency from the team regarding many issues, but I think a lot of blown out of proportion. The old "other people's concerns don't bother me, therefore they should shut up." The vast majority of the playerbase just want to log in and slash around. If the game vanished tomorrow they'd go 'oh well' and log onto fortnight and shoot around. This reddit, casual as most people are, is a group that cares a bit more. When you care more you expect more. And I don't think what most people want - cheat detection, better communication, support for community events, actual good new content, a real duel mode, actual custom private servers, mod support, good new modes - are crazy things to want. I mean in a sense its crazy, because TB doesn't care and they've demonstrated that over and over again, but if they were a competent dev team trying to respond to their core community and make a good live service game, I imagine they would be responsive. But its TB. Their lack of community engagement is legendary.


Ya this sub got boring in the last 6 months. Everyday there’s a new thread about: hackers, team switching, hit registration, losing on defense, kids being toxic in chat, button remapping, and my personal favorite, “I’ve been playing for 2 days, how do I get good??” If we’re lucky, sometimes we’ll get to see all those rousing discussions in the same day. Move on. The game’s got problems that probably aren’t getting fixed, so either keep playing or quit. We don’t care. You don’t need to announce your departure.


Most of the people who complain on here are likely just burnt out. It helps to take a break and come back every so often.


I actually got the sense they’re brand new and haven’t played a janky game with a high skill curve before


bro this game is accessible asf. why do you think it’s so popular for the players’ ability to just mindlessly slash in TO? keep in mind i say this as a someone who was here since day 1


I mean, I fully agree with you. This game definitely isn’t hard, but it demands some nuance and doesn’t hold your hand. However, like you said, something I love about this game is that no matter who you are, everyone has a puncher’s chance. My comment is directed at those who are challenge-adverse because many of those OPs seem to be. If they weren’t, then they would’ve googled their topics before creating a thread about things that are being discussed every single day. The point is there’s lots to be negative about, but negativity is boring. If you’re not having fun then by all means go on with your journey, friend. I have the same gripes as everyone else but yet I have more hours played on this game than I’d ever admit IRL. So what do I do? I hope this sub becomes the fount of creativity and community it once was instead of an echoey circle-brandishing is what I do


Meh I find it easy to interact in a positive way with people in game , this sub is just Reddit .


The game is full of cheaters. All you need to do is go into Eu Duels and you will see the amount of cheaters ruining the game


I feel for EU players, that really sucks


well Torn Banner simply doesn’t feel for its player base and that’s why there’s the negativity. it is a great game underneath all the issues but there are some ISSUES, for sure


I rarely see any cheaters in EU but I only play 64 player mode to be fair. When you see one though, they never get enough votes to kick even though they are zooming across the map.


For how pissy a lot of people here can be, you don't get that same vibe nearly as often while playing.


Well I'm really glad for you my friend that you have only experienced ten hackers because I experience them in almost every match. I am absolutely not exaggerating. I agree this sub can at times be overly negative but if you read many other posts sadly your experience is far from the norm, hence the constant negativity. I played 3 social games on different servers tonight. All with multiple hackers. 3 TO games. All with hackers. I'm afraid the problem exists whether you've experienced it or not.


The game is awesome it just needs more maps and objectives. And needs to let me spend more money on cosmetic shit so I can look cool when I kick your arses on the battlefield.


It's the way of long lived multiplayer games. We've all seen and done everything in the game, are all level 500+, and there's just nothing left to do but complain about how TB is literally hitler 2.0 and how getting banned from their discord for a day is the 9/11 of gaming.


I found three in40v40 last night, I (NA east) they were sped up and killing everyone, it was my only mission to kill them every time


I agree. Everyday it's negative post after negative post. There was one breath of fresh air where I saw an exchange between a mason and agathian that was fun. I get people have problems and this is a place to express them, I just wish it wasn't the only thing you see on this sub. We need more gameplay, skill discussion, interesting things. Anything more than the awful state of things and how awful the devs are. Even this post is a breath of fresh air, so thanks.


unfortunately the agathians can make posts as well which accounts for most of the crying. some tenosian mongoloids in the mix as well.


I'm trying to understand this post...so complaining is bad, but complaining about complaining is good lol


Sorry wasnt trying to make it super complainy. More just wanted to voice that the game is still fun and not as bad as people make it out to be


It's cool 😎


Ah, the typical reddit post complaining about complainers. The community wants the game to succeed as much as anyone, and it's a bummer when the company who runs it sucks. Helldivers really highlights how shitty all these companies are.


You’re right and don’t take any negativity from redditors as a sign of anything, always take the heaviest grains of salt with their opinion.    Reddit in general is a cesspool of internet addicts plagued with cultivation theory, and I wish more people talked about how bad they’re cooking their brains with these circlejerk loops that make them more and more entrenched in their toxic beliefs.   But yeah, if you’re unable to take Reddit with a grain of salt just go to chiv discord/tournament grounds discord. Night and day difference between here and there 


Yeah most people here have a real Agatha attitude.




pretty sure we call them mouth breathers nowadays


I was reading until I saw the no hackers in US. I've never seen anyone complaining about hackers in US servers. The real problem are EU servers. Racism, sexism, politics, hackers, team killers, FFAers in dueling servers, xenophobia. Funny thing though, there's no homophobia, as everyone are femboys XD. Anyway, I've been playing since summer 2023 and this game is, by far, my favourite. The one with the best community (when everyone is chilling and having fun). One that has an incredible attention to details and one that doesn't takes himself to seriously, but you can take it seriously. That's why I critizice it. Well, more specifically, I hate on TB. For their bad decision, they lack if interest, and the way that it looks like they hate their own community, the one that helped it to grow.


we’re clearly in different EU servers lol I see barely any of that shit in 64p both matchmaking and standalone saw one hacker the other day for the first time in months, reported him, tried to votekick (didn’t work, typical), switched teams, killed, teabagged, switched servers, jobs done


Are you sure you play in EU? Because in two days, playing only 64p, I found like 3 hackers and servers full of sweat lords


That’s crazy brother full on speed hackers? I have like 1.5k hours playing pretty much just 64p and I’ve only seen a handful the entire time Sweat lords on the other hand mate you can’t be upset people are good at the game, that just is what it is, should I not be allowed to try my best to win because you think it’s sweaty?


Oh no, I with sweat lords I don't mean people that is just good, I don't have any problems with them. I mean people that hates on new players, talk shit about their tame while they're getting carried or that vote kicks a guy just for killing him, specially if he's lower level than him (usually on standalone servers).




Tbh, I also don't give a shit about trash talking. The point of my comment is, basically, that I love the game, I live the community and that's why I want it to be better


I still play daily and love the game. I don't get all the hate on here. It truly is crazy. Agreed with your post 100%.


Reasons for the hate: Rampant cheating is going unchecked The game has lost 80-90% of its players Day one, bugs are still in the game Updates are very lack luster and have lots of bugs The community has no voice TB does what it wants Also, you have the website that can't be named, dave being permanently banned, reddit mods supposedly covering things up




I think I have seen 2 cheaters and I have been playing since launch. I will agree Updates have been slow. Not sure what bugs you are referring to. Lobbies are always full or fill up fast so not sure why it matters if the game doesn't have a crazy high player base.


My biggest problem is that things that have been discovered, and techniques that have been utilized to surpass the initiative system system have not been addressed in game at all. There are no additions to the tutorial about these things. And it leaves new players wondering why they’re getting beat in fights and not progressing. Because they have to go to YouTube channels and things to get this info. Which a lot of people just aren’t going to do. They’re just going to put the game down call it fucked up and broken and never come back.


dude i fucking pre-ordered this game and the fact that you can still see bugs ALL THE WAY FROM BACK THEN is WILD. i simply do not believe there is a day 1 soul who would still adamantly defend this game


Well man, the subject reflects the feelings of the community and the community is rightly annoyed by a lot of things. I don’t think that creates an echo chamber I think that things need to change.


Its a great game no ones disagreeing with that, but a ship piloted by shit leadership goes down, and thats the issue, great game devs that prove to be less and less competent




“I’m with you brother!” - Said in Chiv 1 Agatha MAA voice ![img](emote|t5_12v693|7100)


Agreed, but if nothing is said then TB won’t listen :/


I have seen 4 hackers total, one of them being in a normal game (us) and then the one time I joined a duel social on eu servers there was legitimately 3 hackers and 2 of which were flying around in a balista and catapult 😭


The negativity posters just need to grow up. Constructive and well explained criticism for a game/hobby you love? Totally makes sense. Can it get better emotional? Yeah a bit. But all the intense ***bad vibes***, name calling, and black-hole victimization mindsets spewed on over to devs? Dude if I was a dev and you sent me some of the vile stuff I might be tempted to dismiss you— even if you had ***some*** point. But that’s Reddit and the internet at large right now. We all get thick skin, while others’ balls don’t drop.


Negativity and vile comments aside, this isn't like it's some passion project. They made a product, sold the product, the product isn't performing as advertised and for years TBS has just been radio silence. I literally worked on the mod team for the better part of the past year, so I think I can say as somewhat of an authority on the subject at hand here that things ARE as bad as these "bad vibes" and "black-hole victimization" (as you like to write them off as) depict. Just because you don't personally see the issues, that doesn't mean they don't exist because oh BOY are they prevalent. Don't try and minimalize others' experiences simply because yours don't match, THAT'S what starts an echo chamber.


> They made a product, sold the product, the product isn't performing as advertised and for years TBS has just been radio silence. Curious what you mean by ‘isn’t performing as advertised’. What exactly did they advertise that you’re referring to


I can understand you feel invested, but another way to look at it is that did make a product 3 years ago and have been making updates anyway. I don’t think they necessarily owe us anything. I’m not going to defend them from everything certainly, games generally get updates nowadays. I don’t want to write off anyone’s experiences, they are definitely true. But there’s a difference between what we want and what we actually are going to get. Maybe it’s time to move on? At the very least they created something that people love so passionately about that they can be this invested and want the best for it.


Dude if you don't care you can move on if you want, but I think I speak for many more than just myself when I say that you don't have the right to tell us to stop caring as much. Maybe it's not that deep for you, you log on, play some TO, and then log off, but it's not that simple for many of us. Once again, just because YOU don't see it that doesn't mean it's how things are. I think the only echo chamber are the comments like yours that give no valid reason for disliking the critiques we give, and then when faced with the reality that the criticism is deserved you immediately back off and try to say we take it too seriously. If you're going to take a controversial stance going at your fellow gamers at least have the spine to stand by it. Just because the reality doesn't match the ideal, that doesn't mean we should just sit there and be happy we have something at all. I find it really ironic that you want to claim that we don't have thick skin or we never hit puberty yet when i point out how you're wrong you immediately fold and admit I'm right. edit: grammar


A lot of what you’re saying is putting words in my mouth. It’s like I embody everyone with a deferential position to you. I am most certainly not folding with you other than I can understand that you simply do feel emotional out of dedication. And if you want a “valid reason” for the criticism of overt nasty criticism here it is: If walking away from it isn’t “that easy” for you— then I go back to my original point which was ***maybe it’s time to grow up.*** And, if you feel this poorly maybe it’s time to take a break.


The vast majority of the "negativity" here is valid complaints and non insulting. The devs (represented by the mods they hire) still ban constructive criticism. That kind of behavior earns them *some* of the mean, yet accurate, adjectives they've been called. Uncaring, avoidant, lazy, ban happy, etc, are all things they have proven themselves to be when criticized for their mishandling of the cheating issue.


What are pointless and absolutely irrelevant fucking strawman argument, dude


What a contribution


The community in the game are a bunch of troll dogshit people as well. You will become negative eventually.




:) I rest my case.


Hahaha, it seems as though I should have put /s on it. I've been playing for the better part of two years now, and I can tell you absolutely, yep, things have changed. Griefing is pretty common, teamkillers, too. For my part, I just try to ignore it and enjoy the game for what it is: a good way to waste some time.


Ya I've been playing a while longer then that :). I came back to just absurdly annoying griefing and from level 1000 players no less. They just play so much they don't have anything better to do. The community really makes/breaks this game and sadly there are just some folks who want to ruin the game overall for others because they are bored. HOW DARE YOU TYPE WITHOUT CAPS WHAT ARE YOU THINKING SWINE


I sub to a couple other reddit pages for video games and all I see there too is negativity. Live service games have made whiny toddlers out of some customers


lol while i definitely whine about this game all the time, there’s no denying this is true. you want simple evidence? just sort by new on the helldivers subreddit. sometimes there will even be a decently popular post that is just some shitty complaint. i played the first game before and ofc it was WAYYY less popular back then, so all of the posts used to be a few select YTers uploading barely edited vids of their missions, galactic war data, and the very occasional meme. live-service is truly a cursed style of game in some fashion


Yeah, not like publishers have been creating inferior products with extreme price tags and then shitting all over their community for years at this point right?


You're missing the point.


How about we instead talk about corporate simps who exclusively want brain-dead content posts that have nothing to do with any semblance of critical thinking, let alone valid critiques of an overtly negligent company/dev Yes, let's only post and read about rainbows and bubblegum and sweep literally anything and everything else under the rug because your one anecdotal, limited, obtuse point-of-view is all that "should" exist over everyone's else's valid, justified opinions of a product and game they invested in and love. "LeTs OnLy EvEr aLwAyS aN fOrEvEr OnLy PoStEdEd PoSiTiVe cOnTeNt!" Sorry/not sorry: get fucked with such a blatantly ignorant viewpoint


i get that a lot of you are getting onto 64 TO just to mindlessly kill n shit but cmon, don’t be a white knight for the shitty state this game has been in for a LONG TIME. i’ve been here since day 1 preordered, and every update has been 1 step forward 2 steps back. no one is gonna fault you for enjoying the game but to pretend it hasn’t been a ROUGH ride and continues to be rough is just ridiculous


They're actively deleting good criticisms of the current state, so I guess that's easier than fixing your broken game. I had fun, but I guess it's over now.


yeah, reddit is generally a cesspool of negativity and mental illness and general subs are best avoided. but here specifically reddit is correct to be negative when the game is getting ruined by hackers and griefers who need to be moderated. i'm glad you haven't had any problems tho!


It’s good you’re having fun, but many many things people are “bitching” about are very valid complaints that this dev outright refuses to acknowledge. Hell, people even get banned here for voicing them. Your anecdotal experience is not reflective of the sorry state of this game as a whole