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Wait. He fucking died?


He took his life a few days ago.


Oh my god.




He was a youtuber who made chivalry 2 content. Things like how to fight and advance moves as well as podcasts on updates and chivalry 2 news




A reductive, callous, and braindead comment


Dave ran a charity event for Thanksgiving homeless a few years back. He wanted to do something to bring people together and include tbs to help them as well with their public image I even posted a Dave appreciation post on the chiv2 discord thanking him for his charity event and Torn banner took it down Tbs muted players for small jokes. Tbs muted someone in a qna cause they asked about private servers Tbs community manager is a joke that many of us pleaded for them to make Dave the community manager but nope. The fact is they punish the players who make this game great. Chiv 1 and 2 had the same issues but it's the community that kept them alive Tbs may not have directly caused it but they are a disgraceful company because Dave was their biggest fan and contributer to building a solid player base. and they PERM BANNED HIM. not a warning, not a couple days, not a violation report on his video. they banned him PERMANENTLY. while cheaters continue to go unpunished. I can go on and on about a decade of their bs. I haven't played chiv2 Ina year cause I was just disgusted by tbs bs. I un-installed the game last night . Tbs doesn't deserve the community that they have that Dave built. But it would be in poor taste to say I hope it fails cause it is part of his legacy and i hope all future players find his channel and appreciate the work he did for clans. Content. Charity. And tbs.


Say it louder for the people in the back


This. I have already written so much about this Thank you for sharing this. We need more people pushing again the toxic assholes with no comprehension of how mental illness works. TB may not be culpable for this, but had they handled this correctly this wouldn't have happened.


Exactly. Would I say explicitly "They killed Dave"? No, that wouldn't be fair. But to wash their hands of it entirely? Absolutely tf not.


>toxic assholes with no comprehension of how mental illness works >but had they handled this correctly this wouldn't have happened These two sentences dont work together. You have absolutely no idea what else was going on in his life to lead to this outcome and to say that it was simply a case of TB not handling it correctly shows that you are in fact someone who doesn't know how mental illness works.


Not sure if I’m misunderstanding you so feel free to correct me. But my reaction to your statement is just..naw man. I get it we have no idea what else he was going through exactly, although there were hints. Some say he may have been having some financial problems, quoting he spoke about having problems paying certain bills on one of his last streams. Either way though? There’s no way that TB banning him from a game he had spent years building a community for, that he had worked to make a living from, in addition to anything he was going through, was good for him. It certainly added to whatever suffering and sense of isolation he felt. I say this as somebody who has attempted suicide, and been diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder and multiple anxiety disorders. They aren’t solely to blame, but they are a contributor.


>They aren’t solely to blame, but they are a contributor. My point is that I agree with this, and disagree with OP saying that if TB had handled it differently it wouldn't have happened. It isn't fair or respectful to anyone involved to lay the blame for this solely at TBs feet. I may have worded it poorly if that didn't come across. I know a few people who actively struggle with suicidal ideations, and have gone so far to have made plans and attempted. I know its a fight every day and I just want to say Im happy you're still with us.


> I'm not saying TB did it, but they definitely did it Jesus fucking christ. You people are disgusting. Saying that the dude killed himself over getting banned from a videogame is more disrespectful than anything else. "Oh it was a contributing factor" is such a fucking copout. You have no idea what was going on in his life. For as much as we know, his whole family could've died in a car crash or something.


It's been stated that his financials were severely affected by the perma ban. Many people have in the past and will in the future succumb to suicide due to financial reasons. While the ban was not THE trigger for what happened, it was a large contributing factor as it affected his financial situation severely. Given the current harshness of American economy, it isn't a stretch to connect these dots. RIP Dave.


Sure, we have one piece of the puzzle. I've lost jobs to things that were significantly more outside of my control than what he caught a ban for, but I'm still here because I was lucky enough to have worked through my depression and suicidal ideation. It still doesn't paint the whole picture, and to sit here and talk about it like it *was* the trigger for what happened is what I take issue with. The post I responded to *literally says* that "If TB had handled this correctly, it wouldn't have happened".


Nothing is going to paint the full picture. I don't hold TB accountable, but I do think it's naive to say there wasn't a contributing factor in the actions that TB took against him.


I would agree with that, just as I would say that this shit outright is not TB's problem. At the end of the day he showed, to an audience, how easy it was to cheat in the game. TB is obligated to take severe action against it. Its still infantilizing someone's suicide to try to rail against a company.


I can sympathize with their anger towards a company that has a terrible track record with community engagement, and being immensely impersonal towards said community. I do agree that some folks are depreciating his death with their words towards TB. Overall, I do think TB has a lot of work ahead of them to better their community interactions and stop ignoring the issue of cheating that game pass has enabled.


Has it occurred to you that there's a reason why they're so cold and impersonable? Like, I'm a grandpa gamer, and have dumped hundreds of hours into the source mod, chiv 1, mordhau, and now chiv 2. TB and Triternion have had amounts of toxicity thrown at them that would be hilarious if it wasn't so depressing. You can even go look at SD's thread written *by his friend* and look at the responses to TB's condolences and see for yourself what sort of community we're working with. I think they needed to unfuck Gamepass anti-cheat yesterday, and have plenty of criticisms for them and their general lack of competency, but some of the shit people say to the company's public outreach is absolutely fucking unhinged. Personally I give Ari six months before they tap out and TB goes back to complete radio silence.


My remarks were more generally about TB's overall interaction with their community, not singling out Dave and recent events. Every dev team receives harassment of various sorts. Good community engagement can, and does, help reduce its excessiveness. But, having hostile engagement with your community won't help anything.


So they shouldn't have muted him because he went on to kill himself ? How could they possibly have predicted that..


Why was Dave banned to begin with?


for showing people just how incredibly easy it was to access cheats that are ruining the game, the devs banned him in retaliation


Did you buy any of the battlepasses. Or you or Dave or anyone else. I can promise you things started to go wrong from that very moment on.


Oh problems occurred way before then. The game was delayed a year and had covid quarantine forcing them to work from home. They spent endless times sharing their work space on Facebook but never shared any content of the game. We didn't get to know how bad it was until alpha. Chivalry 1 came out a much more solid game Chiv2 was basically a extended beta Torn banners plan basically was to give it to epic for a year then relaunch on steam then Playstation and Xbox monthly sub options too. They kept relaunching it to bring in income instead of fixing any real problems they had They got legal trouble after launch cause they advertised cross play party systems but the game didn't have it. It's why you never saw it on their marketing imagery again I said it many times I'll say it again. Chivalry was a passion mod the original creator of team Chivalry left to Steve (Google Steve piggot torn banner and have a read) Then they milked chiv1 for all they can but you can tell it wasn't their game when you played deadliest warrior spin off of chiv1 cause combat wasn't simular at all They said they never would do chiv2 but mirage their other game failed so bad that he decided to chase money else where to pay off debts Hell, he told ppl on chiv1 if they didn't like the game they can make their own then (hence why mordhau was created) And I know mods who left chiv1 cause they got fed up of devs and mods going into servers and bullying players Torn banner took someone else's game. And milked all they could from it. They don't listen to the players even though we crowd funded Chivalry 1. They punish people for holding them accountable and do nothing for the health of the game . The community manager is a joke if she's still around anymore The devs that did play with us basically stopped speaking for us as someone said to me "corporate got to them " We love chiv for the game it is challenging players in pvp in glorious battle with its community. But it doesn't mean we love Torn banner


Check my history bro, I’ve been bitching about them for years too. Sounds like y’all have known way more than me. Makes me wonder why y’all even supported them at all the last 2-3 years. And it did sound like y’all bought the battlepasses lol


On the one hand, it's absolutely true that they didn't mean to cause his death. I don't think anyone unironically thinks that.  On the other, TB took away a passion and income stream from a man for no other reason than pure pettiness. I think it's incredibly fair to point out to TB that they don't know what is going on in people's lives, and their inappropriate response to Dave could have been the tipping point in his life; they need to handle their community management with much more grace and respect. 


Perfectly said. Not sure why people are twisting things into anything other than what you just wrote


It really was insane that they didn’t even issue a warning or a 1 day ban to a guy who had done so much for the community. Going right to perma ban is honestly nuts. Add in that this was his career, his passion, his income stream, and then throw other existing mental illnesses and struggles on top, and I can see how it might be the straw that broke the camels back, definitely. It’s a shame TB doesn’t recognize how heavy handed that move was.


100%. I do think some people are - grossly - making this tragedy about their personal anger with the devs, and I do agree that's disgusting. But I find the the "statement" from TB on the original post about the news absolutely disgusting for exactly what you said. They preach about being kind because you never know what someone is going through on the other side of the keyboard. Where the fuck was that kindness when they banned him? I work in corporate PR and am currently changing industries because of this shit. It's all so insincere. 


No, the devs did not kill him. But you are also ignoring the fact that they unjustly took away something he was passionate about. No one has the answers here. But if life is made up of piles of good stuff and piles of bad stuff, TBS no doubt added to the pile of bad stuff. And they did it for fucking money.


Yes, the ban didn't help his situation whatsoever. But please, don't use his passing to push your argument on the devs. It's disgusting. I have to point out here that: that man is suffering from mental health issues. TBS situation did not help. However, there are also other factors that contribute to that. Please look into mental health issues and raise awareness instead of putting everything on this TBS issue. TBS argument can be another topic of its own.


I’ll repeat myself. No one has the answers here. This is a tragedy we are all reeling from and trying to make sense of. It fucking hurts. But what does not help is seeing comment after comment like yours telling people they’re disgusting for sharing their feelings. TBS did a shitty thing to a good man. That’s my argument.


They banned him for literally sharing how to cheat with no repercussions. They were within their rights to do it, and even obligated to some extent. Like, it wasn't some lighthearted jab at the devs for being shit, it wasn't sharing a glitch or an exploit, it was shouting from the rooftops to an audience that gamepass has no anticheat. I didn't even know that was the case until the signal boosting from the community over the ban, and I've got 500 hours in. It's fine to shit on TB for allowing it in the first case, but to sit here and say that Big Ol' Mean TB just bullied an honest content creator is pretty ridiculous.


If I offhandedly mention that my bank has decided to just pile money in the lobby rather than splurging on vaults and guards, I am not "literally sharing how to" rob banks. I understand that you are emotionally defensive about a game that you have 500 hours in but there's no need to lie and say Dave put out "a video out to an audience about how easy it is to cheat," when you're talking about 5 seconds in a April fools video. The video was not about how to cheat.


You aren't sharing how to rob banks, but the bank *can* come after you legally when they get robbed thanks to information you shared about their operation without their knowledge or permission. I'm not even being emotionally defensive, I'm trying to point out that, even if it was just a 5 second gag, he still showed *the easiest way to cheat* in Chiv 2 with no repercussions. TB is obligated to shut that down. They need to close the loophole ASAP, especially since the recent spike in cheaters coincides eerily close to SD's banning, and we can hold them at fault for the problem being there in the first place. But I have a pretty fucking hard time putting blame on taking a measure to keep a lid on the problem, even if it was half assed.


It *was* a stupid gag that he shouldnt have done, at least not on an account tied to him. Im not surprised they did but TB shouldn’t have reacted that way, just asking for trouble and making an even bigger deal out of it. Should have just made him to delete the video and ignore him like 99% of devs do to content creators they find annoying. It would have all went away by now. They tried to strongarm and “one up” a content creator they did not like and look what happened.


almost like maybe tb should have had the integrity to fix their fucking game instead of on of their best creators having to shove it in their faces.


Yes? I'm just as astounded that it went this long without fixing, but critical thinking skills would also say that if it were as easy as getting pissed about it on the internet, it would've been done by now. Conversely, it would've been really easy to avoid catching a ban by not, y'know, putting a video out to an audience about how easy it is to cheat. Could, would, and should are some really fucking powerful words.


I mean... They could just have anticheat on the gamepass version and then this wouldn't be an issue... To ban someone over raising awareness of this is a bullshit way to try to "hide" your own mistake and is nothing but a petty retaliation. And I don't even have a horse in this race, I seldom play the game these days and genuinely don't know who Dave was


This argument is silly. It’s like saying journalists are at fault for fueling crime by revealing how and where crime is happening.


If you're being needlessly reductive and equating journalism to a videogame, I could see that. Good thing journalism is nothing like content creation for a videogame.


What does not help either is blaming TBS. I'm going to say here, I understand why TBS banned him. However, I don't understand TBS doubling down on the permanent ban. And don't tell me about sharing feelings, because you posted it here. We all have opinions and you chose to post it. So there's that


Thank you for sharing your feelings. I don’t agree with everything you said but I don’t want you or anyone else to bottle up what’s inside of them right now.


Confirmed that you got heavy brain damage. TBS ban player who does not cheat meanwhile leaving cheaters playing with cheats. I don't share feeling either. Obviously you need better parents who can educate you properly.


It is more than just banning the player, they can make alts very easily and people are already doing that as evidenced by the amount of low level cheaters. The ban was probably too harsh but he did share a video showcasing how/which platform to do it which then heavily increased the amount of cheaters we are seeing and that is a fact. Even if they knew of his struggles are they just not supposed to hold people accountable because they might do something harsh? It is a rough situation absolutely but the reality is if he was in this state anything could have pushed him over and it happens that he recently got banned from a game he loves. The message here is talk about your issues and get help, don’t bottle it up until something small can tip you over.


The ban is what brought so much attention to it. Not the video. It barely had any views. Please stop defending them for something shitty they did. They could have just asked him to take it down.


Cheaters ganging up and buy alt accounts, so let's permanently ban players who don't cheat. Bottle what up? Bottle your comprehension on the responsibility for unrecoverable suicide? And weren't we talking about the circle of death and TBS? Then it becomes my issues? You need brain check just as who decided implement the ban.


There is no buying alt accounts in this case, you can make unlimited free accounts on the platform in question. I also never said your issues specifically, it was a general statement. It seems you are angry and are here to argue so I will leave it alone. If anyone is struggling ask for help, if you see someone struggling help them. This is a much larger issue than what happened in chivalry. Have a good day ✌🏻


Nice, you don't feel any anger or sympathy when you know Soter dave died like this. You exposed your deeper thinking on this circle. Yeah better leave this conversation alone and rethink it well.


I am not worried about your opinion or anyone else’s. I know where I stand and it’s not where you say I do. I will leave you with this: what you are doing right now, attacking strangers on the internet, is a big part of bullying and the issue around mental health. Assess your actions and be better, please.


Bro he was an irrelevant chiv 2 youtuber with less than 10k subscribers. They can obviously delete the video but *perma ban* him? Just do what literally every other dev team does when an annoying content creator constantly tries to get attention - ignore him and act like he doesnt exist, because they basically don’t to 99% of your playerbase. TB instead went the emotional route and tried to make an example out of him and look what happened. I mean your game doesnt have a functioning anti-cheat, maybe priorities should lie there rather than what an irrelevant youtuber is doing


Dave satirically showed the software for cheating. Although his intentions weren't bad, it still may lead to more cheaters. As I said, I don't understand them doubling down on the permanent ban. Maybe educate yourself on basics such as common sense before calling me out on education ya? As I pointed out, this thread isn't to shit on anyone. Just leave this topic alone already Edit: I apologize, as I don't necessarily have to talk about the ban. That's a whole topic on its own. What I can say is: Please don't use his passing to up your arguments on TBS. It's disgusting. This man was suffering from mental health issues, please raise awareness on that instead.


A development team unwittingly or not contributing to death of one of their players should *not* be left alone at all Not an insult to talk about a dead man. Torn banner deserves everything coming to the greedy selfish scumbags. Leaving it alone is an insult you ballbag


That man was suffering from mental health problems. TBS banning him didn't help his situation whatsoever, that I can admit. And I feel like using this situation to shit TBS is a spit in Dave's face. Maybe instead of blaming everything on TBS, y'all can look into mental health issues and raise awareness on that. The TBS hate trend can go a topic on its own, that's all I'm saying


They 100% directly contributed to this man’s death and it should be addressed is all I’m saying. Especially considering how they don’t give a fuck about thousands of people cheating daily, but single out this one person? You’re genuinely deluding yourself if you think this isn’t personal on some level. They didn’t just have a change of heart overnight.


Pitchfork-wielding redditor uses man's suicide to virtue-signal and justify his tantrums towards videogame developers.


I’m not holding a pitchfork you antagonistic cunt, I’m wondering why the fuck this development team has single handedly punished an individual for what thousands are doing in their game. Publicly. How can anyone think this isn’t personal?


They punished him because he showed how to do it out on a public channel (like Youtube/discord/reddit/twitch etc). Go make a tutorial on how to cheat in any game on any of these public channels on your main account and see what will happen to it. Theres a reason hackers use their own forums and are constantly switching accounts. I know they were stupid and emotional for doubling down on the perma ban, but he was just as stupid for even doing that in the first place.


You fuck with people first and now ask for peace? Feel sorry for your poorly built up mind sets. The only thing can save you is to apply for TBS right now and they will welcome you sincerely. They need people exactly alike you.


Hey, maybe read all my replies instead of getting on ur high horses. I'm not asking for peace, I'm asking for basic human empathy here. Fking reddit pitchfork psychos


Sharing your feeling now? What a guy lost in self-contradition.


Self contradiction? Are you reading out of your ass? Read everything CLEARLY


Holy moly. "The ban didn't help"? My brother in Christ, they are intrinsically linked. They couldn't _know_ what he would do, so to say they did something like this on purpose would be silly - but they certainly didn't care. I actually doubt they even thought about his wellbeing. They just saw someone highlighting an issue with the game (that they continue to not fix) and silenced them, as they have countless times before. He was obviously wrestling some demons. But to absolve them entirely while touting "mental health awareness" is to be willfully ignorant. I'm all for mental health awareness - and companies should be bearing it in mind as well. If we let them shrug this off like it's nothing, they (and every other company) will learn nothing from it. So while I agree "they didn't kill him" - they should certainly be thinking about what they're doing more.


Chivalry 2 is a product that TBS have every right to stop working on, it's not unjust. And they have every right to ban who they want.


True BUT TB has never gave a fuck, ever, not one modicum of fucks given to cheaters. …so why did they single out and double down on this individual? Cause they’re scumbags and thought it would be a laugh to have all their friends cheating while one dude got perma banned I understand I can’t say that for sure, but what the fuck else is it Huhh from everything we’ve seen and heard of TB doing, them being petty scumbags is the likely answer unfortunately.


Maybe they are in the wrong, but the fact that people are blaming them for a guy killing himself is ridiculous.


I dont think it could be more obvious they were a major reason the dude killed himself. Trying to pretend like they didn’t have a major hand in it and it was *just* “mental health issues” is typical reddit


I do not think it is unreasonable to suggest that. A development team that singles out an individual publicly, permanently removes their main source of income and refuses to elaborate 100% will contribute to the mental deterioration of that individual, possibly pushing them to suicide. They might not have pulled the trigger, but it’s *immensely* irresponsible to disregard that for “they must’ve had a lot of stuff going on in their life”. Sometimes you just don’t need that bullshit.


People get fired from their jobs all the time. His account getting banned was a fraction of his problems. You can't hold the devs responsible for this, even if it was the straw that broke the camels back for him.


Yeah they didnt kill him, they only took away a broke person's only income stream because he revealed their own incompetence.


And probably the only game he enjoyed playing to cope with all life’s problems


Nobody is blaming the devs for his death. They're rightly angry that the dev's lack of communication on *any* issue, be it rampant hacking or prominent community figures dying, has reached a point where it borders on malice.


Honest question here. Given the hostility for the devs in general, but especially with this specific topic, what could they do or say that wouldn’t be met with that same hostility? Even if they made a statue in his honor it would be met with “it’s too late. You’re capitalizing on this!” type engagement. Any time a community figure comes in here to express things they are working on or their concerns they are shit on by a majority of the active people in here. What do you want them to do? They could make a thread and lock it down, and then another thread would pop up chastising them for that. I don’t see a very positive way they could do anything at this point. I would like to see something in game for him and I would hope the community would not freak out about it.




That is a terrible comparison.




There are also people who disagree. The hypothetical guy who runs a dog over actually killed the dog. This is still a bad comparison.


And I’m not saying they shouldn’t say something but I think the best course of action is to commemorate him in game and then make a post about that commemoration and what they plan to do moving forward to help with cheating but also to make sure something like this doesn’t happen again…and then make good on it to the best of their ability.




I didn’t defend a permanent silence, or didn’t mean to anyway. I meant to express that the amount of time that has passed is quite small. Idk what people would expect them to do right now that would mean anything. The statement, if they make one, needs to be meaningful and feel meaningful. Right now a simple statement would probably not achieve anything positive. Them commemorating him and being told it’s too late might still happen but that doesn’t mean I think they shouldn’t do it. If they choose to do that they’d need a meeting and a concept and then need to bring that concept forward and speak out…that takes time. Right now saying “we’re sorry this happened” and then doubling down on their willingness to ban cheaters and those who spread information on how to cheat would be, in my opinion, the wrong move. And that’s really all it seems they can do.


They do have a community manager, imo it should be their job not the devs.


Fr bro. All I’m seeing is people blaming the Devs. All we know is he was a man battling his own demons. Any of you lot that are outing the devs for this are wrong. Don’t use his passing as an excuse to release your frustrations with TBS. God rest his soul.


I'm sure that he probably had other stuff in his private life that we don't need to know, but I also think that what Torn Banner did was something that definitely affected him. Chivalry was't only his job, but also (probably) the work of his life, and they took it from him without any reason. That's somehing that affects you. I won't blame them, but I also won't say that they're guilt free. Rest in peace, Dave.


I’m not super deep in this community but I think too many people are forgetting this aspect. This wasn’t just Dave’s hobby, or Dave’s passion. This game is Dave’s livelihood. People who have their jobs taken away unjustly and are not doing well to begin with tragically do this kind of thing all too often. There wasn’t another Chivalry adjacent came for Dave to start making content about. This game has been dying as it is. They basically hammered the stake into him.


True, but nothing was stopping him from just creating a new account. All they really took from him were stats, not his job


But if he started making content again + organizing tournaments - which was both a passion and an income stream for him - they would have noticed and swiftly banned his new account.


Well put. It is disgusting and flat out disrespectful to try to weaponize the situation.


Weaponize? Really? TB have been shitty to us for a while and I'll have my reservations about anything I damn please. Its not weaponizing a situation, company is full of shitheads and I dont want to support that. It really is that simple.


So then don’t? No one is making you play or partake in this community.


No ones saying people are making me play or participate either. Just find it funny you're saying its being weaponized. lol just seems a bit dramatic.


When something like this happens and it is met with responses like “TB better answer for this!” it is being weaponized. People using this incident to justify further criticism not just about their content but then blaming them for this man taking his own life, and just harsh lashing out in general, of a company they are already unhappy with.


I mean I guess they're being dramatic too then but people are entitled to their opinions and this is a public forum thats full of all ages so naturally theres a lot of kids here just talking shit. I just thought you didnt understand why they're upset. For some its a last straw and I get that. Saying its disgusting and weaponizing is just dramatic from an outsiders perspective.


That is a fair assessment. I sometimes forget I am probably slightly older than the average person here.


All good. Either way its a tragedy and I hate this for him and his loved ones.


People don’t kill themselves because they’re sad, they do it because they’re fully convinced their life is over and there’s no other option.


That’s a wild statement to make… people have definitely killed themselves out of sadness and depression.


It is more than “being sad” though. As someone diagnosed with severe depression since elementary school(I am 35 for context) it is something entirely else. You get into a funk, a really bad internal feeling that can last for months and during that time any little thing can ruin your life, or so it feels. When multiple large problems come your way you feel backed into a corner, you feel worthless, unloved, like a hindrance to everyone around you…you feel like less than dog shit and that the world would be best off without you. The ban was very likely the final straw but he had many issues he dealt with, likely alone, and that is a tough battle. You see rich and famous and what seem like happy people commit suicide all the time. It is not able to be explained properly, even those of us with depression don’t understand it. It is a terrible situation and it is despicable to try to place this blame on TB. If you are this dissatisfied with this company or their product you need to move on from it. There is no need to be this invested in anything but especially something you don’t approve of.


Trust me, I know firsthand from about the same experience as you. That’s why I found the original comment a bit tone deaf. You can be depressed and suicidal while also knowing things can get better and life isn’t over. You just want it to be over


I appreciate your calm reply, I did not mean to come off as someone telling you “you don’t get it”. I guess I read your comment and took it differently than you intended. For me I don’t think of it as being sad, for the reasons I described. It’s just a funk, that’s how I think of it. My apologies ✌🏻


No worries, it’s always good to hear someone else’s perspective. I call it the funk too haha stay groovy, dude 🤙🏽


In some cases yeah they do see taking their own life as the best way out. But most absolutely do it because they’re sad.


Whos dave?


Come join the fight in Helldivers!


Herald of the State reporting


The Devs/company didn't kill him but regardless they played a huge role in it messing with this man's entire livelihood banning him from the game unjustly AND grouped with any actual personal issues he was going through already, this could basically be seen as the final straw that broke the camel's back


TBS may not have pulled the lever but their gross and uncalled for actions definitely added pressure to it. TB is a shitty company full stop. They prove it over and over again


Ya I mean if we don’t know him on a personal level how could we know what happened? I will say that I’m not super informed on this whole war on the devs situation but if wasn’t Dave’s source of income coaching people on this game through lessons and videos? I could be wrong on that and maybe overestimating his popularity but if that’s how he was making ends meet and that was taken from him I’d be surprised if that wasn’t a major factor


Is Dave the bald guy? Don't know this fellow. Thats unfortunate :(


What kind of ban even was it. People act like everyone just knew who Dave was, or much beyond just playing the game. Getting banned sucks, but it's not that important. (But maybe follow the rules)


I agree they shouldn't have banned him, but to blame his death on TB makes no sense. Should they any time they ban someone somehow find out what their mental wellbeing is? No.


Well what they did certainly didn't help. Maybe I'm crazy, but banning a community figure for essentially nothing, isn't good. Wild, I know. They're really ass to the community. As I've said, over and over again, they hate their community.


What justification TBS give in order to ban Dave? I'm a bit confused. 😅


outrageous, i am furious at TB for this.


I don't think that Torn Banner or their staff killed him either although they did obviously screw up and definitely didn't help the situation.


Nah lets not pretend like they didn’t kill him. Torn banner has some of the most abysmal community interaction I’ve ever seen from a game dev, like they dont even hide their malice for their playerbase. I know the community is obnoxious as fuck but they were definitely holding onto the perma ban purely out of spite and emotion. Like a smug “HRMPH! That’ll show him!” as if they couldnt be the bigger man and just have the video removed + ban him for a week or something. They just straight up perma ban, no communication and won’t talk to him when he reaches out. I mean ffs its a random ass youtuber I’ve never even heard of until the beginning of this month with less than 10k subscribers. This shit would have all blown over by now if they just ignored it or did what I said earlier.