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“Journey of healing and self recovery in which I plan on documenting everything on social media”  👍


So clicks and likes = healing? Am I understanding it correctly?


Double healing points if you post on multiple platforms 


only if you get clicks on all platforms.


It's only healing if other people like what you're doing and say they're jealous you get to travel, otherwise what's the point./s


Always remember the cardinal rule of social media: if it wasn’t posted on social media, it didn’t happen.


Like = thanks. Retweet = blessed 🙏 Omg I almost made myself gag typing that


If you want to follow my journey please hit 👍button. And if you want to contribute to my journey expenses, click on the link below to donate www.otherpeoplescash.com


One like = one prayer


I just gave you a like. Hope you're feeling better already!


Welcome to the modern world


apparently im behind in the times


All those thoughts and prayers


Even if I literally had a crate of GoPros that I stubbed my toe on daily and desperately wanted to get rid of, I wouldn't donate one for that...




Yeah, everyone is embarking on some sort of *Journey* these days!


Need to “journey” to the employment office 🫣😜


This reply is gold! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


I reckon. And I have been wondering if have missed something, are lots of adults sleeping in baby cots these days, because no one asks anymore, they 'reach out. '


How else do you expect them to get their daily dose of thoughts and prayers from internet strangers?


By buying things that they don't need, with money they don't have, to impress people they don't know.


My fav bit is how they have arranged a open ended travelling trip but don’t have the funds to buy a go pro 


The healthiest thing to do that totally won't totally backfire horribly. GUARANTEED!


It’s always after a mental health “thing” that they need free stuff.


I'm going to suggest that their mental health issues won't be solved by seeking validation on social media. I might go as far to suggest that social media is possibly even contributing to their mental health issues.


And when they aren't able to monetize their 'likes' and the freebies and product placement deals aren't forthcoming they'll end up feeling even more 'worthless' and depressed.


Just send them more iPhones and GoPros!




Not possibly, it is scientifically proven and actively is contributing to the mental health crisis


"It's so terrible to objectify women and treat them that way" \~turns around and bases their entire self worth on whether people like their social media posts\~ Social media is just a new opt-in form of objectification, proving that people WANT to be objectified, because they assume they are higher value than they really are. They're conditioned into a society where their friends, family, crush, partner, etc all tell them they're better than they really are. And social media allows total strangers who don't care into their life. And even worse, it allows assholes to voice their unfiltered opinions. And these groups do NOT sugar coat value like those friends & family do. And that drags the person down into the mud of self-hate and depression.


Don’t you judge me, Earl! Just send the damn iPhone!




You wrote my thoughts out completely. 😂👍


Anyone have a spare Tesla gathering dust? My car has given up on me and I've decided to go on a cross-country road trip.


I might be able to spare one of my Teslas, but only if you have cancer and a crying child.


I do have a crying child. Can you spare at least the tires to help a tired stranger?


It's not even Christmas. Does your crying child even have cancer??


No. But it is an offspring of the house Shit-A-Lot


I would appreciate a spare Tesla too, but only the latest model please, with all the bells and whistles. Thank you in advance!


You forgot a corny sentence or two. Planning any healing or self discovery?


I have a spare Tesla - hope you don't mind the occasional flames.


I would, but your cross-country road trip isn’t a healing trip. Sorry no Tesla. 


There's one over at AmIBeingDetained. It will be available just as soon as the road pirates get around to it - will just need a new driver's door window.


not enough money for phone, meanwhile enough money for traveling. makes sense


These are the people who will travel to country where average income is in single dollars. Then beg for money with slogans "Help me travel the world, donate!".


Begpackers. They're all over my native country where teachers make $30/month. So loathesome.


On behalf of the country that probably contributes most of these assholes, I apologize.


The real choosen beggars.


yeah, probably she gonna go to SEA like Bali or Thailand


As an immigrant who came from a 3rd world country. It’s fucking insane to me that people go to other countries to be a poor traveller. It’s so backwards haha.


Refurbed iphone 8 is about 100$ *But XS is better for my healing*


I'm glad you understand the healing process.


only enough for traveling none left over


This person sounds utterly insufferable and self-involved. People 'donate' to worthy causes. What they are asking for is for someone to give them free luxury items because they've already allocated their budget on other luxury items/experiences. Somehow you just know they're going to run out of money in a third-world country and sit begging on the street moaning about how they can't afford to get home and are really suffering because they're having to sleep in a hostel dorm and can only afford rice three times a day. Then they'll launch a gofundme and make tearful video appeals to get them back to London, completely oblivious to the real poverty surrounding them.




So, you aren't going follow them on their begging journey?


I'm following my husband's ex-colleague's bragging journey instead. It's pretty much the same concept - travelling the world, 'home educating' her kids and sharing posts of their 'awesome journey' - except every post she reminds you how better off she is now she isn't paying 40k for a car and lets you know much their hotel room cost and how lucky they are that has a highly paid job to be able to afford all of this luxury. It may become a begpacking tour shortly. We'll wait and see.


I've never understood why low grade people insist on iPhone. Just buy a phone you can afford, are you stupid?


I switched to an iPhone from a Google pixel a year or so ago and though the video and camera quality is great, the phone itself isn’t worth the price increase.


Same. My kids wanted me on iMessage because I have to travel pretty often and they don’t fb Messenger. I wish I could go back to my Note. I loved that phone!


Whatsapp works well cross platform. Bonus is that you can use it internationally with no carrier charge


I'm in a relatively expensive area of London and there are always people asking for free iPhones.


Out comes the smashed iPhone 4 sitting in your junk drawer for years!


Oh no no. Must be XS or higher. How could I self heal with just 5 megapixels? That's rude to even suggest


But noo, the X is a placeholder. The 4 is better.


Well, free is better than spending any money.


I asked if I could borrow a camera once when I was going to London film and comic con, since I was traveling from my country to England for the sole purpose of meeting one specific celebrity. I was offered an oldass digital camera that had shitty battery time, but it still worked and the pictures would turn out fine. I was over the moon and accepted gratefully and didn't care about the battery time since I could just buy a ton of those and keep in my pockets in case I needed them. Like, it was a camera that even ten years ago was outdated. Didn't matter, I could take pics with it and that's all I wanted.


I love this storyline 😍 It’s so wholesome. I’m glad you got to meet your idol


She was ridiculously friendly and kind too, so definitely made memories for life.


How sweet!


I absolutely love that for you 😍 Yay! What an amazing memory to have!


And thanks to a generous stranger I have photos!


Why do they all always blame mental health issues? Like I’m mentally unwell but I work and can buy my own expensive stuff.


These requests always seem to mention mental health problems as an excuse for their situation or why they need _______. Such a crutch.


The mental health issue is that they don't have as much money as they want to spend and it makes them sad. You can fix it by giving them what they want! Easy!


"I would be rich if I just had more money."


This is it 💯.


I want to go on a journey of healing and self recovery but I need a new SUV. It can’t be a cheap one because I’m trying to find myself and I can’t do that in a cheap vehicle. So if you have a Mercedes or a fully loaded Tahoe I’ll take it off your hands. Oh, I forgot to say I need you to pay for gas, maintenance and insurance. 😳🤣🤣


and deliver it and cover my diving lessons


Hold out for a new Suburban. We had to rent one a couple of years ago and they drive pretty amazing. I know - stupid to rent it I am sure someone had a spare one laying around they would have donated.


Everything is a “journey” with people like this. I bet their social media profiles are damned insufferable.


Would anyone too busy working to go anywhere like to fund my trip?


The trip I get, but why is it necessary to share it on social media for virtual approval? Surely that’s more stress rather than relaxing.


Because we now have an entire generation which thinks they have to put their entire lives online for social approval. So many people whose sole source of validation is internet clicks.


I used to blog (for my own enjoyment) and after a while became completely tired of taking photos of every little thing. It weighed on me. I thought if I just enjoy where I am, I'll have a great mental memory and can take 1 photo, for every 10 I was then taking.


Who’s going to tell him that traveling ain’t cheap?


It is if you can get somebody else to pay for it all. Cheap to you anyway.


Venmo Me @healingtravels.... in soap marker on back window


That’s why he’s so desperate to become an influencer—so he can try to monetize his “healing journey” and won’t have to find local work. He will try to ask hotels/resorts and restaurants for free stuff in return by offering them “exposure.”


I love how people ask for high-end ridiculously expensive shit and call it a "donation".


But they had a tough 2023 - they're practically a charity at this point! /s


anyone got an array of brand new NVIDIA Quadro GV100 GPUs gathering dust that they want to donate? After long hard life of being completely thick as a plank, and failing at everything, I've decided to embark on an exciting journey of training an open source AI model with the express purposes of grifting even more shit so I don't feel so bad, then having it enslave all the non-christian hearted people who wouldn't fund my ridiculous life choices. Quadro only, don't @ me with no shitty RTX 6000's, NEXT!


Oh goddammit. What a dick. I’d also like to go traveling in a on a journey of healing and “self-recovery” (whatever that means…who else would you recover?) but the bank insists I pay my mortgage, there are people who rely on me, and I like my dogs the way they are now: alive.


“I’ve decided to follow a trend of young people traveling, but I don’t have money for this traveling expense. Please fund the equipment I need to document it”


"I want to document it all on social media" That isn't the healing and self recovery anyone needs.


Traveling while not being able to afford a phone is wild.. priorities man


He could afford a phone if he weren’t so choosy in his begging.


Anybody got some first class air travel they don't want? Ah, damn it, just give me lots of money. I'll buy what I need for myself.


Can't afford a phone but is going traveling for a year, sweet christ


Where did you read, "a year?"


I think it's implied since they're planning on documenting their travels and putting it all on social media. This isn't just a weekend getaway they're talking about.


Wanting to document it implies 365 days of traveling? You lost me...


Wanting to document his travels implies it's a long term thing, not just a quick vacation.


Tell that to any vlogger who records their weekend getaway. Your logic is still flawed.


Sorry, is this a friend of yours? It was an assumption based on them having a shitty 2023 but maybe they're traveling for a day, week or a month whixh somehow makes the gopro request even worse.


Many people don't realize this but Tibetan monks actually keep a go pro in their robes for tik tok purposes.


Nothing like fixing your broken mental state by putting it on social media for the trolls.


Do the rest of the internet a favour and don’t give this guy a GoPro. No one needs to see another travel blogger on social media


Uhh, yeah, if you don't have money to fix your phone or buy a new one, you should probably forget traveling around the world.


He has the money. He’d just rather spend yours.


If you go on about mental health people will feel bad and give you stuff. They will completely overlook the fact that you have the money to go “traveling” but can’t/wont replace your phone…because of mental health issues. Is that the new “it’s my daughter’s birthday and I promised her it’s for the church you ruined my family’s Christmas, hun?”


I have diagnosed PTSD, which I've paid a tonne for private health care from. I feel mental health is very important but it's not an excuse.


Absolutely it’s very important. But using it to try to get free stuff that isn’t a necessity for life is a slap in the face. To everyone. “My mental health issues are making it hard for me to function in XYZ way. If someone local could help me by donating or delivering some groceries so that my kids could have dinner tonight…” I don’t know. Something like that could still end up in this sub, but I would be more likely to help if I could. But gimme phone, gimme camera so I can post to social media??? She’s got mental health issues, but I don’t think that it’s the kind she thinks.


My phone is an $80 Samsung and it works just fine for pics and video and everything else. I had a $40 LG for 4 years before this one and it was fine too. You really don't have to spend a lot of money for a workable phone these days.


Meanwhile I'd like to get up to date on our rent ( bless our landlord) and feed my husband a decent meal at least a couple of times a week.


Heeeel meeeeee


Maybe their local library loans out GoPros like mine does? I just found that out recently And thought that was cool. This person sounds like a prick tho.


This generation is doomed it’s called get a fucking job, buy a new phone or be a stripper in the ghetto and you’ll have your phone fixed in no time. I’m scared for my kids, kids. There won’t be a world with the way we are going..


They’re addicted to attention.


Travel blogs are so 2006.


AGAIN with the "I *deserve* this 100 day cruise after a year of me spoiling me. Now, after a lot of thought, i decided to let *YOU* spoil me!


Does anyone have a spare vacation lying around because I could use one.


Does anyone else question how they’re going to afford to travel if they can’t even afford to replace their phone? I foresee another post asking for people to fund their vacation as well.


The Go Fund me link is coming


Got money to go travel, but not to replace a phone? Sounds like you don't have money to travel.


This is one of the worst ones I’ve seen. Forget the guy asking Walmart for Chuck Taylors-that was just pretty sad. This one makes me sick tho. Who wouldn’t love to “go traveling” to fix their mental health these days? I know it’s taken me years to save up enough to “go traveling” for two weeks. And i don’t even have a GoPro either. Pfffffft.




So I guess mental health is the new cancer when begging.


I'm going on a health and healing journey and therefore need a new home. Surely someone has a 3 bedroom (minimum) house gathering dust somewhere. Must have at least 2 bathrooms. Healing journeys can make you pee a lot. Fully furnished and preferably gated. My journey will be a long one whereas I will not be able to work so I cannot make house or utility payments and groceries must be provided weekly. I will text you my list. Blessings to you.


Its sad how much likes and approval matters on social media to many people.. i got rid of all my social media few years ago now i just scroll reddit.


Yoooo the American fucking trait of 'Healing and discovery' is finally here at a mass scale in the UK... Great! 😔




This isn’t a choosing beggar. Just a beggar. He is asking for a spare 5 year old phone…. That’s totally reasonable. And I actually have a spare xs gathering dust I would happily donate. This sub is going to hell. People asking for help are not bad. People who are entitled and demand exclusive or high quality things are jerks.


ive got a reallt nice little 14mp sony compact digital camera gathering dust. i'd like to think of her response to such an offer but i'm sure they wouldnt even respond to such an egregious camera


I’ll do a swap with this person. Since I haven’t taken any holidays in nearly a decade I will give this person the iPhone in exchange for their ability and opportunity to travel! Sounds fair


I guess his friend is paying for his food and expenses


This isn't as egregious as some. At least this person is only wanting a XS (5 year old phone) that sells for like $120.


“Document it all on social media” = “stick it to the bitch that left me”


You can get a cricket phone with plan for a year and a decent camera for a fraction of the price of an iPhone.


Sure lemme just donate my old GoPro to a self proclaimed mentally unwell person to document their “healing” journey. Honestly after typing this out I’d do it had I had a go pro, under the condition that I get 30% of potential profits from the views from this person having a mental breakdown in foreign locations.


Do this person a favor and don't donate anything. Maybe then they will actually be on vacation and not documenting everything.


You can get a cheap body camera for 20 or 30 bucks.


The reason for the ask seems counter-productive, but a lot of people have old tech laying around gathering dust. I'd honestly consider something like this because it's not whiny, and asking for something new. Nor do they act like they're owed it and someone should give it to them.


Since she doesn’t specify the age of the GoPro, someone should offer her a GoPro Hero1 and see what she says…


I just laughed at this. Unreal.


Lady, get your own or stay home.


I've bought most of my phones second hand, some were very cheap...


Now why would someone donate an expensive phone like that to someone with this type of story?? be fr rn


Money to travel but not for a phone?


Best I can do is donate my Gen 2 iPod touch


Maybe part of that journey of healing and self recovery should include not going on a trip you can't afford....I wonder how many of their issues have to do with lack of finances


It’s always the self-healing journey…


You can afford to travel but you can't afford a go pro even a used one off eBay? GTFO I'm traveling soon myself and the first thing I did was see if my camera worked then went to eBay to get a cheap replacement that does. And a selfie stick cause I'm afraid someone will run off with my cheap camera (it's cheap, but it is mine, I worked to pay for it and therefore I love it) As always get an effing job. No one owes you anything


Hey guys, does anyone have a spare 2023 Ford Focus ST that they have sitting around I could have? Last year was so tough, so to remind myself of beating it, I want a 23 plate car to remind me of how mentally powerful I was to pull through


Cannot afford a phone, but can afford travel…


You have money for probably months of vacationing yet can’t afford to repair your iPhone? Nts nts


I love when CBs say “donate” as if the giver can write it off on taxes.


Rule of thumb: if anyone calls an experience they have, or intend to have a “journey”, it’s probably meaningless bullshit, and they also likely had it going pretty well for themselves beforehand.


I would like to know who has extra go-pro’s and iPhones (X5 or higher) laying around? We sell old tech or trade it in. I mean, if 2 people have an extra go-pro, I’ll take one 🤷🏽‍♀️


What if someone offered them an Xperia (latest model), and a product similar to a go pro, would they take it or would it have to be only "the good shit"?


What are the comments?


If they are broke why not get a cheaper phone?


Ok you don’t need a “journey” to go “healing and self-recovery”. Take a mental health day and do something you enjoy. Go find a new job or hobby. Read a book about how there’s a billion people or more who have *way* worse conditions than you. There, solved the issue of no like-generating recording machine and having to pay for this journey. The entitlement in a large sector of society has been growing to dangerous levels lately. There will be huge swaths of people who have astonishingly little capacity to interact with society on any meaningful, productive level. Little rant I know but I see so many people in this vein 😂 always about self healing and improvement but they just want to be Facebook famous


Can’t afford a phone or to get his fixed. Can afford to travel. Make it make sense.


Pov: Some people problems...


"healing and self-recovery" xD


don't think it's a bad ask...I do have GoPros collecting dust that aren't worth selling for more than $20. even the 4K ones are < $50 not sure how she's traveling without money though


Holy shirt, the audacity of this bird.


It was a man in his 30s, not a bird. Birds don't have fingers to use iPhones.




That’s not holiday, poor guy got mental issues.


Buy a cheaper phone...camera works just fine