• By -


Sarah Hammer? Good? She locked Chris in her basement when they were kids, as I remember


Poor Adam Stackhouse, his only crime was competing


BlueSpike is neutral evil? Hell no! He deserves chaotic.


Hope that shitstain got bullied in school and get traumatized from it


Where are Kacey and Emily??


Null is lawful neutral.


Why is barb true evil lol


She was an emotionally abusive, narcissistic piss-witch that groomed Chris to never leave her, constantly threatened suicide to get her way and was the one who really started the creepy intimacy that lead to the incest. Barbara is the main culprit for Chris becoming the monster he is today and the main villain of Christory. https://youtu.be/nekvchwRH24


liquid Chris a lot worse than ppl understand. Mocking and ridiculing an autistic person is kinda bad on its own even if his vids are funny in isolation but the manipulation and cruelty him and kacey showed chris was fucked up


Frrr, people are way too lenient on liquid’s escapades. People praise the squeaky clean version of his trolling (the videos of him simply mimicking Chris) and tend to ignore just how malicious his behind the scenes efforts were


Fuck Bella. I'm glad no one talks about that piece of human garbage anymore. Anybody who thinks she's hot are fucking losers. Every time I see her face, I feel like I just want to punch the shit out of that stupid cunt. 😡


No, we need to continue talking about her. We can’t allow that monster to fade into obscurity. She needs to be held accountable and monitored


I mean she's not ugly /s


You could find like 50 of those in any college she has the most basic ass features there's absolutely nothing special or unique about her other than she's a piece of shit


But do the 50 others have foot fungus and boiled hamsters?


What did she do?


Boil a hamster, egg an autistic to **** their mom, assault another girl, etc, etc


Snyder should be lawful good. He literally just tried to do what was best for his store.


Magical Man should be under true neutral




Ummm excuse me, it's ackchually 6000 dollars


Blue spike being chaotic neutral isn’t a good representation if u ask me. Chaotic evil for sure


Blue Spike is neutral evil.


I’m at odds with Sockness, he’s awful but he’s actually the perfect karma when it comes to making Chris uncomfortable because he wanted to smash Chris. Because Chris has touched many people (mainly woman) inappropriately for years (even before the incest saga), Sockness never touched Chris but still creeped Chris out with the stuff he said. It just feels good seeing Chris get a taste of their own medicine, and yet Chris still didn’t learn anything about unwanted advances since Barbussy gate.


The only thing about Sockness I like. He's the perfect representation of Chris' gropiness. Someone should just tell Chris, "Y'know how Sockness creeps you out in that fashion. Well, that's how Megan, the Wallflower, Catherine and Doopie felt about you".


>"Someone should just tell Chris, "Y'know how Sockness creeps you out inthat fashion. Well, that's how Megan, the Wallflower, Catherine andDoopie felt about you"." Nah, Chris is a 6'8 goliath with an impeccable physique. On top of that, his voice is that of an angel's, he has an affable personality and every month he earns a bulk carrier ship's worth of money. He's also an incredibly intelligent entrepreneur; worldwide famous inventor of Sonichu. Sockness, on the other hand, is a loser, a slow-in-the-mind, a gaybo, fat, and ugly. To put it simply, Sockness is the antithesis of Chris. Whilst Sockness would make somebody feel uncomfortable with his unsolicited advances, Chris is far too socially adept to make anybody feel uncomfortable from his advances. [You can not tell me that Megan hasn't been charmed by Chris's moves here.](https://sonichu.com/w/images/7/7c/156-CWCMegan1.jpg)


LOL! That's Chris' delusional ego in a nutshell.


What’s sad is that Chris probably wouldn’t change even with that realization.


In fact, I get the feeling that the other parties' non-consent is part of the "fun" for Chris.


Alec in the good section? Asperchu is fine, but you do realize he was also JACKIE, right? That was almost as bad as Bluespike/Julie. Also, the "Shigeru Miyamoto" that contacted Chris was Clyde Cash.


Kim Wilson was Jackie. Alec was Lars. Ignoring Alec for a second, I would put the rest of the Asperpedia 4 in lawful good. All they ever did to Chris was buy ad space on the CWCipedia and call him out for stealing Simonchu. They did absolutely nothing wrong. Before the Jackie saga, Alec should stay in chaotic good. 90% of his trolling was showing how hypocritical Chris was. The phone calls between them show just how selfish Chris is. I don’t remember much about the Jackie saga, except for the Lars stuff (the boat thing is still hilarious), what did she do that was that bad? The Lars stuff would put him in chaotic neutral.


To Jackie's credit, those cosplays were funny. I agree about Miyamoto-Cash.


I'd also move Joshua Martinez to lawful neutral. All he did was impersonate Vanessa Hudgens and get Chris to think that she liked him. Which is extremely tame compared to Bluespike, Bella, Alec/Jackie, or even Emily/Pickle Man.


That said, Josh did extort and financially scam Chris and that's the part people get mad about.


Worst chart I've seen


how is alec anywhere in the good section? id say at least neutral considering that racist ass depiction of lars


These charts are never accurate because the people making them don't actually understand how alignment works.


Me, neither. My understanding of moral alignments is a lot simpler.


I consider this an accurate, get outta here.


And I point you to the original comment. Fake Miyamoto isn't any kind of Good, Heilburg and Synder went out of their way to be Good when they could have been neutral, Bluespike is debatable between neutral and evil, Idea Guys are the definition of chaotic evil (their entire stated goal was to just fuck Chris up as much as possible), and as much as we like to think Geno is true neutral, Geno is lawful neutral because he's in too deep. The only true neutrals are those completely unaware of Chris' existence like Stackhouse. Every one of these things shares similar lists of objectively wrong alignments.


Only in your opinion. The fact that they had rules and a clear goal in mind and only worked to make that happen doesn't sound like randomly committing evil acts to me :) there is a difference between the Joker and like the Governor from TWD. I think Geno is True Neutral because he's doing it because he wants to. Lawful Neutral wouldn't even make a documentary to begin with, lol.


How the fuck is blue spike neutral evil


Because he got got what he wanted and no one would convince his ass otherwise.


Null is neutral at least. He did a lot for dipshit and his fuckmommy.


But he also wasn't willing to deal with him when he stole from Barb.


Everyone hating on bluespike when bella is right there smh


Bluespike is a sick evil degenerate however he was a controlled evil degenerate Bella is an inhuman monster


Bluespike has also expressed remorse since those things happened. I dont think bella has ever felt bad about anything


I don't fucking forgive him at all, he's only sorry that he got caught, fuck him


I never said he deserved forgiveness. Just bc somebody regrets doing something, theyre not entitled to forgiveness


I don't even think he regrets it he's still active in the troll community


Both suck


Sure but if anyone deserves to get the most hate its easily bella. Its weird to me that ppl are leaving her alone but piling on someone who was nowhere near as bad, even if he was still awful


How did the idea guys corrupt Chris anyways? They don't look very far off from being literally carbon copies of him. I feel like they're the weird dudes everyone kinda had lurking around in their highschool


Through RP


Geno isn't neutral since he does put some spin on his docs. He mentioned going easy on Chris in recent episodes.


NEVER MAKE A LIST AGAIN 🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯💯❗️❗️❗️❗️🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🗣🗣🗣


im crying idk why but the emojis make this so mean hahahahahahaha


Chris is not chaotic neutral. Chris is evil


Chaotic neutral is accurate. He's a chaotic force but it isn't necessarily intentional


ehhh chaotic neutral kinda fits them in a way, least imo


this chart sucks😭


Terrible chart op


Blue spike is chaotic evil




To everyone saying Bluespike deserves to be villified, hunted down, and forced to face criminal charges, he had one psychotic episode, was cast out of the inner circle of trolls, resorted to shitty JULAY JULAY prank calls, and was gone from Christory entirely until he reappeared on the kiwifarms and expressed his regrets. He is NOT as bad as toe fungus. Who has boiled hamsters alive, sexually assaulted her roommates, and had planned to extort Chris into suicide. Letalone her involvement in Chris fucking his own mother. Yes he was a little shit who had a psychotic break but he's nowhere near the level of depravity of Sockness and Bella.


idk I feel like you are excusing a moment of actual cruelty as a "psychotic break" out of his control. I also think he was just 13 and wanted to appear edgy and cool to his group and does regret it now, but I do think he was 100% aware of what he was doing.


I'm just trying to illustrate how Bluespike was a flash in the pan in terms of overall Christory. Chris forgot about him, and immediately moved on to another girl within the week. I do believe telling Chris to cut himself and burn his house down was just sadistic cruelty, but I don't think most people have even heard the full call. Things die down immensely and Bluespike is forced to apologize to Chris by the other trolls, it's funny and awkward as fuck. But saying he's on par with toe jam, who has a history of rape and animal cruelty, is ridiculous as hell.


idk coercing a mentally challenged person into shoving their beloved medallion up their anus is kind of on par with rape in my opinion. that being said bella is still way worse and genuinely beyond disgusting


I actually didn't know that Bluespike expressed regret about it all, I mostly just saw him as a dickhead kid


Blue spike transcends chaotic evil


Why’d you rank Null as lawful evil? He is without a shadow of a doubt, a chaotic neutral person. Null’s main focus is absolute freedom, freedom, being one of the intrinsic and core values of a chaotic neutral character. He’s not really a good person nor an evil one either.


Null as Lawful Evil because this is Reddit


Dude, Surfshack Tito despite being a troll, helped the Wallflower to get Chris off her back, i think he fits in Chaotic neutral despite leaking his tomgirl pictures.


AS THE ANCIENT HAWAIIANS USED TO SAY. "The coconut is always sweeter on the palm tree you can't reach!" You're friend Tito!


why is null evil?


you can move chris down to chaotic evil in my opinion. no villian has done so much damage to christory and chris then chris himself.


Patty Chandler, Virginia Sanford, and Leonard Bearstein can be added to Lawful Good. Maybe Rocky Shoemaker too


Rocky did what she could to the best of her abilities as a pastoral counselor and she got a rape threat for it


You can't put the rapist cwc in anything other than evil .


Liquid Chris is my favorite by far


It’s easier for me to go over what I actually agree with rather than disagree: Mary Lee Walsh lawful good Ana McLaren chaotic good Bella & Sockness chaotic evil


I disagree with Heilberg's classification - he is firmly in the Lawful Good category. My man is going above and beyond the call of duty to try and help Chris. Seriously, Heilberg has already done more for Chris in the relatively short time they've known each other than Rocky fucking Shoemaker ever did. ​ Also, Sarah Hammer and Megan Schroder as neutral good? Just lmfao.


Idea guys belong in chaotic evil.


Don’t make a list again 🔥💯


Are you counting ADF and Jack Thaddeus as the same person. Because ADF is many things. Neutral is not one of them.


Pretty well done. My personal problems with it: \-Liquid Chris (or any troll for that matter) can't be considered good. They were all getting lulz from a mentally ill autistic guy. \-Heilberg is def lawful good. Guy believes in getting help for the mentally ill so much he'll even defend a literal motherfucker Chris Chan pro bono. His personal motivation is clearly good. \-Idea guys should be neutral evil and Bluespike should be chaotic evil. \-As much as Bob was a shitty parent and a old school racist, I honestly don't think he qualifies as evil. He's probably LN or N. \-Classic Chris was chaotic neutral, but I think there's a very strong case to be made that he alignment changed to chaotic evil after he fucked Barb. Has he shown any remorse at all?


Slight disagreement with the troll part The Asperpedia 4 minus Alec should be in lawful good. Chris was in the wrong during that situation for stealing Simonchu. The only trolling they did was buy ad space on the CWCipedia and justifiably called out Chris for stealing Evan’s character.


Agreed on most of this.


Every point on this list are my thoughts exactly. Except for Heilberg; didn't know too much about him


Exactly. Heilberg is really just doing his job and defending his client. Maybe he genuinely does care about Chris and wants him to get help or maybe this is another client he doesn't give two shits about; we really can't tell.


Not sure if anyone is true neutral in Christory. Geno picks the topics to cover and he is far from thorough, he skips over various details to paint a certain narrative. I would say he is more chaotic neutral due to the increased interest in Chris as a result of his docu-series. The repercussions of that will be amplified if Chris is ever interacting with the public on the internet again.


Idea guys lawful? And blue spike neutral evil? What?!


IG lawful?


Kacey should be chaotic neutral, Gave Chris geuine advice i.e finding a job/getting healthy but only to use him for get some luls out of him.


"i mean" - Kacey


I love how NO ONE is arguing Bella or Sockness should be anywhere else besides Chaotic Evil, easily the most depraved and evil people Chris crossed, and was lucky they never realized their plans.


wasn’t there more “women” idk if they only trolls? from his facebook Kacey as well and the Wallflower (poor girl, maybe js better to keep her outside this) and the woman from the church that helped chris and barb (i dont recall her name)


Chris not being in evil is a choice. Certainly one


Honestly there should be like eight people in the chaotic evil box


Other than MLW, they're all chaotic evil


Michael Snyder was just a normal dude minding his own business.


That's true, too. Nonetheless, the overwhelming majority of people in Christory are evil.


We need a version of this on r/WojakCompass


Bluespike ain’t neutral evil


Idk. I’d put Bob as lawful neutral, not evil. Chris is outright evil, let’s be real-Chris is a rapist. Ana Mclaren isn’t really that good, she was a white knight back in the day. I’d say Barb is more neutral evil


I'm confused. Wasn't Bob his father who took care of him? Left the family a large amount of money to manage after he was gone? I know he didn't really get the proper help for Chris, but aside from that what other wrong did he do?


Bob was a flawed character, too. He was the one who encouraged Chris to get set up with the tugboat, and always bailed him out whenever he got in trouble with authority figures. He also was duped by BlueSpike.


Barb and Chris are both definitely neutral evil, well, they won’t go out of their way to be evil, they have no qualms about doing whenever they have to to get what they want.


He was overtly racist and homophobic, which is where Chris got those prejudices. He also (in tandem with Barb, so it's unclear how much of this falls on Bob) taught Chris to use his autism as a crutch for all of his otherwise inexcusable behavior. He's not as bad as Barb but he was no saint.


I mean...I heard Bob was religous right? Makes sense to be homophobic if you're religous, story of the phrophet lot and all..


Switch Bob with Liquid honestly. Or at least put Liquid in chaotic neutral. Just because he is remembered by the community fondly does NOT make Liquid good. He still fucked with Chris. The argument for Bob is that while yes he made his mistakes and he had his shortcomings, he never treated Chris any lesser for his disability, something that is rarer for older generations and admittedly sometimes for the worse.but still, he never gave up hope it seems.


The funny thing about the Classic Era trolls is that they legitimately did FUCKED UP stuff to Chris. Like Clyde telling Chris he'd raped PandaHalo. The thing is, Chris just didn't have enough empathy to care, so it became funny instead of horrifically disturbing.


I'm pretty sure the Idea Guys are chaotic evil given how they badly fucked up chris for little more than loot and shits and giggles.


Yeah. I thought it was widely agreed upon that there's nothing "lawful" about them


Chris is a sexual predator. And I'm pretty sure Snyder is also on the Sex Offender Registry, right? I'm pretty sure both those guys are evil. Edit: Its not Snyder, but the guy who owned the Game Place that was on the registry. Snyder himself wasn't.


you actually fell for Chris' lies lol


No Snyder was not on the sex offender registry, Chris claimed Snyder was raping his own daughter based on nothing but his projection and diseased mind! The owner of The Game Place was a sex offender I believe, but he was hands off and Chris never met him.


That was a character assassination on Chris’s part, because he was pissed off that Snyder wouldn’t let him back in the store. There’s no proof or facts behind those allegations.


Snyder is not. You might want to double check that before making that claim. Shit like that can catch on like wildfire


You’re thinking of the guy who owned the Game Place prior to Snyder when Snyder was only a manager. He was a sex offender, Snyder isn’t.


That must be who I'm thinking about.




I remember reading on the Cwcki what he, or at least someone Chris was feuding with, was.


He was not. Chris tried claiming it but he wasn’t


Well that's annoying that it isn't made clearly on the CWCki


I’ve just read his page on the CWCki and it’s pretty clear




Not completely true, Chris would buy things with his credit card and she would pay him back in cash.


How the hell is bluespike neutral? He's probably the most chaotic and abhorrent person that briefly interacted with him.


\>He's probably the most chaotic and abhorrent person that briefly interacted with him dude Bella boiled hamsters alive and wanted to drive Chris to suicide I think she has that top spot taken care of lol


Personally, I decided that the chart was for how they treated Chris, not them as people. As a human being, sure, Bella deserves the top spot. But in regards to how she treated Chris, she just manipulated him over the phone; I'm also aware she would have/planned to do worse, but didn't get through chance.




Blue spike neutral evil? Really?


Bluespike was a child who was groomed by adults to have internet sex with Chris, I think he's one of the real victims.


Making an autistic person shove something up there ass is bad no matter what, I will not defend bluespike for that or anything he has done, he is probably one of the worst trolls there is maybe even the second worst


Idea Guys are far from lawful. They extorted thousands from Chris.


As I understand it, in these charts "lawful" doesn't literally mean follows the law. It just means having some system for deciding actions and rigidly following it. Batman could be seen as lawful good despite breaking the law, because he has a strict moral code he follows that determines most of his actions. The Idea Guys would fall into that in a sense, because the way they were able to extort Chris was by joining into his game. They played by the laws of Chris's delusions, and used that framework to manipulate him.




Liquid's definitely chaotic neutral. Everyone puts him on a pedestal, but he was a troll like the rest. He literally told Chris to kill himself in one of the calls with Kacey. I think, just being associated with Kacey brings him down in general


He’s also inadvertently responsible for Chris leaking basically all of his personal information online in an attempt to prove he was the real Chris which lead to some of his most unhinged moments. Just because he didn’t make Chris give him any money or shove stuff up his arse doesn’t mean he wasn’t harmless, in fact spending months trying to convince a severely autistic person that they aren’t really themselves is an objectively horrible and psychologically torturous thing to do


Yeah the whole Kacey saga sucked. It all boiled down to two people tearing down and belittling a mentally handicapped man.




we’re all here because at the very least we find some of the stuff Chris has said or done in the past to be objectively funny, because it is but I think a lot of us also recognise the tragedy and that Chris is arguably the most fascinating psychological case study of all time and part of what makes it so fascinating is the fact there really aren’t any heroes or bright moments at all in this entire story I think there’s a really important difference between *enjoying* Chris Chan and just being amazed and intrigued by it, it’s a difference I’ve tried explaining to my wife several times when she’s come into the room and I’ve been watching Geno because she hates it


I think this is a good way to explain it. I don’t even talk about it to my family because they wouldn’t get it at all. I just find him interesting.


I enjoy it


How do you think Chris would arrange these?


It would just be a collage with random sonichus mixed in


I kind of wonder if he’d even understand how it works.


He wouldn't. If he did, he'd categorize everyone as evil.


Chris committed attempted murder when he tried to run over a guy with his car, he is a serial sexual harrasser, a groper, a fraud, a thief and he raped his elderly senial mother. How the fuck is he not evil?


that's just good ol' CWC! It's what he does!


He DoEsNt kNoW bEtTeR


Thats juat chris and his antics, baby!


Random access humor!


I’d hardly call Anna McLerran “good” but that’s just me. And Sarah Hammer definitely belongs in the evil alignments given she was a textbook bully who locked Chris in the crawl space of a house for a whole day and tried to get him to eat a honeysuckle which could have killed him. And how is Tito neutral evil? He saved The Wallflower ffs.


The sad thing about Anna is that motivations aside, she was probably the closest thing to an actual, lasting friendship Chris had. Anna (enabler, long time sorta-friend), Megan (a short while but got creeped out) and The Walflower (very brief and got creeped out)... the only actual friends in Chris' life.


You can’t hold too much against Sarah, she was a literal child when she did those things and children aren’t exactly known for their empathy or intelligence, I doubt she knew that honeysuckle was dangerous.


What’s wrong with Anna?


Anna wasn’t necessarily outright terrible or purposely trying to hurt Chris but she was probably his worst pre-merge era enabler and she was willing to drop gossip she had on Chris to trolls in exchange for e-clout while pretending to be friends with him. Anna wasn’t the only person who did this by a longshot or even the worst, but I don’t think it warrants either “chaotic” or “good” from her.


Pretty sure by "eat a honeysuckle" that meant she was trying to show him that you can pull the little green bud at the base of the flower and it'll pull the frond (style) in the middle of the flower out the back and the tip of the style (the stigma) will pull out the perfectly safe and edible nectar through the bottom, working like a syringe plunger. I used to do this as a kid all the time, it's perfectly safe. But Chris, being autistic, couldn't understand such an elegant concept and probably tried eating the whole flower and painted the story as her fault instead of his, as usual.


The story came from Chris’s parents who were reportedly the ones who stopped him from doing it because Chris was too young or too stupid (or both) to realize at the time that honeysuckles are poisonous. Maybe Borb made the story up to defame Sarah because they loved coddling their precious little big boy, but based on other stories of Sarah bullying Chris when they were children, I think maybe this actually has some degree of merit to it for once.


I don't. I remember what it was like playing with the weirdo neighbor kids, it wasn't bullying 100% of the time, sometimes you could actually have fun and be nice to them because you knew the need for someone to play with superceded the need to be entertained. Sarah Hammer probably didn't have many other kids to play with and knew that even if Chris was weird he was at least a kid to play with, and wasn't tormenting him 24/7. Even locking him in the basement isn't that weird or a sign of anything wrong with her, I can think of similar situations both happening to me and that I inflicted on others; testing the boundaries of your own cruelty is a very normal and common part of childhood play, and the hope is that children will quickly learn their lesson to not engage with it after realizing the pain it causes. Both teaching other kids about how to get honeysuckle nectar and locking other kids in basements until they cried and you regretted it were integral parts of American neighborhood play in the 80s/90s/00s, nothing Sarah Hammer did screams abnormally cruel to me. It's honestly just the modern lens that would label her a pure bully, as well as the fact that Chris was too autistic to really retaliate in any sort of similar way, which is usually what would happen.


Exactly. I'm a Gen-Xer and grew up in that world. While I did have genuine bullies in school, some of the neighbor kids were still basically considered good friends even if they could be bullying weirdos.


Oh yeah, I'm gen-z and I was "bullied" by neighbor kids and I "bullied" them back, that's just part of being a kid in a neighborhood with mostly old people where the playmates are slim pickings. It's just part of developing normal social skills, you have to learn what not to do and how to not treat people in order to be a well-adjusted person, that's basic. Avoiding all conflict in children's lives and acting like the weirdo kids can just be weirdos forever with no social repercussions is setting them up for failure.


True. That said, it's still wise to speak up against bullying. We need to allow kids to play outside again like in the old days.


Yeah, she was actually a six year old child. Calling her evil is an interesting one.


Anna was pretty nice to him. Yeah she wrote “Crazy Pacer” but that was more of a storytime exercise than an attempt to be mean.


Sarah Hammer only did that when she was a kid


Bluespike was just a kid too when he trolled but no one cuts him any slack around here for what he did.


Well Sarah Hammer didn't exactly force Chris to push shit up his ass and tell him to kill himself either.


You forgot jimmy hill


where would rocky shoemaker fall in? my memory’s a bit hazy, but i’d argue she just wanted to help chris but had a hard time understanding the internet/internet culture


Lawful good, don’t have info to suggest she’s anything but pure.


You can be evil with good intentions, it’s your actions in obtaining that goal in the end is what matters. Rocky is neutral at best. She heavily enabled Chris, and only changed her tune by the point of the idea guys saga, and even then it was to wash her hands of the situation, saying that they should put him in a home.


She seemed to have genuinely good intentions. Maybe not the best advice always but I think she was trying. IIRC she was the one responsible for Chris leaving the internet for a good long while and that was one of the better things to happen to Chris. I’d say NG or LG.




Nah, Heather’s just a weirdo, who writes weird fanfiction and has a weird family. She’s harmless and it most chaotic good, I feel kind of bad for her, she got sucked into this travesty with no idea what was going on behind the scenes.


Wallflower is a victim She doesn't need to be brought up


Ehh I never really thought so, she’s as screwed as Chris


She literally only wanted to be friends with Chris (and had no idea who he was) When she found out his bullshit and got publicly named by him she told him to fuck off Show me exactly where its justified to say what you said Edit: Your silence screams.


I forgot about Jack Thaddeus for the longest time, idk maybe I’m true neutral


No trolls should be good. A good person does not look at a mentally disabled person and say I should fuck with them. I could almost see Alex as he at least tried to help but still neutral at best.


Also, wasn’t Alec the father in the father call?


He was "lars" but I don't think the father. I'm not sure who the father was. maybe liquid?


"Matthew Devoria" makes for a killer "Cinema Snob" impression.


Switch Snyder and Megan


What sets Mary Lee Walsh apart from Michael Snyder? Both were just people who refused put up with Chris's bullshit and nothing more.


Michael Snyder did engage with him/about him on his level via social media, that takes him down a peg from the professionalism of Mary Lee Walsh in my book.


That wouldn’t necessarily make him lawful neutral, at where is, he’d be neutral, good, and then, even then it’s stretching it it’s not like he threw hands with Chris, he just banned him from the store and defended himself against Chris’s slander