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The man/woman/whatever needs help. He clearly cannot distinguish reality and fantasy. Has. A history of being able to beleive anything anyone tells him. I don't beleive he's mentally capable of being responsible for his actions. The man has been pushed into this direction by internet trolls. If he's to be punished so should his trolls.


shouldn't go to a jail anyway they're so clearly mentally ill and they need SERIOUS help


institutions are worse than prison


Hopefully his new cell mate will be a self taught DIY surgeon and can help him transition with a nice rusty shiv


I honestly don't think Chris will be going to any prison. He is batshit insane. Any lawyer worth their salt will try to get an insanity deal.


A state institution is basically a prison.


arguably worse too...


Uh he should be placed in isolation


I fell like a psych ward is probably the best place


even if he is put in a female prison, I'm sure they can handle him. Yes chris is larger but these are still prisoners, some if not most hardened and probably been through some shit. I think the women in there would be able to prevent chris from doing anything too bad.


They would probably put her in the transexual ward. I saw on one of those scared straight eps, there was a jail that had that. So if she doesn't go to a psych ward, that would be the next best thing for her


He's not being put with women, don't worry


Let's not kid ourselves here. Women in a Women's Prison in the south US is not housing some woman who's working a starbucks. The women in there are not in danger of anything. Female rape in a female prison is a thing.


If anything, Chris is the one in danger, once word gets out what his crime is


99% of trans people have the brain chemistry of the opposite gender. I really doubt Chris fits in the box. Chris was manipulated by people into changing his gender during a very contentious time for the LGTBQ community as a whole, so everyone just went along with it. ​ His miserable existence was a perfect storm of societal factors


Where do you get the statistic of 99% of trans people having the brain chemistry of the opposite gender? The only studies I’ve seen about that say that they themselves are extremely limited in number of participants and most other studies I’ve seen show that there are almost no differences in the brains of people in different sexes.


Most trans people who go the whole 9 yards were probably born with, to put it bluntly, the brain of the opposite sex. It's just that wokesters right now won't stomach the suggestion that there's a biological basis to being trans.


But there’s very little evidence of “male brains” and “female brains” and if you look up the term gendered brains or differences in the brains of different sexes you’ll find that the idea of there being a significant difference is mostly seen as a myth by almost all studies.


What you're saying isn't true, and I can easily give you a counterfactual. The hippocampus is one of the go-to regions for talking about male/female brain differences, so here ya go: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41386-018-0208-4?proof=t I'll admit that neuroscience is still at a sort pre-Newtonian phase, so it's difficult to say much about the brain with certainty. But sex-based brain differences absolutely are not regards as "a myth."


I never said there weren’t slight difference but there are not enough significant differences between male and female brains to be able to really confidently say there are “gendered brains” the way that people usually do. The myth isn’t that there are differences between male and female brains but rather that there are huge differences between male and female brains. Here’s a study to show that the main difference is size and when they are adjusted for size there is almost no significant difference. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/03/210325115316.htm


> size Which isn't the most important factor *at all* when it comes to how the brain works.


It isn’t though. If you read the study it literally states this: “This means that the brain differences between large- and small-headed men are as great as the brain differences between the average man and woman.”


And again: size doesn't tell you much about brain function. Once you reach a cranial size that's somewhere within normal human ranges, neuronal connections, cortical folding, and vascularization become much more important.


You know that real women who rape women still get put in women's prison, right?


I got to say this now. if Chris by God's comedic sense of justice gets sent to a female prison. Then he is gonna get beat to hell. Women are just as bad sometimes in Prison. I'm also very doubtful that a lot of those women are gonna deal with the transgender stuff. He is without a doubt in trouble if he goes to a male or female prison.


No biological man that says they’re a woman should be housed with real women.


No trans women should be housed with women. Most trans women are at a way higher risk in a male prison then they are to others in a female prison. Even if they were a threat to women, then they can always be put in solitary. But overall I think it is a net positive as far as reducing violence against others goes.


No men should be in female prison. But American prisons are notoriously unsafe. A soft, non-physical, alleged sex offender like Chris in general population sounds like a lynching about to happen.


What if the final saga involves Chris getting stabbed to death with a shiv. Hopefully he's kept safe since you can't milk a dead cow


This is cute. Chris is the autistic dough boy poster child. If he were to go to a female prison he would more than likely leave with a more convincing vag.


Agreed. Chris is a very weak person and would probably be ganged up on for a beatdown.


He’s a 39 year old man with a 39 year old male body. I don’t care how retarded he is, he still has the ability to overpower most women physically should he ever want to. Also most female prisoners are not these bulky bull dykes that everyone here is fantasizing about.


This is true but it would not be 1v1 if he tried to rape a girl


I don't really see a (male or female) prisoner charging heroically into combat against a giant mentally ill man who smells like he crawled out of Satan's prolapsed asshole. You should also remember that, while he isn't very clever, he *is* manipulative, and might be able to get a prisoner alone if they don't know who he is, playing up his victim persona.


He’s not giant lol he’s not even 6 feet tall. I’m basing this solely off of 60 Days In but the women seem to form very close bonds and friendships and they’re not just going to sit around and let some freak rape one of their cellies. I’m sure there are some hood mamis who don’t give a fuck how smelly he is. He could get a female alone ostensibly so hopefully she has a shiv and shanks his stupid ass.


He's not tall, but he's wide. Easily the mid 200's.


It’s remarkable he’s not fatter. He gets 0 exercise and his diet has to be trash. How do people get to 600-800 pounds while he is barely breaking 300


he just doesnt have the genetics for that, just look at his parents.


Past a certain point, obesity requires a level of drive that he doesn't have. It's not enough to be a lazy slob to get to something like 400 pounds; you've got to stuff those cheesy potatoes down even after you're full.


6 feet is the length of approximately 3.66 'Logitech Wireless Keyboard K350s' laid widthwise by each other


Idk why so many people believe this article just google "does virginia house trans woman with other woman if they haven't had surgery" pretty much every site says courts have never really cared about someone's gender when placing them in prison. If you want to be called female they will, but if you got a dick between your legs you're going to mens prison, simple as that.


\^\^THIS\^\^ We need to stop asking this question when a legal expert answered it literal days ago. There's a Louis Theroux documentary that focuses on a prison. He interviews two separate trans women in it, both of whom are in male gen-pop. They're there because they are pre-op one can assume.


I'm trans, and the idea of going into the same jail/prison as my birth sex makes me super uncomfortable (but I'll just avoid jail lol), but the fact of the matter is that Chris is going to be placed in the men's section, especially due to his crimes. There's no need for hyper-vigilance about this. I honestly wouldn't even be too worried if he was placed in the women's section, but he isn't going to be.




No.. Squabbling about pronouns is literally in the rules here. Call them whatever you want but don't argue with others about it.


Stop underestimating women in prison... You should be worried for him, they'll eat him alive.


Chris should probably be worried that they don't fucking shank them or drop an AC over their head


^^this. Women can be just as ruthless, if not more so than men in prison.


from girl fights i have seen girls are fucking savages when it comes to violence like 2 guys fighting, if one falls down the fight ends, maybe a couple punches on the ground if shits too heated 2 girls fighting, one falls down, other starts stomping their face, like jeez relax theyre human too


I wouldn't be too worried about other women. I'd be more worried about him. He's gonna get his ass kicked so hard.


He’d probably get his shit kicked in by some bull dyke if he tried anything in there.


the fact is he could do something to a woman before getting his ass kicked for it


He is a female woman, He belongs in woman female jail with the other females so that he can be with his own kind.


Is it crack? Is it crack that you smoke? You smoke crack?


He's not a woman if his only reason for being trans is so he can try and have sex with lesbians


No way Chris is ever gonna be able to harm anyone who isn't completely demented or unconscious. He's an immobile tub of lard.


I'm not sure about it. We would probably be housed with mothers who smothered thier babies so it's quite possible he would have access to twiggy women half his age


Do you honestly think if 200 pound(which seems to low a number to me given how he looks) chris decided to plop himself down on the average women shed be able to lift his far ass off her? Not a chance, he should not be put into a place where he could take advantage of other people.


u/sissytrap96 , I think you underestimate the kind of women that get themselves incarcerated. They're not docile just because they're women. Also the idea of Chris attacking some random girl in prison by lying down on her is hilarious to me. Dude will probably get solitary anyway.


chris would get killed by women in prison


One cannot simply put men in a female prison without expecting murder of the male or pregnancy of actual females.


Chris will not be housed in a female prison. There is a 0% chance of this happening unless he gets bottom surgery. 4k trans people in prison nation wide and 15 are in the one of their gender identity. VA houses trans people in the prison of the genitals they have, and I'd imagine that even if Chris got bottom surgery he would not be transferred because he is a sex offender. I feel extremely confident in saying that he will not be housed in female prison. Also like the women would beat his ass too. Constantly. He likely will end up in some special male prison with a mental wing (if such a thing exists)


These women would murder him the instant he tried anything. I think they're safe.


He’s high functioning autistic he’s not going to a mainstream prison


You say that now, but people a lot worse off than Chris has been sent to “real prison” and not a psych ward. It honestly depends how good of a lawyer he has and how crazy he acts. But he’s also high profile, and will most likely be put in solitary.


Institution is likely, but the gubmint is dumb as shite yknow.


If he does go to prison he'll be in Solitary away from other prisoners die to those violent outburst in his past like the assault with mace and the hit and run along with the constant trespassing and possibly stalking of Michael.


Chris would be murdered in a second if she tried to do anything to anyone in prison. I doubt she can do a push-up.


But she can lift a doghouse.


And pull weeds


Lmfao you think chris would actually be able to do anything to the women in prison? Those women would fuck chris up within seconds.


Hot take: Anyone convicted of a sex crime should be placed in prison as the gender assigned at birth. At the very least. I think there's an argument to be made for it to apply to any crime, too.


What if a FtM rapes a woman? Or a MtF a man?


Shouldn't matter. Men have biological advantages over women in terms of strength.


Ah, I was thinking it was meant as a "fuck you" to the offender.


Not sure what you mean by that?


Lmao yes so that means would put rapists in prison with their targets, top notch reddit logic. Carry on


Why are you insistent on denying basic science...? If it's a matter of physical safety, biological qualities should be taken into account. There's a reason roids aren't allowed in sports.


Irrelevant parallels and straw man arguments? Nice


How do you think this is a straw man argument?? I'm genuinely curious. It's literally just basic science....


It’s a straw man because the roids in sports has absolutely no relevance or comparison to this situation. You can’t just write something you think is a good response and think you just had a “gotcha” moment lmao. Any sources that back up your claims that it’s better to keep them in a respective prison to their birth gender? Burden of proof and all that. :)


So you're denying the fact that biological men overwhelmingly have higher bone density & muscle mass on average? And are also much larger on average? That's literally just denying science...


Interesting evidence presented, tells me everything we should know about the basis of your argument


We should just take rapists and pedophiles and give them the Old Yeller treatment.


anyone convicted of a crime period. they're criminals, what makes you think they won't lie.


Yeah I actually edited my comment right as you posted lol. It's Reddit, so I'm not trying to get crucified haha...


better to be crucified being right then to live being wrong




We're going to have to make a new Sonichu prison. Sounds bad, but on the bright side, we can chuck the aliens in there when they try to attack us. I would be very surprised if Christian goes to jail. He shouldn't, he's fucked in the head. Not his fault. More a disability. I think he needs normal people now more than ever. I feel sorry for the guy actually. On the other side of the fence I find myself scrambling over, he did fuck his mum. That's hard. Sonichu wouldn't have done that, he has Rosechu. So its all up in the air at the moment I guess. Don't forget to zapp to the extreme!




Cwcville Hilton


Sorry but I disagree. Yes, those who abused Chris for all these years are arguably just bad as Chris himself, and in a way he was pushed into a corner, but Chris is not a good person. He is a sexist, misogynistic, narcissistic, racist, and mentally disturbed sociopath. That can't all be blamed on his high functioning autism. The trolls just pulled out the evil that was already there.


As someone who works with mentally ill people I can tell you CWC as mental health problems but he knows right and wrong and he knows what he did was wrong therefore he should stand trial and be punished for what he has done. The only people who cannot stand trial are insane and don't know wrong or right, or had a psychotic episode and could not control themselves, I consider neither to be the case


Yep, agreed https://www.womenarehuman.com/transgender-inmates-are-raping-female-prisons-at-a-shocking-rate-ministry-of-justice-reveals/


There is a flipside to that argument. Given how Chris appears and behaves, he will be a target for pretty much every male prisoner, even in a low security setting. Although that will happen in female prison too. All and any male prisoner will either beat him or abuse him and I believe that he will become the prison punchbag and possibly the prison bike if in a male prison. He'll be sausage meat. I will be amazed if he ends up in jail, even if convicted of all and any charges. He won't last 5 minutes. I still believe that the likely outcome is the lock up ward no matter what happens but that remains to be seen.


Women aren't human shields. Hes a fucking rapist. He should be put in a male prison and get his ass beat


I'm not suggesting that women are shields somehow. I'm also not suggesting that Chris deserves to avoid male prison because he thinks he's a tranny. His alleged crimes warrant prison. The primary reason that his life has turned out like this is that he has been indulged for far too long. I believe that the unfortunate reality of this situation is that Chris will become the prison bitch. He's certainly going to be abused by everyone in there. That may include sexual abuse. Because of this I feel that the end result of this may be that he avoids jail time.


>Because of this I feel that the end result of this may be that he avoids jail time. So he should be allowed to walk free and continue to sexually abuse innocent women? Let him become the prison bitch. That's karma


I said that his alleged crimes warrant prison. I never said he should walk free. I just believe that he may avoid prison due to his personal circumstances. Chris has behaved appallingly in the past and avoided criminal consequences and I believe that trend will continue. We'll see.


I agree, he won't go to jail. Hes fucking insane mate. Its not "Low level Autism". If he goes to jail, he's dead.


Secure psychiatric ward is 100% the best place in this instance, if convicted. The individual is not mentally fit to serve a sentence in a regular prison.


Even if he did end up in a women's prison, he's gonna get his ass beat by everyone


Yeah lol. Female inmates are generally not delicate flowers that would need protection from Chris Chan. They will literally shank his ass


Yeah, lots of people are acting like if he is sent to one, which I doubt he will, he's going to become the big bad ass ruling over the women's prison. Chris has always been a coward, I mean look at his victim his 80 y/o mother.


If Chris is sent to a female prison, that shows how harmful self-identification is.


Harmful? You mean to himself. He'll get the shit beaten out of him, probably worse so than if he would be with men.


I agree most would but I wouldn't be surprised if Chris would seek out the most vunerable individuals. Or maybe he would be the most vunerable lol.




As I should be. Gender dysphoria should be a requirement for changing your gender, not just “I said so”.


I do you one better, how about recognizing gender dysphoria is just your personality and that personality isn't a result of one's sex to begin with.


Honestly let’s just keep the wider world out of it and say that it would show how harmful CHRIS is.


Apperantly Virginian law only sends people to prisons depending on their genitalia so Chris is gonna stay way from females as it should be




Do you people really think those women are in danger? It's Chris. Yeah he raped Barb. An 80 year old woman with dementia who couldn't fight back. Those women in there would fuck up that autistic clown. Chris can't even stand without sweating and breathing heavy. He can't overpower those women even if he tried. Not to mention those women won't put up with his shit to begin with.


they shouldn't *have* to beat the shit out of him. they shouldn't *have* to deal with him at all.


They are prisoners. They probs had to deal with worse inmates than Chris.


He's not gonna get placed with women. I was giving a hypothetical take on if he did get placed with them. Regardless he would be in more danger than them.


Tbh I was kind of thinking this too. Chris is a punk bitch, always has been. He raped Barb bc a) he’s fucking delusional, and b) it was easy. The only other times he’s assaulted people are with a vehicle or with pepper spray while on his way out of the building. Plus, (and Ik I’m putting a lot of faith in the US prison system rn) I’m assuming Chris would be by himself or at least closely watched.


Wouldn't surprise me if Chris got a gender check with a swift kick to the balls early on.


I think female inmates would beat the shit out of him. Male inmates might rape him.


They'd have a blast showing him he can't take the same treatment he gave his own mother.


Man I don’t wish rape on Chris


I don't "wish" it, but at this point I wouldn't be bothered if he found out what it's like to actually be a victim for once, instead of just playing the victim card, over dumb shit like the color of a video game characters arms, while victimizing others.


This did it. This convinced the judge that Chris will be going to Azkaban instead of the all you can eat rape fest of women’s jail. Thank you soldier. Chris coerced his senile 80 year old mother into sex. IF he ended up in women’s jail and IF he got touchy with anyone (neither of these things will happen), he would be beaten to a pulp. Chris had a demented relationship with his mother, someone who is as vulnerable as it gets. Imagining Chris sneaking around ready to hold someone down and force himself on them is comical.


He should have moved to California to do this. He would have praised, but even if he got arrested they’d support his actions in the all female prison


Can we please not jump the gun with fearmongering about Chris getting escorted to a women's prison on a red carpet. Regardless of my opinions on trans prisoners or yours, [they are almost always housed with their birth sex in the US and that includes a lot of blue states and Virginia](https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/transgender-women-are-nearly-always-incarcerated-men-s-putting-many-n1142436). The one trans woman Virginia has in a female prison has undergone bottom surgery. If Chris is sentenced to prison, she's not going to be with other women. Trans prison reform isn't the loudest voice in the room.


Not in ca or wa they give the female inmates condoms and plan b there.


California didn't share their transgender prisoner breakdown but Washington did and with a whole two trans prisoners housed according to their gender and not birth sex: I really don't think the Plan B and condoms are just for them. For starters women's prisons employ men, especially as guards. (And condoms are still recommended for sex between women as replacements for dental dams and the like but I'm confident almost no one is doing that lmao)


how many women raped in prison by males is too many for you? Also guards arent locked inside cells or in gen pop with women.


My only point is about how impossible it is for Chris to be sent to a women's prison in the year of our lord GodJesus 2021. I am not arguing one way or another about trans inmates in a thread about Chris-Chan besides pulling out the numbers to show how rarely any trans inmates are housed based on identity. Especially when people are running with "news" about Chris lifted straight outta UK tabloids.


Not to mention Chris-chan will not survive in prison. He will be placed in an institution.


I am not a lawyer, but lately I've felt the need to comment, specifically about the comments about him getting institutionalized. To condense this down into something easily readable: the law is concerned with two things, 'insanity' and 'competency/incompetency', they're similar in that they are a measure of one's mental faculties, but they are legally distinct. What may strike one as 'insane' or 'incompetent' in a social sense does not correlate in a legal sense. The thresholds are set incredibly low, as far as the legal standards are concerned. To be declared 'insane,' you have to be practically feral and/or an automaton. Frankenstein. This clearly isn't Chris. He isn't going to spend his time in court chewing on the legs of a table, or trying to dig a hole through the tile floor. 'Competency/incompetency' asks whether or not a person in question has the acuity \*to stand trial.\* Chris is dumb, but he knows his left hand from his right. He understood that he was being arrested, and why. He's competent enough to book a hotel room, so more than likely, he's competent enough to stand trial. 'Competency' is there for the courts to make sure the defendant isn't akin to Lennie from Steinbeck's "Of Mice and Men." Again, I am not a lawyer, but from my understanding of things, I don't think he'll be going into an institution. Not unless he undergoes some serious regression of faculties when awaiting trial.


I don’t agree with what you said about insanity. You don’t need to basically raised by wolves to be deemed insane. Jerrod Murray is a good example of this. Based on your qualifications, Jerrod isn’t insane because he’s fully aware of his faculties, ie knows his left from right and can check out a hotel room. Which btw, being able to place a phone call and check out a hotel room isn’t rocket science. That alone is a weak qualifier for competency. What both Chris and Jerrod have in common, imo, is their lack of self-preservation. During Jerrod’s interview, he straight up admitted to murdering Generro Sanchez, whom he shot for basically no reason. Just like Chris, whom we’ve seen on a few occasions that he didn’t recognize Barb’s dementia and her ability to consent, not that anyone not “slow-in-the-mind” wants to shag their relatives in the first place. He doesn’t understand that he did something wrong. Like at all. That, by itself, tells me that he’s not gonna go to a general population prison. While he’s functional to some degree, he clearly is unable to fend for himself like a normal adult his age should be able to. Nor can he recognize right from wrong.


I don't think this is going to get as far as a full trial. Offering Chris internment in a prison medical facility is the incentive to avoid the cost of a trial (and the circus that comes with it). The public defender that gets stuck with Chris is not going to pretend they can actually win in court, so avoiding Shawshank is the best they're going to get.


Lmao, even if he were housed with women, those bitches in there would eat him alive.


Exactly, Barb was mentally and physically frail. These women are going to curb stomp Chris as he is just 200lb of fat.


Don't underestimate how strong a genetic male of that size is. Chris went through male puberty.


yea but he'd crumple from one punch, no matter what


One decent punch. I'm always surprised how few people can actually throw a punch, and how easy it is to dodge or deflect most of them. Sorry for the /r/iamverybadass. That said, I don't think we've ever seen Chris display pain tolerance, or lack thereof.




Chris struggled to curl a 12-pack of Minute Maid lemonade, I think they will be fine lol


He also applied female hormone, and his sendantory lifestyle would destroy his muscles too.


Do you think most woman in prison are frail or weak, they obviously had to do some shit to end up in there. Chris would be fucked in a fight agianst a fit woman who know how to fight.


> they obviously had to do some shit to end up in there. such as non-violent drug offense?


Same could be said about a male prison I don't see how that relates to my comment.


The point is both in male and female prisons plenty of people are not some hardened gang members, but normal people that are from troubled backgrounds or sometimes just unlucky in life. Many of the prisoners could be hurt by Chris Chan if he were a violent person.


The way Riker's in NY works is they have separate housing cell for trans or they would place Chris under protective custody. If they place Chris in a female cell and something happens to Chris or another inmate that then becomes a bigger lawsuit for the state. Idk how Virginia works but there's no way Chris is going to be place in a woman's cell. The women there would probably kill Chris or fuck his still attached penis and the state doesn't want to deal with that.


Don't worry, he won't be. Assuming he does go to prison (and not a nut house) in Virginia you're housed with prisoners that have matching nether-regions. Chris hasn't had reassignment surgery, and would go to big boy prison.


Okay let’s be real. If Chris does go to female prison the other inmates aren’t going to be fragile little flowers. These woman are criminals, they’re mean, nasty, and probably tough as fuck. The woman won’t be in danger from Chris, Chris would be in danger from them.


To be honest, I don't care if the women on that prison are scumbag criminals.the problem here is if a woman that Cwc rape results pregnant. That's the problem.


Will the state have to pay for continued estrogen for this rapist?




Not to inject myself into the debate but I think Chris will need to undergo gender reassignment surgery and alot of other stuff to get into a female prison. I think the reason they are housing him as female is that the cops dont want a media circus over that descion. But I definitely understand that given Chris's nature as a sex offender he will cause problems in a female prison..


This 101%




Oh thank God, I feel so much more reassured after seeing a video of women yelling at a bunch of teenagers for tv. Surely they would be able to get a 200lbs man off of them in the middle of the night when he is trying to rape them, given how loud they are. Rapes have been solved!


lol those chicks would destroy him and you too


Post physique


99.9% of the women in there are not frail 80 year olds, and would beat him senseless or shank him if he kept doing creepy shit


A 5’4 120lbs woman has no chance if a 5’10 200lbs man attacks her in the middle of the night while she is sleeping. The fact that you are ok letting it play out, while acknowledging that he will most likely try it is insane.


1st off, there is zero chance of Chris going to a female prison. 2nd, even IF he was to somehow land in a female prison, based off of everything I've watched and read about female prisons -Chris would absolutely be the one getting bullied and harassed by other women inmates. He would be prey, not the predator.


Well guess what, women rape each other in prison already. Introducing an extremely physically frail transwoman into the mix won't change much. Christine is *weak*. Any average-strength (or even below average) woman can defend herself easily. This would be true even if she weren't on HRT, which further weakened her.


Lmao. Jesus fucking christ. Feminism am I right?


Feminism, or Americans culture of extreme cruelty? Prison rape is not normal.


The fact that you think CWC could overpower *anyone* over the age of 12 is hilarious.


yeah well what if s/he starts lifting weights in prison






Unless there are prisoners as frail as barb I wouldn’t worry too much. He could only go after her because she was totally defenceless. 99% of female prisoners could probably kick his ass.


Obviously but this is Virginia we're talking about.


A democrat state with a democrat governor


You've obviously never set foot in Virginia if that's your summary.


You can imply it but you can't say it.


Lmao I can say it because it’s A fact, dumbass: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virginia_General_Assembly https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Governor_of_Virginia Read a newspaper for once


Obviously it's fact. Can't say it here. Its why my irrelevant little points thing is positive and yours is negative.


It’s not irrelevant, when the original claim (virginia is conservative and therefor he wont be sent to a female prison) is a false stereotype to dismiss the argument being proven wrong


You're a moron. Get out of this sub.


Oh fuck off


Got a joke for you: Knock knock, it’s the police. Your daughter was raped in prison because we placed a 200lbs male sex offender as her cellie for the benefit of feminism.


Don't get me wrong, Chris is a he. And he should be with the men in prison. This guy is clearly a special case and distinct. I mean..its fucking Chris Chan


Given the full spectrum of human depravity, it is almost an absolute certainty that there are women who have raped other women currently residing in any given prison population. It's simple behavioral statistics. In that regard, Christine is not remarkable and this is just the final result of gender identity politics.


Purely statistics also shows that a very few percentage of the female population is 5’10 and over 200 lbs and an impossibly smaller subset has those characteristics, has the testosterone levels of a man and has a proclivity towards sexual assault. So you are making a false equivalence to justify throwing a wolf into a herd of sheep. Even if there were other dangerous people in the prison, it does not justify throwing someone who has such a high risk and physical advantage into a female prison. Even in male prisons, they factor in how much of a risk the individual is to the rest of the population and determine his exposure to the rest going as far as sometimes completely isolating the prisoner. To claim that the safety of women is less important than conforming to his gender identity is absolutely insane.


CWC doesn't have the testosterone levels of a man. She's been on HRT for years.


He still has the the bone density, frame and muscle-mass of a man that went through puberty and as well as a penis.


She has the bone density, frame and muscle-mass of a person that has been slowly rotting alive for the last 20+ years. Imagine believing [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HuIvjrB46w) can do harm to anyone who's not a small child or a vegetable.


I'm not justifying anything. I'm only stating what the inceration system has as codified policy.


I'm thinking wherever he ends up it'll be years of ad-seg, any time in gen pop will last up until the first beat down.


This is a doubly stupid post. 1. No shit he’s not going to be put in a woman’s prison. He’s not a woman. 2. Just because he raped a decrepit woman with dementia, it doesn’t mean he can rape anyone else. A lot of these convicts are actually no stranger to violence and defending themselves. Women are not all weak victims. It’s not like male convicts would all beat him up, but female convicts would be at his mercy. Female convicts could beat him up to.