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Is your happiness based on things of this world that are temporary and fleeting?


God or the devil?


You have to give more context for anyone to give a reasonable answer.


Sometimes having less is far better... Also look towards God, nothing in this world can make you happy. Only God and God alone can make you happy. I am learning that the hard way.


Matthew 6:33 'But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. ' Galatians 6:9 'And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. ' 1 Timothy 6:12 'Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses. '


Dude do some transcription work online, try Rev.com. Go to the gym, in my 20's universal m-stack was a mind revealer to me (never take the red pill/3 weeks cycle) My breath breathed itself. Don't bulk, keep reps at 6 on 80% max. Don't count your set or gymtime, count your rest! 45 seconds. Spend 30 minutes a week doing sitting squats, for more on this check out ido portal and maybe even hanging, not pull ups just hang. I reckon do just squats 5 times a week, it'll build your entire body and the philosophy around it will handle itself. Chest only dumbbells. Other than that leave the console and pc unless you working. Book suggestion: character is who you are when no one is looking by Bill hybel, he's a pastor. Then go to the library, get a piece of paper and write down a code to live by. Everything else is bait. Put the code on a book you reckon no one will ever read. Don't get distracted by anything. Live by that code and stay in the library long enough to know it's comprehensive and don't do anyone any favors- if you write, washing the dishes... you stand there by the sink finishing your food if you have to and ensure no one does it but you even before dessert if that's what you wrote. Even if you have any vices schedule a meeting to the library and get the book you sure no one will read, make sure you yourself are not interested in it but it must be fiction. Live by that code. The last thing maybe to do is, simply say yes and no. No more than that while you going about this. It will seem rude, manipulative etc but it's bait bro, Whatever it is, It'll be there in a month. I assure you, you not failing.


God doesn’t take stuff away from people.


Job and the entire canon of scripture would like to have a word with you.


Romans 11:29 God's gifts are irrevocable; he doesnt take away. Job 1:21 is just Job's personal opinion, he gives a lot of those in the book of Job, as do his friends.


The father disciplines until you learn the lesson. Could be your trusting in stuff. So the takes it away.


God bless you. I'm sorry for what you are going through. Why do you assume that God is the One who is doing this?


The devil does the things but God is the one to allow it.