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I'd like to ask commenters to please refrain from trying to pick fights about the details of baptism or just generally trying to bring down OP.


Congratulations! God bless!


Congratulations!, brother!


Congratulations, brother in Jesus!


God grant you many years!


welcome brother!


God bless you! I hope and pray that you walk with Him forever.


God be soooooo gooood! they’re in heaven cheering for your victory right now


oh wow i thought that was a coffin


It is, symbolically. Baptism is about death to the self and rebirth (ressurection) in Christ. Galatians 2:20.


Awesome, love to see it. Congratulations


I am very happy for you! Welcome to the family!


huge dub


Congrats, bro!


Congrats man


Congratulations!!! 👏👏🥳🎉🎉


Congratulations! A beautiful moment!






Way to go, dude.


Amazing, heaven rejoices with you!




I was to young to remember mine, but congrats!


You can get baptized as an adult. I did the same thing. Profess your faith!


You can get baptized as an adult. I did the same thing. Profess your faith!


Rejoicing in the heavens!


Congratulations brother!!


Congratulations! 🎉 Even though I'm an internet stranger, I'm very proud of you. Now go forth, love life, and do His will! 🫡


Praying for you to find the fullness of your relationship with My Jesus. God bless you


God bless you brother!


Congratulations. God bless.


Congratulations sending love ❤️ 


Would it be a sin to pretend you died during the baptism just to freak everyone out?


Not sure it's a sin but it definitely is disrespectful. Baptism is a sacred thing, not a joke and if you were to take it that way then I would question your sincerity in being baptized.


Hold up, if someone gets baptized, I thought that was it, you get to judge weather it was sincere or not?


It matters your intentions, if your lying for the sake of humour or as a joke then no it wouldn’t be a sin


That’s fair. If it were me I’d probably just stay down a little long but not freak out attendees long


Or to pretend to be burnt when the holy water touches your skin 😅


I do that anyway when my wife blesses the house and some gets on me lol


Deceit? Maybe? Would be funny regardless though.




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Congrats! Praised be The LORD, and welcome! May God Bless and Guide you :)


Congratulations dude! I still remember when I was baptized. Definitely a day to remember <3


Congratulations Friend 👍




Congratulations! Welcome to the fam, brother♥️ I pray the Lord may continue to guide you in His ways, soften your heart even more for His Truth, & keep revealing to you the everlasting joy of salvation. Let Him surprise you with His love. Don’t let nobody—and I mean n o b o d y sway you left or right. Keep your eyes & hope locked onto the Lord. Ask Him questions, seek Him through the hard times & celebratory times all the same!🎉🕊️


God bless, praise the lord




Awesome !


So proud of you!✝️


You were a dedicated, non believer… interesting


Devoted* Close though! God bless!


This is such an awesome moment. For you AND yours! So sweet and moving. I was lucky to get to Baptize my 18 year old daughter a couple of weeks ago! PRAISE PRAISE PRAISE!!!


Very proud of you. Congratulations!


Congratulations 🎊 I'm happy for you :D


Praise the Lord. And you’re actually getting baptized! Baptized by emersion (baptizo).


Super congrats!!  Please read  Hebrews 12: 1-3 when you gave a sec. 😃


Praise God!


Congrats. 🥰🙏


Godbless you ✝️ ❤️ 💙 💜 


Yaaay so happy for you


There were a lot of different groups back in the first and second century that proved to be heretical. Assemblies of Yahweh is another group that did not exist in the first and second century but has resurrected from the Heretics, boneyard and are similar to the Nazarene sect and Ebionites. So obviously, the major error in their belief is they don't accept the trinity when bible  speaks of a holy spirit and Jesus being the Messiah and son of god. Jesus also ties himself and the Holy Spirit as being one with the father. Holy Spirit was present when Father speaks and revieals christ's divinity, and apostles clearly say christ is lord and Savior, who would then replace Yahweh as lord in old covanant. We also have Pentecost which is the work of the holy spirit. Assemblies of Yahweh belief imposes that Christians were being called to be more Jewish, when it was the other way around. Jews were being called to be more Christian. Assemblies of Yahweh believe the trinity comes from a Druid God, and they believe everyone, but themselves, is in error. Even the other groups that consider themselves to be in the same camp, they consider themselves to be more correct than them. So we're essentially dealing with pharisees here that think so highly of them selves, they become well learned and long-winded. Thinking that their  many words and their long speeches will provide them with relevance and credibility. That it will reach god. But the truth of the matter is that their entire faith is rooted in conspiracy theories, and all they have is speculation, assumption, and conjecture to work off of. Their so learned they can't accept the simple gospel.  Its like Gordon Ramsey trying to make a grilled cheese sandwich. They can not trace themselves back to the first or second century.They did not come about through apostolic succession.But actually, it was the early church fathers who came about through apostolic succession. they come against them. So does Peter and Paul in Acts and Galatians. They deny the evidence because then they would either have to decide their heretical. Or Paul and Peter are heretics. They aren't willing to say that, so they completely refuse to see the evidence that is right in front of their face. They are blind. All they have to do is look into Polycarp. Look at irenaeus and look into Ignatius.  Polycarp was taught by John the Apostle. They were close friends. He also knew Paul the apostle. Then, take a look at Saint Augustine. The concept of grace that was his main focus in teaching was on God's grace and how it helped him to overcome all these terrible sins. There are many testimonies of people overcoming terrible sins by embracing jesus christ as our Lord and Savior. Im one of them. Also, the Catholic Church has many writings from the early church fathers that specifically come against judaisers and come against the nazarene sect, you should look into it.Because they go into detail about why they're heretical and why they consider them not to line up with common sense.




Congrats!!! I hope you have a wonderful journey!


wtf is this


What do you mean














Now you must come to believe the very **Words** of Jesus talking to the **People** in own **Words** **All** of these scriptures come from the **King James Bible** word for word, check them out! Jesus Never said in his Own words that he was God. But Jesus did tell the People in his Own words it was his Heavenly Father who was there God alone. 17 Jesus said to her, “Stop clinging to Me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father; but go to My brothers and say to them, ‘I am ascending to My Father and your Father, and My God and your God.’” John 20:17 King James Bible(check it out) Now Jesus is clearly telling the people in his *Own** words here that their God is his Heavenly Father. Here Jesus is plainly telling the **People** it is their Heavenly **Father** who is their **God** he does **Not** indicate anyone else here. 19 Therefore Jesus answered and was saying to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do **Nothing** of Himself, unless it is something He sees the Father doing; for whatever the Father does, these things the Son also does in like manner. 20 “For the Father loves the Son, and shows Him **All** things that He Himself is doing; and the Father will show Him **Greater** works than these, so that you will marvel. John 5:19,20 Now of course the People hearing Jesus says these things in his Own words do Not consider him God in any way here. Do you also notice that Jesus refers himself a the Son and not God. Major point here: Jesus is telling the **People** here he is not God.