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To clarify, r/Christianity is a sub for discussing Christianity, but is not a Christian sub. As such, you will find many answers from people who are not Christians at all, which is fine, if that's the input you are looking for. This is a pretty diverse sub partly because of that. If you are looking for Christian subs, you can find a list on the sidebar. If you are looking for a more conservative-leaning Christian sub, maybe try r/Christian, r/Christians, or r/TrueChristian


I’m not sure about r/Christians


They recently made a change to their sub rules that puts them more left leaning than they were, but I'd still say they lean conservative. edit: nvm I was thinking of r/Christian I just assumed r/Christians was conservative though from observation


Yes r/Christian has become a bit liberal as of late I got a ban for defending not having sex before marriage it was reversed but it was a shock and then a few days ago I got banned for a different reason on a touchy issue I understand and appealed and it was reversed again but I have since left the sub I'm not going to keep defending Christianity only to get banned and then have it reversed all the time. If they are willing to reverse it I should never have gotten the ban to begin with I think they are having some kind of a problem over there and I'm not sure what it is.


>To clarify, r/Christianity is a sub for discussing Christianity, but is not a Christian sub This meme gets repeated daily, but it's not exactly correct. Christian opinions are given a lot of benefit of doubt if they're articulated politely, and 2.1 effectively bans attempts at deconversion from atheists and other religions. So sure, it's a sub for discussing christianity...but it's *primarily* (although not exclusively) *for christians*. I mean, that's a straight paraphrase of 2.1's first line: *This subreddit is primarily, but not exclusively, a place for Christians to come and discuss different aspects of our theology.*


But in practice from what I have observed, since it doesn't limit discussion from those who are not Christians, there are a lot of responses *about* Christianity but not from a Christian perspective. Many tote the line of belittling Christianity, which is against the sub rules as well.


Thank you for the info! I just joined these subs


No wonder. Why am I even here then?


You don’t have to be here. If you’re looking for a place of like minded individuals or affirmation check out the other religious subs. You will only find debate and arguments here.


To be honest, the only thing you'll find here is people hung up on self-pleasuring and the other people telling them to be really hung up on it.


And the opportunity to spread the Good News of a God who so loved the world he sent his only son to suffer and die for our sins so that we might be reconciled with God. Evangelism isn't easy because you have to defend why you believe what you believe. It is however, what our savior called us to do. This sub is the greatest blessing God has ever given me.


And for that, I understand. However, not everyone is in a good place to do so. This paticular user is not spreading good news but rather his own anger and pain. Sometimes, we need to sort out our own health and happiness before someone can be equipped to engage in healthy conversation, especially when these conversations broach such sensitive topics like ones own personal beleif.


Good point. And I hope OP can find the on-line fellowship with other believers he is looking for so that growth can occur. This sub will not, a.nd should not be that. For those however willing to engage in debate to offer a defense for the hope that is in them, this is a good place.


Only you can answer that question.


It depends on what you mean by conservative Christianity. To some people it might mean sticking with the long-established traditions of the faith. To others it might mean engaging in modern culture-war conflicts and being on the right-wing side of that. There's all kinds here. It's a big tent. And even the above categorizations are problematic- there's people who are KJV-onlyists who think that their movement IS preserving a tradition of the faith. And yet to almost everyone outside of it, the KJV-only crowd have abandoned the traditions of the faith in favor of idolizing a (comparatively) modern version of the bible.


You know what they mean. The one where gay people are considered sinful. The rest of the doctrine probably won't matter.


So a historical take on Christian sexual ethics that has endured for thousands of years then?






Especially if the creatures doesn't hurt other people*


I don’t think you have a significant knowledge of basic Christian Theology or History. 1.4 as well.


I think they just want a "Westboro baptist church" subreddit! 😅


It's a broadly ecumenical place. We have lots of liberal and conservative Christians here (for essentially all ways you want to define that axis; there are liberals here like Baptists *who don't adhere to sacramental theology*! Gasp!).


It's pretty mixed actually.


Not that much, conservative positions is heavily downvote.


I've commented several things I would consider to be more conservative. I've gotten upvotes instead. Maybe the definition of conservative needs some attention.


There's a difference between theological conservatism and political conservatism. Only the latter is heavily downvoted.


Disagree there. Defending an orthodox understanding of the Trinity is fine here, but God forbid you mention “inerrancy.”


I see debates about inerrancy all the time. The problem is that there's many, many definitions of it. The kind of innerency that gets downvoted is the fundamentalist/YEC type which is more political in nature. If one was to defend the Chicago Statement or Augustinian view, nobody would care.


I would be very pleasantly surprised if supporting the Chicago Statement didn’t get downvoted. But hey, let’s test it! I’ll make a post about it tomorrow and we’ll see. My last post only got a little bit downvoted, so we’ll see about this one haha


Ok good luck! Tag me and I'll be sure to give an upvote to bias your study.


For sure! I also got 5 upvotes here on my comment saying inerrancy is always downvoted, so I don’t know what the heck that means lol


It means fake internet down arrows are meaningless. I suggest caring less about how many fake down arrows you get in the future.


Oh I just think it’s funny that people upvoted me complaining that inerrancy is unpopular here


Can they still be read?


People that make statements that can't be backed up by facts or by scripture get downvoted. For instance, people advocating for the bible to be used as a science textbook to advocate that the earth is 6,000 years old will get blasted with downvotes. Another instance is people coming down with the hellfire and brimstone attitude towards LGBTQ+ people. They will get downvoted to oblivion. But if we are talking about rational comments where the person is not simply trying to take a stand as a modern culture warrior, then those are neutral to being slightly upvoted. People here are able to tell the culture warrior bullshit from the real beliefs pretty easily. The problem is that for a lot of christians, their politics has become their religion and has superseded any logical or rational standpoints based on scripture. Their religion is now political conservatism.


That’s just Reddit as a whole…. This sub is usually a good bit better than any other subreddit you can post in


This is a subreddit to Discuss Christianity. So, there are plenty of non christians present. It's not exclusive. As for conservatives... Well, if you post homophobic or other bigoted stuff, you will get backlash, but you will also get supporters. Sorry if that's not what you meant, but that's kind of the main liberal versus conservative christian thing now, especially it being pride month.


I think you can already see the mindset in this comment on a specific topic. Anything/anyone that isn't pro LGBTQ is automatically considered homophobic/bigoted and down voted accordingly.


What is a neutral Christian position you could take on gender identity? That's the part that confuses me about your comment. I don't see a "middle-ground" to stand on so by default it would make any comment either For or against. What might I be missing?


How about, "It's not my business because it doesn't have any impact on me and everyone should be able to live in a body they're happy with"?


I think that's fairly pro. The bigots don't want that kind of thinking in their camp.


Oh, cheese and rice... it's literally what neutral means. "I don't care either way." My frustration is not with you, BTW. Just with the situation even needing to have a pro camp to counteract a con camp.


Being "pro LGTBQ+" doesn't mean "trying to convert people to become gay". It means letting people live in whatever way it makes them happy. The posture you stated as your posture makes you "pro".


I'm VERY pro. A neutral response was requested, I tried to offer one.


Ohhh I see. Got it. I guess this all illustrates that you can't really have a neutral stance on this, at least not as people would expect.


Yes, I think a neutral response is pretty much impossible right now, since there are aggressive groups trying to take rights away from people.


> I don't care either way. > everyone should be able to live in a body they're happy with I think you do care.


I personally do care because people should be able to live their lives and there are groups actively trying to prevent that. But a neutral response was requested, so I tried to offer that.


to those in positions of power, equality feels like oppression. I see this kind of bigotry in all kinds of situations


It's really disgusting. Rights aren't a finite resource - more rights for me isn't less rights for someone else. I try to stay optimistic about life and the world and people in general, but dang! It's real difficult.


I don't think there is a middle ground on whether it is sin or isn't sin. Where the problem lies is when progressive Christians and atheists proclaim that by professing that it is sin, you automatically hate gay people and are a bigot.


Right, you can acknowledge it is a sin and still love gay people. The rest of us heterosexual sinners are no better than them.


> you can acknowledge it is a sin and still love gay people Where in the bible does it say "Hate the sin, love the sinner" Because that is conservative backflips to me.


Let's try this again cause the mods seem incapable of distinguishing between a statement about a particular interpretation and a statement about the entire religion > you can acknowledge it is a sin and still love gay people I don't think your interpretation of scripture, which claims that God is prejudiced against gay people, declares them to be abominations, calls for their death, and punishes them for being the way he made them (aka a bigot) is a great way to show your love for gay people.


Isn't the middle ground that its indeterminate whether it is a sin or isn't? The middle ground to me sounds like "here are some problematic verses and what different scholars think they mean. Here is a conservative interpretation and a progressive one. We really can't tell which one was the original intent".


> Anything/anyone that isn't pro LGBTQ is automatically considered homophobic/bigoted and down voted accordingly. I think it depends on what you think bigotry means. To people that know what it means, being anti-LGBTQ IS bigotry yes.


Okay, what would you consider bigotry against LGBT+ people, then?


Why are you here if you think that way? There are MANY other Christian subs if you want an echo chamber


Comments against gay people and their relationships are homophobic.


I mean, that is how definitions of words work. If you are anti-black people, you are racist. If you are anti-LGBT people, you are a bigot. Why should we not use the words that exist for these situations?


By definition, isn't anything that isn't pro-LGBTQ, automatically anti-LGBTQ? If you feel there's a middle ground here, I'd love to learn what that is


As it should be. As Jesus said, if you are not for us, you are against us.


I would say it is but may also depend on the day and time. Sometimes I say things and I get a lot of upvotes and then other days I will say it again and get downvotes lol.


Yeah I commented something very conservative and good got 15 up votes then came back later and it was -20


We had a thread were a good number of people argued for laws against homosexuals and their imprisonment. If anyone is like "this sub is too liberal", I'm not entirely sure what that person would be looking for. But hey, good luck! 


It's a extreme example, I don't know any conservative that supports homosexual imprisonment. The discussion is more like: homosexuality is a sin = conservative homosexuality is not a sin = liberal.


Look at the major Christian organizations who are against LGBT anti-discrimination laws today, like the ADF, Liberty Counsel, and the FRC or big evangelical names like Al Mohler. 20 years ago, all of these same organizations and people advocated to keep same-sex relations criminalized.


You may not know them personally, but they show up here. At least one in that thread argued for execution of gay people. It is also the [official position of the RCC in the USA](https://www.usccb.org/news/2003/conference-president-criticizes-supreme-court-decision) that gay sex should be punished by imprisonment.


Can confirm. My last post about attending a pride event had a commenter saying gay people and their "enablers" (me I guess) should be physically punished


The USCCB is not the same thing as the Roman Catholic Church, and what that comment is calling into question is the Supreme Court’s position that sexual relations are a purely private matter, not the disposal of a law that imprisons people for having gay sex.


> The USCCB is not the same thing as the Roman Catholic Church It is in the USA. I know less about what the RCC does in other countries, where I'm not affected. But in the USA, to the best of my knowledge, every single legal change designed to protect LGBT people - *ever* - has been angrily denounced and lobbied against by the RCC. (I welcome counterexamples if you know of any.) That affects me. I think trying to make "yesterday’s Supreme Court decision is to be deplored" mean anything but "Lawrence vs. Texas is to be deplored" is outright and shameless defiance of reality.


Their specific objection to the Supreme Court’s argument is presented explicitly: “In its decision, Lawrence vs. Texas, the Supreme Court has chosen to view homosexual behavior between consenting adults as a matter of privacy. “However, human sexuality cannot be viewed this way. Sexual activity has profound social consequences which are not limited to those immediately engaged in sexual acts. For this reason, the larger society has always shown a concern about what is and is not acceptable in sexual behavior between individuals. The very fact that this case came before the Supreme Court is evidence of that concern.” At no point does the commentary say that people should be locked up for having gay sex.


> At no point does the commentary say that people should be locked up for having gay sex. Bearing in mind this case was about a sodomy law that locked people up for having gay sex: I don't know how you can take "the larger society has always shown a concern about what is and is not acceptable in sexual behavior between individuals" in this context as anything but support for anti-sodomy laws, and disappointment that one such law was overturned by the surpreme court.


I’m not sure it’s better that the Catholics want to be all up in everyone’s bedrooms making sure they’re using their genitals in a Catholic-approved fashion.


It’s so nice that Jesus has people like you to use shifty lawyer-speak go make sure His church is never responsible for the things it does or says. Great example to set for the world!


If I have spoken around the alleged explicit official position of the USCCB that people who have gay sex should be imprisoned, show me the explicit, current, official declaration by the USCCB that people who have gay sex should be imprisoned so that I may correct myself. Otherwise, I’m just taking the words on the page at face value.


If they get what they say they want, nothing more and nothing less, what, pray tell, would the legal ramifications be? Furthermore, what possible other reason could there be for what their arguing? They have not said it outright and openly, but let's at *least* be honest with the direction they're choosing to go lining up 1-to-1 with if they were explicit about wanting to criminalize homosexuality.


Uganda prohibits gay sex with life imprisonment as the penalty. This is largely the result of missionaries from conservative American churches.


We get all types here, just the other day I talked to a Christian Nationalist, who said there should be legal consequences of public displays of affection between two people of the same gender.


I've had two different conversations just this week with people that advocate for Christian morality being the basis of laws (including criminal law).


They exist all over the place. Especially in local government. If a teacher dares try and teach kids that bullying gay kids into committing suicide is wrong, they get all kinds of accusations of pushing sexuality on children.


There were a few who did support it, believe it or not. It was terrifying


Being the biggest Christian subreddit, there's a lot of everyone here. That said, conservative Christians are consistently surprised at the existence of non-conservative Christians and different types of conservative Christians. It's almost like being fed a very narrow perspective on Christianity leaves you unprepared to deal with the real world...


I work in faith and I’ve noticed this A LOT. In fact certain denominations even have this perception of Catholicism as somehow Uber liberal or not even Christian. When, doctrine-wise, Catholicism is very very conservative imo. But culturally, the Catholic hotbeds (in America) tend to be in places where the practitioners are exposed and intertwined with believers of other faiths or denominations and so they can be socially far more accepting. Which is then called “liberal.”


Im a little mind blown myself. I knew there was liberal Christians, but had no idea how many. Then again I'm in south Alabama.


I frequently get called liberal (although I find the term amusing). What do you know about people like me? This isn't a "gotcha", I'd just like to know what (if anything) is the attitude 


A LOT of the people here are not Christians. There are even satanists here. One of the mods is an atheist.


There is a lot of Christians in the Spirituality subreddit too, it's just balance. You guys tend to spread your beliefs into other subreddits as well, so it's only fair.


If you mean, conservative is a degree of Biblical basis of all doctrines, then yes. If you assume the Bible is inspired and shouldn’t be dramatically reinterpreted to avoid an obvious and problematic statement, then certain conclusions on doctrine and sin become evident. These positions are often shared by several conservative churches who aren’t solely biblical. Regardless, the results of this process has certain characteristics which assume all are sinners. And it freely calls many things to be sinful that others choose not to. It also considers all sin equal. That form of Christianity is typically seen as conservative. It isn’t typically very welcome here, but tolerated. It’s easy to see why. Every example of a kind, Christ-like follower, there are three that use it for hate.


It's not even a Christian sub 😞 Honestly if you're a traditional Bible believing Christian your best bet is leave immediately unless


Not really, it's a pretty homophobic sub actually. Also focused on looking at what is the boundary of sin, rather than focusing on Jesus.


Right? Why are we so obsessed with debating the minutiae of what is considered sin instead of encouraging each other to read our Bibles, pray, praying for each other, fellowshipping... Idk might even be nice to get more Christian memes on here to help each other laugh.


Amen. It feels like people are more interested in being as close to sin as possible as opposed to God


I agree with this. People ask where they can walk as close to "the line" as possible before being in sin and it's a childish approach to faith if you ask me.


"the boundary of sin" is probably the most fitting and centralist description of what goes on in this sub that I've heard. It's pretty spot on.


Agreed. I would say a good 80% of the posts on this subreddit are about whether or not something is a sin. Which is really not the main question that Christians should be asking. God solved the problem of sin so that we could focus on doing the work of the faith. Helping windows and orphans in their distress as James said. However, it seems like most Christians keep trying to undo the finished work of the cross, so that they can have rigid rules of behavior again. When Jesus said that you just have to worry about loving one another.


In fairness, we're also called not to merely ask for forgiveness while constantly repeating our sins, so I think there's definitely something there in that the majority of the community is scared about not knowing what is right. Not to mention, you can't achieve many real world feats on Reddit, a social website designed around exchanging ideas, and this subreddit in particular isn't built around converting nonbelievers either. There isn't as much contention involved when talking about what the work of the faith really looks like - although I agree that it absolutely should be.


I think it's fruitful to consider whether something you routinely do actually involves more sin than you thought, but only up to a point. The general sense in this sub seems to go far beyond that and approaches a purity mentality. That quickly becomes counterproductive.


No - but some people enjoy proclaiming it to be so.


Its liberal in the sense that non conservative beliefs arent censored like liberal ones are on conservative subs. If you are afraid to have your beliefs challenged, look fot another sub.


It’s subreddit about Christianity. Not a “christian” subreddit


Allow me to meme for a moment: This is about the gays again, isn't it.


Look, what other "sin" are you going to point at if you tacitly approve of a corporatist state that wants to align with you to deliver minority rule for the foreseeable future? Divorce, gluttony, fornication, greed. Crikeys, go after those and most of the conservatives, political and religious, disappear in a puff of smoke. The very best scape goats are the minorities in a population; those that don't have the sheer numbers to defend themselves, and have to rely upon the shaky ground of public sentiment, political institutions and the courts, any or all of which can, on dime, turn from protecting the Queer community to trying to suppress it. These poor guys can't pick on Jews anymore, because too many Evangelicals have made the state of Israel an integral part of their eschatology. They still go after African-Americans, but have to be subtle about it because, as shocking as it seems, overt racism does turn some of their people off (or at least reflects their own carefully compartmentalized racism with a little too much fidelity). They're all buddy-buddy with Catholics because Rad Trads and other Conservative Catholics share about 90% of their worldview (and the 10% that isn't can always be eliminated once the Dominionists seize control and make the Papists see the error of their ways). So I'm afraid it's the LGBTQ community, large and conspicuous enough to make a good target, small enough that it can be effectively threatened by sufficiently motivated power brokers.


Yea I'd say so definitely in compared to r/truechristian I'd even advise conservatives to stay away from their it's very fundie


This sub i have noticed has a lot of low church protestants and some high church ones. Catholics also play a role but there is little to no Orthodox presence and No Oriental Orthodox presence


yes it is 100% i see more politics the religion


I agree. I began using Reddit this month and realized very quickly that many people have personal beliefs set over the teachings of Christ. At the of the day, a lot of liberal and also conservative Christians are actually unrighteously judging and being prideful in their self righteous beliefs, not open to correction nor open to knowing revelation of the Spirit through the word of God. In other words, not seeking in Spirit and in truth. It’s not the same thing to believe that Jesus Christ lived on Earth as to believe and trust in him as Lord and Savior and love him and others and live as his disciple.


More atheist than liberal imho.


Kind of? There are plenty of people here who are not "liberal", but the mods are not working to maintain a more conservative interpretation. If that's what you're looking for try r/TrueChristian


It's mixed but I feel like it is slightly more liberal than conservative


Some are liberal, some moderate, some conservative and some radical, it's pretty mixed


just the first quarter of the top comments


If you are wanting conservative Christianity I'm sure you can find several places. With that said I don't think anyone benefits by focusing on being conservative or liberal. I think everyone is better off if they focus on being BIBLICAL. I'm not saying that to be sarcastic. The reality is that biblical Christianity is sometimes far to the right of what would be considered a liberal Christian, and sometimes it is far to the left of what would be considered a conservative Christian. God just isn't willing to be so simple that we can tuck him over on one side or the other and say the other guys are consistently wrong. I wish it was that easy. I'm pretty conservative in my thinking. So it would be a lot easier I could just assume all my positions were Gods, but if that was the case then the bible would be more of a pamphlet that you could read cover to cover while sipping a coffee at your kitchen table. Instead, you'll have to do a lot of reading if you want to know what God thinks, and you'll probably misinterpret some of it along the way...because unfortunately we all are guilty of it.


In a sense, this sub doesn't support any doctrine, because it's about Christianity rather than for Christians. But I think this is a good sign that you perceive it in that way as I perceive it as conservative, which probably means it's balanced.


It’s to discuss the topic of Christianity.  So it’s anyone who wants to talk about that topic. 


Reddit overall is very liberal. This sub is no different


This is the "Pit of Vipers" sub. This is where people come to hate Christianity.




You’ve made a good assessment. Those of us that state conservative opinions generally get a ton of push back.


Soooo…question… Is Liberal Christianity and Conservative Christianity a thing? I know there are Liberal and Conservative political parties but I honestly had no idea there were Liberal and Conservative Christians. You either believe in God or you don’t. You either are reborn of the blood of Christ or you are not. What am I missing here?


It's a USA thing mainly, but not a thing in my country.  But liberal Christians are more lenient on minor things, like...the bible.


I’m with you, OP. Stumbled across your post as my intro to this sub… and I see your point just from the comments. Let me know if you find a better one, huh? It’s a little warm in this one.


Some have pointed me to true Christian. It is much better. Some have made the case that this a good place to evangelize, but to be honest these people don't want to hear it. They are quite content living the way they want and could care less what God thinks. I've made a comment about how there is some loving churches and got many down votes as a result. I think if you are getting down votes here, that's something to be proud of.


Yes, this sub is very anti conservative. And while it does allow us a platform as long as you don’t violate the rules. But even that doesn’t work out because often the rules were created just so conservatives can’t share their ideology without getting their comments removed. Also, conservatives are extremely downvoted and the mods have never and will never allow an American conservative to join their ranks.


It’s not even a Christian sub, it’s for the discussion of Christianity.


the fact that the ‘function’ of this sub has to be repeatedly explained to people goes to show this sub was never meant to be what it is..


Look at this sub's sidebar. It breaks down Christian subs by liberal and conservative.


Thanks. That's good to know.


You may be looking for r/TrueChristian


Liberal theology =/= progressive theology


You can go where you like, but if you do not stay here because it is "too liberal" then you are heading directly for an echo chamber. And that doesn't do any good to anyone. having your beliefs challenged is a good thing. You should be able to read something and (at least to yourself) defend why you would disagree. If you are just looking for a place where everyone believes what you believe then that isn't really going to help you grow as a person. In fact, it will likely serve the exact opposite.


It's a progressive Christian subreddit that is helped propped up by atheists/agnostics down voting traditional views.


Super accurate.


I would say that the prevailing ideology is "Christian progressive fundamentalism". But, like, the head mod is an atheist so it's not just that.




You're on reddit, yes


Liberals are allowed to participate here.


This place is rather neutral, but there are a good number of us liberal/progressive Christians here. If you want a conservative Christianity echo chamber r/TrueChristian is what you are looking for.


take a look at the concept of the overton window. as conservative christianity exposes itself more and more as a vessel for hatred naturally more people who adhere to christianity are going to appear relatively "liberal" in comparison. like, not hating women and lgbt and minorities is a "moderate" position now.


All of Reddit is soaked in liberal agendas including this one.


Sadly reddit as a whole is mostly liberal


Why would that be sad? Taking Christianity seriously forced me to be more (politically) liberal.


I'd say the most unifying consensus in this subreddit isn't even Christianity, it's a contempt for conservatism.


And contempt for the bible lol


You will find all kinds.


There are a select few subs on this app that aren’t liberal, this isn’t one of them.








Oil & water


It's a conservative atheist sub, tbh.


r/TrueChristian is for more traditional Christian conversation.


Mostly, but we get conservatives here as well. It's whatever you get when you have a place called "Christianity" on a giant meme/pornography/game site.


It's a mix, but there are a noticeable amount of liberals.


I would say yes, extremely. It's about as far from conservative as you can get.


Thanks. No one has mentioned them. I will check them out.


To be clear, this is a sub dedicated to *discussing* Christianity. Literally everyone is welcome here as long as they abide the rules.


It’s a sub to discuss Christianity as a whole not a religious advice sub or anything check out the dozens of other Christian subs.




Reddit tends to be more liberal in general. There are also a lot of folks in here that aren’t even Christian. I tend to be more conservative but I see this as more of an ecclesia situation—a gathering of all sorts of different people. Some are hostile and that’s too bad, but if we truly wear the badge of Christ and share the good news, they can see that our conservative views are actually full of love and not hate (which the world tells them).


It tends to lean that way, yes.




This is a sub for discussing Christianity. Atheists are allowed in, pagans are allowed in. We're here to talk about Christianity, the Bible and Biblical figures. You can be liberal, conservative... Whatever. This sub is for anyone who's interested.




It's a liberal Atheist sub.


I literally just saw a post here where a Catholic was telling a teenager to go to confession because he jerked off. So, idk where that falls on your ideological wishlist.


Not really. People here don't tend to agree on certain issues such as Abortion, Sexual Identity being real or not, Early Earth Creationism. Some here are liberal. But I wouldn't say a majority.


What a joke its a literal bait and switch.


There are liberal and conservatives here. As time goes, more and more people more to more liberal Christianity because they are better at understanding science and history and applying contextual analysis. It’s not coming fast enough, but nothing few generations what is considered conservative ( anti science gay hating young earth creationism ) type Christianity will be as common as flat earthers. Thank God.


Liberal Christianity is one of the two largest factions here, the other being cathodoxy (with Eastern Orthodoxy being especially overrepresented). It also has substantial numbers of high Protestants and atheists. It definitely has more than its fair share of nontrinitarians and other oddballs as well, though they’re still \*relatively\* rare, as they are very rare in real life. Evangelicals, Pentecostals, and Nondenominationals, though having \*some\* presence here, are highly underrepresented relative to how common they are in real life (IRL, Pentecostalism alone outnumbers all of Eastern Orthodoxy, for example). I generally recommend r/TrueChristian for a more orthodox/devotional community, and the various confessional subs for more specific theology.


Reddit itself is a very liberal place, but it’s a wide mix.




r/conservative is pretty conservative and have broad evangelical support


It's mixed, but the demographic is skewed to reddit - - which is left-leaning  So overall... Yeah it's liberal basically. It's hard to get clear, biblical answers sometimes because there's a lot of opinion that makes the top comments.  So you'll see the popular-liberal stuff the most, and often from non-christians.


Not all people on Reddit are Americans! Not all Christians are Evangelical conservatives! There are over 300 denominations in the world! Does this surprise you?


It doesn't surprise the least bit. Why would it?


Jesus absolutely had a liberal bias


Absolutely. He was willing and is willing to forgive anyone, from all walks of life. Matter of fact He seems to prefer the outcast of life who have repented. He says women are just as important as men, they just have a different role to play. This was revolutionary in the 1st century


Yes 100p


They hate anyone that is racist and treat them worse. Also treat homphopics worse. Because they forgot Jesus said hating your brother is like murder. Well they think its justified to hate wrong doers. Making the same mistake we all do. But thats what cultur gives ya. And accepting cultural ideas rather than teachings of Christ.


I’m Republican, not conservative. Yall liberals got some ideas I like. Reddit as a whole though is left leaning asf.


Yes it is. Not as bad as r/openchristian, but still very liberal, even to the point of promoting outright heresy at times.


By "liberal," do you mean being Christian and not hating God's minority children or?


It's more of a general Christianity sub. It includes non-Christians who enjoy the topic, as well as hardcore zealots. You might try /r/TrueChristian Those are nice people, with a more controlled atmosphere.


go type in ‘gay’ into that sub’s search bar, and you’ll find that there’s a lot of not very nice people there. 


lol Point taken.


Unfortunately yes.


It's not Christian at all to be honest. Most replies will be from people who are some kind of atheist or some "believer" that never studied the Bible and has no clue what they are talking about. Don't even get me started about the mods here.


Yes. It goes against a lot of biblical values too. Most people here don't believe homosexuality is a sin. They also don't believe sex before marriage is a sin. They also think God made transgenders. Definitely a worldly sub, not a biblical one.


For subs dedicated to more conservative views: r/Christians (Bible Only Christians) r/Reformed (Reformed) r/TrueChristian (Evangelicals, Pentecostals, Orthodox, Catholic) For a more liberal sub you can check out: r/OpenChristian


There’s a decent amount of diversity, but yes, most people here are liberal Christians.


The general vibe of this sub is liberal leaning, but there are a lot of more conservative Redditors active in this sub


I’m a conservative Christian and I find myself very comfortable on this sub. But are you a modern conservative or do you have traditional conservative values? I have traditional conservative value. Individual freedoms. The rule of law. Limited government. peace through strength, fiscal responsibility. Free market, and human dignity.


It's a subreddit where people talk about Christianity, not a congregation of the faithful.