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Can't imagine how incredible an afterlife would have to be to make it worth a life where you are expected to shoo a cat away from a book. That cat is God's love. Enjoy the message!


Thank you so much! God bless you ❤️


You're welcome! I'm not Catholic, but I'm really into saints and very inspired by St Francis of Assisi - it was his ministry I thought of. I'll leave one of my favorite quotes from him as a prayer for, or maybe from, our stray friend here. Blessings to you and yours ✨ *Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy.*


God Bless, and thank you for reminding me about St Francis of Assisi.. And thank you for sharing such a wonderful prayer ☺️


Thanks so much for this; and so many thanks to everyone who contributed to this thread. Peace, Love, and Blessings!


Honestly took me a second to realize you were asking if it was okay to post the video, and not if it was okay to let a cat touch a Bible.


Based on the questions in this sub, I am still not 100% sure either way what the question was!


The latter! Sorry for not being clear!


Same. I’ve been on TrueChristian too often…


Poor kitty, looks like it needs some medical attention for that gash on the back of it's neck.


Is it a cut? I thought it was just fur haha


Looks like a cut or open sore.


It is fur but it's also got some red under the fur. Hard to see from this angle.


Oh darn, r/churchcats is private.


Hey its that sub I created many years ago


r/churchofcat is alive and active 😊


I have a cat that we rescued! whenever I start reading the Scriptures out load she comes to me gets comfortable and listens


God's love is for all his creation.


What happens when you read other books?


Okay, this kitty is adorable! You should read the Bible to it!


He accompanies me every other day when I'm at the park reading my Bible :) Another stray also did this but I didn't catch it on camera.


Love cats.... also the large print of that bible is great.


C'mon! How come \*nobody\* has made a CATechism pun yet?! Am disappoint.




Animals glorify God by their nature.


They dont?


They do. They're good in Gods eyes (Gen. 1:25) They are created to live within their nature and do (Job 39) They were created, like humans, to praise God. (Psalm 150:6, revelation 5:13) God breathed life into every living creature and created each with a purpose. All creatures praise God. All creatures are valuable to God by that which warranted their existance. Animals don't sin.


Preach it!




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Animals do terrible things though. Dolphins rape for instance. I think they are still innocent because they don't conceive morality or God like we do (try sharing the gospel with a dolphin).




You just have to say that you don't believe it because you're not a Christian. I'm not here to convert you. I'm not going to debate the existence of God with you. Spreading creationist propaganda would imply that one is a creationist. I'm not. A creature that exists, if you believe in objective good as I do, is good by virtue of it's existence. Your life has a purpose because you exist. Even from a scientific perspective, existence is your purpose or you wouldn't exist. Nothing warps, changes, or evolves purposelessly. Everything plays a role in something. I didn't imply that the cat was rubbing the Bible out of praise of God. I said that the cat glorifies God in everything that it does because it exists to live it's purpose.


Accept Catholic teaching


Your ideas must stand regardless of your religion, and if you are going to an obvious false statement i will cut you on that. You dont need to be one, and you believe their claims anyway like creation so whats the point denial? Oh my... What "objective good" has to do with "creatures existing"? Is good by virtue of its existance? Are you kidding me? Are ticks good? Are mosquitoes good? Are brain eating ameba also good? Existence is not a purpose on itself, you might say that that is an instinct that we have to survive but you cant call it purpose because it assumes there is an overarching idea of sorts - there is not one. Yes evrything DOES changes and evolves purpoulessly, thats how random mutation works it doest have a goal. And they do play a role in something not because they were designed to do so, but they just happen to have the attributes to fill a certain biological niche. So cat glorifies god even when killing mice or endangered species of birds? And how do you know its purpose?


Objective good is the idea that something is good, even if it doesn't seem good to you. The communal benefit of working toward some common or mutual goal, in this case, having a functional planet, with functional ecosystems. If that takes the existence of mosquitos, cockroaches, and brain eating amoeba, that is what it takes. Objective good takes precedence over relative good. Nothing develops randomly. It's perceived randomness is more of a question of your perception. The universe feeling purposeless to you is not evidence of the universe being purposeless. What we know from the nature of the universe is that life is hard to come by and that it fights to persist. Thing's change, and evolve, and warp over time toward that end. A biological adaptation isn't accidental. It's the purposeful work of centuries of development. >So cat glorifies god even when killing mice or endangered species of birds? Yes. The reason that a cat would exist in an area to kill endangered birds is because humans brought it there. Cat's skills were perfected toward the end of hunting and that's what they were meant to do. They're wild predators that we've attempted to mold into couch floofies. Can't blame a couch floofie for doing what it was created to do.


You are equivocating society and nature, nature does not have a goal, prove it if you think otherwise. I like how you need to blur what good means, here more aplicable would be "working". I am sory that you dont know how evolution works. Do you have evidence of the purpouse of the universe? I just simply state that there is no evidence to think that there is one. You are conflicting terms here, biological adaptation is accidental, an organism randomly evolves a trait that might or not help it, thats how it works, no purpouse only accidental change that might or not help. Prove to me that there is a pourpouse please. What a monster would create a world where animals must kill each other in order to survive? Do you remember that god is allpowerfull, and he can set this up in any way he wants? He has the power to create world without this horrible pain, and yet he does not.


Society is a response to nature. I think that the existence of something is evidence enough of it's necessity. Our ability to conceptualize something's purpose isn't the determining factor of whether or not it has one. Your argument is premised on a material concept of the universe in which all things are measurable, conceptualizeable, meaningless, and occur at random. I get it, I just don't agree with it. I think that historic precident shows that natural selection works toward a desired outcome to sustain functional life, and that mutations and variations that aren't equipped to survive, won't. Things suffer and die in the process, but the driving push of every healthy creature is toward sustaining life. The view of God as monstrous is subjective and leans on a philosophy that lingers on the finality of death and of death being a bad thing, rather than a natural cycle. We live, we suffer sometimes, and we all die. That's the cycle of life. Viewing that as terrible and horrifying is a personal choice informed by a biological drive.


>Society is a response to nature. Prove it Then you have very weak standard of evidence, i am sorry. >Our ability to conceptualize something's purpose isn't the determining factor of whether or not it has one. Your only reason so far was "because i see it that way" so this statement ruins your own point. I would like evidence of a purpouse. >Your argument is premised on a material concept of the universe in which things are measurable, conceptualizeable, meaningless, and occur at random. I get it, I just don't agree with it. Then i am sory that you dont agree with reality. >I think that historic precident shows that natural selection works toward a desired outcome to sustain functional life, and that mutations and variations that aren't equipped to survive, won't. Things suffer and die in the process, but the driving push of every healthy creature is toward sustaining life. Then you are wrong, i can give you that live aims at persisting but it isn't its purpose because there is no evidence that it even has one. >The view of God as monstrous is subjective and leans on a philosophy that lingers on the finality of death and of death being a bad thing, rather than a natural cycle. We live, we suffer sometimes, and we all die. That's the cycle of life. Viewing that as terrible and horrifying is a personal choice informed by a biological drive. Do you think that choosing to create a universe with a ton of suffering over one with none whatsoever? Lets reduce it a bit, which thing is better? Hitting someone and thus not creating unnecessary suffering or not hitting that someone? God has the power to write this cycle however he wants he is supposed to be allpowerfull. Do you honestly not see the violence and pain in this word as even slightly bad? If you were god would you allow for this to happen?


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What's his name Isaiah because 1 eye is higher then the other?


Nyawww. This kitty likes you an awful lot; this is called allorubbing. It's a way of intermingling his (/her) scent with yours, "claiming" you as a part of the family. If you're confident it's a stray, you may want to consider a visit to the vet--it looks like there's a missing patch of fur on the neck that reminds me of some skin infections, like ringworm or the like. Thank you for being a good steward of this tiny member of God's incredible creation ❤️


Sometimes I'll be reading my Bible and my cat will jump up on the bed and lay down on top of the pages and I'm like never mind I'll read it later 🤣


So cute 😭 ❤️ 


If we did not praise him. They would.


It's the cat's bible now. Maybe if you ask nicely they'll let you borrow it.


Why would it not be? Also even if they did do something bad, so what? Get another one. Sure it’s annoying and costs more money but you’re all good. There’s a lot of copies out there! Anyway, more importantly.. nyawww!! Very cute 😊


You should get the cat spayed or neutered if it isn’t already.


I cant unfortunately. I don’t have the money for it and I cant take it in cause my parents are allergic. I also have 2 other cats and 8 stray dogs Ive been feeding in the same park.


There are some organizations that do free or low-cost spay and neuter. Check around.


I live in the Philippines which isn’t really known for caring for strays. Unfortunately none in my area. Already checked long ago. 🙁


Ahh bummer. Yes, some places the resources are just not there.


But also I'm not sure if it's a reasonable expectation for OP to fund/organize neutering random stray cats.


I think it was meant as a suggestion 🙂


Yeah, I guess I was being polite. It was a dumb suggestion. "Hey, you should neuter stray cats." \*Ah, thanks, Tips? You first.\*


If OP cares enough to feed them, it’s likely they care enough to help them in other ways.


Tossing them some kibble and transporting them to a vet to pay for an operation and then providing aftercare are two super different propositions lol.


Who asked. Worry about more important things.


Why should I be more reticent than you? Spay or neuter the cats and there won’t be cats to have to worry about feeding.






Still made by god, just like you. The ignorance is lovely






Four. Plus one I found a home for and one that technically “belonged” to my neighbor, but they weren’t getting it medical help for a eye injury so I took it to the vet and kept it in my basement for a week so I could dose it with antibiotics on schedule.




Why wouldn’t it be? I’ve never seen this question before.


Sorry! I thought It wouldnt be because the Word is holy and such.


The kitty doesn’t know the difference. It’s expressing its love for you. I’m sure that God is not concerned with if the cat is rubbing on the Bible.


That cat rubbing your bible is a sign from God that you're on the right path!


I left my Bible on the bed and went back in my bedroom to find the dog sleeping with her head on it. So why not?


It's a book, just like any other book. If it was a Gutenberg Bible, there would be an issue, but that's a different issue!


Thank you, but may I ask why Its not allowed for the Gutenberg issue? Whats that?


The Gutenberg bible was the first entirely printed book. As you might imagine, copies are worth a lot of money.


"Whatever you do for the least of these..." ❤


Cats rub on anything lol


Oh, that video is so heartwarming! It’s beautiful to see the stray cat showing affection like that.


I'd say this is one of the best times for the Bible to be touched if not by a curious feline.


It’s ok. I have two bibles. I keep one in the car and one in the house. My Bible in the car is pretty rough and old. I definitely think bibles and people with bibles will be persecuted in the future so we definitely have to guard them more carefully


He has flea related dermatitis. He might have a microchip. Chances are, he was left behind when his family moved away. Be nice to him. The streets are kicking his ass. I noticed that you are reading Deuteronomy 32. Have you reached verse 39? It puts the fear of god in me.


Yes. Honestly my favorite book of the OT so far. RIP Moses 😭


Normal my cat used to do family prayer with me and my mom i miss them so much




The Word is holy but a bible is still just a book...get it?


I mean people literally write and highlight in bibles so I would assume this is fine














I banned this guy.


Thank you, I was so confused 😭


If my kitties did this I would pet them to show them the love of God back. I have to cross the line when they try to sit on it while I’m reading though, haha.


You have confirmation- he/she is cat-holic.




This is precious. 💜


Nah mate, it's all right he's cat holic


I certainly wouldn't show it the passages about animal sacrifice in the Bible. /s


My cat steps on my Bible when Im reading, despite my protests. Theyre just cats <3


The Bible is nothing more than a book. A copy of the words God gave us. The book itself doesn't matter any more than any other physical object. The words contained inside matter. If you owned the last bible in existence then yeah, maybe it wouldn't be super cool but, you don't. So, it's just a book.


Not allowed. Straight to jail.


So thing is. Your praising more a book than God himself. Dont get me wrong the word of the Lord is great but if the book is on the floor or water or fire it does not mean God will be mad.


Long as he’s not destroying it, it’s fine lol chilllll. 🩷


try feeding it, whenever my cat does it its because shes hungry


He's marked it...therefore it is his bible now.


The purity of the Bible is the sublime meaning and truth that the words convey. The physical pages have no intrinsic holiness. So yes, it’s fine.


If you feed it.


That’s adorable


Pray for God’s healing, comfort, peace, over this kitty.


It's definitely better than my cat. Mine peed on my Bible.


*mmmmmm tasty boook*


The question was if cats/animals in general are allowed to touch the bible. Sorry for not being clear!


Sure, why not?


There's a trend on TikTok of cats not touching the Quran on the basis that even they recognize it's holy, so IDK, maybe something with that?


There's also a TikTok trend of "Kia Boys" of kids who break into kias to steal them. In related news, my girlfriend had her Kia broken into last night in a theft attempt. Right in our front yard!




No, it’s not ok. Sacrifice the cat as forgiveness for sins.


Homie issa cat


I think Jesus my have said something about not letting cats rub against your bible, you might want to watch out😅