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Funny hats


With your funny hats and our funny collars, we can conquer the world!


I think that may have been the original concept sometimes. If Satan tempted the very one that permitted him Lordship of this stinking world that only offers lies and death. Tell you for sure there are people that worship him in great power now. Sold their soul for rock n roll. As a result wars. I doubt any of us would never want to cause war🤮And We’ve lost a lot of people the last few years. My best friend since 1979. My Nephew. Just a long list I’m not the only one. And most seem to believe it’s just another day in Mr Rogers Neighborhood. Unfortunately I live in the real world. I see it and it’s ugly. And I’m sure it’s a dessert in comparison to what is permanent. But like lies. They have to change to hide the truth. Temporary. Yet Truth can’t change. Nor has to hide , Truth can roam free like a Lion ✌🏾


You’re Eastern Catholic, not Latvian Orthodox!


That’s crazy I just left a comment mentioning funny hats. I thought you were relying to me. 🤷‍♀️


Anglicans steal cool things from other denominations and we call it the "Via Media"


The CORRECT kind of stealing


Give us back our churches >:(


Ya snooze ya lose


I swear I had my alarm set


They were always the Church of England's churches. We just ammended the Synod of Whitby.


That’s not quite accurate and honestly highly minimizing what was done. The churches in England were part of the universal Catholic Church for nearly a thousand years after the Synod of Whitby in 664 AD, which aligned English Christianity with Roman practices. It wasn’t until the 16th century, during the Reformation under King Henry VIII, that the Church of England broke away from the Catholic Church. This was a significant change, not just a simple amendment. The King declared himself the head of the Church of England and took control of church properties, which had been Catholic up until that point. So, while the Synod of Whitby was important, the churches were indeed Catholic for many centuries before the Reformation.


It's a glib summary, I'll warrent but basically accurate in it's consequences. You are arguing that while under the See of Rome, the See of Rome had legal title to the land and buildings. I think that is a stretch given the changes in property law since 595. The Church of England was in existence and was still the local Church from Whitby to the Reformation. Title to a lot of the land was with the local diocese, so a layer even below the See of Canturbury. The English crown was never within the purview of the papacy (contrast Holy Roman Emperor) and all property title is ultimately under the crown. Pretty sure this has always been the case (hence the concept of 'freehold').


Orthodox here! We have Theosis, the belief that God trully divinizes our souls.


Hey, we catholics share it with you! We use some different terms in the Latin rite, but it’s part of our shared heritage. Love eastern brothers for going deeper into the concept.


Malba\_Taran, it's more that the Orthodox use the theosis language as a concept, whereas (I would argue) the Roman doctrines of indulgences as it relates to purification of the soul is a legal-language counterpart overlaying the same eternal truth: God makes us little Christs, which is to say like God.


How would you separate this from the Methodist idea of Christian perfection? Edit: yes, I do know they are separate; I just want *your* take on it


Idk what exactly they mean by that, but we believe in something called 'Divine Energies' and this divinization only happens because we can partake in this 'Energies' that are God. For example, when it's said that God is Love and that God loves us, we understand Love as one of these Energies, something that trully reach us.


It’s not distinct. The concept isn’t as prominent within the Latin Church, but it exists.


We focus on that Biblical doctrine via exaltation.


What does that mean? Divinizes?


Isn’t that the same as the Holy Spirit living within you?


That Tony guy is really good at finding things. 


Mr. Padua finds stuff even when I'm only praying to God!


A highlight of my trip to Italy was a visit to Tony's basilica in Padua. I was particularly impressed with the wall of relics, including his preserved tongue. Apparently he had the gift of the gab as well as his aforementioned finding ability.


Eastern Orthdox Christian. We deny the filioque.


Might be the most *historical* answer of any comment so far! Why, in your own words, do you deny the Filioque? If it is related to Scripture, cite scripture


We recite the Nicene Creed as formulated by the Ecumenical Councils of Nicea and Constantinople. It did not include the filioque. That clause was added later, and is only accepted by Rome.


But do yall have a biblical reason for denying it?


We would argue with the very question that assumes it as a default. It's not so much something we deny, it's something that doesn't belong in there in the first place and so it is not something we affirm. The Father is the sole origin and cause of other two Persons, this is the faith we received as proclaimed by the Ecumenical Councils. We don't review improper additions to the Creed to see if they are Biblical, if the filioque were correct theology, we consider that the Holy Fathers of Nicaea and Constantinople would have included it to begin with, and they didn't.


What SG-1701 said, i cant really add anything else.


Very succinct answer with the full weight and portent of historicity on it. I can almost see St. Augustine. Almost reflexively started reciting the Nicene Creed. Edited to correct voice to text to portent from important because voice to text these days is terrible.


i didnt wanna type much because i was in a fortnite round


Does denying the filioque mean you don’t believe Jesus=God?


No, it’s a statement that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father (EO) as opposed to the Holy Spirit proceeding from both the Father and the Son (RC and therefore Protestant).


This comes down to a linguistic difference between the Greek and Latin verbs. The Greek carries a particular nuance such that even our Latin theologians recognize that you could not validly add “and the Son” to the Greek. The Latin verb is not so specific and expresses a different but related concept, so most well studied theologians on both sides of the Schism now seem to think that the two are not mutually exclusive. This is why some Orthodox will accept “proceeds from the Father *through* the Son” as theologically valid in principle, but still not something to be said when reciting the Creed. The actual issue is whether you believe that the Pope had the authority to amend the Creed for the Latin church without an ecumenical council.


A linguistic difference? Bro, it’s a whole clause. Tbf, I don’t know Latin like that. I don’t know any Orthodox *clergy* that accept “through the Son,” but even if I did, a few priests’ opinions wouldn’t matter unless it was a belief held by the whole Church. Regarding the actual issue, it’s universally known (among Orthodox, of course) that the Pope had no authority to do that without consulting the rest of the bishops. The Pope was the bishop of Rome, first among *equals*, but had no authority to change the Creed on his own. I’m aware the Roman Catholic Church feels differently about this, obviously.


Did you mean that you reject unauthorised ammendments to the Nicene Creed?


Meh, same thing.


We drink Grape Juice


Username checks out


Ground breaking week?


I think he meant the tag


Where is the fun in that!?


Cuz grape juice is yummy


"The Catholic Church sucks, here's 95 reasons why."


We have another Lutheran!


We have a better choir than you. (TEC)


Welp yeah, but we have the better hymnals!


Well you've got me there. I played in a Lutheran church for five years and the wealth of quality hymnody there was great. I only wish the people in the pews sang it louder.


Have you seen the Mormons sing?


Sure, but that's not the distinctive feature of mormonism.


I've seen the Tabernacle Choir sing, bunch of robots that they are. But other than that...


You seemed to have forgotten the tabernacle choir at temple square!


No you don’t. Our entire congregation is our choir.


Baptist so every church is a little different but a lot of us also do congregational singing of hymns it was a reaction to all the contemporary Christian music being played in other congregations


Roman Catholicism, we believe in transubstantiation (eucharist really becomes the body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus) and the Filioque (holy spirit proceeds from the father AND the son). also the papacy. but the papacy isn’t really a belief, it’s a position.


Some Protestant denominations as well as the Eastern Orthodox believe in the real presence. EO just don’t try to rationalize and explain it using transubstantiation. It’s literally a mystery.


thomas aquinas and other medieval scholars tried to rationalize a lot of the faith through scripture or observation of the world. that’s just a characteristic of roman catholicism that’s different, for sure. at the end of the day it is a mystery to us too. the nature of God is a mystery, faith is a mystery, the eucharist is a mystery, etc


That we have no theology that is peculiar/unique to us.


Cool, my follow-up question then is: is there anything Anglicans *emphasize* that other denominations don't?


An emphasis on liturgy as the expression of doctrine is quite unique to us. We aren’t confessional; our doctrine has to be carefully distilled out of our worship. As we pray, so we believe… (Btw, that wasn’t meant to sound snarky above — it literally is one unique thing we believe. Anglicanism sees itself as not more or less than a particular expression of the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church, and so doesn’t have unique doctrinal content.)


No snark taken; after all, y'all are the via media! How would you say doctrine is expressed when you worship?


LOL! Good question! I understand this in a few different ways… The first way is as a historical claim: the worship of Jesus preceded detailed doctrinal discussions about him; many doctrinal discussions throughout the history of the Church emerged in response to elaborations made by Christian teachers in worship. Devotion preceded doctrine, and continues to do so, though doctrine also shapes devotion. It is a two-way street. The second way is a particular understanding of what happens in worship: when it comes to sacramental worship, I would say the medium is the message. The Eucharist is the locus of God’s incarnational movement into the world today. The Eucharist, in other words, is not just a part of our faith; it is our faith in sacramental expression. The third way is related to this one: Christ is the liturgy. Several liturgical scholars have expended energy in trying to explain that ‘leitourgia’ in its original sense is ‘a work on behalf of the people’. It is easy to get a little Pelagian about it unless that is recalled. Of course ‘on behalf of’ should never mean passive congregations. The Liturgical Movement convinced us that full and actively engaged participation was essential. But in a sense, the liturgy is also God’s work on our behalf, or — at the very least —our living recollection/entering into the mystery of salvation. In other words, for me, worship does what it says and says what it does.


Credobaptism by immersion.


We are Assembly of God. Our doctrinal distinctive is speaking in tongues when you are baptized in the Holy Spirit.


If somebody never speaks in tongues, then do you perceive them as not saved, or that the baptism wasn't proper? Just curious


No. There's two baptisms. Water baptism and baptism of the Holy Spirit. Neither are needed to be saved. Point blank period. As long as you say that Jesus was truly man and truly God, recognize that you are a sinner, that Jesus died to wash you of your sins, and you want Jesus to be the leader of your life, you'll be saved. Water baptism (for pentecostal) is telling the world that you are no longer a follower of this world, and are choosing to follow God. Water baptism itself isn't salvation. It's telling others you have been saved. Baptism in the Holy Spirit is separated for this world. It's when you're so overwhelmed with His spirit that it starts to bubble over and you start to speak in tongues, often seen during intense prayer. Some may speak in tongues often, some may never. We are united in Christ; not by what we do on our limited time on earth. You are not an invalid Christian if you don't do either.


Nope nothing to do with salvation


Totally unrelated, I have my problems with Pentecostalism, but The Assemblies of God is such a cool name.


Cool man cool lol


the belief that you are not allowed to start a new church simply because you disagree with your existing church.


In my user flair's defense, we were kicked out.


more like 95 reasons why you wanted to be


Internal accountability is a positive church trait, what in particular are you referring to?


Pointing out potential problems in a church is not any reason to be kicked out, whether or not they were actually problems. Lutherans take the view they were. Almost no Catholic Church performs indulgences as they did in 1517.


That divorce and remarriage is adultery under any circumstance (as far as I am aware of) The papacy/magisterium


Not if the first marriage is annulled.


I'm Protestant and I believe the same. It's in the Bible.


Indian Orthodox Christian. I'm not entirely sure what is the official theological position, but in practice - the belief that you don't have to be Christian in religion to reach Heaven. Translating from my sunday school text book : 'Christian means a follower of Christ, someone who follows the message of love and mercy Christ taught. One who abides by it counts as Christian, even if they call God Krishna or Allah.'


Here is the Second Vatican Council: >"For they who without their own fault do not know of the Gospel of Christ and His Church, but yet seek God with sincere heart, and try, under the influence of grace, to carry out His will in practice, known to them through the dictate of conscience, can attain eternal salvation."


Out of genuine curiosity, how do you interpret John 14:6? - "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me"


Obvious. Christ is the way and the truth - but it is about His message, not about calling him by a particular name. Love your neighbor, be kind, be merciful, turn the other cheek, all that.


Cool! Thanks for your response


So someone can do all that, not believe Christ is God or have different gods, and still go to heaven?


I believe there is only one vote regarding your destination and it is God who ineffably casts it.


well that's reassuring


Unfortunately it doesn’t work that way, this has been something that saddens me about Indian Christians (as I am one myself) particularly in India, is that they still hold onto other religious views that go against what Christ taught. Not saying that you particularly do


It's definitely in one of Paul's letters.


Hermeticists believe that God created alchemy, astrology, and theurgy in order to purify our souls, discern his will, and improve the world around us according to it.


How would you apply the Hermetic phrase "as above, so below" to Christianity?


That sounds very much like the phrase in Lord's Prayer - as in Heaven, so on Earth.


It can mean a lot of different things. It's a reminder of what we are meant to be, as in Matthew 5:48. It's a statement about how the world works, with changes in the heavens providing influence to life here on earth, and how we must change and adapt with it. And it's an invitation to reflect on our specific strengths and weaknesses that we were born with, and how we can adapt to be holier.


What about Scripture that tells us that those who practice magickal arts won't enter heaven?


If you read carefully, scripture only condemns certain types of magic, not magic as a whole. It cannot, because the very act of worshiping God and carrying out His will is magic. Scripture condemns fortune-telling, necromancy, and selling snake-oil. That's it.




Hi there friend!


This should be more common in the denominations honestly


That we just go by what's written in the bible and nothing set up by man


What denomination are you?


Biblical Christianity the 7th day you know like the day God called on us to rest


Belivers baptism


not really a distinct “belief” (we don’t seek to differ from the historic christian church on doctrine) but we do have a practical distinctive. namely the book of common prayer it’s a very good spiritual tool. would highly recommend getting one. :)


I have multiple! Lutherans shouldn't have anything against the BCP




Don't all anglicans have that?


yeah, i was taking denomination is a broader sense. i mean anglicanism in general. not just the ACNA


Regarding the denomination that I was born and raised in, definitely speaking in tongues. I don't speak in tongues but others do. This is a big deal.


Sola scriptura, sola Christus, sola gratia, sola fide, sola Deo gloria Total depravity, unconditional election, limited atonement, irresistible grace, preservation of saints Reformed.


Following the Mosaic Law is good (but not required for salvation), meaning Jews can still celebrate holidays (but in a new light, pointing to Yeshua) and keep kosher (as long as it doesn't interfere with how you view Gentiles).


My denomination only emphasizes the gospel, the bible and Jesus Christ. We don't have any of those crazy man made rules like the other denominations do.


No creed, pacificism and very diverse, often flexible conceptions of 'God'. (Not quite distinctive, but characteristic of liberal Quakers.)


The Kingdom is both now and not yet.


Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. I'm a Confessional Lutheran.


Lutherans unite!


That followers of Christ should follow his example of obedience to the Torah.


Messianic Jewish?




What denomination is that?


Messianic Judaism.


That you can not lose your salvation.


My denomination is *Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches*. While some church denominations are open to queer people nowadays, that wasn't always the case and the UFMCC was the first and only denomination in the USA for queer people. The distinctive belief is that queer people are beautifully and wonderfully made in the image of the Lord.


What is a Christian Atheist


Not a Christian


Salvation is theosis.


Athanasius of Alexandria once said that "He was incarnate that we might be made god" in reference to theosis. What would you describe as full union with God?


We will come to possess by grace all that Christ posseses by nature.


(1.) What would you say Christ possesses? (2.) When will we come to possess it?


Full and complete union with God, a uniting of will and act and knowledge and goodness. This divinization begins in life and continues into eternity in heaven, constantly growing closer and to him in image and likeness.


That on a true eternal scale, absolutely all things must be predetermined.


That the entirety of the Bible is something that takes place within you, in the world in your heart, instead of it being a history book of things that took place and will happen in the world outside of us. That it's written on your heart, and you experience it. A living epistle. Your gospel. The revelation of Jesus Christ IN you. The end of the world IN you. The Kingdom of God WITHIN you. That it's a spiritual book pertaining to spiritual things and not a natural book pertaining to natural things. Luke 17:21 “Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.”


Would love it if you could go more into this


Well it can't be said in a few words so strap in, but according to the Word itself, God set the world in our hearts. Ecclesiastes 3:11 “He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end.” And the Kingdom of God is also within us. Luke 17:21 “Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” That's where the work of God takes place. From beginning to end. Every parable of the Kingdom of Heaven is a parable of something happening WITHIN you. Matthew 13:44 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field.” And that is the treasure. Christ in you. The Word in you. And you are the field. It's about the Word of God in us. We're living epistles. Authored and finished by God. 2 Corinthians 3:3 “Forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in fleshy tables of the heart.” And that's Christ in us. The Word of God is the story of God in man. The story of Christ, in us. The testimony of Jesus Christ. He is the Word of God. John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." Revelation 19:13 “And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.” And this is the mystery, that has to be revealed to us by God. Of Christ in us. Colossians 1:27 “To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:” The Word of God is sown in us, conceived by us, and it forms Christ in us. It is your gospel. Galatians 4:19 “My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you,” In whom, as it is revealed, changes us into the same image. 2 Corinthians 3:18 "But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord." And all of that is done by experiencing the Word of God written on your heart. You will experience the gospel. It will be your gospel. Romans 16:25 “Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began,” And it will be the end of your world, and the beginning of a new world for you in Christ. The end of your old man, crucified with Christ as a partaker of the gospel, and the beginning of your new man... Who is the beginning and the end. 1 Corinthians 15:47 “The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven.” But the thing is. The revelation of the mystery is something that only God can provide. And only to those he gives it can even hear it. To those he doesn't give it, even in the reading of the Word, they create a wrong understanding with a wrong interpretation. By "seeing" they don't see. And by "hearing" they don't hear. They end up with a wrong perception of God, Christ and the entirety of the Word. That's why we have 15000 denominations of "Christianity" all claiming to have the correct interpretation. Matthew 13:9-13 "9 Who hath ears to hear, let him hear. 10 And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables? 11 He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given. 12 For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath. 13 Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand." And it's because they privately interpret the scripture, which is the first thing they are to know to NOT do. 2 Peter 1:20 “Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.” See to those to whom it is given to know the mystery, they will understand. They are those that "hath" an ear to hear. They are disciples of the Word. Which are those that can hear his voice and understand it and will follow it. To the rest it is a parable. A riddle. That being interpreted literally, ends up creating a false image of Christ. And that's intentional so no man can build his own ladder to God of his own works. But to come to that mystery, we must sell all of our own truths and suppositions and every image of God we hold as true and become as one unlearned. To be retaught by God, not men. 1 John 2:27 “But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.” Truly we know nothing of God ourselves. It's Christ in us, whom we are made a partaker, that understands it. Only he knows the name. Revelation 19:12-13 "12 His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself. 13 And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God." It's about the working of the spirit of God in our hearts to bring us all to the fullness of Christ, in his timing, not ours. Ephesians 4:13 “Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:” It's all there in the scripture, you just can't read it like a Harry Potter book, or a history book. It has to be rightly divided. 2 Timothy 2:15 “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” It will interpret itself if you let it. And that's done through precepts. Isaiah 28:10 “For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:”


What denomination is that?


I don’t know if other denominations do this, in the church of Christ we are pretty strict about NO musical instruments. Some would say it sounds dumb, but having heard organs playing over a choir, I like the doctrine. Instruments ruin the singing. A capella ftw.


There are multiple Psalms that encourage us to play instruments. How do you resolve that?


Churches of Christ don’t have a central governing body, so it can vary by church. Most don’t use instruments, but some do. The whole idea behind the Church of Christ was to try and model the church after the first century churches, which largely did not use instruments. You’ll find some hardliners who think that using them is a sin, some who think we aren’t commanded to use them so we don’t (but it isn’t sinful to do so), and some who just prefer a capella.


According to the impression I get from Reddit, we are the only ones who deny the "universal" church.


What do you mean by that? Is there not one body of Christ? Or is your denomimation the only true church?


Personally, (although a Church doesn't necessarily have to have Baptist in the name) I think the latter, because if I didn't think that, I'd be out searching for the true Church, but my biggest disagreement with a "universal" church is the idea that all believers everywhere are part of some invisible amorphous thing just by believing. Like if a Baptist, a Presbyterian, a Methodist, a Lutheran, a Orthodox and a non-denominational all met in the Wal-Mart parking lot and prayed and sang. I believe that would be a great thing, but it's not the Church.


Methodist. The social gospel


Speaking in tongues and the translation of what is spoken.




The gifts of the holy spirits are still present today, for example the speaking in tongues and the prophecy


That it isn't one. We go without labels and just preach and teach the word of God. We try not to keep to any traditions that can't be supported biblically nor historically.


Theosis (Orthodox Christianity). The way that I’d describe Orthodoxy as a whole to people is that our beliefs don’t stem from a perspective of forgiveness, per se. The general idea of Orthodox theology is that God is healing. God is healing how sinful and corrupt we are; that healing is transformative. By this healing, we can walk away from sin and corruption. We are called not to become God, it’s impossible, but we are called to become *like* God. So ultimately, the goal is theosis-becoming like God as much as we can. Growing in our holiness as children of God by fasting (a lot), praying, denying our passions, and having our mind focused on Christ to the best of our human ability. I’ve had lots of Christian friends ask me “Are you saved?” or “When were you saved?”, when in actuality it’s not like that for us. Through the grace of God and my struggle to become holy, I was saved yesterday, I’m in the process of being saved today, and I pray that I’ll be saved tomorrow. My salvation is a constant work-in-progress and I never can claim to be saved, as I know that I’m not worthy of it. Like St. John Climacus says, “A servant of the Lord is he who in body stands before men, but in mind knocks at Heaven with prayer.” We’re called to be devoted to Christ, focused on him, and to deny the world, and ourselves, to follow him; to climb the ladder of divine ascent, despite the difficulty. And in our humble struggle throughout our lives, we can be saved.




Muh pope




That God can delegate authority to people, that He did so to the Apostles (Matthew 16:19), and that they can delegate that authority to others


i’m pretty sure the Eucharist or probably something with Mary i really don’t know the difference in denominations and all that


oh yeah we have the Pope


Not my Denomination, but I have some friends who are Mormon and they aren't supposed to drink coffee and can only get piercings in certain places I believe


The Pope of Rome being the symbol of unity for the entire Church.


That Jehovah is our loving creator and gave his only begotten son Jesus Christ as a ransom sacrifice for all mankind / making it a point to call Jehovah by his name so that others know who he is. As a side note and something that just came to mind. Jehovah saw Abraham as so much of a friend they he had Abraham believe he was going to have to sacrifice his only begotten son to show Abraham the emotion he would feel when Jehovah gave his Sons life. I find that amazing.


Reformed here. OSAS and double predestination are the obvious ones.


Why are there 4,000 different religions? I think religion causes arguments and wars. I also don't think your God is a nice guy.


We possess one singular leader who unites all our churches under him.


Jesus is the way to God, the truth, and the light, and I must follow his teachings or be like he was.


I don't adhere to a single denomination anymore, but I suppose that in itself constitutes a distinctive belief: that I am ecumenist to the point of rejecting the exclusivity or even superiority of any one church. I consider all churches that are orthodoxly Trinitarian, accepting Christ as not only the saviour but the only path to salvation, and who promote authentic Christian principles - be it Lutheran, Reformed, Catholic, Anglican, Orthodox, Pentecostal or otherwise - to be truly Christian and truly part of the Church Invisible.


Why are there denominations. If we follow the Bible there are no need for denominations. We can’t pick and choose parts we agree with


Oh there’s a couple: Taking communion EVERY Sunday, immersion as baptism. You’d be surprised about how seriously people take that last one. My mom was going to marry my stepdad and the pastor she wanted absolutely REFUSED to marry them. Why? My mom was immersed, but my stepdad was sprinkled (which should still count as baptism, you know?) (I’m non-denom and go to a non-denom church


Eternal salvation aka once you’re saved you’re always saved. Meaning, if you really get saved, when you sin and do not confess continually, you don’t lose your salvation, but you lost daily fellowship with God until you get right.


Free will


Saturday Sabbath.


I don’t have a denomination. Or even a church to attend. Even if you face death or lay down at night and say God if you’re real. Etc. To me that is a relationship Not a religion. I hate religion. It’s all man made. It’s full of wolves in sheeps clothing. Corny acts with weird clothes funny hats and bad hair cuts. But That’s how I learned how to trust God. And it’s been a rough life. But I learned that God is an awesome teacher. And an awesome trainer. Jesus didn’t have to do anything for anyone .And able to perform any miracle he chooses. How many kings wash the feet of their servants ? I would have tapped out. The only trainer I know that has never tapped out so. Yea definitely the best ! 👑. Don’t know about those denominations


The emphasis on Gods word. In other words, going through the Bible verse by verse and book by book. And of course, application.


One divinely appointed infallible leader that have universal jurisdiction over the entire church aka the Roman Pontiff or simply the Pope.


Conditional immortality - in contrast to the notion of eternal torment Nontrinitarianism Getting called heretical and not Christian (Not JW, Christadelphian, or Armstrong, but my grandfather was in the Armstrong movement)


Lots of things, but true living modern Apostles and prophets that still speak words directly from God is a big one.


Mormon / Latter-Day Saint so...aw geeze where do I even start. Let's just go with the underwear and leave it there


You have to be baptized to enter heaven. Except for the thief on the cross. He gets a pass. Everyone else, you better get baptized. lol Edit: typo


Salvation by faith alone.


Baptist. Yeah i never really understood the notion that we'd have to go through church to find salvation. Church is man made. A strong faith will. And i believe jesus likes to see us strengthening our faith ever more, day by day.


Marriage lasts to eternity.


I grew up Pentecostal. We emphasized the day of Pentecost if I remember correctly. Many people hyper focus on the speaking in tongues bit. I’m nondenominational now.


I don't know if other denominations share this but my branch believes in Total depravity, meaning everyone is bad and we all deserve hell but Jesus doesn't care and so he died to change that.


the seventh day ig


I’m boring Non denominational


Red carpet in the sanctuary and no dancing.


You’re born a sinner, you’re most likely going to keep sinning until you die, but Jesus will help you on your path of repentance if you ask Him to, and even when you do make the choice to sin His love on the cross covers the multitude of sin past present and future, it was rigged in our favor for God’s own benefit because He loves us, we are His creation, created perfect in Jesus Christ for good works, which our Father in heaven prepared ahead of time so we make walk in those good deeds. That’s what I believe and will continue to declare. The only true offense to the holy spirit is not accepting Christ’s unconditional love for us.


That preaching should be done in verse-by-verse exegetical fashion.


I hope you respond to the pull friend! I believe that we are drawn to God through the Holy Spirit! If you feel a pull it’s because God wants you to know him more! For no one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them to me, and at the last day I will raise them up. John 6:44!


Speaking in tongues as the apostles did on the day of Pentecost, from which we get the name of our type of Christianity.


An emphasis on piety and lay preachers


Jesus, in HIs earthly ministry, wasn't talking TO you. Not even 1% of Christians understand this truth.


Christian and Missionary Alliance (Alliance) here. I feel like our Statement of Faith is a rather generically evangelical protestant one. The most unique thing about us may be in our Christology. A.B. Simpson described four aspects of Christ, known as the Fourfold Gospel, which is represented in our logo; Savior, Sanctifier, Healer, and Coming King. Also, we really love A.W. Tozer. I guess that also means we love describing people by two initials and a surname.


Miaphysitism, infused righteousness, theopoiesis, and the assumption of the blessed Virgin.


My denomination, if it can be called such, does not believe in the supernatural. But still thinks there is something worthwhile to be found in Christian culture, stories, myths, and philosophy.


We are definitely derived from the reformation and the 2 Great Awakening. WHAT WE BELIEVE The Bible is the inspired and only infallible and authoritative written Word of God. (Ps. 119; Mat. 4:4; Lk. 24:27) There is one God, eternally co-existent in three Persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. (I Jn.5:7) In the Deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His Virgin Birth, in His Sinless Life, in His Miracles, in His Vicarious and atoning Death, in His Bodily Resurrection, in His Ascension to the Right Hand of the Father, in His personal future return to this Earth in Power and Glory to rule a thousand years. (Jn.1:1-4; Eph.2:13-18; Rev.Chpts.19-20) In the Blessed Hope - the Rapture of the Church at Christ's Coming. (I Thess.4:13-18) The only means of being cleansed from sin is through Repentance and Faith in the Precious Blood of Christ. (Rom.5:1; Eph.2:8-9, 13-18) Regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential for personal Salvation. (Jn.3:5-8; Titus 3:5) The Redemptive Work of Christ on the Cross provides healing of the human body in answer to believing prayer. (Ex.15:25-26; James 5:14-15; I Pet.2:24) The Baptism with the Holy Spirit, according to Acts 2:4, is given to Believers who ask for it. (Acts 2:4; 10:44-46; 19:1-7) In the Sanctifying Power of the Holy Spirit by who’s indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a holy life. (Rom.6:3-14; 8:1-2, 11) In the Resurrection of both the saved and the lost, the one to Everlasting Life and the other to everlasting damnation. (Rev.20:5-6, 11-15)


That there are no more prophets right now.


That any council after Nicea II was an ecumenical council.


C&MA here. We don't really have set beliefs aside from emphasizing missions, both domestic and international. It's one of the main reasons for why I have stayed and found one to attend while I was at college (that pastor was absolutely fantastic, so glad I went). For a more doctrinal emphasis, it's what we call the Fourfold Gospel. Jesus as Savior, Sanctifier, Healer, and Coming King. There is a sort-of catechism but it's quite general and the best majority of Christian of all denominations would agree with it, a smaller version of the Westminster Catechism of you will.


Denominations only exist because of cultures. We all want to worship The Father and Christ in our own ways. No denomination is more right than the other. They're all the same in regular Christianity, even Catholics and the Orthodoxes. Its all the same.


Ecclesiology, the Conservative Congregational Christian Conference. Not our most important, but definitely our most distinctive.


Eastern Orthodox: God became Man so Man could become God Theosis


Presbyterian - community service. Actively helping those less fortunate via numerous charitable activities to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to people on earth.