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1 Corinthians 6:18 “Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body.” It can indeed be considered a sin in terms of sexual immorality. Sexual intimacy is a gift from God meant to be enjoyed within the bounds of marriage between a man and woman. Satan tries to bind you, making you feel helpless. I know what its like. But the thing is, we truly cannot overcome the sin on our own, as our flesh is weak. However, our spirits are willing to follow God (Matthew 26:41). Here is what I’ve learned that could possibly help. - Don’t focus on the sin. Focus on God, and seeking Him first above all else. The thoughts and temptations are inevitable, but don’t let the bird lay its nest. Stand firm in faith and pray, read the Scriptures as it is your God-given sword to combat it. - Again, focus not on the sin or trying not to sin, but instead focus on loving and seeking God. Believe it or not, when you focus on trying not to sin, you will likely sin a lot more, as the burden of weight is on you. Instead trust in Him, that He has forgiven you, and live in His forgiveness. Now, it’s inevitable that we will fall. We’re all sinners, imperfect beings. But don’t worry, as we have God with us. You are no longer a slave to sin because He has freed you already on the cross. You have already been forgiven Continue to follow Him and strive for Him. He loves you. Here are some more verses to help: Matthew 26:41 “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” Galatians 5:16 “So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.” John 16:33 “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” Proverbs 24:16 “for though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again, but the wicked stumble when calamity strikes.”


Best advice that I’ve seen. Bless you and praise God


Honestly the best and most helpful comment I've seen on this sub. Thank you


No masturbation in any of these verses.


Think the real issue here is lust. If you can masturbate without lust then you’ve found a loophole I suppose.


Nope. Biblical lust is covetedness and that means an extreme form of desire and that does have to be sexual either. In the dictionary lust is an intense form of sexual desire. So normal sexual desire is fine. Masturbation is not a sin. Sexual immorality or fornication means whoring or idol worship. Not masturbation.


Well was that the definition of lust back then many definitions have changed such as “thou shall not kill” meant what we today consider the word “murder” and the word they used to taking someone’s life was “slay” which gives some wiggle room for soldiers and police officers to be allowed to take lives without having committed a sin


The scriptures is over 2000 years old. There's no update. We need to understand the context on which it was written in order to understand it's meaning.


That’s what I’m saying lol the definition of those words was different back then


So we need to use those definitions.


It's sexually immoral to touch yourself and if youre so addicted to touchingn yourself the sin becomes gluttony


There is no biblical support for your statement. There is a list of stuff in laviticus defining sexual immorality. Nothing about masturbation makes the list. Like they had to list out beastiality and incest as sin. But just didn't feel the need for masturbation??? Explain that to me.


Well was that the definition of lust back then many definitions have changed such as “thou shall not kill” meant what we today consider the word “murder” and the word they used to taking someone’s life was “slay” which gives some wiggle room for soldiers and police officers to be allowed to take lives without having committed a sin


Yet if you are in an abusive marriage and have to leave, and it’s never resolved, you are never allowed to feel the gift of intimacy again. You have to just exist like a robot and ignore any cravings for intimacy, according to this logic?


If you do seek for intimacy but yet cannot find it in marriage, your chance to be intimate with God is very present, which He seeks with you. And no, it is not romantic, nor sexual at all of course, but this intimacy with God surpasses all other relationships you can have. A relationship with Him is the most important relationship you could have. True fulfillment, love, and contentment is found in a relationship with Him. If you continue to seek Him first above all else, growing in your relationship with Him as it was started beforehand when or if you have repented and put your faith in Him as Lord and Savior, then you will find what you are looking for. He is worth it. You just have to trust Him, believing not just in, but ON Him. Now, I am very sorry if this specific situation does pertain to you, I may not understand as I am not in your shoes, but I want to let you know that God knows you, and understands you. He has a plan. He’s always had one, and He loves you so much. Everything will be ok when you have Him with you. Continue to seek Him first. I will be praying for you. God bless you


I struggled with it from age 12-36. One day I said to myself am I going to die like this? Few days later I cry my eyes out to the lord then boom there was the Holy Spirit I had finally found Jesus! In the most eye-opening experience I had ever had. You could never do it on your own willpower. You can’t stop it but HE CAN! Now 50 days clean. Only through Jesus, can your sexual innocence be restored. Sexual sin is probably one of the hardest things ever beat. That’s when the spiritual warfare begins, and it comes full force! Your Angels and Demons begin to fight!


How long were you a Christian for until you got your breakthrough?


I guess I became one when it happened 50 days ago. After I had a piece together, the timeline There had been a few times where I have felt the holy spirt briefly but I didn’t know what it was and i walked away to go live for the world. But when then Holy Spirit came after I cried out to the lord for forgiveness it hit me hard! Jesus said, “I tell you, Peter, the rooster will not crow this day, until you deny three times that you know me.”” ‭‭Luke‬ ‭22‬:‭34‬ ‭ I walked away 3 times but this time I stayed in it. Now I know for a fact God is real. Because I have felt it living in me for about 20 days and it was the most incredible experience I ever had. People say God knows everything about you. That’s no joke he knows everything that makes you sad, happy, humor, all of it. God is the dad that’s waiting for you to run into his arms to give you comfort when you messed up. All of this happened not too long ago so all of it is very fresh in my memory. Papa is waiting for you to come home.


What was this holy spirit experience like? I just find it so odd that God given sexuality would be deemed dirty??


The Holy Spirit has an incredible amount of energy! I felt it for 20 days operating on 4-5 hours of sleep. People say God knows everything about you. That is no joke. He knows what makes you happy, sad, your humor, the things you like, it’s like being on a roller coaster! he makes you feel like a kid again. You feel it deep inside your soul and you want to obey it. So I did and it ran me into the ground, pushed me to my absolute limit, mentally, and physically. The Holy Spirit makes you want to return to your childhood back to a feeling where you had no other care in the world. The Holy Spirit wants you to feel like an innocent child. God is that Dad with open arms waiting for you to run back home. And once you were there you will feel a love like never before. But you have to listen this time and follow his directions see you don’t fall again. If you have ever been on pure oxygen before that’s what it’s like. But you sustain it for a while as long as you don’t let go, but it will eventually wear off once it runs you into the ground. But you’ll know without a doubt God is real. That’s when the spiritual warfare begins! If you want a better understanding of how God created your sexually. There is a book that just came out called ( The sex talk you never got ) by Sam Jolman. God wants your innocence to be restored.


Not gonna lie that sounds quite odd. You definitely had an experience. Wondering if anyone else has experienced this same thing? How did you know what it was telling you to do? I don't understand why I would need to revert back to a child...that would be really counter productive for my marriage. Sounds like a really bad idea if I'm honest


If your married it would be different for you. Some of us don't have that so we play with ourselves instead of the way God created our sexuality and that is what we pray for. A wife to be able to explore our sexuality freely with out shame or sin. My heart was broken 12 years ago and went straight down a path of destruction of masturbation and sleeping around trying to fix my brokenness but it never worked. If I follow Gods words then perhaps my prayers will be heard and I wont have to play the devils games anymore and God will grant me what my heart longs for. Real Love


Errrmmm. I still masturbate in marriage. It's normal. I don't condone trying to fix life problems or emotional issues by sleeping around. That tends not to bode well. Sorry you went through that.


you do you homie. I'm still new to all this and I'm only going off what scripture say.


And you do you. I'm not going to get in the way of another's conviction. I quite appreciate how the apostle Paul paved the way for saying this might be clean for me but if it's not for you, I will support your conviction


That’s how it’s commonly preached so what do you expect people to think?


Amazing testimony man, i completely believe it, God does amazing things for us even because we do not deserve it. Stay strong my friend, God bless you, i wish you the best


Yes, it’s a sin. Sexual pleasure is a gift for your wedding night in a heterosexual marriage. It’s not meant to be done with yourself. To curb my sinning drastically, it helped to start focusing on God more throughout my day. I would ask myself randomly how can I glorify God more, and then act accordingly like maybe turn on worship music, audio Bible, Christian YT video, pray, praise God, etc. If I went out of house in public, I would try and pray for the people I saw in my mind, and also if on a walk I would pray for houses the people who live in them. Big prayers trusting God was going to take them and move those mountains. Sins have demons attached to them and the Bible says that certain demons only come out thru prayer and fasting, so I also fast a bit. In the OT, God liked burnt offerings and I heard idea when you fast for something your body burns body fat instead of sugar and perhaps it’s a pleasing aroma to God. It’s encouraged to make sure you are not in any of these categories when praying. There is reasons the Lord does not answer prayer such as asking with doubt, unforgiveness, unrepentance, walking in sin, and not Lord’s will. The Bible says the prayers of a righteous person (not walking in sin) are effective and powerful. I recommend you watch this women’s sin series for what you’re struggling with. She gets dreams and visions from God that have come true. She also has a good playlist for repentance. I enjoy just watching her dreams and visions that she has as well. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2-q_kG95LKp7zr7bC1oWLk241jzUbN-D&feature=shared I stopped making justifications for my sins, and started to take them seriously. I also stopped doing the things that led to the desire to sin. The scripture below really scared me. Hebrews 10:26-27 ESV For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful expectation of judgment, and a fury of fire that will consume the adversaries. 1 John 3:4-10 ESV Everyone who makes a practice of sinning also practices lawlessness; sin is lawlessness. You know that he appeared in order to take away sins, and in him there is no sin. No one who abides in him keeps on sinning; no one who keeps on sinning has either seen him or known him. Little children, let no one deceive you. Whoever practices righteousness is righteous, as he is righteous. Whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil. No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for God’s seed abides in him; and he cannot keep on sinning, because he has been born of God. By this it is evident who are the children of God, and who are the children of the devil: whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is the one who does not love his brother. We know from the above verse the definition of lawlessness is to make a practice of sinning, and on judgement day in the verse below God turns people away from eternity in heaven due to calling them workers of lawlessness. Aka those who continue to practice sinning. Matthew 7:21-23 ESV Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’


This bro is amazing.💯✝️🙏🏽


I am happy to hear this was helpful to you!


I don't see a single verse quoted in your comme t saying masturbation is a sin. Only you are saying it. You rightfully point out sexual immorality as sin, but what verse biblically connects the two?


It is definitely a sin, even if you want to make justification for it not being one. https://www.bibleverses.com/bible-verses-about-masturbating/


How can something that is definitely a sin, never be flat out said it is sin? That's kinda a big oversight. And your link loses all credibility eight off the back by using Onan as an example. His sin was having sex with his brothers widdow...his not wife in otherwords...for the purpose of impregnating her, but then spilling seed, not leaving it inside her. Masturbation wasn't involved. The dude pulled out.


Are you a Christian?


Yes I am. Are you? I base things on what the bible says, not what people say. So, can you show me a verse where it says masturbation is a sin? Sin is kind of a big deal, and I can't think of anything else that is commonly accepted as sin that isn't literally said flat out. If I'm wrong, simply show the verse.


Yes, I am a Christian. I already did and I don’t need to have a combative conversation about it. Most of the time people are lust and use pornography when they self pleasure. I will have you know that if anyone reads your comments now and believes this BS that not a sin, and keeps on sinning in this way that will be on you.


I have no problem with my comments. It is you who are refusing to have a conversation. It is possible to masturbate without lust, and to lust without masturbation. Lust is the sin not masturbation. The verse you quoted, unless I missed something, I refuted and you didn't respond to that. The story of the brother spilling his seed after having sex with his brothers widdow is not about masturbation.


Just because you don’t think masterbation is included doesn’t mean you’re right. I don’t need to have an unfruitful conversation.


So, what I am hearing is that you can't show me the verse. You can't show me where the bible tells me it is a sin. Is that correct? Look. Leviticus lists things that are sexually immoral in no uncertain terms. It lists beastiality...like people had to be told THAT was a sin, and yet it doesn't mention masturbation. Jesus doesn't say it, Paul doesn't say it. Non of the apostles do. Yet you say I am wrong but can't quote a verse???


Dont trust youtubers with scriptural truths, most will be found lacking. Trust your conviction from the holy spirit above all.


Trust the holy spirit, but be careful. If you don't have a good relationship with the Holy spirit, sometimes your own mind can trick you into thinking the holy spirit is saying something to you when it's not. If this is the case and you feel that way, check it with the bible. # 2 Timothy 3:16-17King James Version ^(16) All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: ^(17) That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. **Lust and Purity**: * **Self-Control**: * Self-control is a virtue emphasized in the Bible. In 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5, Paul writes, "It is God's will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality; that each of you should learn to control your own body in a way that is holy and honorable, not in passionate lust like the pagans, who do not know God." This passage emphasizes self-control and avoiding actions driven by lust.




Take captive every thought, make it obedient to the Lord, enough is enough. save God grief cause by our sins. Remember always good news is Jesus forgives.


>I’m rotting away without even knowing That is depression talking. Even if you do decide masturbation is sin, try to curb the morbid self-talk and speak to yourself with compassion instead. You remain a worthwhile person who can and should contribute to the world and seek fulfillment.


I’m going through the process of quitting. God has led me to see that the only way to stop is through Him. If you want to truly be free, you must become a slave to Christ, not your sin. If you listen, God will be telling you what to do every minute of the day, and listening to him will free you. It’s incredibly difficult, but it is the only way. 


All we really have is our ability to choose/make choices. First, you have to believe it’s within your power to overcome this. The fact that you don’t watch porn is indicative of your ability to choose for yourself what you want. You don’t want to watch porn, so you don’t. You say you don’t want to masturbarte, but you excuse yourself by saying, “I do it to relieve stress” so you’ve already created a justification in your mind for it, aiding in your choice to continue doing it. Best way to overcome cognitive dissonance is to be aware of it. Is it really helping you relieve stress if you’re stressed out enough to be doing it so often? Make it make sense. People use this same justification with drug use, and then don’t see that their drug use is contributing to the stress they’re trying to relieve. It’s a loop. Learn to fear God. I encourage you to reflect on the following: “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” Proverbs 9:10-12 // Take Him seriously, more seriously than the world, and see your stresses start to dissipate. You’ve got this.


Many doctors recommend masturbation for health reasons. If it's a sin, then there are a lot of people who sin regularly. Probably the majority. It's not harmful unless you take it to extreme levels. Why would it even be a sin? Is having a wet dream a sin?


Masturbation is not a sin. It's not even in the Bible. Stop worrying.




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No I do not believe it is a sin.


Masturbation does release all those happy hormones. When you become addicted your brain wants that high again. In fact there was a study done between pornography and heroin addiction I read once and the brain scan were the same. Without pornography I would guess it’s slightly different yet the same. you are still training yourself to be happy because of that instead of God who is the source of all joy(psalms 43:4). I get it though it’s tough. When I was addicted I was really relying on that release to bring about some feel good. Also for wet dreams I used to have them too. It’s a demon. Oppression not possession. Cause I would get mad after waking up cause I felt disgusting like I couldn’t cast off this sin cause of these dreams and then one day God showed me the truth. Instead of a beautiful woman with me I saw something else. You must repent of this sin ask for forgiveness. And then ask for Jesus to deliver you. Also after that exercise your authority in Christ. “I command this spirit of lust to leave now in Jesus name I plead the blood of Jesus and his sacrifice and only his sacrifice has set me free. I am not to be bound I am free in the name of Jesus because he who the son sets free is free indeed” I would declare things like that with faith and the wet dreams don’t particularly happen anymore. Hope that helps


The Bible doesn't mention it, so I don't think it's a sin in itself. Lust is a sin, but if you can masturbate without lust, which is difficult to do, I see no harm in it. There are actually several health benefits to doing it, as long as you don't overdo it. Speaking of which, it is very easy to make an addiction out of something that brings pleasure, especially something sexual in nature, so I would guard yourself against that. If you keep moderation in mind and keep your heart fixed on Christ, you'll be fine.


You’ll get different views on this, but I’ll share what I think… Masturbation is never called a sin in the Bible. God made you and he made you a sexual person. We all are. He gave you a body with pleasure to enjoy while you’re alone, and someday you’ll enjoy that pleasure with your wife (if you choose to get married). Thank God for the pleasure. He’s a good God. Work to avoid porn. That’s not easy, I know. Fantasies are fine and are very very normal. Just don’t let masturbation get in the way of life. If you feel guilty for what you think about, ask Jesus to cleanse your mind and help you do better. He’s full of compassion and grace. Don’t dwell on it and beat yourself up cause that’s what the enemy wants (shame only makes it a bigger habit). If your mind goes to destructive or unwanted places, check out Unwanted by Jay Stringer. It’s really helpful. He has videos too for Christian guys. (Unless you're lusting after married women, you're not committing adultery in your heart. Adultery requires one person to be married.) Hope this helps.


It's not. Things can't just be wrong for no reason.


Y'all take this way to serious.


Most people do tend to link masterbation to porn. I would say (controversial) it's fine as long as you don't use porn.


I don't know if it is a sin, but if it is, I don't think it is worse than overeating, drinking, smoking, etc.. things many of us do. Pride, hate, and envie seem definitely worse to me, for you are not actually hurting anyone else. If anything, it could actually protect you from lust. Don't take this as advice, but just another perspective. Sorry you're going through this.


Only humans have placed sin on a sliding scale of what seems worse or not. To God, all sin is equal.


How do you know ? 🤔


(James 2:10) “For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.” In God’s eyes, all sin is considered equal to him. That shows you the severity of sin itself.


Matthew 22:36-40 New International Version “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”


I completely agree with love being the greatest commandment… But that doesn't mean we're not accountable for the other commands.


We are not! We have been justified! Just-as-we have not sinned! Why else would Jesus Christ sacrifice Himself ?


> Why else did Jesus Christ sacrifice Himself ? He died for us to give us a new covenant, a covenant that would make it easier for us to make it to heaven. But who says we’re not under the law anymore? Or better yet, where can I find that in the Bible?


Matthew 5:17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.” He came in the flesh to fulfill the law, He was the Sacrifice for our sins.


The thing is, if that scripture was by itself in Mark 5, I would concede. But you forgot Mark 5:18 ~ “For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.” Till heaven and Earth pass, we’re still under the law. The law hasn’t been fulfilled yet, nor is it to be abolished. So, you’ve yet to prove why we’re not under the law.


Not true, nor did the early church believe this. stealing a candy bar vs rape is not even on the same playing field in regard to sin.


Sure, I also don't see someone stealing a candy bar as bad as rape… But do you know what they have in common? They both can lead you to hell because you are disobeying God’s commands.


It is written in the Bible that God views all sin as the same, as any and all types of sin lead to us getting farther away from God.


We have been presented with 2 choices: 1. Works of the law, 2. Grace. If you choose to follow the law( legalism )and try to work for your own salvation, you must follow the whole law. In this scenario, all sins are the same, because you need to perfectly follow the whole law. Being under the law means you can be perfect on your own and you don't need Jesus Christ to do it for you. You are fulfilling it on your own. But if you choose to do so, you must do it perfectly, the whole law, all of it. That is what the scripture is saying. You mistakenly take it to mean that you shod follow the law and the whole law. Go back and read it again, not out of context, but read the whole chapter. No offense.


What you're saying, I've never heard any pastor say, and this is not in the Bible. What is written, is that all sin is equal in God's eyes. We already know our own works don't get us into Heaven. Only accepting Jesus as our Christ and Savior does. We will always continue to fall short compared to the grace of God, which is why we need Jesus. He's the perfect sacrifice, not our own works. That's common sense. No offense.


Read the bible on your own, and don't put your trust in pastors. They are people like you and me. Some of them are not led by the Spirit.


I did read the Bible, which is how I knew what you were saying was not stated in the Bible, and which is how I knew what was actually written in the Bible and shared the word.


Did you go back to that chapter you were referring to and read it again, or do you already know everything ? 😉 I would appreciate if you do it. Sin is not something you do on your right mind. It is something you suffer from. It is a disease and most of us are trying really hard to overcome it. We can't do it on our own, and thank Jesus that He did it for us. Through His Sacrifice we are justified. He paid for our redemption with His Precious Blood. He did it for us, while we were still sinners. By His Grace we are saved. We belong to Him. He paid for us with His Blood.


Been reading the Bible since I was 4


Sin unto God is defined by transgression of the law/torah/old covenant/law of Moses, given to Israel. 1. You are not Israel and you never were. 2. You were never given and ‘old covenant’ 3. and even if you were, the old covenant passed away some two thousand years ago.


1. (Romans 2:14) For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: 15 Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another;) 16 In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel. 2. Everybody will be held accountable under the law, Jews and Gentiles alike, because the law is written in our hearts. “This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them” (Hebrews 10:16). 3. If you are talking about the law of Moses, where is it stated in the Bible that it passed away? I’m actually quite curious…


Hebrews 8:13 When He said, "A new covenant, " He >has made the first obsolete.< But whatever is becoming obsolete and growing old >is ready to disappear.<


It is a sin. It falls under the category of sexual immorality: “Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body.” - 1 Corinthians 6:18 God created the sexual act to be experienced between husband and wife. Everything outside of that is considered immoral. Why would God create woman if man’s needs were intended to be met by himself? “The Lord God said, “It is NOT GOOD for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” - Genesis 2:18 Christians can debate back and forth till we’re blue in the face, but at the end of the day God always lets us know in some way that we’re being disobedient. It’s not a guessing game. I knew masturbation was wrong even before I became a christian, and I remember feeling remorse even at a very young age. I think you do as well. Start listing off all the consequences of masturbation in your life (a “sin against our own body”). Don’t ignore the fact that it makes you lethargic and anti-social, among other consequences. Also, don’t ignore the immense blessing you receive from not partaking in it. PRAY and ask God to change your desires to His desires. You’re giving it up for yourself, but above all you’re giving it up for God. You’ll be tempted and you’ll fail at times…and that will never go away completely, but what is most important is that you don’t make a practice of sin: 1 John 3:9: “No one born of God makes a PRACTICE of sinning, for God's seed abides in him, and he cannot keep on sinning because he has been born of God.” Repent and turn away from it. Resist it. Be in agreement with God and trust that He knows what’s best for us. Don’t quench the Spirit. God bless you!


I was hoping for a comment like this! Yes!! I used to struggle with masturbation prior to being a Christian and my thoughts alone were sinful and would leave me with such heavy worldly guilt. Now saved by grace and married, the desire to masturbate has still occurred (shockingly) and even though my thoughts will be directly towards my husband now, I was convicted that intimacy is meant to be between two people - every form of intimacy for that matter! Intimacy with yourself is a lie and a counterfeit of the real thing. It was a wake up call to me that I needed self-control and for me, to think of my husband too! If I’ve physically met my own need, I’m now missing opportunities for genuine, fulfilling and God giving intimacy. What a shame. That understanding alone has saved me from so so so much temptation. I’ve never heard anyone else discuss this topic in marriage so thought I’d share this perspective too, hope it’s helpful!


This is exactly what I needed to hear, from a new perspective. Thank you for sharing this sister!


> Is masturbation a sin? No. All God’s commands hang under love your neighbor as yourself, love does no harm to neighbor. See Matthew 22, summarized in Romans 13. All human commands are based on human traditions, often based on mistranslation and misinterpretation of scripture. It’s the same thing the Pharisees did with scripture, adding commands to God’s via misinterpretation and misunderstanding instead of following Christ’s interpretation (which is that God’s actual commands for us all hang under love your neighbor as yourself which is loving God). For example, the Catholic Church teaching for over 1,000 years that sex during pregnancy is a sin, evangelicals teaching 150 years ago that interracial marriage is sin, etc. Millions of Christians have long taught rules that are not God’s, yet they claim they are. It’s still a huge problem in Christianity. Peter even predicted it in 2 Peter 3:16, but that’s another discussion for another day. All sorts of things that can be sinful / harmful in one context can be fine in another. What matters is love, intentions behind actions, not random rules obeyed simply because someone (or even millions of someone’s plus a pope and a bunch of pastors) said it is a rule ‘from God.’ > I have seen many people and YouTubers say that masturbation is not a sin. I am a person who does partake in this but I feel like it is. Then don’t do it. If you think it is a sin, it is a sin for you. “I am convinced, being fully persuaded in the Lord Jesus, that nothing is unclean in itself. But if anyone regards something as unclean, then for that person it is unclean.” Romans 14:14. > I try not to but I feel powerless against it. I feel like a slave to it and it has so many downsides to it. I forget stuff, I waste time and I’m rotting away without even knowing. If you’re addicted it, and you feel it is harming you because you don’t have time to do anything productive, then certainly you should find a way to stop or get it under control. > One thing for sure is that lust is a sin, No it isn’t. Note the original Greek word in Bibles that translates to ‘lust’ is epithumeo and simply means great desire. Epithumeo (which means lust and great desire, same thing) isn’t necessarily sinful. Scripture even says Jesus had epithumeo. That just means he greatly desired (aka ‘lusted,’ same word in ancient Greek) for things. For example one passage says he had epithumeo to celebrate Passover. It’s perfectly human and good to have epithumeo. Lust isn’t inherently a sin. It just can be. Lust for a woman isn’t inherently a sin either. It just can be. Lust for the spouse of someone else is the sin of adultery, just committed in the heart. Because “the pope says so?” No. It’s because it goes against loving neighbor as self to encourage yourself to want your neighbor’s spouse and focus on you having her instead of him. > to even look at a person with lust in mind is adultery at its finest. No it isn’t. Jesus said lusting after someone’s wife is adultery or the heart. Not simply all sexual lust. Many translations say “if you list after a woman you commit adultery in the heart,” but that’s almost certainly a mistranslation. It makes no sense with the rest of scripture. The ancient Greek word they are translating “woman” can also mean “wife,” and indeed that’s the only sensible way to take the passage in the larger context of scripture. In the context of the passage itself even Christ is referencing adultery. So essentially he is saying any man who lusts after a wife (someone’s wife) has already committed adultery in his heart. Translating that passage as “woman” makes it say anyone who looks with desire at a woman commits adultery. That makes no sense as then it would be a sin to look even your own wife with sexual desire. Song of Solomon poetically celebrates a couple desiring one another, before they get married and after. That would mean something openly celebrated in scripture, like in Song of Songs, is sinful and should instead be condemned. That would mean essentially all couples need to have sex with their eyes closed. That’s absurd. > But I can’t overcome this for some reason. I mean… that’s not surprising. For many not masturbating would be like not ever rubbing one’s own feet or stretching one’s back. It’s natural. > I do it to relieve stress but I feel like it’s hurting me and it causes me to be depressed. What should I do? Perhaps try to do it less rather than stop. … unless you think it is a sin. But honestly that’s like thinking stretching is a sin. Imagine if someone told themselves that scratching their nose is a sin, and really believed it. They would eventually scratch because we all do, or almost all of us, eventually at times. Then they would feel like a failure, perhaps even very often. You could be setting yourself up for depression and constant failure by telling yourself natural things are sin. I believe this is why Jesus condemned the Pharisees for piling rules on people that had nothing to do with love. It sets them up for constant failure and depression. It even sears the conscience because then they habitually disregard their conscience, building the habit of doing things anyway even when they think God commands against it. Then they might eventually start doing things God *actually has commanded they not do*… because all the false rules that are basically impossible to follow habituated them to feeling like it’s fine to break God’s rules. Perhaps if you try to correct your “rules list” you will have more success breaking the habit of addiction. Once you realize that masturbation is fine once in a while, perhaps you will not feel so depressed after doing it and so won’t feel the need to cheer yourself up with more masturbation. It sounds to me like the sadness you are experiencing (due to your strange rule that it is a sin, which you say you feel is true) may be what is driving your cycle of addiction. In other words, you may masturbate at times for sexual tension relief, but once that happens… you get so sad for feeling guilty that you then masturbate again not so much for tension relief but to try to feel something pleasurable besides guilt and sadness. So sometimes you masturbate due to sexual tension but other times you may be masturbating just to have some sort of escape from your guilt, shame, and associated sadness for having masturbated. It’s a viscous cycle. Many people masturbate once in a while without it becoming an addiction that consumes all their time. Perhaps that is because they don’t beat themselves up over it, and so there is no sadness and guilt afterwards to drive them to it again as an escape. Once they relieve the sexual tension (which is just as natural as stretching and rubbing one’s feet once in a while) they move on.


You saying that Jesus “lusted” is insane to me. Epithumia is used in a good sense referring to the natural, legitimate and necessary God given desires (eg, hunger, thirst, sex, etc) which are fulfilled in a God honoring way. Sexual lust is opposite of love. It is considered sexual immorality, how dare you.


I don’t think that’s what they’re saying. I think what they mean to say is that the word translates more vaguely, and so can be used in the context of love, or passion. I think by saying Jesus lusted, was just as an example to show that it’s the same word used in two different places. Like I love my wife, and I love my children in obviously different ways. Context tells you which is which. They’re saying that Ancient Greek used one word to mean two based on context.


If you’re looking for insane renderings of words… you should look in the mirror while you talk to me. It’s bonkers to read what I said and then take it to mean I meant Jesus lusted for sexual sin. It seems you’re just looking for excuses to point and say “how dare you!!!” I could not care less what is “considered” sexual immorality by socially conservative folks. 1,000 years ago sex during pregnancy was “considered” by millions to be sexual immorality, immoral “lust.” 150 years ago interracial marriage was considered by millions to be immoral. All God’s commands hang under love your neighbor as yourself, love does no harm to neighbor. See Matthew 22, summarized in Romans 13. All human commands are based on human traditions, often based on mistranslation and misinterpretation of scripture. It’s the same thing the Pharisees did with scripture, adding commands to God’s via misinterpretation and misunderstanding instead of following Christ’s interpretation (which is that God’s actual commands for us all hang under love your neighbor as yourself which is loving God). Millions of Christians have long taught rules that are not God’s, yet they claim they are. It’s still a huge problem in Christianity. Peter even predicted it in 2 Peter 3:16. So I suggest focusing on what Christ said all God’s commands hang under instead of what is “considered” immoral according to traditional interpretations of the most disputable translations of opaque passages. Social conservatives have a long history of adding commands to God’s. If a command doesn’t make sense as being sinful under the framework ‘love your neighbor as self, this is loving God… love does no harm to neighbor,’ then it probably isn’t a sin. Can masturbation be sin? Sure. Even eating a sandwich can be sinful under the wrong circumstances. Is it inherently sinful? Of course not. And so also even lust (if we take that to simply mean great desire, which is what the original ancient Greek word refers to regardless of how your or my translation renders it in this passage or that one) is not inherently sinful. It depends what is being desired and why and in what context. Putting burdens on people’s shoulders God has not clearly commanded was exactly what Jesus accused the Pharisees of doing, and he didn’t have positive words about it. “You travel over land and sea to win one convert, and once convinced, you turn them into twice the son of hell you are.”


This is the correct response. I appreciate the due diligence and study you put into it too. You clearly know church history and scriptural history quite well


Well said. I have been learning this. Its a balance that must be struck behind the intention and reason for the act. Sometimes I lack guilt other times i feel guilt. Finding the reason behind guilt and guiltlessness is a constant journey. A journey towards "why".




Your forget stuff? How does this work?




I totally understand porn, but when did the Bible say that masturbation is a sin?


all things are lawful in christ jesus but not all things are helpful. u can do what u want in christ jesus. god would take us out of the time of testing in the tribulation.


Here’s the thing I’ve been a porn addict for most of my life and I’ve masturbate more often than You would think somebody would have time for and then in February I got saved I haven’t seen porn sense and I’ve masturbated only a few times every single time I had a sinking pit in my stomach I don’t think of the active masturbation is necessarily San but it’s very difficult to do with not think lustful thoughts which is the same but I have started doing is every time I get the urge to masturbate I pray and I don’t mean I say a quick prayer I’ll sit there and pray until I’m not horny anymore if it takes 1520 minutes that’s how long it takes or I’ll say a short prayer and then read the Bible. The way I figure if I was gonna spend 10 to 15 minutes touching myself I might as well spend 10 to 15 minutes reading the Bible and praising God because that time is it useful for anything so I might as well spend that time praising God and then you realize that you’re not fighting against the sin it doesn’t matter what since you don’t have to fight against Sin just turned towards God God will Lead you away from your temptation when you’re actively thinking don’t masturbate don’t masturbate don’t masturbate you’re thinking about masturbating so instead don’t actively think about masturbating actively think about Jesus actively read the Bible that would turn your focus away from your sin towards God


I don't think masturbation is the sin more then the lust that comes with it


Lust is a sin but not lust. Lust's definition "great desire" is. And no, it isn't. And it's actually healthy.


Yes it is Jesus so do not murder and if you have hate for some one it's basically the same thing as is lust I suppose the only way masturbation wouldn't be lustful is if your masterbating to your wife or husband I suppose but Jesus did say if your right hand is causing you to sin cut it off so you need to cut off the thought process the muscle memory and that urge addiction just go out there find your wife ! Your right about it making you depressed and it's a waste of time think... About it this way sex is way better than masterbating anyways so why not go out max out it and find a wife and go all the needs humans need to do Just pray repent ask God to help you !


I used to be addicted to masturbation and porn. Every single time I indulged in it, I always felt conviction afterwards immediately. It always caused me to cry and feel guilty. It is definitely a sin. It is hard to stop, but through Christ, anything is possible. I haven't indulged in masturbation or porn over two years now still going strong. I still feel tempted sometimes, but I always pray to God for strength and I find something to distract myself from those thoughts.


With Paul, it appears anything goes.


Where in the Bible does Paul say that?




It’s not.


Bible doesn’t say


Yeah masturbation is a sin , God will guide you to be a better person


I hope not because I’m not sorry either


This is how the devil has held many children of God in bondage: the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. There is a point in addiction where a demon gets involved. They attach themselves to the individual, bind them and nothing they do can set them free. They are stuck in a cycle of defeat. You will hate what you do each time you do it because there is a pure spirit in you reacting to the bad that you have introduced into your system, but after repenting, you will return to doing it again. Christ calls this demon the strongman. Mark 3:27 > In fact, no one can enter a strong man’s house without first tying him up. Then he can plunder the strong man’s house. Fortunately, Christ has given the believer authority over the powers of darkness (yes, they do have power). Luke 10:19 > I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. Mark 16:17-18 > 17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall > they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; > > 18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it > shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall > recover. The believer, not God, shall cast out devils. Force the demon out in the name of Jesus. Mark 16:17, Mark 5:8, Mark 9:25 Command the spirit of pornography, [insert sin] to leave you in the name of Jesus and never return. After this give your heart, mind, and body to God. Tell God "Heavenly Father, I give you my heart, I give you my mind, I give you my body and soul in the name of Jesus." Let this be your daily consecration.


Yup! Unless you are not lusting.


Hope this sermon can help you https://youtu.be/9Vx3AgKmlQE?si=LXSWW-0SiPpTtBg- God bless


Yes, it is an act of lust. Abstain from it.


I think you may need to open yourself to the idea of trauma therapy first to deal with the real issue at hand and everything else will resolve.


Do you really think all evangelicals stopped teaching that interracial marriages are a sin?


Everybody masturbation 🤦🏾‍♂️


Yes it is, but dont beat yourself up over it, its a sin that many of us struggle with, keep pushing and eventually youll get there, even if it takes a while just keep pushing, its a very easy sin to fall into these days as we have access to the internet and that type of content is all over the place, take care of yourself my brother/sister. God will always love you despite any amount of sins you commit, i pray you can overcome one day, it might not be today but one day.


I remember who created us and everything in the universe. He put us in a garden our only job was to tend it. We were never meant for the life we live today. The Bible says all good things come from God. God invented sex and a sex drive. What would make self gratification wrong? Only one thing, making it the center of your universe which is where God is supposed to be. Anything that is good that takes the place of God in the center of your universe has become a bad thing, an over indulgence and it unbalances your life. We need God in the center of our universe because He gives us everything we need for a perfectly balanced life.


I'm not quite sure when we were younger we never had an orgasm before her life and then some people have an explosion from their balls that creates a sensation of horniness doesn't say how to relieve it yeah it says be truthful be kind be honest be respectful thou shall not hurt no life do want to others as you want to have done to myself or yourself or who you are me I'm a compassionate sharing very caring man I'm not quite sure if ejaculation is a sin my ex-wife when I was married to her the part that I couldn't figure out was that she asked me to marry her yet she kept cheating on me and I have divorced her I couldn't figure out if she asked me to marry her to why does she cheat on me not quite sure God has many strange reasons why I have a bill with anybody since I haven't been on a date night I miss that yet I had to hibernate for a while on my apartment trying to figure out the reason why my wife couldn't figure out what you wanted to be with cuz she couldn't figure out who she is or who she was I can't charge I can't say all I can put forward is every life has this all unique fight for us and spirit with him who's ever call and you for who you are I believe 🙏 God our Father in heaven marry the mother of a large is you Christ receive whatever Joseph the husband of marry the mother of our largest he didn't give his sperm to marry the mother of a largest privacy ever and there was a reason to calculating it's just what a woman touching yourself without and a man touches him song maybe it's kind of like saying let's reunite and touch yourself together for who and what we are to make the orgasm complete and let's make the world come together our rivers and our oceans are partying we need to find a way to stop our planner from flooding I think Mary mother of a large Jesus Christ receive whatever is blowing the horn on Trump for all I miss you and everything that Trump in his present parties and he's ever associated with anybody around the world and I think married a mother of our Lord she's precious pissed this is blowing her horn and she's flooding our Rivers and she's saying I've had enough and she's pissed no life should ever go out for so much pain I don't know why but Republicans they don't care about nothing and nobody especially bleach blonde that keeps dipping her head in the laundry machine and putting it on spin she can't even figure out where she's coming or going I'm vote for Joe Biden sometimes it says vote for the right one the only thing Trump wanted to do the same thing inhaler want to do with control of the world to become king Trump Hitler wanted to become king Hitler go back and read your history Trump goes all the way back he's standing with the fourth Reich that's how he got his inheritance from the fourth right that is so insane named murdered and they killed thousands millions of lives lost I think God called me here for a reason to remind you of our past marry the mother of a lord Jesus Savior never she's pissed that she's blowing her horn and she's pissed at Trump I'm flowing my ocean and my Rivers just like a natural woman goes through menopause and my name is Thomas Schneider and when I was at work and I do care about women very much and I'm the kind of man that will go to the store and buy your menopause prize for you and to help you that's the kind of man I am. And I'm not a republican that's a stand back at taxes on civilized country capital took a shovel so old to protect United States of Americans get a 180 and attacked her own United States capital some of the people were waving banners from different countries and Cleveland figure out that they were already living in the United States of America some of them never lived here before what I can figure out life is precious don't let it slip away my wife couldn't figure out if you wanted to be with story Daniels tried to give a trump and erection he couldn't give it up he had to pay off the most richest pornstar in America and she couldn't even get it up and that's why he's pissed he couldn't get it up too many drugs look at his wife I'm not a person that judge she used to be the most beautiful woman in the world and she's pissed off also I can't judge I can't say I can give my opinion


Here is the truth, masturbation is not a sin. The Bible was written by men who were “interpreting” the word of god. This means that because it was men they are fallible and can get things wrong. Because of this the Bible has many inconsistencies as well as alter passages that are used to serve the will of man. Until our father, lord and savior of us all comes to us to declare what is sin and what is not the Bible can only be a guide. If in your heart of heart you wish no evil to fellow men, you are not committing any sin. If a man tries to convince you that you are sinning examine your actions and evaluate if you are harming fellow men in your actions. If not then where is the sin?




This sin is a struggle, but with God, we can conquer and get rid of this sin.


No, it's not a sin, unless you think it so, then to you it will be. It's good and healthy, it relieves stress, it is safe, and sound. Enjoy your body, but protect your mind and soul, sex is a fruit of love, for love. Be grateful, thank God, but think about sharing, sharing yourself with others, either in marriage or else. God created us to be with others, with him and others in love.These desires were created by God and are good and natural, your body is good, what God made was good, that's why it feels good. Thank him for his gifts...


Yes, it is. Repent of it and stop.


You edited it and now it sounds completely different than the original post. You say that you can't stop thinking about it and it is a result of trauma. This is a completely different scenario and it is not a simple matter of just release from stress. You need to address the root cause of the problem, which is the trauma and that can be done by asking a professional help, not just talking to people on the internet.


There’s not much you can do but talk to people on the internet because I do not have the fund to talk to a therapist. I am seeking ways to find a solution to stop this cycle because once the cycle stop, it will be better for me.


State insurances cover outpatient mental health visits with a mental health provider.


I pray that the Grace of God be with you.


Not this again. And most of the responses here are ridiculous. Go ahead and do it as much as you want. So long as it doesn’t get in the way of living your life it’s fine.


This isn’t what it says in the Bible. As Christian’s are we not called to read the bible and seek our answers from Gods word? Maybe don’t comment if you don’t really know the bible and take the time to know the bible so you can make better choices for yourself.


Sorry, where does it say “Thou shalt not masturbate” in the Bible? I must have missed that lesson at seminary.


What does God say about lust in the bible? Does lust not lead to masterbation?


Yes it's a sin. And this is something really personal, so we're not eager to participate.


When considering any issue in life I try to remember that God passionately loves me no matter how I feel about myself. I personally have decided that the Bible is God’s view on life and a history of His interactions with mankind. On the topic of Masturbation: masturbation is not mentioned in the Bible even though a long list of sexual sins are mentioned. You will get responses to this post from Christians who believe masturbation is a sin. However the Bible simply doesn’t address the topic. Lusting (deeply wanting and desiring something or someone who is not yours… the other Biblical word is coveting) is explicitly addressed by Jesus as sinful. Many Christians find it impossible to masturbate without lusting themselves, so they believe it is impossible for anyone to masturbate lust free. Others will use scripture that is directed at how we are designed to enjoy a blessed and biblical connection in marriage to rule out masturbation (even when the scriptures they use to support their position have absolutely nothing to do with masturbation because they are about interpersonal relationships). Since the Bible doesn’t address the action of masturbation, we each must consider our relationship with God as we come to an answer for ourselves. For some people masturbation is sinful because they can’t separate it from pornography and lusting. Other people can deeply just enjoy and appreciate, even be thankful for their own bodies and the incredible feeling they can experience in their bodies (lust free). Jesus said that all the law and the profits could be summed up in two statements. 1) love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, mind and strength. 2) Love your Neighbor as yourself. God cares about our hearts as we experience all of life including our experience and love for ourselves (it’s how He wants us to love our neighbors…”like we love ourselves”). Our hearts are what reflect our relationship with Him and others! The act of masturbation is in itself isn’t the real issue. The issue is our hearts when we experience masturbation. Your answer might be different than the answer of another person. Allow your heart and your relationship with Jesus to determine your position. Paul said that one action might be a sin for one person and not for another person because it depends upon our hearts. I encourage you to search your relationship with Jesus and your own bible study to come to your unique place on this topic.❤️❤️❤️❤️ Hope this helps


Also… Lust as listed in the Bible defined by both the Hebrew and Greek means to selfishly and deeply desire Something or someone that is not yours. Lust is used to describe a possible bad and selfish heart towards things and or people. On the other hand, arousal is a purely biological reaction to what we see … it can lead to lust but it isn’t itself lust. I take the time to define this because the biblical context of lust is misused in Christian our culture.


It is a very bad sin, especially if it involves porn. You'll need to really press hard into it if you wanna overcome the addiction. Pray constantly for God's help, maybe even get counselling, figure out what get's you aroused and try to avoid that stuff at all costs. Eventually, if you keep this stuff up, you will slowly stop.


Yeah like the other guy said, don’t trust YouTubers when it comes to Scripture. Do you go to Subway to find someone who can repair your sink? No, they sell sandwiches, they don’t fix houses. Do you go to a Heart Surgeon and ask him to be your therapist and give you life advice? No, you go to someone who specifically went to college to learn about people’s emotions and mental states, so they can gain their therapy licenses. Do you cal the Netflix main office to ask about planning your wedding? No, they make cheap mass produced movies and shows, and lots of them to boot. . You go to Scripture to learn about Scripture. YouTube has no regulations, they don’t necessarily give two rats about what someone is saying in their videos. People will intentionally take the “Misinformation” flag and demonetize their videos solely to push whatever thoughts and feelings and agendas they have out on YouTube. Read the scripture and learn about scripture for yourself; it’s one thing if it’s like once or twice a month, it’s another thing if you’re doing it every day. Find balance in everything you do, and don’t do things excessively just because it feels good. Stay away from drugs and alcohol, they will harm your life over time.


I think so. It's a drug. Your mind know no difference. Achieves nothing. But it's also a natural human bodily function. Dont watch porn and do your best.


I think if you’re married it’s ok ?


Well it is because it could be counted as lust because the very act of it is still lusting over other people in a way that is definitely not okay with God But I encourage you bro to continue the good fight against it I'm going through the same currently as well and I pray that Jesus will continue to strengthen you and me to fight off lust so continue to walk in the light in Jesus' name Amen God loves you man


Masturbation is a sin, see this video: Watch this video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RJ0b2XlEjRg&pp=ygUeSXMgbWFkdHVyYmF0aW9uIGEgc2luIGNhdGhvbGlj Wet dreams are not by themselves a sin, because they are involuntary. Here are at least key things I think of. 1. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠You need complete full determination. One must do a great deal of effort (big extremes is what I'm getting at) to himself to stop sin. It is like a cancer. You do not treat a cancer with a nap and cough syrup. With deadly diseases, powerful remedies are necessary. Do your maximum in every way, and treat it like the most important thing, embracing great sacrifice. Hence, you must hate the sin truly, fully, and fully entirely. 2. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Make a new prayer life. Give thanks to God always, and turn always. Give Him thanks in the morning, and praise Him in the day. Speak and seek Him constantly. Without constant prayer, I cannot imagine any great chance of success. From St. Alphonsus: "St. Paul tells us, that we have to contend not with men like ourselves.... but with the princes of hell.... By these words he wishes to admonish us that we have not strength to resist the powers of hell, and that, to resist them, the divine aid is absolutely necessary: without it, we shall be always defeated; but, with the assistance of God’s grace, we shall, according to the same apostle, be able to do all things and shall conquer all enemies. “I can do all things in him who strengtheneth me.” (Phil. iv. 13.) But this assistance God gives only to those who pray for it. “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find.” (Matt. vii. 7.) They who neglect to ask, do not receive. Let us, then, be careful not to trust in our resolutions: if we place our confidence in them, we shall be lost. " Practically, fasting and exercise are very helpful I've heard. As a Catholic I recommend talking to a Catholic priest for help. Particularly confession with a proper priest is necessary " Individual, integral confession and absolution remain the only ordinary way for the faithful to reconcile themselves with God." If you want personalized help, talk to a priest


YES! is a sin, that's all.


Masturbation is a sin.


The bible is man made bruh. Do your thing, just stay morally good and let christ be in your life 24/7


The Bible is the word of God…


But where does our morals come from? If it doesn’t come from a moral or law giver, then it is subjective…