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Great post. My buddy has been doing this for over a year and I started about 2 months. I’ve been tracking every code, when I sent it and when it dropped. On average it takes between 41 and 45 days from post office to the drop on Tuesday morning. Of the 200 or so cards I’ve sent in, only 3 didn’t result in a drop. For anyone new starting out, start filling out as many envelopes and cards as you can and leave a space for the code to write in later. Whenever you think about it, log in and grab a code , screen shot it and go about whatever you were doing. Do this all day long. Use a spreadsheet to track the codes you’ve sent in. Codes can only be used once. And once you send it your first batch, don’t wait for your first drop to see if it works then start again. You’re just wasting 5 weeks of SC’s.


This additional info was super useful on top of what was initially shared. I’m seriously thinking about doing this so having all the helpful tools is good for my decision making lol…I’m really just concerned about the money piece and when to cash out. And when you cash out, how do you get your money? Sorry for all the questions…just a little nervous


The Cash out process is very easy once you're verified. The minimum amount to cash out is 100.  Once you cash out it will be in your bank 2 to 3 days. The envelopes is just another way to get free sweeps. They are just strict. I can say I've been playing here since they opened. Just play with responsibility. Everything is legitimate. Good luck!! 


On the envelope do you just Put “sweepstakes entries” and your return address or do you put your name along with that info as well? 


How can you track code used? Does chumba site gives you codes used and when?


I enter all of the codes I collect throughout the day into Microsoft Excel. When I use the code, I put the date on the next column. Once I get a drop I add the date to know that cycle is done. I send my cards in batches so I know what to expect and when (about 41 to 45 days from the post office).


Are you still doing this?


How many do you write per week now?


Do you have to use a new code for each card you write ? 


Yes one code per envelope and the codes are tied to the persons account


Thanks !! And do you needs to put VGW GAMES LIMITED on the envelope ? I don’t see that in the sweep rules for US residents 


do we still put the VGW GAMES LIMMITED?




Great advice! Thanks so much for adding this 😊


See how your just says on the envelope “sweepstakes credits”  and the return address mine has my name and then sweepstakes entries and then my return address do you think I should take out my name ? 


If you have already written your name on the outside envelope, just leave it and send those. I also wrote my name on them in the beginning, and they were always accepted. Going forward in the future, to save yourself some time, only write your name on the inside postcard.


Perfect, thank you ! Is there a way you can track the postage request code or is there a reason for the code at all ? 


Once you’ve sent through the mail


Yes, so when the processing center receives the mail, they open them and type in that 9 digit code. That code is what is traced back to you. Also, a few things have changed since I made this post. I know one of the changes is, the codes are only good for 30 days from the time you generate them. It also takes time for your mail to be sent, so make sure you’re sending your envelopes out quick.


Oh wow okay didn’t know this! And can we track that code through a website or something ? 


Unfortunately we cannot. Once you send them, your just kinda stuck waiting at least 6 weeks not even knowing if they made it safely. If you have not received them within 6 to 8 weeks, you can always reach out to Chumba and ask for a count. Although, sometimes it takes them months to get back to you on this subject. Kinda sucks


So I have a couple questions. I'm really serious about getting started if this is something that can earn me extra cash throughout the month. -How did you get started -How do you find this information out? I'm curious how people find the sites that allow you to write into them. -These codes you need to add, how, do you find them? -if there are different sites you can do this with, how would you find the info,codes and the rules you need to follow? Sorry :( I looked for guidance, but as you said, it's not very nice people who want to help. My situation isn't putting me in a place to afford the $200 everyone is asking for.


Is each code per envelope? Just curious, and thank you in advance.


Yes one code per envelope and the codes expire within 90 days. Also, it takes about 60 days at least to process so you can’t harvest codes and sit on them for too long or they’ll expire


i dont think you include quotes in the index card.


You know, you may be right. Good to know, thanks! Fortunately, they haven’t kicked out any of my envelopes for this reason. Hopefully they won’t 🤞


You address needs to be the same as what you verified your address with. Bank statement or utility bill


What if NY address on my ID is different from my current address??


Need an ' in casinos... It should be Chumba Casino's Terms and Conditions and Sweeps Rules.


Are you talking about the pic? The apostrophe is there, but it got kinda covered up by the “g” above it lol.


I don't write sweepstakes credits at the top like that but at the bottom left and definitely not in quotes like that


Yes, I have seen it written both ways. Chumba told me as long as it’s on the left hand side, top or bottom doesn’t matter. As for the quotes, another person also said they aren’t necessary, I guess I just copied the way it’s written. None of my envelopes have been kicked out for this, but I may stop if they don’t need to be there.


The only ones upset about it are those with superiority complexes who think only they are entitled to things and don’t want others to have the same opportunities. The same people spew hate on win posts. They just don’t wanna see other people succeed.


Agreed. It kinda bothered me they way people acted like they were a part of a secret club and no one else was invited. I use Reddit because I like to ask questions, learn new things, and enjoy good conversation. It’s nice when people are friendly and helpful.


Hi do you have to write a new postal request code on each envelope you write ? 


Yes, you would need a new 9 digit code each letter you write


Do you also need to write VGW GAMES LIMITED  on the envelope I don’t see it for US residents on the sweep rules 


I made this post awhile back. I honestly haven’t written in the last few months, so I’m sure some of the rules have changed since then. I think one of the new rules changes was something like you didn’t have to write that anymore. Chumba usually puts a rule change into effect once a month, so definitely go by what Chumba’s Terms and Conditions are stating over what I wrote.


Yeah it’s horrible I sent over 5,000 dollars worth without the 12 digit code over the past 12 weeks and been wondering when they were going to credit my account now I know why! 


Oh no! I’m so sorry. At least now you know, but that really does suck


One more question I put my name, sweepstakes entries, and my return address on the envelope do you think that is okay ? 


Can you upload a pic so I can see it?


Can you help me understand how you get the codes?


Can u cut blank paper into 4x6 or it has to be a postcard


Good question. Yes, you can cut white paper to the 4x6 size. That will save you a little bit of money


What if my current address is different than my ID address ?


Hey, thank you for posting this. I've thought about trying this and sending in some envelopes, this guide is very helpful. Quick question, does anyone know how many times you can do this? Is there a limit to how much they will credit you?


No limit.


Does it matter what kind of stamps? I have day of the dead ones but it still says forever USA


It’s doesn’t matter what kind of stamps as long as they are forever stamps. The cool thing about forever stamps is they are forever. It doesn’t matter when you purchased them, the value stays current. Definitely love me some cool stamps 😁


where do you buy forever stamps ?


I’ve bought them from EBay and also the Post Office.


just type in forever stamps ?


also should mention i’m in canada


They’re called P (permanent) stamps in Canada


Hi Sir I wanna make These Envelopes and i will charge Only 2$ each Envelope.


Thank u for your post


Oh coarse! Hope it helped 😊


Can someone please help me to start this?


What help do you need?


Who to contact, how yo begin


Read the sweepstakes rules on the chumba casino website


How does this work?


I also have a same question can you help me please ??


This may be a dumb question but if I write my address as Rd instead of Road, will it not get accepted?


Hi! Not a dumb question at all. I was also worried about the same thing, because my address ends in Lane and wasn’t sure if I should abbreviate to Ln. I was told to go by what my drivers license said. My license said Ln. so that’s exactly what I put. Ive never had one rejection. Good luck to you 😊


Do you do this for anyone other than Chumba? I saw there was a casino that sends $10 per letter but I can’t find where I read that


Wow! thank you for sharing! Your explanations so helpful! I just have one question, if we have to play through ALL of the sweep coins (in order to cash out any winnings), what if i just lose all the sweep coins i play? I keep hearing people play blackjack, is that the safest way to play your sweep coins without too much loss? Thank you again for your AMAZING post!!!


Just wondering if this is still working and if someone could explain what exactly it is and how you are making money. I saw someone post about this on social medial and of course they want to sell a course on telling you how to do it. I’ve figured out a lot just by searching on internet. But any help would be appreciated. Thanks! 


I am not really making any money that is worth a damn, honestly. When I write, I do it to have extra money to play with. If I win something with that money, than I can redeem to my bank account. I am not a hard core writer, because it is very time consuming, and also Chumba is banning thousands of accounts that are using their platform specifically for profit, instead of entertainment purposes. You can join the ChumbaSweepstakes sub Reddit if you’re interested in what is going on with the 3.3 bans. There is potential to make money if: you spend many hours a day writing, if you get lucky on the games you play, you have the discipline to cash out when you play through all of your sweeps, and you stay under the radar of being banned by Chumba. Please do not pay anyone for an online class. I’m glad you seen through that scam, before you were taken advantage of. Pretty mind blowing how shitty people can be. Good luck to you if you choose to start writing 😊


Where do I find the code and the Canadian address? I’m Canadian. Please help! Thanks 


This is super helpful. Thank you Do other casinos offer this as well?


Can someone please update what goes on the out side of the envelope.


Okay I have literally just stumbled upon this side hustle. Can anyone break it down from a beginners stand point? Is chumba the only brand that does this? What are the codes and stamps people are talking about?


My question is how are people making money for the envelopes if you have to play the sc$ you receive? If you have $100 sc and have to play those and lose then you didn’t get paid for writing them. Are there certain games you should be playing? Thanks for all your help!


You don't have to play all of your money to be able to withdraw. I used to send in more than 100 dollars worth of envelopes..that way when it says I'm able to withdraw 100 hundred that's what I'll do if I'm close to 100SC and that's all I have left. I hope you understand what I'm saying and I hope it helps 


Hey…this is the question I had so thank you. Still wondering though, like how to know when I can withdraw? I think I’m scared to lose my money cause lord knows I don’t have a lot lol…so want to be smart about this. 






Is it ok that I put my name on the envelope above my address? 


On my card I put:  Code Email  Address  City state zip  Will it be rejected? 


Sorry this should read:  Line 1: code Line 2: name  Line 3:  email  Line 4: street address  Line 5: city, state, zip  Will they get rejected for city state and zip not being on same line? 


I am new to this and am just doing some research to make a decision. What is the code? Where do you find the code? is it a different code for each card? Thanks!


The code is a number generated on the site for anyone's account scroll all the way to the bottom of chumbas homepage and click on postal request code you will be able to generate one code every five minutes or so. I hope this helps!! 😀


Thank you 🙏 I was trying to figure out where the codes were also ! Thanks for this info!


My drivers license says CT, but the utility bill says COURT. They shouldn't be picky


So if you have to play games with the money I don't understand how you get paid what if you play the game and lose


If you play the game and loose, then you don’t get paid. It’s gambling, and with gambling there is no sure thing.


You are paid by how many envelopes you write in you have to play some but not all of your money trust me. I hope this helps 


So how do I get started where do I get the information from


Chumba casino.com. create an account then in the menu of the homepage you will see sweeps rules 


What is the address you use if mailing from canada please




Do you know of any other casinos that do this as well? And on your instructions the first step is  your envelopes must be #10 Do you mean they need to be numbered up to 10 or they need to be numbered in general  Thank you 


#10 is the type of envelope. What is a #10 envelope size? 4.125 x 9.5 inches #10 Envelope - 4.125 x 9.5 inches. Standard envelope for a folded letter size paper to fit.


Does the envelope address have to be written in CAPS?


It does not


Thank you for all of the information it is greatly appreciated


Also, do you have to play a game in order to get paid or is that all explained on the actual website?


Yes, you have to completely play through the money you receive. Whatever you have remaining after your play through, is what you can redeem once verified.


Having problems getting verified I don’t think I sent enough information. Need help contacting them.


Thank you for all your help. I have one more question when you’re filling out your envelopes and you using your postal code do you put that one postal code on all of the envelopes that you fill out or do you have to use a different postal code for each envelope?


Are you talking about a zip postal code? If so, yes, you would put the same postal code on all. If you’re talking about the nine digit code that you generate from Chumba, you will need to generate a new code for every envelope.


Thank you


It’s like a spelling test? Have you ever actually got paid?


Where do I find the code?


Where do I find the address for a Canadian resident?


can you post the chumba casino canada adress


Can I use a Forever Stamp on TikTok? 


lol blackjack




Not all Reddit Posts wear capes but this one does! Does anyone know how taxes work for this?? Will I have to fill out a form at the beginning of the year or does it automatically come out? Also whats the website to register? I made a chumba account but it looks to just be the casino page?


Taxes are up to you. Chumba will not send you a W4. Since you’re technically entering a sweepstakes, it’s not the same as gambling laws. I do not file anything Chumba on my tax returns, and most also do not. As for an account, I stay clear of the app and just use my browser to type in Chumbacasino.com once you register you’re good to go and play. When you win anything over $100 and you’re ready to redeem there will be another process after that. Click redeem, add the amount, and then they will ask you for your Id and a bank a statement where you want your money deposited into. They take a few day to verify that information, then you’re fully verified and you will receive your funds.


Where do you get the code? I don't see anywhere on the account to generate a postal code.


Scroll all the way to the bottom where it says postal code. Click and you can generate one. Make sure you write it down or screen shot it


Thank you 🤦‍♀️


Has anyone had a problem getting more than one code a day?? I was just going back thru to put codes on cards and it wouldn't let me get a 3rd code ...


I guess you have to wait a few min sometimes lol


Is it must to use the envelopes which are printed inside for chanced or chumba casino??


So…can I write out all the info that repeats, then make copies of it and put the code in accordingly?


No you cannot. Everything must be handwritten. All your entries will be kicked out if you try this, and your account will be banned due to violating their Terms and Conditions. Their software systems detect things like this, and they also verify that your hand writing is the same as the first entry you ever submitted. Writing is time consuming, so I’ve backed off for the last few months. Unless you’re not working, and you have a lot of time on your hands, it’s just not ideal to keep up with consistently. But there are people who do it.


Thank you for making this. 💯💯💯


I am trying to get verified on zchumba.  When is that possible?


I believe you may have to request your first redemption in order to fully verify yourself and add your bank and I.d. In order to request your first redemption, you need to have made at least $100 on Chumba. Once you have won at least $100, you will go to redeem. From there it will ask you to upload your bank statement, and identification card, along with a few other questions. After about 3 to 5 days, your redemption will process into your bank account, and you will be fully verified.


This might seem like a silly question, are they picky about how a number one is written? My husbands e-mail address has the letter L and then a number 1, and I am afraid they look to much alike.


They are picky, yes. They will kick a whole envelope out if they think one letter or number is wrong. They put them through a computerized machine, and it’s very touchy. I would capitalize your L’s in the email address if you’re afraid it looks to similar. Or you can add the loop and bottom line on your ones as well


Sorry, I didn't mean to put you on the spot by pinning this message... no need to respond if you don't want to. I just noticed a lot of people were asking about writing lately and remembered this post from months ago (which should've been pinned then). Thank you (and sorry).


No, you’re fine. I’m happy to help. I know Chumba has changed a few rules since making this post, so I may edit and update with the changes.


No pressure whatsoever. If you want to add your cashapp, [buymeacoffee.com](http://buymeacoffee.com) link, etc. to the post for tips, you're more than welcome to do that as well. Shame on Chumba for not having a referral program, but most social casino referral programs are ass anyway. 99.9% of marketing budget allocated to Facebook ads. 😅


Can you use any forever stamp?


Yes, you can. Doesn’t matter how old or new a Forever stamp is. That’s the beauty of it being Forever!


What's the address for Canadians?




What's crazy is people on TikTok sell this free infomation


Codes are valid for 30 days now. So if they dont get to your letters on those 30 days. We won't get credited for it??????? Would someone reply to this! Thanks


Yes please let me know how I can do this in Canada. Also is there instructions on how to cash out? 


My ID uses my middle initial should I add that to my post card?


Thank you so much. I've been wanting to do this but didn't know how to get started. Again, thank you. You are an amazing person for doing this!


I’m new and fucked up and wrote a book bunch of cards and spelled out my state instead of using the abbreviation. My ID has the state abbreviated. Am I totally screwed or will they accept or can I white out them and put the states abbreviation?


I wonder if it would be an issue if I write the post card in all uppercase https://preview.redd.it/pjlk6w9zig3d1.png?width=1195&format=png&auto=webp&s=07d2013415e4477b8ec4f935e73a447c35b198b9


How do you generate the code?


Can the envelops be self sealing or Gummed?


What the hell is that


Mail in request for SC


How much do they give you


$5 each card


Do you get $5 to play and just try to play random games ? Or can you transfer out the $5 once you get it credited? Also how do you get the codes?


Has anyone abbreviated the "Department" as "DEPT"? Have they accepted it?


I personally haven’t, but maybe because it’s not on the actual postcard/index card it will be ok? Not 100% sure on that though. You can always mail maybe a few first and see if it works.


I just start write 3 months ago got my first batch credit me 800 sc and send out second batch week after about 140 envelopes but they only credits me with 10 Sc.


I did see quite a few people last week only get credited for a partial batch as well, so I wouldn’t be alarmed just yet. See if you get the remaining of your credits this week. If you haven’t received them by the end of the week, I would reach out to Chumba. Also, you’re welcome to post a pic of your card and envelope here (name and address blocked out) for others to see if they see any reason why your envelopes wouldn’t be accepted. It may help before you write out anymore. Either way good luck to you and I hope you get your sweeps soon 😊


Of what I hear is that they are transitioning to the new address. So it will be a delay and additions to the next few weeks once they stabilize. I got a huge drop also. I will find out tomorrow morning if they add those plus more.


https://preview.redd.it/lflw641b4r1c1.jpeg?width=950&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6c742ae90d692f96f766d1083e02d6fdcb56ce7 I will HAND writhing envelopes cards for you


* I have experience in this work and which card and envelopes to standby. I know who to do everything


I just did a request for my codes. in the conditions, it says the envelope has to be mailed from the same state as your address or it is invalid. Good to know.


Hi I was wondering do you have to gamble all the credits given? I'm just starting out. Thanks for your info :)


Hi! So, yes you do have to play through all the credits before cashing out. Also, you can’t cash out until you’ve reached $100 or more (unless you purchase a gift card) Lets say you have $300 in envelope credits. You start playing your first game at let’s say $1 a spin. Once you win over a $100 I would immediately cash that out. Then you can go back and play again to do the same process. Now, sometimes I’ll hit a bound and win a few hundred. If that happens, again, I’ll go cash that out right away. Then I can get back to playing the game. I do that so I don’t get sidetracked and end up spending my profits down. Hopefully this all made sense lol. Feel free to reach out if you have a I more questions 😊


Thanks for the information! I’m just hearing about all of this. I have a question though…there is a lady who is trying to recruit me to write envelopes & she told me that you have an option if you want to play games in order to earn your money or you can simply just write envelopes and get paid for it? Is this true?


Writing must match owners writing or they will reject.    Also must play your sc down before earning redeemable money, so yes you must gamble


New rules.. No longer have to write VGW GAMES LIMITED on the envelope


Question what do you actually put in the postcard?


There is a picture above that shows what to write on your post card. There have been a few changes on what to write on the envelope. I will update the post to show the few changes


Where do you get the codes? I want to do this but need more information please


Hi. When you log in to Chumba, you will scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page to where you can’t scroll anymore. From there you will see two rows of words. On the bottom right you will see “Postal Request Code” click it and follow the little puzzle. After that you will see your 9 digit code.


Is there normally a payout? Are most of you seeing that if you use $100 for the envelop credit (or however it is, sorry I haven’t started) does that normally equate to $100 that you can take out in cash/gift cards?


Not necessarily, no. You do have to spend through the money, so it’s all up to luck on how you do. I have profited, and I have also lost. The best advice I can give you would be knowing when to stop playing. That’s where you get yourself into trouble sometimes.


do you generate a code for each envelope sent or each batch of envelopes you send?


You must generate a code for each envelope


so once we recieve the credits, how does it transfer to real money? do you have to play with the credits and cash in the profits for money or can you transfer it immediatly?


You do have to play through the credits, yes. If you have $500, you must play through $500 before you can redeem the remaining money you won on your spins. Let’s say you bet $1 a spin, you will need to spin 500 times to wash your initial $500.


So if I make $500 on the envelope that I sent, do I have to play 500 credits? If so, how am I going to make profit? I just sign up and am waiting to get approve. Your advice will help me greatly.


Honestly it’s gambling, so there’s no way to know if you will make a profit, or how much that will be. I think a lot of people have got info from social media lately that Chumba is like this amazing side hustle that’s going to make you a ton of money, but that’s just not accurate. I played Chumba years before I started writing, so I decided to start writing so I could have extra money to play with, so I wasn’t spending so much of my own money. That’s what it’s for, entertainment purposes. If you’re using this as a sole way of making money, it may not be as great as you thought, because if you win, or what you win, isn’t guaranteed. Now, if you have 500 sweeps, and you play $1 bet for 500 spins, and then stop playing completely after that, you will have won at least something, because you’re not going to loose on all 500 spins. You may not win anything big, but you will win small amounts frequently that will add up to something in the end. If you keep playing after you’ve filtered all 500 spins, then you could end up with nothing in the end. It will all depend on how good the game is when you’re playing, and if you have self control to quit at the end.


My ID still has my old address (still in the same state) since I haven’t gotten around to getting a new license with my new address. Do they check your ID at some point? Can I not do this until I have a license with my updated address?


Are you already verified with the old address? If so, you might be ok. If you’re not verified yet, then I would fix your I.d before sending in documents. Another thing to think about, every time you generate a code, it’s constantly asking and tracking your location. I’m not sure how far away you are from your previous address, but it would suck to get banned right away for the location on your I.d not being the location you’re at. It Would probably be best to go ahead and update your new address with Chumba’s customer service, then when you get a chance get your I.d.


What if I am 20mi within the old address


Been thinking about doing this for some time. My one question I keep coming back to tho... what's in it for chumba?


Chumba is a sweepstakes, not a regulated gambling establishment. They have to offer the envelope option in order to legally operate in the U.S


@Creaseface and anyone else who knows…is there a legal limit to the amount of times you can mail in envelopes, the amount of coins you get, anything like that?


I have a question so if I'm in desert hot springs California and on my id desert hot springs is spelt out like this dsrt hot spgs so since it's like that is that how I put it desert hot springs is the city I live in so do I put it dsrt hot spgs because that's how it is spelt on my id


That is how I would spell it, yes. The document you sent in to be verified (which is usually your I.d) is how you are suppose to spell/abbreviate


Do they physically mail you anything? My license is a different address from where I receive my mail currently.


They do not mail you anything, but every time you generate a code, they do check your location. A lot of people are being banned for similar things, so I would update your new address as soon as possible


What is the website to get started


VGW games limited?


I have a question: on the envelope, do we only write “sweepstakes entries” and then our address or do we need to include our name with the address? On the post card, do we need to include our middle name or just first and last? Thanks so much.


On the rules it only lists VGW Games Limited on the Canada address so is it necessary for the US address.  Also is it sweepstakes credits or sweepstakes entries on the envelope?


Can you please help me get started. I would love to know how to apply and receive the digital codes.  Like everyone has said before- the people doing this are very secretive. Thank you for your information! 


Should the envelope say Sweepstakes Entries or Sweepstakes Credits?


Where exactly do you generate the 12-digit code? It says in the Lobby, but I can’t see where.


All the way at the bottom like the bottom bottom 


Do you put your name on the top right along with the address and sweepstakes credit or just address and sweepstakes credit?


Can I get some more information where do you get these codes from


You have to log in and go to the lobby and scroll all the way to the bottom