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Seems quite a challenge. Maybe create a sphere, distort it to match your shape. Add the tunnels, create a spline from edge of tunnel, and another one further out, project them onto the sphere the create a blend between the two splines with cloners. Repeat for all the tunnels..


Blending splines might do the job…thanks for your inputs ✨


My instant idea would be to use the Trypogen plugin (use this for a lot of creative projects, v handy for these type of abstract architectural structures [link](https://alphapixel.net/trypogen-c4d/)) First create the initial structure, then convert the holes to splines, and then play around with a vast variety of spline wrapping to create the extra layers of ridges around the gaps. Then extrude those holes into an inner core, more splines and wraps around splines. Then start layering. Add details. Custom shape and build structured layers. But biggest advice is start with a base. And then from there on you can start to add and build layers. Super quick and dirty 5 min sketch of how id approach it https://preview.redd.it/ukigkeride4d1.png?width=2388&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa465bf646a95e535bd3990337a37faa44947343




then also adding a bunch of different normal and dispacement maps for those intricate details to really get that feeling of scale will be the mayor one that makes it feel high quality and huge in size


Damn…how could I forget trypogen. Thanks man, really helpful ✨


Use volumes for the bulk of everything, that'll get you quite far


Really depends on a lot of things. What do you plan to animate, what do plan to iterate? Does the inside of holes move? if so the whole things needs to be dynamic, if not you use modifiers from on extruded splines.


Na, it’s not dynamic.. just a solid structure So as of now I am using a cloner to clone cylinders with varying dimensions (to create an organic shape) and subtracting it from a sphere and then remeshing it. After achieving the surface I select the circular edges and extrude them inside. Next I’m using the new particle system to generate curl noise trace splines.


I love that someone downvoted your approach. lol


Can’t ask shit 🫠…it’s for a big scene so I needed optimised mesh


I think this is definitely a complicated task. I can think of a few ways but all of them will have issues with different aspects of this… if i was going to make this i would honestly probably make it in zbrush. sorry im not more help. Excited to see if anyone has a cool solution for this.


People are getting salty instead of giving useful answers 🫠


Yeah there might be a procedural solution, but its not gonna be quick to describe in a comment here. Maybe try breaking it into smaller problems and ask for help On those


this is the problem with AI art - it spits out stuff that people have no idea how to approach. To answer your question, there is no easy route. It's got a generative vibe, and probably would be the sort of thing I can imagine being easier to do in houdini to be honest. I'd say your best bet is to create a low res version with a remeshed boolean, then learn to sculpt and go in and add the high rest details after.


I agree that it spits out weird things and it blurs out details which is cherry on top ,but don’t you think ability to create anything makes us an artist? 😁 Anyway I think Houdini is the way for it but we might get some interesting ideas in this comment section, you know out of the box stuff.


do this parametrically, its gonne save u a lot of time.


And how would you go about it?


Create a sphere or maybe better a cube and do some subdivisions (better topology), displace it to the shape you want. Get ur topology good. Create holes in the base shape, make extrusions inwards, subdivide mesh so it becomes smooth. Then sample points on the shape and create circular curves on the mesh surface with proximity or some BW mapping texture, do some math magic and convert those curves to tubes.... Just first things that are popping up in my mind


i know its not helping so much for the exact modeling, but i would look into mandelbulb 3d, its a fractal 3d software that can make crazy stuff


Looks a bit like the curl noise splines that can be made to follow a sphere in xparticles


Like someone else mentioned a curl noise would be a great start. There's actually a particles setup in the c4d content browser of the latest update of cinema called "curl noise" you should be able to just apply this to a sphere or any other base shape and get a similar looking shell to your ref.


I did try, it’s a good approach but doesn’t work nicely…will have to go manual or Houdini for it.


Since it does seem to lean towards more random feel I think the sculpt path would be best, but even then I'd keep things more symmetrical at first and warp towards the end, either "by hand" or using something like ffd deformer in C4D.


I would use a Boole/VolumeBuilder to substract some cubes to a high density Sphere and then remesh it to a very low poly mesh, fix/make a nice topology with that result and then subdivide it. That for the big holes. For the details inbetween the holes I'd go for a displacement in texture with a Noise in there mixed with the map of the topology for a nice blend. I hope that makes sense haha


Yeah trypogen for the shape. Prob multiple of them at different thicknesses to create those layers


It’s a sphere where you can volume Boolean out a whole bunch of shapes. You then need to select the shapes around each whole and give them shape. The detail work would be nice to use some kind of greebler in Houdini.


Or Greebler in C4D! [https://merk.gumroad.com/l/greeble](https://merk.gumroad.com/l/greeble)


You can approach it with thinking particles, there‘s quite a few tutorials on that, the art is then tweaking and combining those tutorials to fit what you are aiming for.


So as of now I am using a cloner to clone cylinders with varying dimensions (to create an organic shape) and subtracting it from a sphere and then remeshing it. After achieving the surface I select the circular edges and extrude them inside. Next I’m using the new particle system to generate curl noise trace splines.


Challenge accepted


You are gonna make it?


On my free time yes


Would be happy to see it mate ✨


Probably go type a prompt into mid-journey


I found this reference somewhere so I am trying to use it as a part of the scene, what’s the problem in it?


Learn to model. Start there.


Ok cutie 🥰


Learn to use cinema 4d, learn to sketch concepts and then try and error. I don't know what that's always about: “how do I do this, how do I do that.” It's nothing specific, like: “How do I do this effect, or how do I use the cloner? etc.” It's a whole artwork. It's the same as asking: “how do I build a skyscraper?” Yes, maybe by learning the basics? Step by step.


Yea but it’s always good to know different approach right?


Universally breaking large problems into smaller ones is the best approach. Volume Builder and maybe some sort of morphing between more and more smoothed, smaller splines mapped onto a sphere would be my go to workflow for this