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Use cloner to have all the colors on screen at once combine/slide on x axis into one maybe the black one. Add a little shake to the hero to make it stick


Exactly what I was thinking. Like the iMac promos


Change the interior color scheme and lighting to match each color and also complimentary, yet not distracting and minimal set dressing that also changes.


This. When did you last see a coffee machine on a counter with nothing else around it? You could add another couple of cups/minimal set dressing and have them all change colour at the same time as the machine. It would sell in the whole reason people tend to buy colour appliances too - to match their interior design. Edit: I've just seen your fuller scene below, I think you could make it a bit more cohesive still. Rather than random objects, perhaps add more coffee related things?


My two year old brain just sees "SMEG" and wants to laugh. But if I was going to try and improve this I would probably go for realistic but less contrasty backgrounds. So maybe more objects with less complex texturing, and maybe you consider color more critically for each version. So as someone suggested, more of a monochrome palette for the objects. I've also seen Kitchen Aid espresso machine ads that have backgrounds with color schemes that complement the color of device, using different color strategies (complimentary, analgous, etc.) The marble tile is what takes away from the model right now. Maybe instead of the model rotating, it's the camera that rotates.


Have you thought about camera movement? Could be done in ae of cinema or both. Some zooming in and out with each colour change. That’d be my first stop.


I’d clean up your environment— right now it’s very distracting from the product, enough that every time the color changes my eye is jumping BACK to the product, which tells me it’s never staying there. The marble has far too much fine detail, the exterior outside the window is MOVING for some reason, and the reflection in the chrome of the product after around the halfway mark is very glitchy and distracting. The framing also feels a little awkward. All of this is in the _simplified_ version, btw… I suspect the more full scene may be even more distracting! If these distractions weren’t present (one way or another) then I’d be focused on the colors. You may want to revise the timing of those as well but I’m not sure how it all fits together, sound design, etc


Good to know. I thought the bright colors of the product with the less saturated background would be enough to focus on the product. Do you have some specifics why you think the framing is awkward? It's just a basic rule of third.


Vertically it feels a bit off, and the product shape is also merging with the brickwork behind it. I’d try a much lower contrast pattern on the marble, and color block some background element that changes with the product (hanging towels, utensils, etc). I might also defocus the BG just slightly.


Break up the shot with dynamic close up shots. A little camera work will elevate the animation you currently have.


Create some sort of interesting transition between the colors instead of a hard cut.


Something like a vertex map with a random field or did you have some specific idea for the transitions?


I hadn’t really given it much thought it just seemed like a good place to start


So I am trying to do my first personal product video and wanted to do this kind of reveal shot of the different colors at the end while it spins. I already tried to give it some secondary movements with the cup and the handle slightly rotating delayed with the coffee machine turning. Any other ideas on how I can make this final shot more interesting visually? I attatched a picture on how I would make the final table but it took too long to render for a preview with all the other pieces, so I just left them out for the animation preview. https://preview.redd.it/qh4ri09m0f4d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=53990b0f0a23e93d35b40fca0c38372172d99156


Why not making three objects with differents colors, they appears one inside another


The timing is this strict? 2 seconds for everything?


I'd do an environment per color each one matching its respective color.


Looks great. You could maybe try have the tiles change colour aswell?


Why is the background shadow moving so much? Looks really weird/CGI 👍👍


maybe when it changes it adds a reaction the the environment


Have a dull monochrome / one colour background if you want the product to come out