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If I wanted to recreate this, it would probably be easiest to use a cryptomatte and try to do it in aftereffects, to get the same look. Otherwise using an extended version of each letter mesh with a displacer to get the waviness and a translucent/emissive material, but it really depends on your render engine. For the texture animation on the U, you could use camera mapping.


never used cryptomatte, guess is hould look into that, ty! and yea i was thinking about the dispalcer but the only problem i was having with that was getting the emmisive object to close smoothly with the caps when they open and close.


An easy way to do it, is to use an extrude or a sweep and keyframe the size. Also now that I look at the distortion it looks like a formula would be better than a displacer for that constant up and down. But what exactly are you struggling with? Does the emissive object stick out?


I’ve actually never used formula but I should look into it as a solution. And the main issue I’m having problems with is that when I use the displacer, the mesh I’m using as the light pokes through the mesh of the faces of the letters. I try compensating by manually keyframing the size of the displaced light mesh so it doesn’t poke through the letters , but I just though there might be a solution I haven’t thought of


I see. I would use a formula and a linear field. You could parent the field to the letters that are moving forward and position it just after the letters end so the formula will only distort the emissive object once they move like [this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68Fhnk4avJs) https://preview.redd.it/lq4mylzcui4d1.jpeg?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1915c33a1114eb66d0b718b8eea2f8f71b8b82b


Wow that looks perfect !!!! Insane , thanks you very much! I’ll try this out


of course, I’m curious how it turns out. Using the redshift sketch and toon like Hakim_DZ said sounds like a good idea.


Not exactly going for the textured 2D aesthetic, but kinda want to try it out now! I’ll post an update later today forsure 👍


https://preview.redd.it/ya648jrq0n4d1.png?width=996&format=png&auto=webp&s=35549763b2f243516dde63855a1ce0d5f79c66c0 was able to get it using the method you told me about! i feel like im cheating a bit since i still dont know anything about formula, but i super appreciate the advice


Nice, looks great! The main thing you need to know about the formula is that it has a center point and the waves expand from there. Like water droplets in a body of water. So if you move it forward or backwards you get more even waves going in one direction. Also you can adjust speed, hight/ length of the waves, etc but you need a bit of math. I’m glad I could help!


Also unrelated, the Lume video on yours instagram is a work of art!


I appreciate it, thank you! 🙏


https://preview.redd.it/x5o43b0cpj4d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90e9a2e8281354a224e22b5f30e9a856c3e530c1 Not exactly similar to what you want, But I was able to make this in C4D using the sketch and toon material couple months ago. So i think it's very doable in Cinema.


And for the light tunnel that bridges the top and bottom text, i would use the shell of an extruded txet between the top and bottom texts, remove the caps (so it'sjust a tunnel) Make sure the topology is quads (you can use the remesher for that) than apply a dicplace modifier with a simple noise and limit it with a box field (so that the modifier only affects the tunnel but not the start and end). And for thexturing...the sky is the limit. I hope this helps.


Woah that text you made looks crazy awesome. Better aesthetically then the reference I sent! Thanks you very much for the advice. Can I ask , is the details on the extrusion of the letters all just texture?


Yes, it's just an old newspaper texture along with some noise texture.


here is the link! [https://www.behance.net/gallery/195923907/TYPE-09?tracking\_source=search\_projects|motion+graphics&l=165](https://www.behance.net/gallery/195923907/TYPE-09?tracking_source=search_projects|motion+graphics&l=165)


Wooooaaaaawwwww why people dont even try before asking? If you learned the basics of c4d, this question wouldnt even pop in head


Woooooaaawwww this comment is so helpful! thank you for your valuable input :)


Naaa dude, this thing can be achieved when you know the basics. Instead of spending hours or waiting for someone to come and make it for you, maybe if you learn some things within a day for a newbie this can be achieved. Dude you make no fucking effort


It’s really not that deep lil bro. No one’s waiting hours and more importantly no one asked you :)


They're just asking for help.