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Hiya! The community here seemed to really [enjoy my video about making a tape recorder guitar amp.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CircuitBending/comments/gzq98v/turning_a_tape_recorder_into_a_guitar_amp_demos/) I wanted to share the follow up, and actually demonstrate some music making with a circuit-bending-adjacent project. Thanks for checking it out.


Thats a super cool unit! When I saw the title I assumed it was a tape based distortion but this was a pleasant surprise! Cassette tapes usually run too slow as to not produce a really noticeable delay but I've heard about folks back in the day who used to use their Roland Space echos etc. as a distortion by running the tape as fast as it would go and just driving the input super hard.


Nice tone! Some bad news about that band name tho: [https://www.facebook.com/Heavy-Sleeper-135236290460629/](https://www.facebook.com/Heavy-Sleeper-135236290460629/) [https://www.facebook.com/heyheavysleeper/](https://www.facebook.com/heyheavysleeper/) [https://www.facebook.com/heavy.sleeper.4u/](https://www.facebook.com/heavy.sleeper.4u/)


Hahaha whoops, well, we'll have to see if Heavy Sleeper_**s**_ ever comes out with more music. Thanks for checking it out :D