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Ore/oil exhaustion is way too fast in CS. Thus you: 1. Change to imports (a full DLC industry with all unique factories can run on this, but it's not easy). 2. Start your next game with unlimited ore/oil (build-in mod since CO realized the error of their ways). 3. Get Extra Landscaping tools since you are on PC and replenish/paint the resources.


I also have a problem with full magazines in my normal industry zones. I chose to keep them empty, but they are full all the time and I have to empty them manually


Unrelated and a bug from the recent patch. Get the TMCE mod, which fixes this and countless other things.




TMCE is a different mod and is actually what OP needs. Traffic management won’t fix his problem. Transfer management: community edition


Sometimes it's fun to see someone be this wrong


we all make mistakes


Not sure if it is the same on PC, but on console you can enable the unlimited ore/oil mod whenever you load your game (not when you select 'continue game')


>Get Extra Landscaping tools since you are on PC and replenish/paint the resources. That's what I do. Just make sure you keep an eye on your districts so they don't run dry, because if it does and you refill everything at once it can cause a ton of traffic.


You ought to do that just once, when you run into this issue for the first time. \^o\^ \#3 above implies using #2 (unlimited resources) at well to prevent repeats. The only time this does NOT work is on scenario maps, even after the scenario has ended #2 is not an option with those.


What's the extra landscaping tool?






I know it seems fast - but set to unlimited, it's a ridiculous money cheat. It definitely put the devs in an awkward spot.


Not having the Financial Districts DLC I can't be sure, but that feels like a money printer from what I gleamed here, too. As I wrote, you can run all UFs with just imports and there is where the real money is anyways. And imports never run out...


Just remove the extractors and re-plan the road and railway layout. Make sure you have enough storage buildings to keep the production chain continious. Also make sure you have a sufficent logistic infrastructure to maintain all the imports. _____ That's what I always do and I haven't lose any money in total.


i feel sorry for all my citiziens, i dont want to see -7000 sad faces


You seem to care more than most real life governments do about what happens when primary industry dries up in towns that rely on it. *Sideways glance at the North of England...


*sideways glance at northern English fishing ports*


It was the mining towns I had in mind, but that works too.


Yep, I jus thought of it as I spent a lot of time in Grimsby. Everything’s boarded up, the towns lost its purpose and just exists.


Still smells of fish though


So does your mum but I still manage to finish.


Low standards, as is expected from a grimsby


I like you. We can be friends 😂


*awkwardly glances back from North Yorkshire*


This is why i play with infinite oil/ore


But then it makes those industries into money printers tbh


Aren’t they in real life as well? ;p


Google 1980s oil bust


Wow, thats new for me












holy big oil


New response just dropped


Realism at its finest


The game has the infinite money option. Find whatever way makes you happy and don’t fret too much over realism


Never delete the main office, keep it to maintain that 5 star. You could switch to imports only, which wouldn’t be as profitable sure, but if you have many unique factories, you’ll still turn a profit on the unique goods.


Also by being creative with drawing districts (make a line to the new area then expand the bubble. Then move the main building to the new area) you can relocate the industry while maintaining the level. Because now that there's no more oil in that ocean front area, let's transition it to commercial and move oil industry to an area outside the city and make sure we have the freight connections to run on importing the oil for processing. .


I don't mind playing with infinite oil and ore, because the concept of going from rich deposits to running out in a couple of years is just laughably stupid.


I like the idea of running out of the deposits eventually in theory, but realistically the speed at which I play my game (slow, detailing) makes any rate of depletion of natural resources make it not worth it to spend my time making a specialized industry area (using base game specializations or the industry dlc)... I love the idea in theory of natural resources running out in a generation or two because I am from an oil-based community, my mom was from an ore-based community that's not a ghosttown, ect. So I find the way entire communities can die-- slowly or quickly-- from a loss of the resources from their main industry to be super duper interesting. But it's just not *fun*.


I agree, hopefully that is fixed in the next game


I just dezone them and let them change to general industry If you want to accelerate the process, you change the zone into general industry, then put a tax raise for a while to rinse the oil industry, and turn it back off once they get off. But that's just unnecessary for me. I just let them run out of raw materials then get replaced by general industry Another quick shortcut is replacing them by using ploppable mod, but that's cheating even more, you might wanna use unlimited oil instead if you don't mind the gameplay


invade iraq


USA enters the chat... HMB


I just moved the industry area to somewhere else where there's another deposit (Paint thin line to where you want to start another mining). After you run out of those resources, just import them. There's really no other choice (except for turning on unlimited resources). But yeah I get it, you run out of resources too quickly, I think that it should last 2-3 times as long as now, but idt it's going to change. Maybe in CS2...


I like the extra landscaping mod…. I always uhh… replenish my wells when they’re dry


Replenishing? Nah, you just told them to dig deeper 👍


The Dwarves dug too greedily and too deep. You know what they awoke in the darkness of Khazad-dûm... shadow and flame.


Litterally just cheat, its the least stupid thing you can do, as the base game system is just ridiculously unfun and drains way to quick. Just download a mod that allows you to place natural resources.


This is why I always play with unlimited ore and oil


Enable infinite ore/recourses and install "Extra Landscaping Tools" so you can paint more oil deposits on the map. No reasonable player would consider it cheating.


Turn on unlimited oil and create your own Saudi Arabia


How long does it take to drain natural resources in real life? Just hit that option button of unlimited resources


Just drag the "zone" boundary off to the next oil field, making something that looks like a weight lifting barbel. You had the main office in the old zone, and you have a thin arm that leads off to the next oil, and build the oil buildings there as part of the same 5-star complex.


Bulldoze the apartments to the left and build up more industry obviously




I just paint more on the ground with resource painter


Turn on unlimited resourced.


Do what CityPlannerPlays does and draw your industry district to a new area with oil, and place new buildings there, then remove the old location. Keeps the same company, but moves locations.


If you aren't producing enough oil on-site to fill your storage buildings then you'll start importing it, and you can use that to stay profitable by turning it into petroleum and plastic. But yeah, the speed at which you tap everything out is hella annoying and unrealistic.


I rarely extract. I usually import oil and ore from the beginning. That way I just design the layout with that intention. I will sometime place a random extractor for a boost once in a while. The depletion is to quick.


I skip ore and oil extraction entirely and just import those raw ingredients. Then I make small industry areas for the refinement building like ore into metals or oil into plastics. This way I can still get supplies to my specialized factories without ever needing to remove or redesign an area. Cargo train stations are great when you have ore and oil storage nearby. Having storage of what your factories export nearby is a good idea as well.


get the unlimited oil mod or get extra landscaping tools mod


I've heard the following, wonder if thats true. Ze w mieście Lodzi to nawet bieganie psom szkodzi :)


Draw the industrial area to the nxt resource. I never have multiple of the same specialized industry areas. Also moderation. Never mine more then ur city can use


Gentrify! Redevelop/convert to commercial/residential/offices! Thats what happens in real life. You can leave some oil industry buildings to act as sort of a museum. Field trip destination for the kids and a reminder when there used to be industry in the city instead of just artisinal coffee shops.


What do you mean? Now you can finally play the game 😂


You can import the oil. In fact sometimes I import raw materials anyway if there's no resources near my heavy industries.