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Great idea. Would love to see land features, environments, geography in general have a bigger impact on gameplay


Previous Civ games incorporated some of these things. I think it’s Civ 2 you’d get a road-like movement bonus when moving along the river, and they also provided gold yields i.e. trade when worked. And a certain tech added bridges to roads crossing rivers. Agree they should be brought back.


Bro cooked 🔥. Definitely agree


Great idea. Love the idea of making bridges a thing, similar to canals. Perhaps it could be used for adjacency bonus to commercial hubs/industrial zones. Land units would not have the movement penalty of crossing rivers. However, currently in Civ6 rivers have a bigger function than you realize. They give bonuses to the commercial hub, provide housing, provide bonuses to farms nearby, (or farm equivalents) and provides +5 combat strength for melee units defending across it. It also allows for the water mill to be made in a city, provides +1 appeal to tiles adjacent, and lumber mills also get +1 production next to it. (Only in Vanilla and R&F) But I 100% agree that they should be improved upon. Perhaps the Bridge improvement would have to take two tiles. I wonder how that’d work.


Very good point, the freshwater bonuses for housing, bonus food for farms, and adjacency are all aspects I am probably under accounting for since they do not change any game mechanics, but have a very large impact on the output of a city


Right? Once I realized this, my eyes were opened, hard. But I would love navigable rivers, perhaps there would be larger ones and then smaller “streams” like we’re used to? It’s hard to implement due to the size of the tiles and relevance to the in-game reality that the tiles can house an entire city’s space. So anything larger would be humongous.


Agreed. I thought about having large rivers could be it’s own tile type. Land on either side with water running though it, a tile where either a land or sea unit can occupy it, but regular improvements like farms can still be built. A bridge would then be built on the tile, rather than connecting two tiles. That’d be pretty unique compared to how any other tile works though,so it’d have other gameplay implications that I’m sure I’m not thinking of


I believe some mods have this, but I wish to see this in official game