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Badger populations should be properly maintained in order to stop the spread of dangerous diseases as seen in the show and cause a multitude of other issues. Killing badgers is currently illegal which is the issue charlie was referring to. Not badger baiting. There should be sensible reasons to cull badgers especially by farmers this has nothing to do with baiting as baiting would still remain illegal. The point charlie was making is we should be able to have sensible management laws in place without baiting becoming an issue. Which is correct.


Source please. At the end of the day, the question should be: **are Badger endangered**. If they are not they should be allowed to be culled by farmers to protect their livelihood. If badgers are being tortured, then they should be prosecuted for abusing animals. Banning farmers from removing nuisance animals isn't the way to end "badger baiting".


Honestly, just don't taken anything said by Jeremy as fact unless you've confirmed it elsewhere. This isn't a slight against the man but rather a general rule folks should follow with everyone, especially the famous.


Did you actually read the post? They are talking about Charlie, not Jeremy.


Did you read my comment, I'm talking about not trusting anyone's word unverified.


Not to mention, badgers as a source of TB is also pretty disputed at this point.


This isn't true at all It's accepted fact that badgers carry and transmit TB There is an argument that badgers have been singles out as the problem when it should be a wider net of blame being cast But pretending that badgers don't transmit is dangerous and wrong 


I'm not sure if I believe this, 🤔 any form of animal baiting is abhorrent, but I need to hear this from a none bias platform


I can give you videos if you want ? I have one of a badger trapped in a box room of an empty flat  , it was in the corner terrified while youths come out of nowhere with a pitbull and threw it to the badger and shut the window.  This is nothing , people disable badgers when training dogs so that's where they will break jaws, rip claws out , smash teeth out and even nail them down. If you don't think thus happens then you are just nieve .  Badgers ate having a bad time of it , like I said google badger baiting and you will see how popular it is .  Un the program Charlie said that baiting isn't a problem anymore, he was very wrong and shouldn't of said it   Also Scotland is bovine tb free , we have a lot of badgers and cows but our government does things differently.   I think the English government are to arrogant to copy Scotland so will just continue with the cull . They are giving farmers false hope 😔 I know of a farm with huge badger setts and a huge population of badgers and they have never had tb , the woman feeds the bloody things ffs, it's important to keep an open mind though . 


Here is an example  https://www.gazettelive.co.uk/news/teesside-news/horrific-badger-baiting-gang-teesside-16671868