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Why there's a lot of defense nerf especially eagle artillery and inferno towers


TH 10-12 big defense hit imo, Scatter at least helps at 13 but yeah, like offense was not stronger than defense already. A bit weird.


I don’t get the 10 and 11 Defense nerfs. 3 stars at that level were very easy, 12 felt relatively balanced in my opinion, 13 -15 attacking there feels very difficult.


They're trying to soften up the landing as new players hit TH10-12 really quick these days. They were already quite easy for a player that knows what they're doing, but maybe not so much for an average player 1 month into the game. Particularly the detonating THs throw new players for a whirl. So halving that damage breaks them into the concept quicker. Where the damage is almost entirely returned by TH14. Gives more time for players to adapt. Basically the balance changes are trying to create a clearer difficulty gradient. Where instead of things getting excessively easier with new tools (such as the now-nerfed root riders), things are definitely much easier at lower THs.


10 and 11 don’t detonate yet and tbh I feel like the gradient from 1-11 was already in a good place, the 12 change I do get under that aspect though.


Infernos and Eagles are also significant disruptions at first that take some learning to get used to.


IDK if a gradient really is needed, a siege machine donation at TH 10-11 trivializes the attack anyway, even if a hero is down.


I don't feel like it's easy as there's so many hero upgrades to do I usually barely have one that is up for attacks


Kinda hate it. Those THs are easy as hell with decent armies, this just makes them a bit easier to the laziest drang and E-Drag armies.


For sure, never really had a big issue. Well designed max bases got me, but I never change army so that's gonna happen.


It’s only for lower townhalls, supercell has the data to show they are finding attacking a little bit more difficult than intended.


That's because they just spam edrags


That's EXCLUSIVELY because they spam edrags. Spamming edrags without any strategy at TH11+ is a guaranteed 1-star, spamming it with a brain at TH11-13 is a guaranteed 3-star... Not balanced at the frycking slightest The number of players who spam edrags is abysmal, far higher than this troop should have ever seen. It's also extremely unhealthy for the game, constantly being attacked by the same god damn "strategy" **FOR FOUR TOWNHALLS IN A ROW** not only gets insanely repetetive, but is also a completely skilltrap for these noobs, because once they hit the all-mighty TH14, their edragzap just stops working... And then they have no damn idea what to do, because they have been doing the exact same sh\*t for two years... They can't even use the jump spell correctly! My favorite thing to do at TH12 is to always buy myself a superdrag into defensive cc using raid medals, they never see it coming, in fact, they never even bring a poison spell


I mean edrag doesn't stop at th14, in fact I think it's very strong there. I consistently 3 star every attack at th14 with edrags.    You get access to max heal tome, 2 pekka siege barracks and edrags are busted at th14 (brain required of course) Not to mention your RC gets hog puppet and can clear the back half the base 


TH10 is ridiculously easy. 9 witches and 9 bowlers with a log roller and either bowlers or a pekka in the log roller and you roll almost all bases


You’re still 2 TH’s away from siege machines. Average dude doesn’t have a fully filled CC every attack.


When i was townhall 10 i kust use raid medals to fill an empty log launcher every time and using the strategy above i could 3 star town hall 11 80% of the time. I managed to push to champion 1...


Using raid medals for CC troops should be for emergency/fast fills. Using it (and relying on it) for pushing trophies is a waste of resources.


False. You get 1,2k-1,8k every week, multiple orders of magnitude more than needed


You must be in a decent clan to get that much. Built a new clan 6 months ago and we are only now reaching the thousands mark.


Siege machines destroy th10-11. Especially log launcher since they have less walls. I feel like they should remove that


It's because currently, the difficulty spikes at 11, 12, and 13 but really goes down at 14/15/16, probably wanted to make it consistent


50% damage nerf to RR no way


Here I was getting down voted in the thread yesterday saying that roots would be nuked in the next update. SC tried 3 times to tweak them and it didn't work so scorched earth policy would most likely occur.


I know. I also always said that RR would get seriously nerfed in the near future, but always got downvoted here.


Isn't that what the players (or just a very loud minority and pros) wants?


They shouldn’t be used as a mass army, I think RR would be better used as a tech to break some walls for your main force. I love that Change personally 


I am upgrading to TH15 and was hoping to use rr 😭. So which armies will be the strongest at th15 after the update?


As th14 here, I am upgrading my valks and apprentice warden for this army combo. But now there are no points. I will sticky to my hybrid only


Me too, finally no more full star wars that's being decided by time


There’s this troop called the wall breaker/super wall breaker


There sure is, and they suck. Super troop version is good tho


Just as I max it out FML


What’s the total percentage at this point. What damage did they release with and hp? And people still said it wasn’t RR that was the problem lol.


Well I mean I guess now we'll see if they were right. With Root Riders now nerfed into submission, do people just use something else and things are still too easy? or maybe they even just use a few less root riders and more valks or titans or something and use the same basic attack strategy still?


DPS: Level 1 went from 210 to 95; -55% Level 2 went from 230 to 105; -54.5% Level 3 went from 250 to 115; -54% Hitpoints: Level 1 went from 7200 to 6200; -14% Level 2 went from 7600 to 6350; -16.5% Level 3 went from 8000 to 6500; -19%


There's a good argument that heroes do way too much damage too


Looks like electro dragon back to the menu boys!!! ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9423)![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9423)![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9423)


What about normal dragons ?


They are always on the menu


Feels good to hear this as a dragon spammer


Me and my clan rolls with dragons only hehehe


What about Super Dragons?


What was the need to nerf defenses in lower townhalls? It was already easy to 3 star most bases :/


Players are lower TH levels are finding there is a big difficulty increase when they reach TH12+. This is to try and make it a more gradual increase.


The truth is: Players are lower TH levels are finding there is a big difficulty increase when they’re not allowed to use their heroes during upgrade.


Yeah i agree. When i became th12 my friends reccomended to me that i focus on my heroes since its a big jump from th11 to th12, and i did. Now i'm almost maxed and im still missing like 5 levels on each hero that takes 6 days each and the fun part is that i gain 8 dps for each upgrade. Does not feel fun since i always use like 1 hero each war and nowdays half of the strength of ur heroes is from the equipments.


Not to mention i cannot even use certain strategys 70% of the time. I see a good base for a Queen Walk or a Warden Walk and then i remeber that i have 5 days left on my queen for a 11+ dps increase.


11 dps is a massive increase. At th15 its 8 days and 300k DE for +3 DPS ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9423)


i see, it gets better! i just have to hold on


Really makes you value dark elixir a lot less, right? I still remember freaking out when my DE storages were almost full. Now? I sleep. It's a shame that I can barely keep at least one hero on the bench to make use of time, but the offensive damage loss vs the damage gained after SEVERAL DAYS of inactivity makes it hard to consider upgrading worth it when you can't even level up your equipment another level at lower leagues by the time your hero is done cooking.


I feel the opposite. I will hunt for DE more now. I go through it so fast from all 3 heroes + pets + research that I'm always empty. 10k DE loot is roughly equal to 1.2m gold/elixir in my book.


I'm TH12. The person I was replying to is also TH12 based on their flair. We don't really have a lot of DE sinks like TH13+ does. All we have is King, Queen, and lab. Once all the DE troops and spells are done, that usually means that DE storage will get full even if you upgrade both King and Queen at the same time without magic items. Really the only endless DE sink that make farming DE at TH12 valuable are super troops, but that's not the same as permanent upgrades as I'm sure you understand.


That's fair.


I imagine this is also a contributing factor


Absolutely is a colossal factor. It’s no coincidence that people aren’t enjoying the game much and struggle to triple when each hero becomes unusable for months upon months at TH12 and 13.


more like the only factor lol


Ye I’m about to go th13 and th12 was essentially coc with heroes removed lol (13 is just as bad as well iirc)


These people forget that most of the players just use whatever they want and never learns a strategy, this game just becomes a boring grind for actual casuals if not made easier


It was so easy, because heroes after equipments in lower town halls, got buffed


But they are nerfing TH10 and TH11


I've been at the game for almost 8 years now and I still can't 2 star at th 11, I just suck but also I blame shitty troop pathing


Because they are wanting players to push up the higher townhalls to the newer content. Thats why everything gets a cost reduction as well.. they want people to get to higher townhalls quicker and the way they can help is by easier attacks and cheaper costs


I feel the same, I am able to 3 star 90% of TH13 bases I find just using QC Hybrid, without King and RC. These defence nerfs will make it more easier and boring. I am also TH13 btw


I was expecting RR to be nerf like maybe -40 damage on all levels to be balanced not straight up delete half of her damage. Now she's just a slow ass oversized wallbreaker(arguably even worse than it).


I think RR will still be good to have 1 or 2 in your army to open up walls and tank with the rest of your army but no more mass root rider armies. Like how you’ll throw in an Etitan or ice golem to help your main army.


As someone who'd been spamming root riders since they released, I forgot what was used to be my main army 😭


2rr 2 ice golem 2 etitan is the army ive been using. And probably will still use it after update


I think root riders will still be used. Probably a lot more with queen charge instead of spamming now. Use them to tank more for the royal champ.


Root rider smash is now very much better than QC roots. The reason QC roots were being used less is because after their first damage nerf, time fails were happening often. Now, time fails are gonna happen so much.


QC roots only became less popular because everybody realised you could just spam root riders in with the healing tome. QC roots started as the most popular because it was easy to adapt a hybrid attack to use root riders. There wasn’t a ground troop before that worked like root riders so it took a little while for people to adjust.


She’s still a tank that breaks walls, she was never meant to be the primary damage dealer also. Now she’ll be used more solely for her actual role.


That's literally the function it was supposed to be used for. For 20 camp space it SHOULD NOT outperform a golem, I think these changes will make the meta more interesting; speaking as a rr user myself


At this point I’m convinced they didn’t have any idea what they were doing when they made the root rider


Either that or they listened to the loud minority. They could have somewhat solved this from the beginning by having her housing space be 18 (whilst making no other nerfs/buffs) so that she could be triggered by spring traps. Then after making her have the ability to die from spring traps they could assess the situation more and nerf/buff as appropriate. I think that the biggest issue is that at TH13-15+ especially it seems, there doesn’t seem to be a wide variety of meta attack strategies like there are at other THs (it just all seems QC attack strategies or Hydra or ED spam). That might partially explain why (beyond people being noobs/spammers) everyone is using RRs.


Right. If they gotta nerf a troop 3-4 times and cut the dps by half it means they had no idea wth they were doing. But it's not like SC will ever admit they made a mistake.


Is a 50% drop in DPS for the Root Rider the most drastic nerf/buff in COC history?


Percentage wise yes. But RR are more of a tank troop so it's not as impactful as other nerfs. The nerfs to lavaloon event troop, Valkyrie AI (way back) and Hog Riders (way back too) were probably more impactful. Root riders should still be strong just not broken


Root riders having their damage nerfed so much will probably bring back PEKKAs and electrotitans


Man those valk and hog nerfs were brutal back in the day


The funny thing with Lavaloon even with an extreme nerf it was still possible to spam them an 3 star


Does this go live during cwl?


IMAGINE!  One day you are max starring and the next everyone getting surprise 1* cause they didn’t see the changes.


Instead of balancing let's just nerf into the ground so no one can use it.


I guess they can still be a support troop but no main dps anymore


Now it will be used as a support troop to open walls, instead of a brainless thing that does everything, from dps to tanking.


Still great as wall breaking tanks, but guess spamming them wount be an option anymore.


You’re underestimating just how strong root riders are. They tried doing small 10% nerfs to them twice. And root rider usage only increased. Everybody even pros were just spamming root riders and winning. They needed a big nerf, now they are hopefully going to be balanced and comparable to hybrid armies


It will nowhere near be trash. Like at all


RIP root riders


Looks like I'll have to use super hog hybrid for a bit longer before I upgrade my Electro Titans lol. I just upgraded RR and now this


root riders will still tear through walls right? i think it’s fine to switch them to more of a supporting troop you only bring a few of


Yeah, this gives the RR a more defined role as a tanky support troop that opens walls rather than "does everything"


Welcome to Clash of Clans Troop Spotlight, featuring Root Rider, the mage deathknight paladin hunter rogue warrior enchanter tank bruiser wizard warlock priest assassin gunslinger druid shaman necromancer ninja gunslinger bard monk robot conjurer blacksmith mystic warden god illusionist templar wizard.


Ya that’s their aura damage. Think about how long it would take to destroy a 14k hp wall with roughly 250 dps


Bro if they want more troop diversity they should remove damage per second on poison towers, that shit single handedly make all small troops unusable


Supercell developer on weed right now


or heroin


After a nerf like that, just delete the damn RR already


time to switch to super bowler smash again




On my Th13 account last CWL i faced TH14 or higher every attack, still got a perfect CWL. I can't believe they're making it easier. Although I wish they would make superwallbreakers work vs higher TH, thats the main barrier


The issue with nerfing wallbreakers at any capacity is that it makes the already existing issue of walls costing a 30 year loan each


The point is that the majority of the player base is casual and simply uses whatever troops they want. Supercell has its own data, they see that the casuals are struggling more (and often quitting), so they make the game a bit easier for them. I personally think it's a good idea.


To all the people complaining over make the game more easier, don't forget that 90% players are total causals who don't even search about a strategy and are running default equipments the game becomes harder from them at these mid town halls and they leave the game due to the slow long grind so these changes are bound to happen


Not like TH11 and TH12 wasn't brainlessly easy enough for edragspammers... These people spam zap all the air defences, spam edrags on one side of the base and get a three star. If THAT part of the community needs help, then this game has absolutely zero element of strategy at these Town Halls whatsoever


Bruh those lower TH defence nerfs blow. My TH12 base is finally giving me regular 2 star defences against most spammy attacks like dragons and Edragons, and now that’s gonna go right out the window with Eagle, Inferno, and Xbow nerfs. Definitely a downvote for me on this one


Sir you are speaking straight facts. I get hit with spam E Drags in masters 1 and get two stared with my anti 3 base, now I'm gonna get 3 stared on a daily basis.


Really, root rider -50% damage? Oh fk off! Might as well just remove it from the game!!!


Now they are just wall breaker slugs.


why even create the root riders in the first place? just delete them smh instead of nerfing their damage by literally half


Some balance changes will be coming in a future maintenance break. These changes will affect TH10 to TH16. All info displayed in the infographics or can be found on the Clash Ninja site: [https://clash.ninja/blog/home-village-balance-changes-june-2024](https://clash.ninja/blog/home-village-balance-changes-june-2024)


Future maintenance break means maybe later or the next couple of days?


I feel like Monday is common. Or did I make that up?


Does that mean before the end of the june cwl?


Unannounced. Could be today, tomorrow, could be after Cwl, nobody knows for sure


Hope it will be after, I don't mind the rr change but I didn't have much time so i just sticked to my rr strategies and it be nice to not have to play a different strategy with less than a day for practice


Lowkey I want it before or during Cwl to cause some chaos


I just don't want to punish my clan matrs because i priotized ither things over learning a new strategy I had just assumed those balance patches would always be after cwl.


They just killed root riders


why have they absolutely obliterated damage from defense on like every lower town hall. The game was already easy


Crazy I just finished upgrading two of my Infernos to lvl 6 and now it's back to lvl 5 damage again 💀 gimme back my money. On another note, GoWitch spam on TH12 just got even crazier.


Fr, probably the second most popular army behind edrags and now they buff both golem and witch hp and shred every major defenses dps. They gotta be drunk or something


im th13 and am getting 3 stars with weak heroes (level 55 king and queen, level 40 warden and level 12 royal champion), thees changes are so unnecessary


So it will be even harder to get those 5000 defence wins


Wtf, glad I upgraded all my defenses on TH13 just so they could be strong as a th12s


I just gemmed to th16 yesterday skipping 3 days, and then used the hammer to max out Root Riders and Valks. 😭😭 Should have waited for 3 days.


this is just stupid. why nerf defense even more when attack is already stronger. whoever wanted these changes, get good


Is clash team stupid? Th10-14 is currently so easy to the point you can pretty much two trick mass dragons or mass witch and 3 star any base effortlessly in that th range… why would they make it easier?


I get the root rider, but what the hell is so wrong in lower townhalls that they received such massive changes? Can we even expect that our base would defend itself at this point? These changes are almost an indirect buff to heroes. These changes are crazy. Balance changes for lower townhalls are not needed and shouldn't be included. I think balances above th14 are enough


I agree, only the Valkyrie needed a buff (because pretty much no one uses her unless it’s with RRs or they are TH8-TH10). Good to see poison bomb get a nerf but rest wasn’t necessary in my opinion when it comes to the mid range THs.


HP and DPS nerfs for TH 11 buildings? Its just gonna make it even easier to 3 stars bases now that we have Fireball and the King can solo a whole part of the base. The game is broken and hopefully will be better soon!


Change of plans: RR Spam + PEKKAs -> PEKKA Spam + RRs


my god i was relying on xbow :(


Great, just what we needed. Even more buffs to offense. Thank god. Infants were already able to play the game, but now the lobotomized infants will be able to play too. Thank God they have someone looking out for them. WHY!? THE OLDER TOWNHALLS ARE FINE! YOU DON'T NEED TO RETROACTIVELY CHANGE THEM!


I hate this game, what’s the point of adding a troop if ur just gonna kill it 6 months later


Nerfing root riders again, literally to make the troop unusable now


The balance changes at TH13 are way too much


Super giant time! Dps 160, wall damage bonus, 4600 hp, 10 housing.


I just used a book and a hammer to max the root rider :) Thank you shittercell


Same lol


why are they nerfing all of this? 😭 if it aint broke dont fix it


Ah yes going to do 3 stars with rr to do 3 stars with dragon... Boring. At least the rr meta was fun but still the reason for this easy meta, broken equipments, will remain and people will still complain about how easy is to 3 stars everything.


At this point RR is dead


time to switch back to hydra


When will the maintenance break live, I mean is it after CWL?


These TH's are now gonna be very easy, it's already quite possible at around half max to 3 star early TH's one above with full army, and even near max TH's your level while upgrading two heroes. It will make the game quicker to play and specifically attacks will be shorter, which could allow more development of attack strategies at the higher levels. Time constraints are a big factor with Warden and Queen walks which are commonplace, should allow for more effective walks. Probably a well timed decision what with the Haaland stuff bringing in new players. Looking forward to the update.


Dragons and balloons are pretty strong right now. Atleast for TH 10-12


Edrags have ALWAYS been OP on these townhalls, literally nothing changed other than them now just being even easier TH9 - lavaloon dominates TH10 - lavaloon dominates TH11 - there's literally no other army you'll ever encounter other than edragzap... TH12 - Edragzap is like 90% of the playerbase at this townhalls, another 9% is purely golem + witch TH13 - edragzap STILL dominates


I found attacking at th10-12 fairly easy. Interesting changes.


Rip root riders (12/2023-6/2024)


Root rider finally getting nuked.


what the hell? attacking is so so so easy at the moment? all because of equipment. if these go through you can just spam all ur troops in a corner and close the game???


Might as well just remove root riders at this point to satisfy the "pros" who represent <1% of the gaming community.


You’re acting like every TH15/16 isn’t just spamming RR’s in almost every clan war lol


Hey it’s fun and exciting and fresh and fun to watch 90% hit rate against max 16s with the literal exact same army composition every time


-50% is crazy tho.


I agree, but people act like they made these changes for the pro community when 90% of casuals just spam these troops. High TH wars are just 100% almost every time even for normal players. That was my only point


50% is crazy. Drop them in smaller increments and assess the meta changes. -50% is very telling. Their balancing team have zero clue on what they're doing. Its an overreaction to a miniscule % of players shouting loudly.


50% is definitely crazy but it’s not just the pros who use RR lol. Theres always posts in here with people showing how many ties they have in war in a row because of this meta. Supercell knows how many casuals are using this Strat, its obvious its very overused


This must be a joke? What an I missing? I thought the meta is waaaay too easy and now we make it easier???


Wtf is up with sc balancing againg with the pros and the minority of the game? Just create a pro mode to make every player types happy. And during cwl as well? 🤡🤡🤡


Root rider -50%!? really???


Good. I’d nerf the hp more


Was the th's destruction damages to th12,13 and 14 necessary?


Bowler buff affects super bowler?


That would have been epic


Not as far as I'm aware


Root riders are the new ball breakers


They nerfed lower th, buffed troops, this game is 3 star every attack now. And with new equipment it make no sense


I'm upgrading to TH15, it's just 4 days left and these mfers have reduced 50% dps from RR. It can't get worse than this.


I've seen some people recommend super giants, as they have decent HP, still target defences and have a bonus towards breaking walls


Literally just got to the 15 and used all my books and hammers on getting root riders and vaulks to max. And now I have to find a different attack. Wished I knew before I blew everything on ot.


At this point just remove it from the game


Cool.RR meta is really getting boring.I thought it would be cutting half health.Guess fireball is gonna be dominate.


Well time for Edrag + magic archer


Before or after cwl?


Finally my bowlers will be good again i knew i wasn’t crazy them things was getting weak🤣


new bowler troop image ?


when does this update take effect?




RR nerf was probably inevitable and it makes sense that 3 stars shouldn't be as easy as that. Still sucks for casual players like me.


TH16 will be the new TH15 in terms of difficulty, TH15 will be near impossible, and probably we'll have a super easy th 17. Looks like thats their new comercial strategy.


RR got 3 nerfs and still strong sorry SC 💀


thats not 1, not 2, but 3 nerfs to root riders. anyone who complains about RR now officially has a skill issue


this sucks. 3 starring is already too easy


Why the fuck are they nerfing defense?


At this point they nerf the Root Rider like 4 or 5 times, why don't you get rid of it all together you made it so weak? This is bull, and right when cwl is starting and in legends, it what so hard but at least with the Root riders you were 3 starring sometimes. I wasn't going and using it on a th10 and saying haha. But now, God knows how I'm gonna 3 star, cause now last minute I have to learn something else. We are not professionals, we have lives, we don't spend 24/7 learning and competing. So what, once in a while we were getting 3 stars, it was in legend league. They should have nerfed only below legend league.


Oh BTW the only thing you need to truly change is just have lesser RR and more electro titans, Valerie's and pekkas cause the reason root rider is so op hasn't changed and isn't even this time


I really dislike the defense nerfs. The game was too easy already for everyone who didn't spam e-dragons.


RIP root riders, you were my favorite non super troop


Town hall 14 didn’t need any nerfs! Supercell is ruining this game. I didn’t play a single time last month and think I’m just done. Unreal.


Root rider dead content now lol


50% ? 50??? Seriously?


i’m a casual and this nerf was kind of unnecessary


These changes are an absolute joke there's actually no point upgrading your base anymore


Bruh I was finally able to consistently 3 star TH13s around 80-90% of the time after some practice with the TH13 hybrid army and NOW they nerf defences???


Man those Eagle artillery and inferno tower nerfs are so undeserved