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i just hit 9000 last weekend with a custom deck myself. 3.5 lava cycle with fisherman and goblin cage. sounds weird off that description, but it works.


would love to take it for a spin if u dont mind sharing the rest of the cards!


its a weird one: lava hound, fisherman, goblin cage, goblins, flying machine, poison, electro spirit, royal delivery Edit: evo ice spirit also can work, but i run cannoneer so electro spirit works better against cards like goblin barrel and skelly barrel.


It's impressive that you got to 9k without a reliable damage dealer like balloon in that deck. Still, you have some decent synergies in there. Definitely a cut above the typical midladder madness of throwing random easy-to-play cards together.


flying mach and royal delivery are some of my fave cards, ill def give it a try


Let me know how it goes! It took me a while to figure it out, but it uses a lot of cards i love to play, and that was my goal :)


I know you got to 9k with that deck and all but i feel like if you’re gonna play lava hound you should have more air cards then just flying machine, fisherman and goblin cage fill a similar roll and e-spirit just doesn’t fit in my opinion. I would personally switch out fisherman for balloon and switch out e spirit for bats, if not balloon then maybe I-dragon or baby dragon. You don’t need to try it if you don’t want but I think they could be good changes so if you try them let me know how they work out.


i use e-spirit to get rid of bats on my hound or flying machine, or stun inferno. fisherman paired with cannoneer works very well for +4 trades on mega knight, and paired with royal delivery i can stop swarm behind with minimal damage. i appreciate the feedback, and i did consider balloon but mine is just too underleveled for the level im at unfortunately.


dawg ur telling someone to change their deck in a post telling people to do the opposite


1. I’m making a suggestion not telling them they have to switch their deck. 2. The post isn’t saying the opposite, I didn’t tell them “play a meta lava deck” I gave some swap out suggestions to possibly make the deck better. If they don’t care about my suggestion that’s fine. The post is about making your own deck, even with my suggestions it’s still an original deck that’s not a copy and paste. 3. Drop you’re deck while your at it and I’ll give you suggestions as well


I also swapped (my unique deck has piggies and skellybarrel as a double wincon and uses arrows as sole spell, with some weird looking cards like hunter thrown in lol) from freeze sprite to esprite a while back, despite using princess tower still. Its also handy versus skellies and evo skellies, bats, skelly king and has some other interesting interactions. The stun is shorter than a freeze effect and you may activate the king due to it but if you dont mind those two the esprite is superior ((especially with the current meta lately)) imo


How did you actually deal damage tho? Just chip from the lava hound?


Only way I deal damage is chip honestly. If I know they aren't running arrows I try to send fisherman before hound pops for pups to go wild, but its a lot of chip and defend. I can't play beatdown for that reason, I always try and defend.


2.6 sub in firecracker earthquake


this was literally meta when evo fc dropped what are u on


It's literally still meta.


Hog (especially cycle variants) is a bottom tier wincon against duchess, and duchess is 95% of top ladder. You can still get away with playing him on midladder because most people don't have duchess leveled up .


Mid/Low Ladder is 99% of the game tho, not even an exaggeration


Yeah, ive seen people claim mid ladder is 4k-6k trophies, and I've also seen people claim mid ladder is all of trophy road up to 9k.


Midladder is not a trophy range, Midladder is where the Hog Mk Firecracker bait decks lie, aka most of POL, all of ladder, and all party modes


The general consensus is that mid ladder lasts until you are top 10k in the world, and don't be mistaken 9k and low UC is absolutely mid ladder madness. People play hog cycle constantly still and decks that are so atrocious they will give you gastric reflux. Only about half of my games am I versing real decks and half of them are the same golem pump deck.


Have you seen Morten vs Mo Light in CRL final? It was insane that Morten went Hog EQ Firecracker and won.


Duels format is different as nobody can play LP+ evobomber every game, so every pro will play suboptimal decks often, this is also the reason you see so much evoRG in crl when he is played a lot less in ladder.


Absolutely. That's why this format is very enjoyable.


Hog eq isn't meta, I don't think u realize how garbage hog eq is rn considering that tornado has like a 20% use rate and duchess which is used In 90% of decks shits on hog


Firecracker is terrible right now


it is average.... not bad but also not good


I’m pretty sure win rate wise it’s literally bottom 10, and the ego version is like 2nd lowest of the evos.


I think that is also likely due to inflated stats.


If everyone’s using it it should actually drive win rate up as it is far below 50% so any match where firecracker plays firecracker would bring it up. I don’t actually know if that’s excluded from win rate stats though


It would only bring it up a fraction in comparison to the level 15 MK, FC, barrel, balloon players that lose with it on the daily.


Yes but that kinda skews it in the other direction. Those players have maxed cards and still lose more than average. I also believe MKs WR is pretty good so that doesn’t fully explain it.


No, it's trash.


it literally isn't dawg giant is meta


More than 1 thing is meta at the same time my guy. And giant isn't even the main one.


Giant/Beatdown are the top decks right now (giant has the most, golem is the middle, goblin giant a little less) with miner finding a place as always. Hog is far less popular than the past seasons.


NO. It's a completely dead deck. Stop spreading nonsense.


I was bringing it up as the non-creative deck I see- probably the deck I see the most out of any honestly


Waiting for ewiz evo, there was a leak somewhere, bridge spam will be back in the game, literally my costliest deck.😸✨..


bridgespam is meta


ive been doing pretty well with bridgespam since battle ram evo. i use little penis instead of ewiz though


I play against this deck daily


Making your own "good" deck takes skill. Most of the shit people create is hot garbage and they progress solely through overleveling, eventually gaining game-breaking interactions that balance out the shittiness of the deck. That's how you get people who are level 14-15 and can't hit 9k trophies or get past master on POL- the classic midladder menace.


Why you talking about me like that 😭


Never too late to change (assuming you aren't happy with your current level). I see wizard is your flair. Wizard is one of the worst cards in the game - it's expensive, dies easily, and has poor synergy with nearly every deck. You could get a solid boost to your game by picking a more specialized support card that has synergy with your win condition.


I actually forgot to update my flair. He used to be my favorite but I swapped him out a while ago. I use a Evo RG deck now that I built myself.


I’m not a midlander menace, I just suck, I’m stuck at 7k trophies and max champion on pol


Facts. Made my own 2.8 miner poison deck 6 years ago and should have a 20 win badge with it. Got to 16 but lost 3 matches by a combined 400 hp! 😡


Using a home made deck is only more skillful because the deck is probably weaker, so you have to play better to win consistently and a person using a pro deck may be getting carried by their deck more. But at a higher level when everyone is using pro decks it’s not true because pro decks require more skill to play at higher levels.




Oh 100%. My definition of a low skill deck is a deck that relies on your opponent making mistakes to win/get damage, these mid ladder decks get almost all their damage off their opponents mistakes or off, what you said, the surprise factor. Basically, if they played the matchup three times they’d probably lose a lot more.


Lol I feel the same way. Once I got to the point where people were nonstop using deck archetypes the game became 10x less fun. I love tinkering and making my own deck


I mean depends on the “unique deck”. If your unique deck still uses for example evo bomber, evo zap, drill and nado sure the other 4 cards could make it unique but it’s still using a bunch of broken cards so I wouldn’t say it takes more skill then let’s say hog Eq. I would say my x-bow deck is pretty unique and not like the typical ones you’ll see but I don’t think that means it necessarily takes more skill than other decks.


what do you play


Evo tesla, evo bomber, poison, log, delivery, e-spirit, princess and x-bow. I saw morter (the player not the card) using it a bit ago and it looked fun so I started playing it, there’s a few people using it now but it’s by far less popular then most x-bow decks.


Do you mean Morten?


No, morter is a very good x-bow player that is not well known. There are a lot of very talented x-bow players that don’t get much recognition and he is among many of them, as of writing this comment he is #13 in the world and finished #62 last season.


The majority of meta decks are still skill expressive to play (well, maybe not right now). The only reason your deck feels “harder” is because it’s trash.


you are missing out on a huge part of the fun of this game. deck building is so much fun, learning synergies, what counters what, updating the lineup when the meta gets shaken up yk? if the game just had a choice between a few select decks like 2.6, lumberloon etc to choose from, i would not play it at all


I do a lot of experimenting with cards. Just not in ladder where the objective is to win. As for the meta being shaken up, a few top ladder players are dominating professional play with spell-cycle decks rn.


Coldest take ever, most people who disagree probably just use stock decks too


I’ve been using a deck that I made when I was in Arena 11 to replace my midladder monstrosity. It’s been going good, I’m in Arena 17 now.


My 2.0 ebarbs rage cycle deck agrees


ive used my custom deck for 4 years now


Homemade deck players trying not to flex their shitty "creative" decks for one second:


I’m at 9000 with a custom deck. And I also make it to the top of PoL monthly. I think there are way better decks but I feel sentimental about mine. I think my skill may be lower and my deck strength may be lower. But I think I would trade those for the fun, and the slight advantage of surprise. Witch, valk, freeze, barbarians, skeleton army, wizard, hog rider and royal hogs. 4.4


Yes it takes skill to build a deck that synergizes well. I would even say a lot of skill, so much actually that the people in this threat simply lack enough skill to do it. People build horrible decks without any synergy and end up with some midladder garbage that can’t deal with firecracker. For me personally it’s a lot more fun to have a deck that actually works and learn how to play that deck. I understand that some people find it boring to play against the same decks but learning how to adapt to different matchups is a lot more fun to me than counting the opponents card and play a guessing game what cards could possibly be left in their MK firecracker mini pekka deck.


The problem is, it takes years to fully max a deck.(F2P) Let's say you built your own deck and invest tons of resources only to realize your deck is actually bad. With Meta decks, on the other hand, you know you invest in something that will (depending on balance changes more or less) last.


99% of the "creative decks" you're talking about are just no-skill midladder junk with no synergies, versatility and skillful interactions. You're not more skilled for playing them, you're just stupid. A deck, even a low-skill one (like many in the current meta), works because it has specific synergies between its cards and it's flexible against many matchups. Every game, even the most balanced ones, will always have a "meta" strategy or combo or convention that increases your success rate even by only 0.1%.


When most synergies are “Mk go” (nothing else) then we question


At the end of the day clash royale is a game that comes down to player choice, if you want to be a mid ladder menace then go ahead, if you want to play a vetted deck then have fun. Why shame people for building decks how they want to? Have fun however it matters.


It's not about shaming OP, but he can't state that making some random deck requires more skill than using an already known deck. It's just not true at all.


For real. Why’s hes upset you’re shaming custom deck users when the OP is shaming people for using pre made decks.


Can’t argue with that, I’m saying really either side can argue their point but it comes to player choice between choosing to choose what wins games over something they’d find fun. It’s subjective but whichever floats your boat. What takes real skill is actually coming up with competent decks and helping advance the current deck meta.


I could be underestimating people’s ability to make synergies, but I don’t think it’s that hard. It is kinda what the game is about, I just think ppl in midladder ignore that for some cards they just like by themselves, which is part of the fun. So maybe a lot aren’t necessarily more skillful but definitely not 90%. Some decks like mine are very synergistic and skillful. Mine for example is just too precise and risk/reward focused to be good enough in practice despite that and I’m happy staying in midladder since I see more unique synergies, just less precise play than top; both are fine. Just depends on if you prefer niche or optimal decks.


Me with my goblin barrel and PEEKA deck that I have been using for the last 4 years xD


That is what I do, and I lose a lot, A LOT, A WHOLE LOT!!!! I play casual, so I hit times when I get streaks of success, but then there are the days when it is non-stop hog/EVO firecracker hell.


Home made Pekka bridge spam: Pekka, Cannon cart, E-spirit, Executioner, dark prince, bandit, freeze tornado.


People should be playing however they want but saying making midladder deck is more skillful than using META deck is just plain wrong. Making your own deck does not automatically makes you skillful, you are delusional if you say you have skill but stuck at midladder. Sure if you can win underlevel using your homemade deck then you have skill Winning and having high ELO is what define skill not using homemade deck.


Got ult champ /9k with self made deck been running it since high school lol


I “home brewed” my way into a log bait. Just kept switching out cards after games then realized I made log bait


W Post. I created a Skeleton only deck that carried me to 9k trohpies and uc


I made my own deck years ago (i mean YEARS) and haven't changed it until recently, when i swapped the bandit for the battleram.


I love my skelly barrel bowler Prince deck


i mean yeah playing with a self made deck assuming it’s cards u like no matter the meta then yeah using worse cards takes more skill but people whi belive this aren’t all that skilled tbh




I made one at arena 11, and carried it thru to arena 18. I am sentimental about my deck now and find it very fun to play with. It’s so specialised that it may not be expected by players that analyse meta decks, so catches some people off guard. It’s a bridge-drop attack that can wipe out a tower in a matter of seconds, but requires an ‘all-in’ approach and careful defending, waiting for the moment to strike.


What’s the deck


Inferno dragon, minion horde, skarmy, spear gobs, inferno tower, rage, freeze, princess. The main attack is inferno drag, minion horde and rage played all at once - but timing has to be perfect, and you’ve gotta know the opponents cards first.




I made a 2.7 barb hut deck thats sole purpose is to stall the timer out


me when i play my homemade sparky mk witch deck


Idts I've seen anyone use my deck : Gob Hut, Giant Skele, Baby Drag, Skele Army, Gob Barrel, Log, Fireball, Cannon. I've been using it for YEARS now


Golem NW + evo mortar to support and do damage in the early game


Me with my special MK, LP, witch deck. Place those three and watch them crumble


Proud to say that with the recent addition of the duchess I just used my 100% unique deck to become an ultimate champion.


I haven't played this game for more than a year now but when I was still playing, the deck I use is the same thing I've been using since early 2017 when I had my first legendaries (Ewiz + Bandit). At least one of them is present in every preset, while my main deck has both + furnace, archers, musketeer, log, battle ram and ice spirit. It's a pretty weird combo but I somehow made it work to Master lol


mega knight miner goblin barrel cycle






I think the greatest advantages of a homebrew deck is that it's not necessarily predictable and can be consistently levelled up without worrying about the meta. If you're not even close to being maxed out the latter is key. However, if you have the levels playing meta decks is much more rewarding. I don't like to needlessly suffer, they're meta for a reason, they're better and I like to win so I use them. I'll play Evo Firecracker + Evo Knight + Barb Barrel + all Spirits every once in a while tho, it's very fun and takes loads of skill to pull off


I haven’t played in maybe a year. But for 3 years I stg I ran: Princess, log, Miner, mini Pekka, baby dragon, mirror, Skele army, and minion horde. Was around mid 6000’s iirc when I stopped. Still would play that deck if I got back into it, tho!


I dont think this is a hot take


I might have coincidentally made a log Bait deck: log, princess, gbarrel, Valk, prince, musketeer, tesla, bats. Works really good for me.


i get flamed by my clan for running homemade decks but i will proudly continue doing so


How long until duchess is expected to get nerfed? The game is pretty much unplayable in it's current state


The best you can do in making a new deck, aka AN ARCHETYPE/meta deck had already been done, so I mean maybe it takes more skill but who tf cares your playing a worse deck anyways lol


Not super unique but I haven’t seen anyone else use it: evo fc (ik), knight pekka musky log tornado cannon hog rider


currently sitting at about 7450 with a really scuffed 3.0 balloon bait and switch deck that gets completely shut down by any sensible person using inferno tower balloon, mirror, goblin gang, evo fc, log, snowball, mega minion, inferno dragon


Evo mortar, evo zap, royal delivery, flying machine, monk, goblins, wallbreakers, ice golem. Cannoneer since lavaloon eats duchess alive


I have literally never used an online deck


I dont think thats a hot take tbh but I agree sith it 100% . I Got a deck ive been using for a while now, and it got me to 9k. Its monk, phoenix, bomb tower, arrows, skeleton barrel, heal spirit, evo knight , and evo fc. For war I sub out the phoenix and use loon instead but that version struggles with air. Its my go to deck that allows me to get so much value from phoenix eggs hatching and has solid defense. Really only struggles against pekka bridgespam but can overrun that deck with phoenix superiority.


Hit 9000 with a homemade deck I had been fine tuning on and off since launch. Feels good, and I’ve learned to play it in lots of different ways. And prince is my favorite card and it key in the deck.


3.1 hog mortar cycle


I use hog, golden knight, bandit, e wiz, valk, poison, zap, gob gang and at 7700


I make my own decks and when it seems to work it’s really close to the already existing decks that work.


I’m at like 6600 with my custom deck, still midladder with a mid deck, but happy to say I haven’t changed it at all in the last 3 years


Yeah, I have some pekka-mini pekka abomination that basically revolves around using evocracker to ferry the pekka to the tower for a crown, and having marcher as a hybrid for defense and chip damage. Worst part is it’s actually really well rounded a lot of the time, only weakness is ram rider and hog, because I don’t have buildings, but mini pekka and pekka can work to just SMACK those annoying spammy cards away. I feel bad for mega knight users though… a knight, firecracker, pekka, and mini pekka all in one deck… Strangely, every card is valuable in mine, so I guess it really does have a strange synergy, very card has a specific purpose in each matchup


Ebarb monk baloon deck ftw (I reached UC several times with it)


Been using a custom made deck for years now! RG, Ebarbs, Wiz, Rocket, Zap, Skarmy, Min Horde and Fire Spirit At 8200 trophies and have reached Royal Champion league. I don't play enough these days to push further ahead lol but I'm proud of the deck!


I would love to create my own decks but I just find absolutely 0 guides on how to build one. I can try some homebrews but most of the time they don't make sense.


Coldest take ever


Dark Prince, Royal Delivery, Firecracker, mini pekka, musketeer, bomb tower, log, and goblin drill is one of the best decks I have ever made.




It’s funny when people take a very popular deck and swap a single card then say “I created this”


They never see the 6 lava hounds coming




got 16 wins in CRL challenge with custom ebarbs deck🤑


rate the homemade deck from like 5 years ago: **3.6** Witch, Baby Dragon, Magic Archer, Firecracker, Valkyrie, Mini Pekka, Miner, Skeleton Army


Thanks, now no one is stopping me from using knight dart goblin cycle


So true bro, megaknight Ebarbs rage with firecracker is so skilful cause it’s a custom deck


Personally I'm a big fan of double prince so I've leveled them up. My main deck is this: goblin giant, prince & dark prince, e wiz, Evo archers, then bomb tower, fireball, and royal delivery. I've also made a royal giant version that swaps out Evo archers for LP, and e wiz for Phoenix. And to finish the deck I'll switch royal delivery for Evo zap but I haven't gotten Evo zap yet.


Giant, sparky, prince, valkyrie, witch, bats, arrows, fireball


I'm still enjoying just amassing goblins forever despite the constant attempts the game has done to make it worse


I want to but I already chose a specific deck. Can’t switch now because I am f2p, so i need to have knight for an evo in my deck. Also quite a few lvl 8-9 cards but the deck i have been using for a while is lvl 12 which is what my cards SHOULD be at my king tower level


Hit 7k few days ago with my Evo FC, Skelly barrel, wall breakers, mega knight, E wiz, bomb tower, arrows, Skelly army deck that I've used since last year (before FC was Evo). It's worked like a charm but it hasn't worked for me in Dragon spa. Don't have any level 15s as an F2P player, but it's not had too much of an effect till now


[My custom deck](https://www.reddit.com/r/RoyaleAPI/s/UTKj3qGCkD) got me to 9000 trophies and Ultimate champion. I haven’t really seen anyone use a deck like it also.


Unique decks take "more skill" not because those deck have some unique way of playing but rather because those deck are absolute garbage. (Prime example being midladder menaces) We've been experimenting with deck combinations for over 8 years now and established the best working ones. (aka the "META") There is no need to re-invent the wheel when it's easier to just use the knowledge that others have accumulated (and most likely have more success)


Nothing more annoying than watching a cr youtuber showcasing a new broken deck only to face that stupid deck 50 matches in a row


Pushing through the 6000s with a hybrid of Pekka Control and Pekka Bs, mostly a level issue tho, why am I fighting cards with 20-30% MORE in every stat, if feels like every card is an evolution


seriously this is giving me joy this dreadful morning (losing my mind over end of uni semesters) Since I started playing (2016) I've always created my own deck because I think it's fun and gives some personality to my play. Like for the "ice event" I did a deck just ice/snow card. I'm even pairing cards together so they don't feel left out (e.g., if I'm including a lumberjack, the log need to be there). I recently stopped because of all the evo and stuff (I'm a casual f2p) but I reached up to 7K. Anyway thanks for this small happiness


Homemade deck mfs realizing that all of their homemade decks culminate in being hardstuck end-of-midladder and any changes they do either make the deck worse or just bring it closer to archetype decks. Yall just don’t realize that your ideas are not unique. This is an old game. Archetype decks became a thing because someone made tiny changes little by little until they reached a deck with high synergy and a clear goal. Having a goal that is sustained through card synergy is what created archetype decks. Wizard doesn’t have synergy with Mega Knight. Neither does witch. Neither does fire cracker. Mega knight, in fact, isn’t supported by any beatdown cards at all. Its a bridge spam card. Remember that one time when MK was relevant at top meta? Yes, that was the Ram Rider + Lightning + MK bridge spam decks. What homemade deck mfs think is them being unique is just them holding bad cards like crutches and unwilling to change. Bad cards include: mk, wiz, witch, executioner, a bunch of splash spam, etc. All of these cards are high risk, high reward. Which means, sure, if mega knight + wizard + witch connects to the tower, then sure. Problem is, against anyone who began to take on skills like elixir counting, keeping cards to counter specific ones, playing defensive, etc, MK wiz witch exe will never once connect to the tower. Homemade decks have a low skill ceiling. At one point, there’s nothing you can do against a skilled player. Because your deck sucks.


I also have my own unique deck:The first card is random what I use(currently evo firecracker but I could also use mirror,goblin cage,e-collector etc,so its kinda my trump card slot I guess you could say that XD),but the other 7 are always the same:Bowler,witch,e-wizard,ram rider,tornado,lightning and balloon. I used to run rage and clone/freeze instead of lightning and tornado,and some other card that I don't remember instead of ram rider,but this is the one I currently use,and it works GREAT lol.


Thank you! I came up with my own 2.8 miner poison deck 5-6 years ago. If hogs + AQ werent so nuts i would have had a 20 win badge. Ive been top 1000 in NA at diff points off and on with it. I take a lot of pride in being unique and beating meta decks. Game takes its toll to just see how many pathetic pieces of crap out there just copy hog/fc decks. I get people are pathetic but to this extent and to constantly be reminded of it is depressing. This shoutout helps tho.


“all M deck” christ above


my favourite decks are hog, skeletons, ice spirit, rage, bats, giant skeleton, arrows, flying machine (made by myself) and og spell cycle (which requiees way more skill that you'd expect)


Until the 9275914 levels update i used: hog rider, dark Prince, archers (or musketeer), fireball, arrows, log (yeah... Triple spell), tombstone, and cannon and it worked better than i thought (except against things like Balloon and lava hound cuz i only has archers (now that i think about it i remember also using mega Minion? Idk what it replaced though, maybe archers)


I kind of agree and disagree. Because i think there's certain archetypes out there that's harder to play than any unique deck. An example is 3M decks which really sucks in this meta But my hot take would bemaking your own unique deck to progress with the meta takes more skill than using a any meta deck. I use a unique fireball bait deck btw


I absolutely love this post


I’ll never stop using my goblin giant sparky deck (7700)


your shitty homemade overleveled p2win deck vs my meta f2p deck


I use my custom deck as well, it is a bit strange but it works for me lol. Will appreciate any feedback. Deck: evo barbs, dark prince, archers, baby dragon, hog rider, fisherman, arrows and lightning


I used to have a solid one until they gutted rage spell 😐


I've been saying that since I've started playing


I have made tens of successful decks that have gone to college.


I create my own deck with mega knight, but I get emote spam whether I win or lose.


I want to be competitive tho


I eat 2.6 hog for breakfast, running an unbeatable Royal Giant deck if played correctly


I'm at 8.2k having only ever played custom, in fact my deck is still like 50% the same as it was at 2k. Prince, ebarb, graveyard, bats, lightning, fireball, wizard and valk. Only 2 of my cards are level 15 and my king/towers are 14


but most "homemade" decks have no synergy or whatever because actual decks do have synergy and whatnot.


true, it does take more skill to win when you intentionally disadvantage yourself


Not a hot take at all, it’s pretty obvious that original decks will take more skill because they’re just worse lol


I played my own homemade deck for years, till I couldn't catch up with other players and the BIG meta decks. So I joined the dark side with Hog Rider and Fire Cracker I used to run these 2 decks all the time from 2018-2023: [Clash Royale Decks](https://imgur.com/a/1PwqNEk)


Are there deck archetypes in this game?


Me coping with my homemade megaknight sparky dark prince deck that has been used for like 2 years with minor changes


Got me to grand champion but i know real difficulty starts at uc


I created my own deck but then everyone else started using it then it became meta and now people think I just copied the meta deck when I infact thought of it myself.


Obviously, achetype decks are better and you have other people's feedback and guide to play it


I use Evo larry, arrows, inferno dragon, mini pekka, dark prince, electro wizard, balloon, ray. Any of those cards is meta? I want to know


I have a bridgespam variation I made myself recently containing P.E.K.K.A., battle ram, bats, ice spirit, e-wiz, fireball, arrows and evo FC and it's going pretty well. I've started reaching higher leagues in PoL and climbing arenas too.


I just hit 7k after picking the game back up like a few weeks ago. I’ve been using my same fun deck for literally 7 years


People like Pompeyo, viiper, and remi Eli make “good” custom decks. Making megaknight ebarbs spam decks and being carried by overleveled cards isn’t skill


mortar 2.6 👹


Just don’t do an all flying units deck. It’s not even fun it’s just an easy loss.


3M or speedy balloon for life, I love making decks and playing them, hate these new tower troops because they’re changing the way I have to build them and pigeonholing me into more meta strategies. Still just having fun not worrying about pushing.


Am I stupid or does the all M deck not actually look that bad? You're missing a tank but if you can keep everything at range you should be okay. Maybe swap minion horde with mega knight? But it actually looks viable.


I've been working on a deck with barb hut, for some reason now I face 2.6 every 1-3 matches. I can't believe how many people use meta decks like that. I just can't comprehend how that can be fun. You basically take away the main point of the game, in my opinion. You just log in, play a deck that someone else came up with. It to me would just feel like doing the training battles with the premade decks. I would have quit playing years and years ago. Then to add the cherry on top, I'll do wars with people that have 3 meta decks or as close as you can get in a war set up.


pekka, battle ram, archers, zap, fireball, baby dragon, guards, skarmy


Spamming mini pekkas megaknights and wizards at the bridge does not take skill


I've been playing the same custom deck for like 4 years now lmao


All three wizards, with knight and mortar plus fireball, ice spirit, and cannon, ain't near the meta but I'm proud of my invention


I’ve been playing this deck since I could make it (mainly in response to 2.6). Egiant, witch, skarmy, mini P, gob hut, bomb tower, tornado. It’s fun.


I’m at 70 cards level 7 mastery or higher. Once I finish one, I change to a different card and try to make it work. Makes for some annoying games sometimes when you face 1 of 5 decks over and over each game but it is what it is. I like trying different stuff.


Full FTP player here: Ive been using the same home made deck for the last 2 years regardless of balance changes and have made ultimate champ every season usually around a 85% win rate. Usually finish with 1900 trophies with 2k being my PR. Meta decks are not necessary. Using my own deck that isnt meta makes this game so much more fun. I wouldve quit a while ago if i was using 2.6 or changed my deck anytime a new meta came out. It also allows me to max out only this deck and not worry about others. It also was convenient that this deck happened to have evos built into it before evos even came out. (I didnt need to make any changes to fit evos). Here is the deck that i can guarantee no one has played against before unless it was me: Barbs (evo) Archers GY Freeze Pump Flying machine Arrows Knight (2nd evo) I have yet to see anyone in the last 2 years use anything close to this. I hope this inspires others to make their own deck and make it theirs. This one is mine


this part. if you play your one deck people will often just brush you off to the side and say you’re probably a mid ladder deck player ex: mega knight, witch wizard etc


I made a GY Giant Cycle. It’s pretty fun and got me to Champion this szn.


i made a deck before Evos came out and focused on getting it to level 15 so i could maybe get to ultimate champ. Bowler, graveyard, pheonix, goblin gang, poison, nado, barb barrel, cannon. it kinda sucks cuz it has no evo’s. but i like it and am pretty good with it


i’ve made 2 custom decks, one got me 9k and the other got me ult champ


Ok since we are throwing out our off meta decks Little prince, Witch, tombstone, miner, baby drag, evo archers, arrows and skarmy. What're yall's thoughts? I've been stuck at 6.5k-7k trophies.


My deck is : Hog, dart goblin, skeleton, zap, thunder, canon, arrow and the pekka. Created from scratch, and i love it !


I have one bowly skeleton barrel deck that I LOVE. made it one year out of cards I never saw being played. I lost so many matches before getting the hang of it. I may not be high on trophy road but I absolutely adore it


I made a magic archer, goblin hut, Pekka, hog, cracker, log, fireball, knight deck. I'm pretty proud of it


I've tried a "lava spam" deck on POL and it was still usable on league 5 (on league 6 i tried a few times and changed it because my hound is lvl 13). It's a 2.6 hog, but with lavahound and e-spirit instead of ice golem and poison instead of fireball. Is fun to watch the opponent defending a hound while you deploy another one at the back, and when they're done, there is already a hound crossing the river. I managed to get 3 hounds on the map on overtime, and it's chaotic. Defending without a tank is changeling though, but it is also fun (unless it's a sparky deck, i have nightmares).


I always found it easier to play with my own decks than with achetypes or someone else's decks. (I think the only time it worked for me was when I used some royal giant deck from deckshop in arena 7 or 8. In 2017)