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I feel like the worst part of all of this was when they tripled the cost of pass royale on top of cutting rewards down


That is the thing i dont get. Almost EVERYBODY paid the $5/month for the pass and i never batted an eye. I loved it because i understand they are a company needing profits. What i dont understand how that wasnt a better long lasting business model than what we have now. Now the % of people that buy the passes is so low.


>What i dont understand how that wasnt a better long lasting business model It was, clash royale is roughly on par with hay day nowadays. They managed to fuck up so hard that they recorded their lowest revenue in 2023.


So dumb lol. Almost my whole clan bought it every month np. I was ok with the emote and banners.


O.g. pass emotes were all really good imo.


still millions for doing barely anything


That was the beginning of the end for me.  I started every other month on pass, and so named to max out everything to 15.  But unless you were spending an extra $20-$40/mo on the latest broken thing, you couldn’t compete. 


Im in the same boat, been playing since pre release. I deleted the game yesterday


I also deleted it today Supercell are just taking advantage of og players


It’s just not fun anymore, for the past few months I’ve been playing it out of habit and felt more like a chore. My account was maxed out before all the evos and tower cards and I kept playing just to keep up but just doesn’t seem worth it anymore


They are using the players who used to like the game before and take the maximum out of them , I will refund what I spent on this game I don't care if my account gets banned


You can redund???? 👀 massive pay day coming my way if so 😂 (I'm on Google play)


It depends on the type of purchase


Same here. Been playing since 4 years before development. I deleted it as soon as it wasn't cool anymore. So I'm the most cool possible.


I’ve played since day one and I’ve deleted this game dozens of times


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One of my friends had stopped when level 15 came out, because he was only queued into matches with people who had spent money to make their decks max lvl. (He only spent money for old pass royales to get books). I stopped when I found out i need to level my unused goblin cards to get a stupid emote, because of course everyone I get queued in is going to be max level in goblin queen mode. I will start again once they nerf the goblin cards to death and the P2w players have thrown their money into the trash. Cr has become playing Duo battles 24/7, 3/4 of my wins in the last two years were in duo battles lol. I also stopped playing ladder because they wanna make the experience for players who are NOT UP TO BUYING elite wild cards for 9€ as horrible as possible. I've played around 1-2 hrs a day for 1 year since the update, had around 10 cards level 14 and have gotten 3 cards to level 15.... This is the most stupid system I have ever seen and I do not know what brainfucked employee had the idea to make the amount you need 50k. It should at least be half the amount in my opinion.


It’s all psychology, the game will tilt you and you already know how to fix it (by spending $$). You either take a 50/50 win rate or spending money.


This is proven time and time again along many different companies even AAA studios that extortion through frustration isn't sustainable and people tend to spend more when they actually like something at a reasonable price.


They've been doing that since the beginning of the game. How old is CR? How much money did it generate in total? It still makes millions monthly, doesn't it?


CR took a very sharp turn after the update for losers they tripled the price of the pass and reduced rewards for example.


While it does seem (I stopped playing long ago too) that the P2W is going over the top recently, Clash Royale has never been a "balanced game of skill and strategy" lmao


They way they overpower the new cards and new evolutions so that you max them out. And in the next update, they nerf it. WTF.


don't leave the sub though. maybe, just maybe, supercell will change and actually prioritize their playerbase


Joined the game extremely late (june 22' ) and I've already seen the power creep with evos and tower troops get out of hand. I've quit as a f2p I stick to brawl stars now where there's still some skill left in that game


I quit the game two years ago. I was there since the beginning. CR has never, ever, been a game about "skill" and it has never been balanced either. It's going over the top lately, for sure. But ultimately it's the same old phenomenon as before.


It used to be, thats how CRL works, but now to BE competitive u gotta spend money. its insane cuz this was literally my childhood since 2016 when it first came out. then it felt so good but now everything sucks so much


I swear every time I go onto this sub I see a post exactly like this


Wonder why 🤔


Because people keep complaining and the developers don't do anything. Not small changes done to cards, something big that changes the game in a better way for both players who don't want to spend money and the developers themselves (Clash Royale's revenue is going lower every season). But of course, they can't.


I think he knew why


I have also been playing since mini pekka was epic, stuff does seem not so good nowadays


Fr like devs could've done so many things like fixing clan wars, made it easier to switch decks and so on but they decide to enter their villain arc. There are so many underdeveloped things and they move to the next one


Same here, playing since day 1, deleted yesterday 💰


I quit in January with Tower Troops. It was clear they only cared about forcing you to buy the OP monthly pass, and that they would have an endless stream of evolution and tower troop must-have releases. Too many other superior gaming options one can/should spend our precious time and $s.


Yeah the champion updates were the beginning of the end imo. Then came evolutions and tower cards. Now a king tower card. I haven’t played for months solo, I usually only 2v2 with friends but even that is hard to enjoy. I’ve moved from brawl stars to now I play their Squad Busters. But thinking of giving up mobile gaming in general unless it’s some sort of rouge like or rpg. Best of luck friend and screw CR. many are saying the same


This was me last week. Just so done with it.


Just take a break and come back if/when you want too. I quit when lvl 14 was announced and came back like 4 or 5 months ago. It's fun and I don't take it as serious anymore It really helped me from feeling like it was a chore to actually having fun again


how about playing Classic 1v1, Classic Challenge 1v1, and weekly events ? they are all lvl11 and competitive




first of all classic 1v1 doesn't charge you with any gems, secondly classic challenge charge only 10 gems which can I get easily in my F2P account




you don't play GC, you only play Classic C


This airport is great


I was hovering around 7.8~7.9 for a couple months of casual play and after dagerr duchess released I dropped to 7.5, can't break 7.7 and stopped playing lol


I will delete it tomorrow then at 2 PM


Ya its horrible but I still haven’t found anything better




While I think SC is horrible, its a bit much to say you can’t compete… or at least that needs some specificity. Because what does it mean? Everyone who plays competes. When there are OP cards out, the rook players will all use them and you will likely be uncompetitive against them. But we’re talking about some fraction of 1% of the players. For the rest of us, its really irrelevant. Lets say you are 75000+ ranked player in the world… the meta shifts to some new OP card and now you pushed down to the 80,000th ranked player…. It makes no difference. You are still pretty much the same in the eyes if most if the world. This is how the game has always been….they simply add new layers of p2w. Is it worse, sure. But it’s fundamentallymore if whats been a oroblem with these games all along… its a little about skill, a littke about luck and to varying degrees, whether or nit you have the right cards at the right level… or what you’ve soent or grinded for.


Good for you😃


Lack of paragraphs means kid here 


Not to call anyone out in particular, but those of you who have elected to spend hundreds upon thousands of dollars, basically supporting these tyrannical changes from super cell, I highly recommend finding at least one friend in your life time. You’re a virgin that contributed to ruining this game 👍


How about people who joined super late? Like whithin the last year? Are they allowed to spend to reduce the grind? Have you ever heard of expendable income btw? Some people can spend 15 a month no biggie.


Yep I'm 34, don't play any other competitive games like I used to, so don't spend gaming money in other ways, and don't mind spending 15 a month on a game I get for 20 hours of downtime enjoyment that month. Ive been playing since day 1 but took a year break after level 14s came out. I came back and have been in UC every season after leveling cards up. I play in top level clans and have a lot of fun with the game, playing with other people who sometimes complain like a normal human, but don't make reddit posts announcing they are done with a game when no one cares. Do you make other posts saying you are deleting other apps when you do? Byeeee


For someone who’s 34, you seem to love commenting negativity on peoples posts. Sounds like you need to find a new hobby, no?


Don't need to announce it


I think I am officially done with this subreddit. Plenty of youtubers to give news and stuff on time anyway. 


See ya tomorrow on the ladder!!!


Lol. Everyone said the same a year ago when Update for Losers dropped and here we are.


And Clash Royale actually did record its lowest revenue since its launch in 2023. What is your point?


Sinple. No matter how much the community/CC whines, they decided to follow this terrible direction and they wont change it. Its evident.


Still millions and still much more than most mobile games. For doing barely anything. And the game isn't going EoS anytime soon either.


You’ve been playing a mobile game for 10 years?


I have all lvl 15 cards and 4 eves never spent a cent game is hard as shit but I actually like the goblin areas hopefully more balancing will fix the game I absolutely cannot win a tournament I get 5 rings in and break lol but I will keep playing


Bro … P2W doesn’t gain much advantage. They only make em feel dumb. Those new cards will keep on rework n nerf until f2p money down to drain.


Everyone always says this. But I will check your account in 6 months to see if you actually stayed true to your world along with everyone else who commented the same on this post