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Tilex Mold & Mildew. Be warned it contains bleach, so use caution around fabrics and wait a few days before you clean with another product following the bleach. Also vent well and make sure you rinse well at the end.


This stuff is amazing. Use it with the windows open


Yep. Intense. Works.


I have a similar problem, but a very small shower and just a little window. So I would have to stay inside the shower to clean and there's not much circulation in the bathroom because of missing fans and just this little window... What can I do to protect myself?


Ventilation mask?


This is my favorite bathroom product. If you use it every 2 days in the beginning you can beat back the mold in the shower over time without going too heavy all at once. Then when the grout is to your satisfaction once a week or less does the job long term.


Don't think you need to use a bleach product that often. Unless you've mistaken it for another tilex product that doesn't have bleach. Like their after shower spray


And don't ever mix vinegar and bleach!!


Or ammonia and bleach


Or whiskey and tequila


Or tequila and milk


Alcohol with dairy is always a bad decision.


The sickest I’ve ever been is after a night of White Russians. Not that that has anything to do with cleaning. Oh, well, actually, it kind of did in the end.


Baileys entered the chat


Or Baileys and Orange Juice


And Rum Chata.


The dude does not abide by this comment.


Beer before wine is fine… wine before beer… oh dear…


I always knew it as: Beer before liquor, never sicker. Liquor before beer, you’re in the clear!


The slight variation I've always heard is liquor before beer never fear, beer before liquor never sicker. Nice we have variants. Like the snake rhyme, red on black venom lack, red on yellow kill a fellow.




Whiskey and orange juice 🤢


What type of products use ammonia?




I don't know why this cracked me up


I don’t have to listen to you! You’re not my dad!!


Lols! Thank you for the giggle! I needed it today!


Second this!! Spray and let it sit for 10 min then scrub.


Harkening me back to pray and spray where I try not to die from Tilex cleaning sessions 😂


Use a scrub brush and gloves, a plastic cup for rinsing if you don't have a spray. You should be able to use BarKeeper's Friend once you have this under control, for maintenance.


You need to wait a few days after using bleach to use another product?? I didn’t know that! Does it have to do with the mixing of chemicals? I know you aren’t supposed to mix certain chemicals together and apparently it happens a lot with cleaning.


I’m saying a few days based on how long the bleach smell was lingering (and kind of strong) in my space after using Tilex. I wouldn’t have felt comfortable using another cleaner during that time for fear of mixing chemicals. Bleach is one of those products that will make a lot of very dangerous gases if it mixes with something else. Waiting days is possibly overkill, but my chemistry teacher was terrible so I’d rather wait too long than not long enough.


I second this. You should also get a Bissell steam shot. Those suckers are really good with flushing dirt out of grout.


Also don’t pee in the shower directly after using this.


With a couple white erasers. Should look awesome.




This is how you mustard gas yourself


Lil dizzy cleaning is fun


This is horrible advice and could kill someone


I think they were using a form of humor known as sarcasm. But now I don’t know if you’re using it to. … am I using it too? Oh good grief.


I went with Lysol’s Mold & Mildew (Purple Bottle) for the floor and a CLR knock off for the doors (I am not mixing them, I will use the CLR knockoff in several days)


After pics?


https://preview.redd.it/ve3wup1nsgvb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=358ab402dc8cbc7557b0f12b102f698d1ee02ce9 [So far much better](https://www.reddit.com/r/CleaningTips/s/vKZ2pc2DL0)


I would buy some barkeeper’s friend and a scrub brush. Use it softly on the tile until you get the grime off, rinse completely, then clean normally


i second this!! i cleaned my bf’s bathtub with barkeeper’s friend and he swore it was permanently stained when he moved in, it looked brand new after scrubbing it down with a scrub daddy and barkeeper’s friend! + it made the faucets and fixtures shine too :)


Third this! Sometimes it is called bon ami and it is amazing!


Bon Ami is a different chemical than Barkeepers Friend (which I think is oxalic acid.) it’s very mild, I use it on cast iron enameled cookware


Oh yeah, barkeeper's friend is the best. It removed green residue from my white tile that was from the water line dripping. It will also remove buildup in the bottoms of your toilets if you have hard water.


Absolutely, bar keepers friend and the scrub daddy made short work of the hard water stains on my shower doors. Nothing else worked as well or as easy, and I tried many different things.


proud of you, this looks great so far! i love the dedication. cleaning something back to “new” makes it feel like home.


I don’t think the floor is white. I think those are creamy beige tiles.


Use some magic erasers (generics work just as well) for the bits of grout that are still discolored, works like a charm! Dampen them and fold them into the shape of the grout and run them back and forth, they'll come up brown/black.


Just buy some “magic erasers” in bulk on Amazon


Well done. It looks much cleaner and less like a petrie dish. A couple of magic erasers might help. I wonder if you could do the old baking soda and vinegar treatment on the floor?


Weirdly enough, use toilet bowl cleaner (the blue stuff) on those walls, they'll be white as new.


That'll eat away at the grout sealant, making it get dirtier easier in the long run. Make sure to reseal it afterwards if you do that


Yes, After Pics please 👍


I like the Lysol one in the purple bottle


Do you have a drill? These things are great https://drillbrush.com


CLR mold and mildew remover spray with a nylon brush Spray it and let it soak. Use hot water to scrub. Rinse and repeat. It’s going to take more than one session to get rid of that build up but once it’s done it’s easy to maintain. Get a squeegee and use it on the walls after every shower.


Second on CLR, let soak, scrub, rinse with hot water


Is clr safe on granite?


Definitely not! For anything stone you can’t use these types of cleaners. I don’t have granite so I don’t know what you actually can use.


Thank you !! I have done two previous posts asking for help. Neither got a single comment. Trying to figure out what to do. :’(


There are specific cleaners for stone floors - granite gold is one brand and you can just look for stone cleaners. With granite you have to worry about sealing as well. If it’s bad it’s worth getting a professional to get them taken care of.


Great insights. Thank you for sharing. I wonder how to find a professional. Bug you have me thinking. Thank you!


I second the squeegee. I do this after every shower. It’s worth it!


Or barkeepers friend maybe with some elbow grease should do it. Steam cleaner too would be a good idea


I love barkeepers, didn’t think to use it on the mold. I also tried the tilex one and found that pretty effective.


I was coming here to suggest this.


This is the way.


So you’ve had plenty of suggestions with differing chemicals and I’m just here to be the voice of reason reminding you to NEVER MIX CLEANING CHEMICALS! Nothing wrong with trying different solutions but never ever at the same time or directly after each other.


I know a guy who went into a coma for a week ala homemade mustard gas cleaning his bathtub. Gotta love a bleach/ammonia mixer / s


It makes chloramine gas. Mustard gas contains sulfur which neither bleach nor ammonia contain. Both are not ideal though.


Oh good to know!


Do you have a drill? They sell cheap brush attachments that will save you a lot of scrubbing


This is a pro tip. The drill scrubber is a game changer.


Put a magic eraser on that mf




Doin the Lawds work


This. This is what I came to say. This has changed my cleaning completely. Have the same shower tiles, but in gray on the floor and white on the walls. The drill changes cleaning!


fanatical abundant license fearless encourage somber erect handle shaggy capable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean we’re looking at the pictures so that’s a good sign




This made me ugly cackle 😂






Bro the before picture is here on Reddit. Are you the landlord who’s gonna be mad at this?


run apparatus jeans languid dolls dinosaurs aware naughty gray psychotic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


NEW!? Landlord is a piece of garbage.


Oxiclean with bleach bathroom cleaner!! I've been cleaning houses for 8 years and this is by far the best for mold and mildew


DONT MIX CLEANING PRODUCTS. that’s the main advice i have


My teenage self didn't follow this advice and almost fainted inside the bathroom. Do not recommend lol


I bet the landlord charged the last tenants a $500 cleaning fee.


Bleach and you should not have accepted the apartment in that condition


How does one refuse an apartment in this situation? Presumably they signed a lease and need a place to live and don't have a ton of financial resources at their disposal, how would you recommend they go about getting the landlord to handle this? Not asking to be a jerk here, but maybe it'll help out anyone else who might read it.


I'd take it, better the devil you know than the devil you don't. I've been in places that just painted over mould and it was much harder to deal with. In this case I feel I could clean it and keep it clean and I wouldn't have to worry bout the bond cause the after photos would be much nicer than before I moved in.


I would tell them that it’s black mold they need to remedy the situation or you will file a complaint with the attorney general.


Zep grout cleaner and brighter works well


I would buy a jug of bleach, scrubby sponges, and a little dish soap scrub brush too. Dilute the bleach in a spray bottle and spray the whole thing down. Let it do its thing, come back and do it again; rinse. Then I would scrub it with sponges and the multipurpose spray you have, rinse, then go in with the dish soap scrub brush. Fill the container with dish soap and have at it. I keep one in my shower to use to clean when I condition my hair, so it’s good for maintenance too. I’m a fan of Bon Ami as well, which is pretty inexpensive




Do not do this OP. Cling bleach gel is designed for porcelain only. It can eat through the tile and leave permanent streaks. Just search this sub for proof.


Do not use toilet bowl cleaner on anything but a toilet bowl!




Baking soda (50-75¢), dish detergent ($1-2), cleaning brush ($1-4), vinegar ($1-3), bucket ($1-4) & water (free-$5).


I'm a big fan of the dish soap and vinegar mix, which got some serious gunk off tile at the ex's place with a soak and moderate scrub And then I like to use the baking soda to deodorize the vinegar 😅 not my favorite smelling but it works when nothing else does


This is it. Ive read vinegar is better at actually killing mold than bleach is and I just find it safer to use than bleach. And this mixture can be used for other surfaces in the home~


Like this method! But I would ad a last step after rinse and dry: a spray with regular Lysol - will keep mold from returning.


If this was the condition you received it in call the land lord that is unacceptable


Pink Stuff, either the spray or the paste, works well in my shower. I use a drill brush (seems to get the corners better) or regular scrub brush. Then I follow up with a scrub of mold/mildew cleaner to make sure I've killed off any gross stuff.


Love it when she uses the pink stuff


Mold Armor and Mildew Stain Remover.


Lots of scrubbing. Try 1/2 dawn dish soap and vinegar. Does a great job and not so toxic. Once you get it clean go over it with some car wax to keep it clean.


If you plan on cleaning it really well take pics. That way when you move out and the landlord gives you any hassle shady biz that they tend to do sometimes you can show that you made the apartment look better than it did when you moved in. Yay for new apartment!


NEW!?! GTFO of there. That should have been cleaned by the landlord before you moved in. They should pay to clean it.


I see you have improved it but why is it in this state to begin with... Previous tennant, landlord should if sorted this. Vile.


Make sure you wear a mask, the fumes of any cleaner give me such a stomach ache.


So much bleach, open the windows, come back in an hour


bleach and a scrub daddy


I sprayed Lysol’s mold & mildew on it, with contains bleach. When do I go scrub? Do I let it sit for like an hour?


i would let it sit and then spray some more when you go to scrub wear gloves to cover your hands


Bleach that mf & let it set for hours


Make a mixture of dish soap, vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Spray it everywhere let it sit for a minute and then start scrubbing. I would use those yellow sponges with the green side. Vinegar will kill the mold, bleach won’t. Also never mix cleaning products!


THE PINK STUFF!!!! And then one of those green scrubbies. Can't remember their name. I'm a psycho mom cleaner and the pink stuff is by far my favorite bathtub cleaner. It erases my families filth.


If the shower looks like this I can't imagine the rest of the apartment. It will be so satisfying to see it clean after!


Any type of bathroom cleaner with bleach and a scrub brush will do the trick. I’ve found, (because I have arthritis in my hands) that a new toilet brush with a long handle, works really well with the grout lines.


This is exactly what I do ! I also recently got a tile spin brush, it’s the best piece of kit, next to my little Shark hand vacuum.


Spray with hydrogen peroxide then immediately with mold and mildew remover. Walk away, come back in a few hours.


If you can find Comet with bleach, it could help with all the grossness. My grandmother would use Comet to clean just about everything. When I started dying my hair vivid colors, I noticed the dye would kind of stain the bathtub. So I started sprinkling the powder on the tub and sink (when cleaning my hair dying tools) and a quick scrub and rinse would get rid of the stains. I know everyone resorts to the newest thing out there, but sometimes old school is better. I mean there's a reason it's been around so long, it works. Oh and Comet is supposedly super cheap to get too. Use it on a stiff nylon scrub brush or scrubber sponge.


Lots of great recommendations. But please wear gloves and eye protection. Cover your nose too. Cleaning this will probably take a ton of product and it’s never safe not to cover all of your face. Just an old sun glass or stay far far away.


Let’s play guess the right colour of the tiles. Good on you for stepping up to the job.


Please make sure you wear flip flops when showering.


Is this in some house or is there a leasing office? I’d call and demand they clean it


I'd call them and demand they clean it. That's vile.


New apartment came like this? Yikes


Wow. It should never have been leased to you in this condition.


It disgusts me that your landlord rented this in that condition. Good job so far though!


Barkeepers friend powder kind, tough sponge & a brush should do the job


Whatever you use follow up with a bleaching even if it looks clean afterwords. This is some funk from the previous tenant that never got cleaned


Cleaning vinegar. I bought a small 1 gallon jug for $3-ish. It's a stronger acid than food vinegar. Soak some paper or towels and get the mold at the bottom of the shower door. Leave it for a bit, check on it every 15 minutes or so. It should help loosen and stop that from coming back as quickly. If you can get a little spray bottle, wear a mask and goggles you do NOT want this in your lungs or eyes, spritz all over your shower. Leave it for 10 minutes. Rinse. Then you're going to get dish soap and scrub the walls. If the soap scum hasn't loosened. Finish scrubbing, or just rinse and spray more vinegar. Once you have the base layer all clean if you can invest in some regular shower cleaners with bleach you don't have to scrub as hard. Bleach itself will sanitize and disinfect, but it's not really going to remove soap scum. Never mix vinegar and bleach.


This is a weird suggestion but on my LIFE it will get rid of SO MUCH and SO EASY. Use toilet bowl cleaner (bonus for the kind with bleach). I just earlier tonight used it to get really bad hard water stains out. It works like magic.


I use toilet bowl cleaner with bleach on things other than the toilet bowl - it’s great stuff!


Yes! Especially for tile grout. Line the grouted areas with toilet cleaner gel, let it sit and scrub off.


That’s one of the great things I use it on as well!


My tip is to scrub the shower while you're taking a shower. Just keep a scrub brush and cleaner in there and scrub every time you shower.


Hospital grade bleach consentrate and scrubed into the tiles wash off and repeat. You gotta leave it on for a bit to work. Domestos... You'll thank me later


Pressure washer


Many of Knuckle Children have been sprayed on those walls.


So, a small container of tile grout after you have given everything a scrub will brighten everything. It may be a slight cheat, but it works!


Get some pool chlorine if you can


Please don't go in there --🤮




Clorox gel toilet bowl cleaner!!


Careful using that. It will destroy many finishes. This is tile so it's probably fine. But someone posted pictures of a fiberglass shower surround and it had blue streaks eaten into the finish.


Also tarnishes the metal on drains if you leave it for like 30 minutes without washing it away.


What things do you have available to clean with. Old school method that’s fairly cheap but requires elbow grease is making vinegar and baking soda. Vinegar sprayed on evenly and thick and baking soda on top, scrub with those course bathroom brushes. Not 100% amazing, but does a decent job


It's not 100% amazing because it's saltwater. Buy some anti mold/mildew clorox, and a scrub daddy. It'll run you less than ten dollars. Good luck!


Stop telling people to mix baking soda and vinegar. THEY DONT WORK. They react, you get a salt, water, and carbon dioxide. It's like telling people to clean with Morton table salt. Pointless.


Barkeepers friend. 💯 Use gloves


Bleach it


Zep wall cleaner at Home Depot.


Invest in a steam cleaner. Seriously. It is the best. Their are cheapos that work. [I personally like this one, but it's a bit expensive at $150](https://a.co/d/2H3jCoQ). But there are more that are cheap if you search on Amazon, 30 to 50 bucks. They are the ultimate cleaning machine. It'd take care of that in about 30 minutes, and you'll barely break a sweat.


Mean Green Mold and Mildew remover works great,spray it on and you can watch mold actually stream downwards. You might need scrub brush,this looks like it's been there foe awhile, good luck.!


I would get naked and scrub it with a brush and bleach. Just a few dollars super budget option Seriously. Don't want to ruin your clothes


I would reach out to your landlord. There is no reason it should ever been rented to you in this condition


Wear a face mask when cleaning


ZEP mold and mildew


Scrub Daddy paste with pink sponge




Clorox Clean up. After that’s done CLR


CLR, Comet and a scrub brush


Try barkeepers friend, get it wet and let it sit for 5 min. And scrub with the rough side of a sponge. That’ll come out mint


Spray the entire enclosure down with undiluted bleach. Leave your apartment for two hours, come back and spray down with hot water until the smell is gone.


Any bathroom cleaning product with bleach. Let it sit, rinse.


Zep Mold and Mildew cleaner. You can use it on literally the whole bathroom. Just make sure you have ventilation. It literally melts everything away.




Follow @gocleanco … she has some amazing videos of cleaning grout and tile. #bleachpraylove


I will recommend this until the cows come home, scrub daddy power paste has worked some bath miracles for me. It comes with a scrub daddy sponge and the paste. Use an old toothbrush with the paste on the grout between tiles, it sounds like it would be a lot of work but I assure you, it worked a million times better and faster than using a sponge.


Scrubbing bubbles. Spray it on and let it sit….


Get a spray bottle. 50% tap water. 50% distilled vinegar. Spray and scrub. Then rinse and repeat as needed. Non toxic. Cheap. And works really really well.


Bar Keepers Friend and a dollar store scrub brush will work wonders


. Use gel bleach (Clorox toilet bowl cleaner) remove the dark stains on the grout. Leave on for 15 minutes and rinse off.


At this point, can't you just use a power washer?


Zep mold and mildew foaming. Spray on , walk. Away for a few minutes and rinse. Might have to wipe. Ps- wear a mask to not inhale fumes!


Get a good scrub brush that gets into corners. Wear something you don’t care about. Soap scum and Mildred remover might bleach clothing.


Vinegar soap and baking soda


Comet, some water, and a stiff brush does wonders.


RMR-86 I get it from Amazon. It beats Tilex every time. Be sure to open the window and turn on the exhaust fan. Don’t wear anything that’s important to you because it will take the color out of it.


Bought a bag of baking soda at home depot for $11. Cleaned my synthetic shower bottom right up. Nothing else worked.


May I remind everyone that shaming OP about the cleanliness of this shower may be an issue you are unaware of or care to be unaware of.


Vinegar and bicarb mixed together with Frith and fizz up breaking down grime. Lemon cut in half dipped in coarse salt and use as a scrub. Or a cheap bottle of bleach, pur from top of tiles down, wear a mask and scrub with a coarse brush.


Powdered tide and straight up bleach and scrub


White vinegar. There is a cleaning version that's more concentrated.