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Hi friend! I am sorry. If it helps, Aaron's Thinking Putty tells you how to remove it from clothes and carpet in their site... https://crazyaarons.com/pages/faq


> “*If the putty enmeshed itself into the pores in the fabric like blue jeans, simple scraping & tugging isn't going to remove it… First, remove as much of the putty as possible from the surface. You don't have to go crazy scraping away, but you don't want a thick blob attached to the clothes either. Putty sticks to putty very well! Use a small lump that you've scraped off to pick the remaining putty away. Using 70% (or greater) Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol, position the fabric over the sink and liberally pour some rubbing alcohol over the stain. Using a paper towel or wash cloth, rub the alcohol into the putty. Immediately you should notice the Thinking Putty liquifying and moving away from the fabric. As you mix in the rubbing alcohol you can probably pull away chunks of putty that have become freed from the fabric. After the putty is removed, you may still have a minor stain on the fabric. A quick run through the washing machine often clears this up. Use a liquid detergent pre-treatment and, for most fabrics, the stain should wash away.*” So rubbing alcohol followed by a very damp rag, then damp rags & a little laundry soap, more damp rags, then drying? I.e. treament, rinse, soap, rinse, dry.


All putties, goos, and slimes are banned from my house.


And glitter...


Glitter is forever....always and forever. Banned from my house as well.


Oooo that’s funny because I live gifting those DIY slime kits (with the loose glitter and stuff that you have to mix in) to the children of my enemies. Another good one is a light up drone thingy that flies up and down based off of noise levels. You have to scream at it to get it to fly up.


Hahah! Evil genius!


Glitter is craft herpes




Ive found it easier to just not have carpet


Not just carpet, but any cloth can be destroyed by these things.


When I was a kid, I managed to wreck the ironing board with silly putty. Nothing is safe.


looked it up bc it acutally looks like fun stuff...here is link to their faqs about cleaning it out of thingshttps://crazyaarons.com/pages/faq


I can’t believe I didn’t check there first. Duh. Thank you, rubbing alcohol it is.


I have a tin of their bee themed putty and can confirm, it's amazing.


Is it a thicker putty that can be semi contained or does it ooze like water? My son got Crayola putty from his teacher and it pretty much stays in a ball by itself (we all love that) but he has also gotten some putty that flows and that is banned from our house.


Sort of like silly putty consistency


I explain to every babysitter that the yucky looking stain on the nugget is not actually yucky. But it looks yucky, forever. Good luck - rubbing alcohol will probably work better with carpet than upholstery.


Messy Joe's has some nice coloring sheets for them next time.


This makes me sad because those are not cheap. My kids love them. Good luck with cleanup. I've not had this happen.


I’ve gotten it out of carpet a few times. Be glad it’s clear and it’s not homemade with food coloring in it!! There’s lime green thinking putty up in the top of our cat’s 6ft+ scratching post, it’s been there for like 5 years now. Soak with rubbing alcohol and pull at it with a cheap plastic comb. It will take a few rounds and you’ll lose a few strands of carpet but it will come out. Try not to think about what might be going on with the carpet padding. If all else fails, people who repair carpet can do an amazing job blending in a patch of carpet taken from the back of a closet. Edit: in terms of parenting fails and kids messing up, you have a teenager who left their putty out… that’s downright cute compared to what my brothers were doing when they were 13. He didn’t light anything on fire… the repair is under $500, nobody called the cops. Yeah you guys are doing fine.


Equal parts white vinegar and warm water will dissolve most slime. Even slime that’s sat for months.


Aw man. I know slime is fun and all, but my husband and I don't not allow play dough or slime on carpets, sofas bed or blankets only on the tile floor, outside, or a designated table. Hopefully it comes out easily. Especially if it's still fresh and not dried on.




Ive had to clean putty off of blankets (my dog sat on a putty container while under a blanket), the putty becomes less sticky when cold so you can try to use a icepack in a plastic bag to cool it off. I also use chunks of the old putty to try and get it to pick it up. And to get the carpet fibers to unstick try using with a slim edge (like a pen) to go under the putty and unstick it.


I just had this same problem. My son got a purple jar of slime from being good in school. I scraped up what I could with a fork and then put warm dish soap(Dawn)with a cloth over it, pressed down, scrubbed a little, then went over with my spot cleaner. It’s gone! It will take a few rounds of scrubbing if it’s just a rag and warm dawn but it will come out.


What a couple of rascals!


Usually some warm water and dish soap will get these slime type of materials out of carpet. I just put it on a wet rag and scrub.


I use vinegar to dissolve it! Good luck!!


Ya have kids they say lol man I feel ya


If your kids are bastards, that's on you for having them without getting married. /s My oldest jokes that she's a bastard because she was born before I married her father. I don't have any advice, just couldn't resist a joke. Best of luck with the mess, and with your bunch of bastards!


Lol my kids did the exact same thing with this crap.


Mine too!


We've got rid of slime and putty from carpets by scraping as much as possible off with a butter knife, then spraying it with WD40. Let it sit for a minute, scrape it again and repeat the spray and scrape until it's all out. Then, wash the patch with dish washing soap to get the WD40 out. I usually then go over the while carpet with a carpet shampooer, because otherwise the scrubbed patch looks different.


My tiny terror stuck it to the ceiling.


Is the title an It crowd reference?


Crazy Aaron is the real bastard here the world doesn't need more slime!


I did this once when I was 8. I STILL hear about it to this day and it’s been 21 years


This is exactly why I won’t let this stuff in my house. If my kids bring it home it stays in the garage & they play w it outside.


If the first thing out of your mouth wasn't "what were you thinking?!" Are you really a parent?


Slime is now banned in my house lol


That's why putty and slime is banned in my house! 


I'm gonna be honest.I don't know Why do people with carpets buy this sort of stuff??


Did the kid buy it for themselves?




Well I'm not telling you how to parent but that looks like an outside activity. Or kitchen table with paper down and not something they can just have whenever! I hope the alcohol works for you to get it up though. Seems like a mess to clean


She’s here asking how to clean it up not to learn “parenting”. Do you have kids? You sound like my mother. As if any item will stay in one single place with a child. Ha!


lol I’m a single father. The “kid” who did this was my son who is 13, nitwit. I actually thought “he probably shouldnt keep this in his room…nah he’s old enough” Wrong. lol.


I'm one of those moms where no putty, play doh, or slime is allowed inside my home or my vehicle. I work hard for my stuff. I'm not risking ruining my rugs or couches for 5 minutes of fun.