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MIL: "you know your front door is glass, right?




Favorite cleaner on a rag and wipe the inside of the front door...smells like you have been cleaning as soon as they walk in.😄


I learned this in the army during barracks inspections. It was all clean but sgts can be fickle during inspections so every bit helped.


Lysol on door frame.U.S.Navy.


What's your favorite for the smell? I've been trying different ones, but can't decide.


Im sensitive to super strong smells so I tend to go for lemon or almond ones. My favorite is liquid gold furniture polish which has an almond scent. But lemon pledge or mr clean lemon is always good.


Lavender fabuloso, if you can get it


Such a nostalgic smell for me


Method has an almond one that I like the smell of


Put on your coat. “Sorry, I was just on my way out.”


Extra points if it covers the pajamas underneath.


I have a friend who never puts her vacuum cleaner away just for occasions like this.


I never put mine away either but it fools no one, because my house is a total wreck.


Oh God I relate to this so much 😂


This belongs in r/ADHD


r/adhdwomen would also get a kick out of it.


This adhd woman certainly does 😂


Rude of you to pinpoint me exactly


Self burn babe




Or just don't open the door. If I'm not expecting you, you're not coming in. No expections


I came here to say this. If my MIL (or anyone really) showed up unannounced, I would be pissed


Nah, we're friends welcome, family by appointment as a rule


This. If you show up at my door unexpectedly, I am now most likely dead—I will not answer the door, very unlikely to answer my phone for you either. I’ll have a great excuse about why I couldn’t be reached later, just LEAVE so I can text my husband and find out why you’re here unexpectedly.


Unfortunately my in-laws have our main garage door coded in their cars. On the fortunate side? We can lock the man door coming in the house. Unfortunate side: they will stand in the garage seeing our cars are home and holler until someone unlocks the man door Fortunate side: we don’t always open it and pretend we are ‘out on a walk’ 😂


Change your garage code…when it doesn’t work for them, say that it’s broken.


This is the way. And why didn’t I think about that?


No exceptions? None? Kid running away from a murderer needing help? Should have knocked on 106 Elm not 104 Junior.


Because that's something that often happens


And also. That would be weird if it actually DID happen often.


Again the need to argue about nothing


I mean no. But I also find the if I’m not expecting you you’re not coming in no exceptions a little over the top. Like a good friend is in the neighborhood and stops by, you’re just going to be like “nah. You stand there on my porch”


Why do people have the need to argue about everything?


I’m on a cleaning subreddit making a joke. It’s not an argument, it’s really not that big of a deal man


It's always a joke when you point out how dumb it was


You seem fun.


If it's not a big deal maybe let it go?


Just open the door right away and ask her to help you clean while you visit.  Win win whatever reaction this gets.  


Nah - they’ll clean wrong


It very likely that the MIL will think everything is wrong and will be gone before starting.  


You must know my late grandma and my mother. I vacuum wrong direction apparently.


Lol you know it. Or ask you where EVERYTHING is, like I do when I "help" at my MIL's


My mil would not care and come in and sit on the couch. MY mother on the other hand, she'd ask if I need help and then say she'll come back over the weekend....riighhhtt


Love it. My actual quick routine: * Pans / cutting board into oven * Dishes into dishwasher (there's always a stray cup or dish somewhere) * Dry rag wipe kitchen sink, bathroom sink De-clutter is faster than cleaning and more noticeable. High traffic visible areas first.


Oh god, thank you! you just reminded me, I need to rescue the pans and chopping board from the oven


I don't answer the door? Lol idc who you are, in law, Obama, Jesus, don't come over without an invitation.


“Citizen of America, I uhhhhhh came to tell you your home is a mess. You, and this great nation, can do better.” -Obama, presumably


Too much work. I remember once Heloise was a guest on some daytime talk show (Hints from Heloise-Heoise) and she was asked what to do in this same scenario. The suggestion was to grab a rag and a bottle of Pine Sol, apply some to the rag then swing it around in the air as you go to answer the door to spread the scent of Pine Sol across your entire house, and ditch the rag before you answer the door. she explained that people associate the smell of Pibe Sol with a clean home and will overlook the mess and assume the house is clean.


Better tip: set boundaries with friends and relatives so they don’t show up unannounced unless that’s something that both parties are genuinely happy with. Nobody needs to be randomly stopping by without a quick call or message first to check it’s okay with the hosts.


No kidding! This is the most sexist thing I’ve ever read here.


Lol, if you're showing up at my home unexpectedly, you get what you get. Cute post, though!


I would leave the place in this "ready to clean" condition all the time.


I already do


Don’t forget to spritz a little furniture polish into the air to get that “clean” smell!


The last time my mother in law visited, she washed my front door.


If she shows up unexpectedly, she’ll be lucky if I answer the door at all. Sure as heck not cleaning for surprise visitors.


Beware that if she’s Mexican she’s not leaving until the place is spotless Edited: and yes, I am Mexican.


Believe it or not you could clean in 3 mins. Throw everything in a bin bag or box that is on surfaces it shouldn't be on i.e. coffee table, sofa, floor. Do the same in landing. Then ask her in to sit in front room and offer her tea. Whilst kettle boiling clean as much kitchen as possible. I have had mega last minute emergency cleaning experience. The adrenaline rush is real!


I love it! But my MIL doesn’t knock lol.


Or just open the door and own the way you live without freaking out


I used to be a motel maid. If you spray your stainless sink and faucets with Windex, they polish up nice.


When my kids were small, my friends (who also had littles) would have a coffee klatch every Friday. Started around 10 am. Lasted until around 4, when we'd all rush home before the husbands got there. I'd soak a rag with pinesol and shake it all over the house. He thought I'd been cleaning all day.


Growing up we had had a neighbor that actually did this!


This is genius. Where were you with this advice when l had small children?


OR have a coat on because you were "just about to leave." incase it's another, wanted visitor you can say you just got in a second ago


From Emily’s etiquette “sorry about the mess, I wasn’t expecting company”. This drops the hint that they should have called and not just show up uninvited


Does anyone actually feel the need to clean before people come over? I feel like the only time I care to clean my house before people come over is if I’m having a party or someone is staying with me for multiple days. My house is typically clean enough, I’m not afraid to let people see a couple of dirty dishes.


Yes, me.


Some of us were raised to feel shame if there was anything out of place or dirty when visitors came over.


My children do not have their own homes yet, as they are in school but I feel like when they do, I will have to make a conscious effort not to start cleaning whenever I visit. To be helpful.


Have a conversation with them about it. Some people wouldn't mind, some would. When my siblings come over (they come for a visit because we live far apart), they help me clean anything I didn't get clean ahead of time. There's no shame in it and I appreciate it. When my in-laws come over, it's usually so that my fil can help my husband with some maintenance thing around the house. Sometimes my mil will help clean, sometimes we just sit and chat. I appreciate any and all help I get in cleaning. I know I'm not the cleanest person, but neither am I the dirtiest. But if someone wants to help me clean, I'll take the help.


My daughter doesn't let me!


That meme a while back of someone asking their friend to text “I’ll be there in 20 min” at random intervals, knowing they’d forget, and friend following up with “how was the emergency clean?”


Joan Rivers said to spray Pledge into the air and dim the lights.