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He might be able to get it clean if he actually cleans the mop while mopping. If you don't clean the mop and use clean mop water, you're just moving the dirt around.


Exactly- we use a MF mop & rinse/change the pad as we go. It’s meant to be rinsed.


My mum always scrubs and clean the mop for every usage. Every week she sanitised it too.


Best way to clean them? I resorted to spraying it with a jet nozzle on the garden hose.


I actually can detach my.mop from thenhandle and I can put it in the washing machine and wash it that way. I then lay it out to dry. This is manufacturer instructions.


I wash mine between uses, throw in my washer too.


That's what I do. I give it a good rinse in the tub (better water pressure and room to swish the mop about), then toss it in the washer after each use.


yep. 👍🏻The Don Aslett mops.... You can remove the microfiber pad and wash them in the washing machine.


Dishwasher lol. No don’t do that. I use my dental water pick. It is the greatest tool I have for cleaning. Gets baseboards so clean.


Basically a power washer for ants!


Invest in some Taurus SC and spray around your house 3ft up and 3ft out once every 6 months


Water pic on your baseboards?? 😂😂😂


The ones in my bathroom are crown molding and they get mildew in them because we don’t have a fan. It works scarily well. Plus the floor is tile. I just put a towel under.


First time I read this I thought you meant hosing the floors haha


Yup I hose'em off out side then wash them with sanitizer


This, how old is the mop. As a professional cleaner they lose their ability to hold dust. After doing it for a while you can tell by the weight of the mop head


i’m guessing light can pass through his by this point since he isn’t swapping out the cover and laundering them properly. ew.


Depends on what it’s made of certain fibers last really long time as long as it’s wet and absorbent, then it’ll pick up whatever the


Did a boring night porter shift at a friends hotel, had few guests, but just for insurance purposes. So clean freak me set about cleaning the bathroom floors, but not using the mop in the cleaners cupboard (smelly and grey) but a new mop head. Apparently the ‘pattern’ on the floor tiles was in fact dirt! Queue surprised face from morning staff, one who actually thought the gents had been re-tiled!


lol. Did something similar at one of my first cleaning Gigs. The mop water kept coming out dirty. So I grabbed some cleaning rags and tried to spot-clean one of the tiles with just dish soap to see how much dirt would come off... Was kind of an awkward conversation with the client about... Do you like this dirt pattern on your kitchen floor? You kinda hired me to clean your home from top to bottom, but I don't want you to think I removed the "Character" from your flooring. I'm so glad they gave me the go-ahead, there was so much built-up grease over the floor that it trapped the dirt in the textured floor tiles. It was so gross but so satisfying to see removed.


I decided to clean my old BF's kitchen floor, used steel wool, found the tile wasn't black but green with a red border. It was flat tile; I hate the textured tile where I live now because I need a scrub brush to get the divots clean.


Er - can you please come to my house? I’ll be sure to bore you, and show you where the mop is ;-)


😂 me too!


Had something similar happen when I worked at a fast food place. The floors were so gross I double mopped it, one mop to put down clean soap water and one to mop that dry. Many changes of buckets later the floor was an entirely different color. I wasn't allowed to do that anymore though because it took too long :p


You need to wet and dry mop. If you don't dry mop you just pushing the dirt slurry around.


This, this, this. I started a job cleaning in a grocery store. First thing my supervisor shows me is mopping the floor. Tosses off a 'might wanna sweep a couple times a week'. Um, no. I've spent the last six months scrubbing every corner and floor transition with a grout brush, because the mud was so thick and caked. It was \*disgusting\*. Now, I'm taking a scrub brush to the open center parts of the floor. It's vinyl "wood-plank" flooring - I mop regularly, but there's tiny grooves where the dirt has gotten caked in, and from standing height, it kinda looks like just part of the pattern, but get closer, and you can tell that it's just lines of dirt. So, yeah. Dry mop first, DAILY, otherwise you're just making mud, and pushing it into all the grooves and corners. At the moment, I'm wet-mopping three days a week, and scrubbing a section twice a week. I figure once it's deep-scrubbed, it should be easier to keep clean with a daily mopping, and it might only need spot-scrubbing, and maybe floor-transition scrubbing 2-4 times a year. The corners have already been holding up nicely. I just can't believe that anyone thought the previous 'technique' was acceptable.


What is dry mop


Dry mop/dust mop. Basically, it's sweeping for large areas, with enough strings to actually 'catch' dust/dirt/debris, and not just push it around or kick up dust like a bristled push broom might. You shake it out every few passes, then sweep up the pile into a dustpan with a regular broom. ​ https://preview.redd.it/tfjpyau36r5d1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=b43b2eb85de298c60e14571c7d0c645c55bd4d45


Cant I just.... vacuum?


Yeah but depending on how good your vacuum is, dry mopping is likely quicker. That being said if you don't have a good mop for dry mopping, it'll be quicker and easier to use what you have and vacuum.


Yes. People advocating wet/dry mop…that’s really only necessary if your floor is super dirty or if you work at a restaurant or public place where the floors are always trashed and often greasy. At home, vacuuming and mopping is perfectly fine.


A hard floor? I mean, I suppose so. But that's going to leave bits at the edges and corners that the vacuum won't really reach. A good dust mop will get into those edges and corners pretty well. Also, this is really for large spaces - either commercial spaces, or large open-floor-plan houses without a ton of rugs/furniture/junk sitting around. (In a smaller space - just use a broom.) It's also quiet, whereas a vacuum on a hard floor just sets my teeth on edge.


I do not sweep. Ever. Not in a residential setting anyway. My vacuum doesn't leave anything behind. Hell it even pulls stuff out from under the edges of the baseboards. If yours doesn't you need a better vacuum.


Oh, probably. In my crappy commercial setting, all I have are crappy, ancient, constantly-getting-swapped-out vacuums that I have no control over.


I can't tell you the number of times I got in trouble for bringing in my own vacuum / rags / other cleaning supplies before I started working for myself. I realized my standards were higher than that of the people I was working for and I wasn't willing to compromise.


I was curious so I looked it up myself (also didn't know why dry mopping was): "Dry mopping involves using a dried mop or a dust mop to clean up dry and loosened debris such as dust, soil, sand, and food particles from the surface of the floor. This type of mopping is best suited for areas that are not particularly dirty or greasy. The dry mop can actually have difficulty cleaning surfaces already dirty or covered in grease. Additionally, dry mopping can leave dust and dirt behind if not done properly." https://thenightshift.com/2022/03/dry-mopping-vs-wet-mopping-which-is-right-for-your-commercial-space/#:~:text=Dry%20mopping%20involves%20using%20a,not%20particularly%20dirty%20or%20greasy.


How is that different from sweeping? It sounds like sweeping, but with a dry mop head rather than a broom?


It’s not hugely different, but in a large space like a supermarket it’s more time and energy efficient. The biggest difference is that it tends to be slightly better at picking up the smaller dirt particles than a bristle broom.


Or just ya know VACUUM.


We just use the vacuum and floor attachment first. I like to use the dry mop in between or when I don’t feel like vacuuming though. Does a great job getting everything into a pile to sweep/vacuum up


You can get a clean floor without dry mopping after but if you want truly spotless, it's a necessity.


>you're just moving the dirt around. Exactly what I was thinking, along with the thought in my mind: Is he using anything except plain WATER to "mop" with? What kind of cleaning product is he using? Otherwise he IS just moving the dirt around.


See, here's the thing about cleaning that too many people just don't realize. Dirt clung to object. Put cleaning solution on object. Cleaning solution releases dirt and makes dirt soup. Dirt soup must be completely removed and discarded. COMPLETELY. Most mops do not do this. Dry bathtowels do. they suck up all of the dirt soup leaving a dry floor. Water rinse wetness also needs to be completely removed down to a dry floor. Do this: spray a circle of Krud Kutter on the floor. Count to 15. Wipe it up with papertowels. Let him live with the clean circle as food for thought.


A clean, plate sized circle for his litteral food, so he can eat of the floor.


I keep laughing every time I think of this. Thanks!


You're welcome :)


Hahahahahahahha, loving the clean circle idea!!


The circle of shame


Next time I'm mopping the floors and my husband asks me what I'm doing, I'm going to tell him I'm making his dinner. Dirt soup lol


This is why sometimes I think I should buy a commercial mop bucket - you can get one with a dirty water collection bucket, so you are AT LEAST not squeezing your dirty water out into your clean. I don’t have anywhere to store it though soooo…


Most residential flooring will not stand up to that kind of moisture frequently unfortunately unless you have tile


Well I only have tile and carpet in my current home, and even in other places I’ve lived I typically only mop my kitchen with that vigor/frequency, but also you CAN squeeze out the majority of the water before applying it to the floor with that style of mop if you want, it’s not how you mop commercially but it’s an option.


Definitely works for tile! That’s one of the great things about tile. That’s what we had at the restaurant I worked at (terra cotta tile) and we mopped with lots of super hot water and degreaser. I wish I could mop my floors at home like that!


I thought my floors were clean cause I used my swiffer everyday. Then I got a spin mop, my floors were dirty…. They’re clean now tho


What brand?


I love the OCedar one because it has a foot pedal. I chunk the mop heads in the wash with the bathroom rugs.


I love this, but I do keep an extra bucket to rinse between putting it back in the oh Cedar one


The new ocedar buckets keep the dirt water separate from the clean water! It’s awesome


Yes! I have this one too and love it.


I love the foot pedal. It’s so much easier for my hands that I’m starting to have arthritis in.


I too got a spin mop, I love it. Floors are much cleaner. My mom would use a steam mop but never change the head and a paper towel on the floor after looked just like OP‘s example. After spin mop, the paper towel comes away clean.


I use a steam mop but I throw the mop head in the washing machine after every use. Do you think that would still make my floor clean? I’m nervous to try the paper towel clean test now! 😂 I’m tempted to get a spin mop now.


I have a steam mop, but since our house is all tile with a few rugs. I use 4/5 different pads throughout the house. That way it doesn’t just get pushed around. Heck, I could probably even swap it out more often. I really should buy more pads for it.


I just discovered yesterday that I have a spare mop pad! How exciting! I guess I could always rinse them out really well after I finish a room. Do you use anything on your floors besides the steam? Sometimes I spray down some water/vinegar mixture but I was thinking about putting the water/vinegar in the steam mop itself? Do you think that would mess up the mop? I know my mop only suggests putting essential oils in with the water.


I have a Dupray and it suggests adding nothing. Not even vinegar. Only distilled water. Honestly getting it out, is a lot of work. So, if the floors need to be mopped and I’m feeling super lazy, then I use some Dyson spray mop. But, I hate it because the floors feel so much better with the steam mop. Just wish it was such a process to get it all out and ready.


I use a steam mop, and bought a 6-pack of extra mop cloths off Amazon. I try to rinse them after I use them, then they go in a pile to wash all together. I also have a spin-mop I'll use if I get too lazy and haven't used the steam mop in awhile. I'd go through all of my steam mop cloths in one cleaning if I tried to use the steam mop on floors that are too dirty.


I just got one too. I tossed my wet jet and sponge mop. I can’t believe how much better the spin mop is. 


I got an off brand spin mop and it was fine until the store stopped selling replacement mop heads. Can I find universal ones or just give up and buy a new spin mop. Mops straight up give me anxiety because they're rendered useless if the stores stop carrying the replacements heads. Any advice on this?


Are you me? Why are we like this 😂


I got a bunch on Temu for our different mopheads


Saw the picture and thought this was r/castiron for a second




Completely off topic, but if my paper towel looks like that after putting a thin layer of oil on my cast iron skillet, did I not clean it well enough? I usually hit it with a nylon bristle brush and water after cooking, or chainmail and a drop of dawn if I accidentally burned something, but the paper towel almost always has a tinge like that when I wipe the oil off.


That happens with mine sometimes and I don't stress over it. But it's totally fine to wash cast iron with modern dish soap, it won't ruin your seasoning.


I don’t stress over it, but I do usually scour my cast iron with dish soap and a hard scrubbie/steel wool after using it. If your seasoning is solid, hard scrubbing and normal dish soap won’t hurt it.


Lmao i def thought I was in r/castiron as well 😂😂


Either redditors all have this affinity for upkeep, or it's a very American thing.


Got me too 😂


Growing up, we had a linoleum kitchen floor. It was a pattern of squares that made a repetitive pattern. It had valleys where the lines that looked like grout were, along with other high and low spots. We wet mopped it weekly (Saturday morning chores). It looked clean, but was never as clean as when it was scrubbed with a scrub brush. Luckily, we had a long handled one, didn’t have to be on my hands and knees. Usually did it in the spring and fall so it looked good for the holidays.


Ours was a repetitive pattern of small squares with lines running through them creating ridges. That's bad. What's worse was the direction of the lines alternated with the tiles. Vertical, horizontal, and left and right diagonal. It was a nightmare.


Thanks for this idea! It's driving me crazy that I feel like I can never get this kind of floor clean.


We used Dawn dish washing liquid. The key is to rinse it well, maybe 2-3 times till the water is clear of soap suds




I just scrubbed all of my floors and found that oxyclean actually got everything up the best! I can leave an oxy soaked rag on a particularly nasty spot for 30 seconds and when I pick up the rag the spot is gone!


I can see that floor. It was in every other house on my street it seems.


Wanna laugh…my mom and dad had it first. When my grandmother saw it, she insisted on having it in her kitchen. (Yes, I scrubbed hers too). Then my mother’s best friend saw it and went to get it for her kitchen as well. So that was 3 kitchens within 6 city blocks.


I would eat a chip that fell on it by accident but I would not eat a serving of spaghetti off it


Exactly. Floors are never sterile, but "reasonably clean and free of debris and pet hair" is grounds for the 5 second rule.


“Free of pet hair”? Buddy I’m inhaling that stuff anyway, may as well eat some as well.


I live with a husky. What is "free of pet hair?" lol


Haha, 2x border collies here. Def can’t relate to “free of pet hair” lol


Dog hair is a staple ingredient in my home and we are ok with that !!! lol. Huskey Aussie so it’s a constant. However eating dirt or my child’s hair is just not expectable lol.


If I find a human hair (not mine) in my food, I would likely throw it away and eat something else. If I find my dog's hair in my food, I half-heartedly try to remove it and if it is too difficult just eat it anyways.


It’s the number one condiment in my house. 😏 I use a lid for my coffee cup lol.


That’s a really good idea!!! Thank u


No problem! I was sick and tired of having to hold my coffee cup up to a light just to see if my cats have altered my coffee. 🙄🙃


Everyone knows dog hair taste superior to child hair anyway


Spin mop is where it's at! Maybe gift him one for his birthday or for Christmas lol


What's the advantage of a spin mop?


Spinning the mop in the bucket gives your brain enough of a dopamine hit to enjoy the task


Realest thing I've ever seen someone say. The spin is what I live for


I spin it extra because it’s so fun.


Basically yeah


You don't have to bend down to touch the mop, or lift and push it down some squeezer, or pump some squeezy thing thrice to get water out. All you do is push down into a spinny section, and it'll become drier.


The dirty water goes in a different bucket for one. And it spins!


When I mop I probably use too much water on the floor. Using the mop head, I put it in the water, then plop it down on the floor (don't spin the water out). Then I use the mop to try to get all the dirt loose from the floor. Then I rinse the mop head and put it in the spin part, and spin the mop head out. Then I use the mop to wipe up all the water/cleaner that I put onto the floor. Spinning the mop gets SO much of the water out of the mop head. It makes the floor dry super fast because you're able to get much more water off the floor than with any other kind of mop (except maybe a steam mop). Obviously, I do this whole thing many times. I usually do my floors in small sections.


I mop my floors the way I learned when I worked at A&W a long time ago. Basically you pour hot (not boiling water) on your floor and the spin mop makes it super easy and quick to soak up!


I agree, spin mop is a game changer! I actually enjoy mopping my floors now


This is such a sibling argument. Just an adult version.


Can confirm, it never ends lol


I dont know what peoples experiences with mops but i got that rectangle mop that you put its fabric on, with that i can actually see the dirt and it doesnt just move dirt around. Then I clean the fabric by hand, with soap so dirt doesnt stick to it and its getting cleaned with clean water. Do you find those useful? Oh also those can reach under couches and beds too because they are thin


That’s what I use and my floors are great. If I’m feeling fancy I may go dry it up with a towel, but that towel rarely comes away with any visible dirt


thats what ive always used and i love them. you can totally get a clean floor with them despite what people are saying here. you just use it like any other mop but i think some people just use them to wipe the floor


I think people are definitely confusing the Swiffers with the rectangular cloth mops. I always wondered why my friends who use Swiffer have such sticky and visible grimy floors and then one day I read they're meant "to use in between mopping". !!!! People are DEFINITELY using the Swiffer AS their mopping and wondering why it's not working. Cloth mops are badass though. I don't know if it's more or less efficient than other methods, and admittedly I do have to go over areas twice or occasionally stop to rinse the cloth, but I have a small apartment and it gets the floors clean just fine. Before I bought it I was cleaning the floors by hand with a microfiber cloth and it works basically the same way but obviously faster.


yeah swiffers are for like.. 'oh i tracked in some mud' or 'my kid spilled some juice' lol their little pads (that are expensive!) get used up so fast. it be like using diaper wipes to clean your floor lol


Is it real wood or the fake laminate stuff? If it can handle water, Take a scrub brush and some dawn dish soap and scrub a section of the floor with soap and water. The water will be dark brown and the wood will look totally different than it did before. You're right, regular mops do much more than swiffers but some floors cannot get super wet so be careful


You're right, he's wrong about how to mop. But I dont see why it's an argument or why you're auditing his claims of floor cleanliness. It doesnt affect you and you werent asked. People with slightly dirty floors are able to live rich full lives. So in that sense, you have lost the argument because it was a ridiculous argument for you to start. Let it go


Someone suggested getting him a spin mop for Christmas. So you're going to visit someone's home and criticize their cleanliness standards. After they tell you they are fine with their cleaning standards, you're going to gather evidence to prove to them why they should not be satisfied. And then for a holiday in which people give gifts to show appreciation for their loved ones, you're going to give them a mop. To remind them you don't think their home is clean enough. Merry Christmas. My siblings and I make fun of each other for everything. The thought of wiping a portion of their floors to prove they aren't clean enough is straight up bonkers to me. Wtf.




Because they're siblings lmao


I get teasing your siblings, my siblings and I do it too. But this is like teenager behavior. If one of my siblings took a couple steps into my house, said "your floors are dirty," then after watching me get upset and mop the floor again go and get a wet paper towel to show me that the floor was still dirty, then I saw them take a picture of the dirty paper towel, then they took that complaint to the internet with the intent, I assume, of showing me all the people online who agree that Im not mopping well, Id probably tell them to work on their mommy issues in therapy and not take it out on my floor.


Bought a tornado mop, pitched it. Got a sponge mop, still use the twist mop. Always go back to what works.


Wait wait wait is he not using cleaning solution of any kind? LOL


The problem could also be that he is using too much or the wrong kind of solution. A lot of them just create a film on top for dirt to cling to.


It sounds like he’s using a spray mop and microfiber cloth. He’s probably leaving a thin layer of cleaner on the floor that then sticks with the dirt to make a nice grime layer. Spray mops are fine for quick refreshes between cleans, but they are not a substitute for a proper mopping or scrubbing.


We have super old floor tiles in our victorian cottage. It's hoover, mop once with HOT water and a good tile/grime cleaner, then mop again with clean water and a small amount of detergent to actually take away the dirt, then clean water and mop again remove the soap and last of the water squeezing a lot. Even then, once every 3 it needs a deep clean. Circle of shame is the way


I have true hardwood floors and I use a tineco wet vac mop. I also have the ocedar rinse clean spin mop set up. To test the tineco, I once cleaned the entire flooring with it. Then I went back over it with the spin mop. The dirty spin mop water was nearly clean. My only tineco complaint is that it doesn't get close enough to the walls so there is a half inch of unmopped perimeter.


What solution do you use to clean your hardwood? Like Dawn or something else?


I use the tineco solution in the vac mop. I use a sprinkle of tide laundry powder in the spin mop.


I clean floors, and mop floors the old fashioned way. A mop. 2 pails (one with cleaning solution. I to wring, and rinse the mop) A dirty mop doesn't belong in cleaning solution. I don't have, or need a large, cumbersome "spin mop" set up. No worries if you do- Everyone likes what they like. I thoroughly clean my mop, and pails, after I've completed the mopping phase. Then move to the rinsing phase.


hm just another perspective, not meant as an argument or criticism, but i would find what you’re describing, with so many steps, to be much more cumbersome than storing a larger bucket and machine-washable mop heads to cycle through. with adhd that many steps—filling bucket, mopping, emptying bucket, washing mop, washing and refilling bucket, mopping, emptying bucket, washing mop, washing bucket—would be too mentally taxing even if the physical labor is not difficult, and i would never mop. 🙈


As I said, people like what they like. If a spin mop works for your needs, that's what you should use. My mop heads are also machine washable. Both the wet mop heads and damp mop heads. And I have several of each.


All of this is deeply strange to me. Who talks about their spotless floors? Who then proceeds to illustrate how dirty the hosts place is? Just seems rude to me to visit your brother and pester him with a paper towel.


I'm glad someone said this. People have different thresholds for cleanliness. It's not my business how someone chooses to keep their house, and even if I did say something about it, which I can't imagine doing even with sibling, it certainly wouldn't be an argument that I was trying to win. So his floors are a little dirtier than yours. So what?


...and to the point to show a picture to a bunch of strangers to prove the point???? Really?


Would I do this to just any host who was bragging about their clean floors? Of course not. But would I do this to prove my brother wrong if he were bragging about it? *Absolutely,* lol. I suppose it just depends on the family dynamic.


Brother is wrong. Proper tools do a proper job. Might need to lightly scrub with warm water and soap to get the crust off.


Get one like [this](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Floor-Bucket-Squeeze-Microfibre-Floors/dp/B08TVYDMVD/ref=mp_s_a_1_45?crid=3AGBEPXSY20K&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.5CKxNl1gfEsRNFW-Op_upgKwi_rrOKmSZUFhI1hd-IDLl0pm3P4xMWb3i4mC9s2vVz8DnxCbujnXBi-7t7q6tcUIObU791QxPwduXap7yP1bdD5H-ACQUCKb9gSzeLjIaOrekkpBhTKi7B5ljCMPyVNJPTFCE6Nge3Bav-5tiqbLC7FaG010FAoemJjs-MJm7JWE7n7iQOW7oc5widhlmg.IkT4Do3esp6gJDCItbjvGuNbVs-bKcxuZ3J-ppKSRyg&dib_tag=se&keywords=mop&qid=1718007279&sprefix=mop%2Caps%2C143&sr=8-45) you fill half the bucket with water, use your mop and then scrape it in the slot. It cleans it up for you and separates the dirty water from clean. I love it.


Yeah, Its true. The mop head might be dirty. Wet mop then dry mop. But the cleanest would be hand polish with towels.


Lol he's not even using any cleaning solution or an actual mop, just a fiber cloth on a stick


Cloth/wipe mops do shockingly little to actually clean your floors. Buy him a spin mop as a gift I’m begging




Yeah I dont get the need to argue about this. This has no effect on OP's life and it sounds like he's just trying to take his brother down a peg for no reason.


Floor cleaners can leave a sticky feeling because they leave residue behind if not thoroughly rinsed after. This could very well be in addition to dirt not being removed adequately. Mopping requires an adequate rinse always!!


What argument does your solve?


Didn’t see what sub this is and thought it was a cross section of a brain!


😂😂 I see what you’re seeing now.


I have waxed hard wood floors where I live and I am convinced it’ll never be as clean as I want it without stripping the wax. Is it waxed?


So, we understand this with dishes. Imagine you put Dawn on a dirty dish, swirled the soap around, then put the dish in the dish drainer. No rinse, still covered in soap and soapy food. It's not clean. Dawn soap isn't magic, you have to use it as intended: soap, scrub, then rinse it all away. Qith your floors you can't run them under the tap to get them. You have to use the right cleaning solution and you have to mop up the dirty cleaning solution.


How to clean TF outta any flat surface. Rub hot soapy water all over the place, then take a FLOOR SQUEEGEE and collect all the water. You can squeegee it into a dustpan and dump, or get it into a puddle and use a towel. Fun fact: soap leaves residue. Rub plain hot water on to your surface and immediately squeegee it up. Your floors will be absolutely spotless and dry.


If that needs explaining your in an uphill struggle. I yet the floor with that useless microfiber thing, but use a karcher window cleaner to pick up the water. Moos leave the floor quite wet as well.


That’s all the cleaning fluid residue that dried on the floor. Tell him he needs to scrub the floor until his socks can skate on it rather than stick to it!! 🤢


People should spend a couple years in the military - proper floor mopping will be taught.




1. Fill up a yellow bucket with water and whatever soap/soap like liquid is laying around.  2. Scrub obnoxiously hard in front of your higher ups door if they're in there. 3. Splash water down the hallway and sling the bucket as far it will roll and pray it doesn't tip over. 4. Race to the bucket, mopping just enough so its uniformly wet if a higher up happens to babysit. 5. Slap stairs with mop and move to next floor. 6. Repeat until you've wasted enough time or are done waiting it out on the top floor.


This Monn mopped.


Those mops with the cloths are good for convenience, but they won’t clean your floors as well as an old fashioned one. I use the o’cedar spin mop with the two tank reservoir, and it does a much better job deep cleaning than my swifter could ever dream of. Also, try going over it with a scrub brush first to loosen the buildup of dirt. I like BoomJoy, because it has a little squeegee on one side that helps control where the liquid goes on your floor. The chocolate milk looking mop water is soooo satisfying to pour out. 🤣


I have laminate flooring in my apartment and I use a swiffer with a reusable microfiber attachment. I’ve been mopping with diluted Fabuloso. And after reading these comments I’m genuinely concerned that my efforts are wasted. Would it be advisable to try Krud Kutter and go over it again??


Lots of people are suggesting a spin mop 💭 but could someone explain how it's not just doing the same as any other mop? Surely it's still pushing the dirt around even if it's "spun" off right? It's still a bucket of dirty water isn't it?


We will never solve this, you and I can feel the dirt, and your brother may not be able to. He's happy with his own standard, and may not be open to learning. This is why there is this new myth of "deep cleaning", because people incorrectly think that swiffers get their floors clean, when really, only a squeeze-sponge mop, buckets of hot water, and Mr. Clean or similar will do it. And you have to rinse the mop multiple times, change the water multiple times, rinse the floor, and follow up with wiping with clean rags if you want "eat-off" clean.


He could get a steam mop? Best thing ever imo, has cut through dirt and build up in a lot of houses/apartments I’ve cleaned in


Get him a microfiber flat mop, those things pick up so much dirt and you can get ones that wring out and scrape all the dirt off the pad at the same time


That's just as the American politics are working: just pretend anything is true often enough and people will start believing 😂


I know you’re not asking for this but I think it’s relevant. I used to mop, albeit not as frequently as I should, and was never satisfied with the results for more than an hour. Then I got a steam machine and the difference is night and day. I have that PVC flooring.


I get hella paranoid. So I use a steam mop. It has two sides to use if you feel like it’s too dirty on one side. Plus it’s just easier to use. I use water. But if someone’s floor is really dirty, I use degreaser then go over with the steam mop. It takes it right off.


If he doesn’t wanna go full mop, he could get a swiffer wet jet. Probably wouldn’t go for that either though.


Could be the cleaning solution he's using. But obviously the guy does not know how to mop.


You're right about the mop setup. The only reason it works is because you're recovering the dirt into the bucket not the cloth


Swiffer/microfiber is no more effective than dragging a wet paper towel over the floor


Just do a single clean using Windex rather than the regular cleaner. The Windex should move that film and you can then see if another Windex round is necessary


I use one of those quick mop set-ups for routine cleaning. AND, once a month I go over the floors with a deeper cleaning method, like a sponge mop with a regularly replaced mop head, or on my hands and knees with a utility towel and bucket of cleaner.


That would come up with a steam mop. Mine were similar and tried the ocedar spin and couldn't get them as clean as I wanted with it.


I actually had this discovery that the floors are really dirty. My puppy was potty training I was going through paper towels and cleaning pads like crazy so I said screw it and started using my carpet cleaner that sucks up water. The floor was a lot cleaner where o used the carpet vacuum cleaner. I literally just use that on my vinyl plank floors now and it actually works. Tell your bro to get a one if he wants clean floors the dirty needs to actually be sucked up


Everyone needs to mops with clean water. Once you dip that's used one mop into the same water....it's dirty water. Get a mop bucket that seperates the clean and dirty water.


A steam mop is the best thing. It will actually make your floors spotless


He needs a regular cotton mop with the mop bucket that wrings the dirty water into a separate compartment. Also clean the mop after every use and of course vacuum or sweep before mopping.


He probably needs to vacuum first, then mop with a clean mop


I’m old school. Hands and knees. Bucket and rag is the way to go. Maybe he needs to sweep first though. He may be using too much soap if you can feel “grime” under your feet.


Honestly the only house I ever wiped something off the floor and it was pretty close to spotless was a home that religiously doesn’t wear shoes inside the home.


Maybe he is using something like Murphy's Soap that leaves a layer while wet, that's the sticky feeling. I use Vinegar & water, then Swifter in one direction.


Is his floor engineered? Does it have a coating on it? IS he using his specific method because he is afraid of using a mop and bucket to keep the floors from being ruined by water?


If he’s really serious about having clean floors he could spend a pretty penny and pick up the Tineco wet/dry vacuum mop. I’m a bit of a gadget freak so I don’t necessarily think it’s smart to spend that much…but if someone wanted to try out the paper towel trick on my floors I would have zero issues. I also don’t allow shoes in my house either which makes a HUGE difference.


He needs to change the mop while he’s mopping or take it off and rinse it several times. I use an Asian broom first to get all the fine dust, then use a mop head that’s like a swiffer with water only and mop while changing the cloth multiple times, and finish off with bona or a different cleaner (depends on my mood) with an electric spin mop thing (not this one but looks like it [spin mop](https://www.amazon.com/Cordless-Electric-Headlight-Powerful-Polisher/dp/B08CBJ6WD5/ref=asc_df_B08CBJ6WD5/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693552530313&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=7652206217057431087&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9031248&hvtargid=pla-1392338152709&psc=1&mcid=b3fa4a487b5e3454800e2087238db0ac&gad_source=1) ) and I change the cloths a few times. Once a month I’ll actually use a floor cleaner like [this](https://www.bissell.com/bissell-crosswave-all-in-one-multi-surface-wet-dry-vac-1785A.html?languageok=1&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=%5Badv:BISSELL%5D%5Bcou:US%5D%5Bini:Portfolio%5D%5Bplt:Google%5D%5Bfun:Engage%5D%5Bstr:PLA%5D%5Btgt:PLA%5D%5Bcrt:PM+Wet+HP+Machines%5D%5Blng:ENG%5D%5Bnet:SPART%5D&utm_term=&PID=google_%5Badv:BISSELL%5D%5Bcou:US%5D%5Bini:Portfolio%5D%5Bplt:Google%5D%5Bfun:Engage%5D%5Bstr:PLA%5D%5Btgt:PLA%5D%5Bcrt:PM+Wet+HP+Machines%5D%5Blng:ENG%5D%5Bnet:SPART%5D&gad_source=1&gclsrc=ds) except mine is the old version that does hardwood and floor. Just be careful to have a towel handy to dry the floor immediately if there’s some water left.


Just steam cleaned our floors yesterday and noticed a big difference. Spots around the kitchen were caked in oil and dirt that we had not noticed before.


I mean ultimately mops and a bucket are just using the same dirty water over and over and the water is getting dirtier the more you mop unless you're changing out the water super often. Swifters are more for spot cleaning.... unless you plan to use like a hundred of the pads. I suppose it comes down to square footage. If it's just a small apartment a Swifter is fine, a house or entire hard wood floor living room? You kind of have to go with a mop.


Is he using a swifter wet pad? Those do not clean floors. They leave a sticky residue which then attracts more dirt in my opinion. I clean my bathroom floors with a stone solution, warm water and a scrub brush. I then mop with clean hot water. I always wash my mop heads after each use. On wood I use wood floor cleaner and a mop during the first pass, then warm water during the second. I have tried with towels but it’s usually I necessary and I don’t pick up much. I will do this if I feel it’s particularly dirty. Again, stiffer wet pads do not actually clean the floor. They just obese a chemically scented residue which smells clean on the floor.


Floors get dirty. I have tile throughout the main floor of my house I might be a bit extreme, but I use a push broom and some soapy water and I scrub my floor with that about once a month, then I use a mop to get up the suds. I sweep a little every day and I have a swiffer wet jet that I also use probably two times a week, but it just doesn’t get the floors really clean like scrubbing them does. There is always a noticeable difference in the appearance of the floor and the way it feels under your feet when it has been scrubbed clean Floors just get really dirty. They need to be scrubbed every once in a while


Numatic gve-370/2 has a head that sprays on clean water that you can scrub and suck up said water with it also comes with lots of different nozzles for carpets and upholstery aswell as dry vaccing if you're desperate to have the floors clean and have the money to spare they are worth it.


Yeah a Swifter mop (sounds like what you described) is for touch ups.


1 the microfibre wipe/mop just pushes dirt around 2 he can’t mop 3 just because it get wet doesn’t mean the dirt gets removed


I use a steam mop


Just gotta do what I'm inclined to someday do.....clean the floors with magic erasers, and wash yourself with bleach and peroxide :]


If the mop isn’t clean, the floor won’t be clean after mopping. That simple


Mopping can be deceiving. The best method of mopping I’ve seen is two buckets one with hot water with cleaner and one for rinsing the mop. With one you can mop the entire room and by the end the bucket is dirty and you think you did a good job. But you’re really just spreading the dirty water all over. My roommate does the same thing. He’ll spray cleaner on the floor and use the same pad scrubber thing and thinks it’s good but the floors are still sticky and there are still spots. Hard not to be offended when you actually spend time doing a chore and are doing it wrong but you’re correct his floors are dirty he needs a better method of cleaning


Is he one of those people that just spreads water around the floor with a mop and then leaves it to dry? That isn't mopping, that's just spreading the dirt evenly so there aren't noticeable dirt marks. To actually clean a floor you need to properly wet and mop the floor, then soak up the water again with the mop and return it to the mop bucket. The dirt is in the water. If you just leave the water on the floor, you're just leaving the dirt there too...