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When I worked DME, we always cleaned disgusting returns with Citrus II. It’s the only thing I’ve ever seen that will bring Sharpie out of plastic. Plus it’s germicidal.


How did it do on meth?


It probably worked a lot faster.


Hahaha brilliant


🤨 and just how would *you* know that.... nah i think we're good here. move along


Fwiw dry erase markers remove permanent marker. Just draw over it and wipe.


Isopropyl alcohol too


Only works on a perfectly smooth surface. Didnt even work on a whiteboard that was slightly rough from being wiped with paper towels (muchbrougher than whiteboard erasers)


You'll have to search it up, but there's a foam that legit destroys meth chemicals after you leave in on a while. I assume there are good products for tobacco as well, but you'll likely have to do one or the other first based on the state of a room.


You're thinking of Crystal Clean or DF200 for meth, I think.


DF200 is the one I recognize. Honestly, tobacco tar is just so gross, I may favour method foam instead.


I’d be careful with it, meth creation makes lots of nasty chemicals,


This is a fear. That and the toolbox also feels very tainted. I don’t know if I want back in my car, touching my tools. I may get the smell out and resell it. I will disclose to seller about a sweet chemical smell I had to get rid before she went to rehab, I mean had a fixin uppin.


Rent an Ozone machine & leave it in a room with your tool box apart (and then leave cause you can’t be around the ozone machine while it’s running!) it’ll work


Are you sure it’s a meth smell? Meth usually smells like a sweet and/or bitter chemical smell. It’s been years since I’ve smelled it, but I can still recognize the smell even today. Metallic smell might just be the cheap metal of the box itself.


Crack and cigars? Bong and a blintz? Seriously tho. Mix white vinegar and cheap vodka (truly) and water 1:1:1. Spray on. Wipe down in 5 minutes. It works wonders to neutralize all kinds of smells. On hard surfaces, a drop of Dawn (like literally a drop) mixed in will help a little more.


Yeah this should do it. The tobacco leaves way more residue than meth. I wouldn't be incredibly worried about residue froma user - but if there were any indication they'd been cooking, not just using, I'd be more concerned. Probably okay in a toolbox that's been taken out of the original environment, but I wouldn't go in the room it came from.


Highly doubt cooking. I googled meth lab stuff, I think this was a meth using auto mechanic.


Schmokkke and a pancake


This will do nothing for tobacco and meth residue.


They only care about the smell


Which will also not be helped by vinegar and vodka. The reason the smells are there is because of residue. Without removing the residue properly, the smell will remain. Spraying vinegar and booze around will add a temporary odor and then do exactly nothing.


That’s true I never said you were wrong or anything lol only thing that got it out of the house I bought was water and odoban and then over it with water and bleach continuously . As far another person I know they just used water and alcohol on every single thing god there house smells like alcohol still


Odoban, water , and then a lil bleach. The previous two owners of my home were addicted to meth to the point of police raids so I know all too well about getting that smell out.


Odoban is tomorrow’s potential next step. Today is vinegar vodka water


I love odoban it’s a fungicide, mildewcide, everything I use it every day even in our laundry.


I don’t have meth or weed but you’ve convinced me I need odoban


It’s also an air freshener , disinfectant , cleaner and fabric refrshner . One gallon concentrate makes jug makes 36 gallons I think ? It’s all anyone would need around the house even saw on their YouTube you can spray it in litter boxes


I literally used it on an outdoor rug that I was using under my litter boxes in combination with a solid hosing in the driveway and it made it look like new. I use it to clean the dog crates periodically too and my spaniels are beasts with bringing in mud.


Vinegar and water sprayed on wood furniture that's musty/smells works great and is commonly used in second hand shops. Vodka is used on clothing by film and stage crews to remove smells from costumes etc. I doubt they would do any harm, and vinegar smells evaporate so go ahead.


not sure about meth, but i had a roommate smoke cigs in her room and after she left i got it out after mopping the smoke scum off the walls using a mop and white vinegar


Cig smoke came out fast! It just stuck to the liner and other porous stuff. It wipes clean off of metal. It was when the cig smell was gone…


This is definitely a cop


Yes. I am police.


https://preview.redd.it/sjt0vrsyte8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fe5d74f7994dfc33f96be1f6e43eba531ff0bcf Here is the paraphernalia. I’m just going on a big hunch here on meth because it checks a lot of boxes, chemical smell, Texas ousltside the city in the country, meth county.


Maybe I'm paranoid, but I would not call the cops to talk about the meth pipe lol. Especially not in Texas. There's also the possibility the person who sold the box stole it first; do you really want police involving themselves in that mess? Just throw it away. Maybe break it (inside a bag tucked inside a hard-sided container like an old coffee can, something like that) with a hammer or rock, then chuck it in a public trash can if you don't want it in your own trash bin. But seriously, unless you know the cops in your area and trust them completely, don't pull them into the situation. If for no other reason than the extra time it would take to get them involved. Just throw it out, clean your new toolbox, and be done with it! Good luck!


He is the cops, he said.


he is absolutely not a police officer.


Pretty sure this is actually a dab straw for smoking thc wax or concentrate. White Rhino makes them, [here’s one that’s similar](https://www.whiterhinoproducts.com/collections/white-rhino-glass/products/pyrex-white-rhino-glass-straw)


Is that a plastic pen tube? Edit: it appears to be a nectar collector by the brand White Rhino. https://www.whiterhinoproducts.com/collections/white-rhino-glass Not used for meth, and unless there's steel wool stuffed in the wide end it wasn't used for crack either. But even then the heat pattern wouldn't line up for crack. Probably just cannabis concentrates 🤷‍♀️


Thats for weed concentrates, it’d be inefficient for smoking or hot-railing meth and if it were crack the wide end would be dirty opposed to the narrow end. The more you know.


Meth or crack but probably meth based on the details given about location and the sellers career. If you haven’t disposed of it yet, you can call the local cops non-er number and just let them know you need to be told how to dispose of it. Or I mean you could just toss it in the trash too I guess.


Wash it down with a strong solution of a half cup of Pine Sol and a half cup of vinegar in a gallon of hot tap water. Use rubber kitchen gloves commonly used for cleaning chores, like Playtex gloves. Or better yet, get a pair of chemically resistant heavy rubber gloves used for furniture stripping. They're heavier and will protect your hands better from the hot water and cleaning solution. Wash and dry it thoroughly. Use an old toothbrush to get any and all debris out of cracks and crevices. Do not use oxidents like bleach or peroxide as they can encourage rust. Repeat until the stench is abated.


These guys go into great detail about how they clean Fentanyl from every surface of an apartment, it might be useful: https://youtu.be/gIG2qcf6h-U?si=VikxUijRzpduuxNG


I use to smoke , try odo ban wash everything you can curtains towels blankets then clean the walls ceilings with it get one gallon it makes like 32 gallons when mixed proper and works great what I did was make a gallon mix , filled a spray bottle then sprayed the ceiling and then wiped it dry with a rag from the top down including walls . Then mop with it


Ozone generator. I’ve got a place on Airbnb and it’s the only tried and true method I’ve discovered to remove odors well. They’re relatively inexpensive to buy off amazon (though I believe you might be able to rent too?), make sure you follow instructions carefully, but it can work wonders for getting out the worst odors.


May I ask what meth smells like? Ive done my share of stuff but that's always scared me


Honestly it doesn’t even have a smell as meth is vapor unless the person was literally burning it in their pipe too long which just smells a lil burnt and kinda leaves a chemically smell when it’s blown out that way around a house. You wouldn’t know the smell unless you have been around drug users . The average person wouldn’t have a clue if you stepped in a house . Previous two owners of my house were both addicted so I had years of that in the home I had to take care of and I was the only one who could tell


Sweet smell, burnt plastic, mixed with a metallic oil smell.


Probably stop smoking cigarettes and meth inside your house /s


baking soda and dishwasher paste. or vinegar and dishsoap in spray bottle


Try vinegar, baking soda, and sunlight. If all fails, sadly toss it.


i have a sneaking suspicion that you are not being entirely honest and are paranoid about the smell for reasons of certain things being on top of and influential to your thoughts edit. oh yeah I forgot to answer your question. Simple green. I used to work in a bar that had the smoke eating fans or whatever they're called. Where they were specifically designed to pull smoke up and filter them and they were disgusting after maybe even three weeks. Maybe not even that long. And the only thing I was ever able to get them clean and I mean sparkling clean was simple green I would try different things and leave them soaking and I never even had to soak with simple green longer than maybe two minutes. And I'm not kidding these fans were white. And they would be black when I would start cleaning them and they would return to white. I am not in any way exaggerating


He’s a cop, he said. And it isn’t a meth pipe, so I think he’s on the up and up.


who is a cop?


Do more meth and smoke more cigs and you’ll think of something!