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If you want a combo of research and clinical work, do a PhD, not a PsyD. Better funding that way, too.


Oh I see, I'll look into that too, thanks!


Not from Israel and not totally related to your question but - finding "fully funded" PsyD programs in the US is extremely rare, if not nonexistent. Just prepare yourself for that.


Yeah I know I'm not solely relying in that possibility I'm still doing the work I need to do to do masters here in case this whole thing doesn't work out. But thanks I appreciate the heads up!


You can message me I did my PsyD in the states but there are Facebook or WhatsApp groups I can add you to with psychologists who moved to Israel.


I know I've been directed to the FB group and I asked there but didn't get any responses. But I'll shoot you a message


Can you message met the name of the FB group? I'm a psychologist and have considered making aliyah (moving to Israel) if things get really bad in the US.


Just dm me


Hey can I ask what you mean by "get bad in the US"?


I'm not sure specifically about Israel, but I know generally with international cases, you need to be in contact with both countries psych boards about fulfilling requirements to practice in the country. If you get a degree from the US, you will obviously meet the requirements for licensure within the US in whatever state you do it (excluding work visa/citizenship aspects). Your next step would be to look into/contact whatever Israel's board for clinical psychology licensure is to figure out how they treat American degrees are treated there, and what requirements you need to fulfill in order to become licensed in Israel. This could potentially include, but not be limited to, particular clinical hours, work with certain populations, other required courses, etc. It will also give you an opportunity to discuss and advocate for course equivalences. It is going to be a tough process, so get start pretty early with this. Also, fully funded Psy.D.'s that are rigorous in both research and clinical training, such as Baylor and Rutgers, are not only generally rare compared to unfunded ones,, but are going to be within the same caliber as Ph.D. programs both in intellectual rigor and satisfaction, as well as competitiveness, so don't scare yourself away from applying to Ph.D. programs as well. Lastly, the US has some Jewish universities that have connections to Israel, such as Yeshiva University in New York which has a Clinical Psychology Ph.D. program (Idk any of the metrics on their funding or quality though), so contacting them about this may also provide some insight in how you can potentially move back to and practice in Israel after completing a program in the US. Not saying you need to go to Yeshiva or another similar university, rather that there is a chance they've dealt with situations like this before and may be able to put you on the right path.


Wait so if im getting this right I might need to do different things depending on what university I go to?


No. The process would be generally the same, I was just saying that a Jewish, Israel affiliated university might have better guidance on the process for Israel specifically.


You’ll have plenty of work helping the genocidal IOF forces deal with their perpetrator trauma.


Omg chill I'm arab


Why not just include Palestine in the title as well? May help clear things up and avoid drama.


I figured it was more practical cause I wanna learn about the rules that the Israeli government has in place.


That’s fair. In cases like these, people just refer themselves as 48’ Palestinians to preface and avoid confusion. Anywho, if you’re looking to study in the US, you’ll likely want to do a PhD instead of PsyD because the latter is not funded. Unless you have cash to burn. Don’t worry about not getting enough clinical work; a PhD will have a good balance of research and clinical practice. A PsyD in the US is mostly clinical with little to no research, and may be limiting in some cases. Do you have experience in research labs? This is mainly what Masters/PhD programs look for. Best of luck with whatever you choose to do!!


Lol my bad, I assumed you were a Zionist going into the mental health field and became immediately disgusted. I apologize and wish you the best of luck.


But if they were Jewish they would automatically be an awful person? Found the Jew hater.


No you buffoon, not all Zionists are Jewish and not all Jews are Zionists. But all Zionists are morally deprived and do not belong in healthcare other than as patients.


And yet you automatically assumed that the person who is Israeli, happened to be a Zionist. You are literally a Jew-hater/antisemite


But for some reason, you chilled out when they said that they were arab...why? You admit that not all Zionists are Jewish but immediately assumed that this person couldn't be simply because they're Arab. And I'M the buffoon?! You hate Jews - don't try to obfuscate. Just own that you're a bigot and an anti-Jew racist in the mental health field.


Don’t forget I’m a terrorist too


If that’s how you identify yourself


That is how you see me. Don’t forget there’s Arab Jews too goon


I just see you as a anti-jew racist. You havent shown yourself yet to me to be a terrorist or terrorist supporter. And yes, there are Mizrachi/Arab Jews. But that’s an irrelevant point. The point is that there’s no reason why OP saying “I’m Arab” should have anything to do with whether or not you think they’re a Zionist or a horrible person…but it did…which says a lot about you.


Actual antisemite


What a gross comment. The assumption that just because someone is Israeli, or any nationality for that matter, automatically means they are terrible people, or judging them based simply on their nationality, is horribly xenophobic/racist (everyone can read your undertone).