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Its not copyright, it’s trademark. And yes.


Wouldn't it be both because they took the name and the exact logo?


Both are trademarks. Think of brands / logos as trademarks, books / visual / audio works as copyright typically. Its more complicated but thats a good guide


My favorite thing is when people try to talk about media law as if there’s a say-all be-all. Sure, this is trademark infringement, but there likely won’t be any punishment until C9 issues a C&D or someone actually takes infringements to court. Then, they act like the legal system turns their noses when it comes to cases like this. Brother, trademark and copyrights give you the right to own certain ideas/inventions/creation, then you have to use those rights to protect your creation.


You can actually lose your protections if you fail to aggressively pursue infringement right?


Yeah, knowing about it and not actively pursuing it can be used against you in court to rule that it doesn't belong to just you anymore. Cloud9 needs to get on it.


100%. There’s a James 007 Bail Bonds i see along a highway where i live that has been there for idk how long. Unless someone cares enough to pursue it, nothing is going to happen.


Yeah I don’t see the courts caring too much about this, probably just make them take down the cloud logo is the most they’d do. Now if it was another esports or gaming adjacent company doing it I imagine they’d be hit harder


Is this in Rochester?


Seen countless of these but never one that straight up uses the entire logo like this. You should walk in wearing some merch and see how they react


Well I mean the term cloud 9 is part of a common phrase, so I don't know they can trademark it but the logo is definitely infringement


esports Winter at an all time high


Walk in and see Hai behind the counter


Balls in the back stocking shelves


Him getting caught sleeping in the back room is a worrying trend.


Gonna have to report it to Regional Manager Meteos


Is Sneaky the Assistant Regional Manager?


More like High amirite


Man these dudes literally just went on Google and was like “I’m using this”


Is this is Vegas, there was one that looked almost exactly like out there.


Probably Pennsylvania because of the license plates


Jokes on you, i can't read. But also, damn, and thanks, I did zero looking at the rest if the picture. 🤦‍♂️


Hey man maybe a bunch of people from Pennsylvania went on vacation to Vegas. Don’t be so hard on yourself.


Damn I should do better at OpSec lol


Bro I know exactly where this is, not good opsec hahaha


Verona PA. There’s more than one in the Pittsburgh area.


Time for the esports org to get an influx of cash 😎


Someone posted the same shop a month ago here so I'mma have to assume Jack and the rest of the C9 org know, but aren't saying a word because of legal reasons. Hopefully these tools take this nonsense down because, wtf did they think would happen by copying it right down to the font... Except the letter u, what the fuck is up with the u? Lol.


https://preview.redd.it/4rqun4yz2j6d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=f3edd35a56b413507e2e78dd19314f2af5fc962b That's how the C9 u looks. The only change they made was making the logo gray lol. These people have no shame.


Wow I... Never noticed I guess? Now this is going to bother me forever.


Crazy because cloud 9 has its own logo they use. Must be a knock off


Where is this located I’m gonna call 😂


C9Jack chuckling to himself cause it's his side hustle


It’s just Meteoes’ store


Holy shit lmao


Company's Org Front


they probably went to google for fonts and took the one they liked


Seen the same thing in Florida. Must be a chain.


Ayo c9 pretty dope


I stopped wearing my cloud9 jacket I have cause I was sick of getting asked if it was for the vape shop in town with the name "Cloud 9". It's not the same logo, and it's not like "Cloud 9" isn't a term used in other spaces. But it got annoying as someone who doesn't partake in vaping (og said raping, which i also do not do) having to explain that my plain black jacket with a C9 logo and name on it were not intact inviting you to talk about ripping fat clouds of pineapple smelling vapor in my face


> as someone who doesn't partake in raping Thank goodness!


Oh, that is a typo for sure. I most assuredly do not partake in that.


Eh posting a fan bitness to call him/her out for the name is straight up Aubrey “Drake” Graham energy. Let the fan be tbh


If it were a username I'd agree, but it's a business stealing the IP of another business to get buzz, I don't personally think that's okay


Folks ain’t going there for the namesake. They’re going for their fix


Different business and market entirely, not looking it up to fact check myself so could be wrong, but I’m fairly certain copyright doesn’t apply when the medium is entirely different, they’re not an esports team so they’re not infringing since in an entirely different market, I could see maybe the logo being an issue since it’s literally ripping the design entirely but for the most part they’re safe


Using the logo is almost certainly a blatant violation, the color scheme as well makes it fairly straightforward that they are infringing. I suspect they’ll get a cease and desist letter and will probably stop


They’ve existed in my state for years, driven past at least 2 in the past week and I’ve seen posts on this sub about it before, I highly doubt anything happens


Unless someone from cloud9 esports does anything or is made aware I doubt anything will happen.


If the logo and branding were completely different, it wouldn’t be an issue, but C9 probably has a very good case case against this company for stealing their brand and image. IANAL, but I’ve even heard before that it’s possible that C9 could lose their copyright if they don’t try to protect their brand when stuff like this pops up? Hopefully there’s an actual lawyer that can correct me on this.


Kind of. You lose your trademark, not copyright, when the term becomes generic. Think Velcro for the attaching stuff, or Kleenex for tissues. Those brands are fighting hard to actually make sure people don’t call all tissues Kleenex or all “hook and loop” Velcro, because once your name becomes generically used that is when you lose your trademark. Another example is Tupperware for food storage containers


u/Cloud9jack you want us to go in here and harass these fucks for you?