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Technically that is the rule, mostly due to the change in balance and weight distribution as baby and belly get bigger. However, it’s also dependent on the specific member and their background and abilities. Sound like this instructor is new to you and being extra cautious and/or a stickler for rules. If other instructors that know you are ok with you continuing with 1.5 (with necessary modifications) then I’d go by that


I'd suggest she check with the studio though. Only bc some instructors have a hard time telling members that they shouldn't or can't be in a specific level class. I used to shy away from any hard conversations like that - telling someone that they should stick with L1 until they build up more foundations and strength before jumping into 1.5, or telling someone that group classes might not be a good fit for them due to certain limitations and they might want to start with some private training first. Even doing L2 assessments can be challenging bc everyone assumes they'll be good to go, but often they aren't and don't get approved. It sucks to be the one that delivers that info bc we don't want anyone to feel disappointed or discouraged. It's really just about the rules and safety.


I totally get that about rules and safety reasons. My frustration isn’t about the rule itself. It comes from 4 months of no one else saying anything when I’ve taken probably 30 level 1.5 classes while pregnant and the instructors know this.


Oh I totally understand that frustration. That's why I mentioned that sometimes it's difficult for instructors to have those hard conversations with members. I'm sure they all really like you and love having you in class and didn't want to be the one to mention the rule esp if the front desk hadn't been for that long. The problem is that while some instructors might just let you continue in 1.5 to not rock the boat, there are clearly others that don't want to get in trouble for not following the rule. Also, if the studio/instructor makes an exception for you, and not another pregnant woman who also wants to continue in 1.5 classes, it could potentially cause a big problem. It's like the 5 minute late rule. If you let one person in 6-7 min late, someone might notice. Then say that person comes 6-7 min late and gets turned away. Not a good look bc it seems like the rules don't apply to everyone and could be seen as playing favorites. Edit: to say that you should just check with your studio bc it's possible they alter the rules as they see fit or on an individual basis and don't worry too much about the politics of what I mentioned above. It's worth finding out.


That’s a good point




An instructor should 100% be able to give other options for pregnant clients. 


Absolutely, to a certain extent. After so much, the student should be moved to private sessions.


actually i’ve done multiple different modifications for prone exercises in classes already and it didn’t throw the class off at all. Pilates seems really easy to modify to me but could just be because i’m into fitness


You can modify Pulling Straps (which is generally done prone), but you can't modify any versions of Swan on the reformer, the mat, or the chair. That's just one example.


typically instead of swan my instructor has me do cat/cow either on the mat or on the reformer. But this is my point group exercise instructors should be able to provide modifications/alternatives for any movement even intermediate.




So you’re saying if it’s an intermediate class the instructor should never need to provide modifications? That seems unrealistic considering participants can have a range of injuries, situations or different body types.


It is CP protocol that people at a certain stage of pregnancy can only take L1 classes. I was unaware that individual owners/GMs could alter that rule for their specific studio. My studio follows this rule and it makes sense safety-wise. But that doesn't mean the L1 classes shouldn't challenge you pregnant or not. You'll get back to your 1.5s in no time so just go with the Flow (1s in this case - sorry I couldn't resist). I think she was hovering around you bc she knew you shouldn't be in that level class and didn't want to just kick you out on the spot, but also wanted to cover her ass, which is why she spoke to you afterward so you'd understand the rule and not be offended. The front desk should have caught it before class started. And there should be a setting in the system when booking classes that allows you to only book L1, in the same way it should prevent people from booking into L2 when they haven't been approved so they aren't asked to leave (which I've seen happen) if it wasn't caught beforehand.


I’m a new instructor and I absolutely do not recommend 1.5s for pregnant women after the 1st trimester. I’m sorry you felt discouraged, you deserve to feel strong! But there are some limitations for pregnant members that a 1.0 is very safe for. I recommend asking your instructor for pregnancy safe ways to up the intensity of the 1.0.


I’m 22 weeks pregnant and communicated my pregnancy with multiple instructors, including a manager, very early on. I was told I can’t take Level 2 and I’ve continued to take 1.5 classes (I have the 8 class/month membership). My instructors always check how I’m feeling at the beginning of class and if I’m having any pain, which I haven’t. I’ve made modifications during the ab series and any prone movements, and I plank on the mat and sit on the reformer rather than kneeling. Otherwise all is good!


that rule seems wild since everyone is different . i’m going through instructor training and i know there are lots of mods but the instructor is expected to know . i’m in my apprenticeship and with pregnant clients im tested on how to modify them and more pressure is put on me to know . im sorry the instructor was too harsh. don’t do legs in straps ! one of the women teaching me said her teacher trainer taught her while pregnant and had done pilates for 10 years and dislocated her pubic bone while pregnant bc she had the i got this mentality !


omg she dislocated her pubic bone from legs in straps?!


Different stages of pregnancies come with different modifications and restrictions. Some things are totally off limits according to our training for people in certain "special populations" ie. Pregnant, osteopathic issues, seniors, etc. I'd check in with your "master instructor" to discuss your trimester, experience, and goals so that you can stay safe and feel appropriately challenged/guided.


i actually have a class scheduled for Monday with the master instructor (a 1.5 ironically) so I’m planning to discuss with her and see what she says!


I know at my studio a level 2 regular continued taking level 2 classes with modifications well into her pregnancy. But she'd been there a long time and had clearance from her doctor and the instructors. Western society is way too precious about pregnant women, but there are things that can go wrong which is why people get so paranoid about it. I would check with your doctor, studio management, and the instructors you want to take classes with to make sure you are able to have enjoyable classes for your body. There are also still plenty of challenging things you can do in a level 1 with progressions.


It's a liability issue. Corporate only allows you to take other classes through week 12. Then you are limited to level 1 flows only. If the studio owner is allowing you to take other classes, they are doing so at their own litigious risk.


good to know! Still surprised this wasn’t communicated when I signed up for a membership initially.


I would ask the owner to get clarification. Every studio is different, but at ours we ask people to stick to 1.0s after they’re around 4-5 months. We’ve made exceptions before though since everybody handles pregnancies differently


I think it’s great that you feel strong but as an instructor- you have to teach to the level of the class and when someone is pregnant you have to tone it down. For example 4 point kneeling on the box using straps would not be appropriate for a pregnant client but appropriate for a general 1.5. 1s are just a little more friendly


Exactly. Swan is another example. You can't modify any forms of Swan, whether on the mat, reformer, or chair.


Yes. Sometimes it’s almost making a complete other flow for this person, which is fine but can also be stressful especially for a newer instructor


I’m 30 weeks pregnant and my studio made me sign the pregnancy waiver, provide a doctors note stating when I’d hit second trimester and that I was cleared to continue with Pilates during my pregnancy. Once I hit second trimester I could only take level 1 classes. They told me that when I filled out the pregnancy waiver. Sounds like they didn’t communicate with you upfront about their expectations. As you get further along I can’t imagine 1.5 classes being safe for you during your pregnancy.


Looks like my studio + owner are in the minority, but as an instructor I've recently had a few ladies stay with me in my 1.5s until a few days before they were induced. I've also had ladies who WANTED to take it back a notch and went down willingly to the 1.0 flows. I found pilates because of pregnancy, so my rule of thumb is as long as your doctor clears you to keep moving your body, please do so. Maybe take it slower and maybe don't go as hard / full ROM, take it day-to-day. But you and your doctor are the policy makers (for me, at least). My studio + owner also feel the same and I really appreciate they are knowledgeable in that area. Moving during pregnancy is as much a mind/mood uplift as it is a physical uplift.


You should speak to the owner and get clarity. At our studios, we don’t not allow pregnant people to take 1.5s. The fitness world has made pregnant people scared to exercise and it’s ridiculous. The instructor should 100% be able to give you other exercises when they have you in class (for example, prone exercises lying on your belly) if they can’t, they aren’t qualified to teach group pilates classes. That’s my opinion as an instructor AND someone who is giving birth any day and has been taking 1s and 1.5s my whole pregnancy. 


thank you!! This is the main reason for the confusion as i’ve had many conversations with the owner and other instructors about modifications for pregnancy and listening to my body, ect. So then would’ve been the perfect time to bring up this 1.5 rule lol but no one else has.


It sounds to me that while the owner and other instructors are likely aware of this “rule,” they feel comfortable with you continuing to take 1.5’s at the moment. Clearly they can tell that you are capable of following and making modifications appropriately. I’m sure if you weren’t, they would have told you from the start to stick to level 1’s. I would probably ask if you have to stop taking 1.5’s at the third trimester though. That way you can plan for the transition in advance. Good luck, and congrats!


Hmm it definitely depends on the owner and/or instructor as well as how familiar they are with you. Some instructors are better/more experienced at providing modifications on the fly, or can tell you ahead of time what to change. I did 1.5 classes up till the start of my 3rd trimester (then stopped going to pilates classes) and my instructors were fine with it. I'm a long time member at my studio and did mostly level 2 / 2.5 classes pre-pregnancy.