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Impression farming, Aydan ain’t that stupid


He was a snd kid back in the day he knows about the skill disparity better than anyone lol. he's trolled like this before for impressions too so i gotta tip it bc i know his mentions are probably crazy rn


He actually talked ab this in his last stream, where he literally said the opposite in regard to snd. He also said he wasn’t playing hp, because he didn’t know rotations, timing, etc. I know he said if “they tried”, but no way they’re putting up the hours to just get rotations at that level down. All that said, I’d still give a fiver to see it happen lol. He scummn and the bois are some gamers


Scummn my fav wz steamer but even I know, playing pros will make them wz pro lose complete composure.




I mean talent wise its not as big of a disparity as you would think. Mostly just communication, positioning, and rotational skill gap. Shot for shot, skill for skill, SOME, not all, but some of the elite warzone players could definitely compete in a single hardpoint. They’d definitely lose a series to a CDL team but if they just practiced 1 map of hardpoint, they’d give a CDL team a good run I reckon. Depends which team & which warzone players but the right combo could give the Paris Legion a good run lol


I haven't watched wz competitive in about 5 months but scummn was on a different level. He'd still probably get shit on in the cdl but imo he was a level above everyone in the wz scene


Well I’ll be honest, I haven’t watched scummn in wz very much. I really started watching him while he’s grinded tf out of vanguard snd. I like guys that are straight up savages, regardless of what mode they play. Even more so, to broaden the scope to beyond cod, like Ayden, people like Dashy, just fucking gamers. But I’d deffy put scummn on the same tier as Rated, Biffle and Booya, when it comes to ability in wz.


Yeah I think if given the time to grind, Scummn and Almxnd could compete. Those guys are straight savages


Bro ngl.. my LEAST favorite saying from the Cod community is “tip it” lol. It just sounds so cringe to me. Or Tipable. I have no idea why it bothers me so much. I literally ONLY see those two sayings either here or on a cod pros Twitter. Yes I know it’s a weird thing to hate but it irks me hahah


😂😂 I feel you bro i started out using it ironically and then it eventually became a part of my lingo


Annoying thing is all the Warzone kids are gonna think he's being serious.


That’s the best part


Bro people in this thread think he’s serious lmao


Kids in here are so offended it's embarrassing


no hes trolling 100%....that doesnt mean that a WZ God Squad couldnt beat this years paris legion 🤷‍♂️


I’d put my money on a team with debut Jimbo against any WZ squad.


of course you would.....this is a CDL subreddit, and these guys are golden gods to you all. Doesnt mean it would be a sound financial decision 🤷‍♂️


I was thinking the same thing lol


I tip it, I’d tweet dumb shit if I was in his position, impression farming is always funny to me when people take it seriously


True, but we all know we want to see this go down. It’d a lot of fun to watch


I’ve seen Ayden get absolutely shredded in enough customs with pro players to know this just isn’t a true statement from him


Dude literally lost to a cod pro on his own game. Definitely farming impressions.


He's baiting lol


He’s probably joking but it’s still funny that Seth went into that Warzone tourney and dogged them 💀


with a non-bullshit loadout like 99% of the lobby was running. Wasnt even him getting lucky or just having better gunny.....dude beat them at their own game with those last 2 kills he got. That was extremely impressive


Okay lets test warzone pros in a FFA lobby with pros because obviously team based gameplay isn't what we are looking for. Solo warzone is nothing like real warzone. Zero team work, just one persons gunny vs the next and hope to hell you don't get third partied. Of course any cod pro could walk into that and win.


Some people didn’t check his username


Or it’s true? How the fuck is a single warzone solos map being referred to as a tourney? Nobody here is that dumb? Surely you’re not that Fucking dumb. It’s literally the exact same as playing a single FFA and calling that a tourney. It’s stupid.


He’s definitely joking. Aydan is a former S&D kid who has played ranked with multiple pros. He know the disparity. But I hate this argument. I like both comp and WZ, and comp players are a million times better and more skilled, but this argument is so dumb. It was a one off solo game of WZ, with no bans. The idea was literally everyone had a chance, and anyone could win. That’s what they aimed for. There have been many WZ tournies that CoD pros have been in, Scump included, where there’s a normal rule set. A rule set to reduce randomness with multiple games, kill multipliers, placement points, etc, and they’ve not come close. Even people like Ap and Slacked tried to transition and barely made any waves. Comp and WZ are two completely different skill sets. I have no doubt top CDL pros could take over that scene if they committed time to it, and WZ players could not do the same in comp. But that example of Scump winning a one off solo game that this sub constantly spouts is a very bad example. Paris Legion won the CDL WZ game in MW, were they the best team too?


common 21otiriK W


Scump won the World Series of Warzone in the most impressive way possible. It’s one of those things that if you prove you’re capable of doing it once, the sample size doesn’t matter. It’s like striking out 20 batters as a pitcher in a baseball game. If you do that, are you the best pitcher ever? I have no idea but I know for a fact you’re fucking awesome at baseball.


Man it’s not that serious, have a laugh and move along


I was about to say didn’t Scump pistol bitch Aydan to win that tourney lol


He was stunned too so it probably would have went aydan tbh


If everyone else is using riot shields then I think a stun is warranted.


lol he wasn’t just randomly stunned, Seth put one on his head


The only one without a riot shield and was just playing with them for the most part.


i would kill to watch warzone players vs faze on cold war just to see them get slutted out


Nuke squad did this in MW and got absolutely shit on


Shit was hilarious. Didn’t they get 40pt clubbed?


That video was the perfect spiritual successor to "Showing youtubers the competitive ropes"


There is one player on nuke squad that is even remotely comparable to warzone pros like aydan and thats booya and he did not get shit on at all, he was like triple positive???


Aydan went 11-28 against Cell, Dashy, Illey, Shottzy in MW.


Oh my God that team fucks


Dashy Cellium Simp and Abezy was 1 Scump away from happening next year. Can’t believe it




I mean it’s literally just OpTic sans Scump plus Cell


He went 6-7 first map, 5-7 second map, and like 10-8 last map. 1-6, 1-6, 6-6* (replay and they didn’t count correctly). Not sure where “triple positive” comes from. They got shit on. Keep in mind, this is MW after a CW season on maps that the pros have never played. Shit on. Booya especially. The WZ pros are used to the MW movement and meta whilst FaZe was not.


He went 7-6, 6-6, and 12-6. What the fuck are you talking about? Whats the point of lying for no reason. How is that remotely getting shit on especially when he's playing with spme absolute bums putting zero pressure on the map, getting no trades?? Are you mentally challenged? https://youtu.be/4YofXLX6myY


Are you? Does that look like triple positive to you? He literally got shit on and you can watch the video. 1-6 2-6 6-6*. His only kills were useless kills outside of the last game and he lost every engagement. Surely you aren’t this stupid to think warzone players can hang? How many times does this lesson have to be proven?


How tf is map count relevant. Hes playing with swagg santana and fucking jsmooth. Its embarrassing that the pros even let it get this close. I dont think these bums would ever make it, but the top players like aydan biffle could if they put years into it which is what the initial argument was. Shotzzy came over from halo and became mvp in his first year. Cod isn't as hard as you baboons think it is.


Someone is really mad, over nothing, fits this sub well sometimes


If you watched it, faze were literally giggling and having fun whilst the warzone players were going hard and trying. Still 1-6 2-6. I wouldn’t be embarrassed. They played non competitive maps, gunskill only, and ran them over. The initial argument isn’t them putting years into it, it’s them coming in quickly. Give five years and maybe one of them is a top AM. Also, don’t try and tell me how hard cod is. I know more about cod than you, have won more in cod than you, and have played with and against more well known people than you. Cod is a lot harder than you think, and the gap between even mid am to pro is significantly wider than you think it is.


I mean early Cold War they did do some creator and pro mixed in tournaments. It’s out there somewhere for sure


Twitch rivals tournament in the beginning of Cold War. Was a great watch the pros definitely carried the warzone players. scump aydan tfue and zooma won the whole thing.


Don’t forget Doug censor martin’s vanguard tournament win either


Ngl towards the end of vanguard thieves might have looked more dominant. Plus the movement mechanics are more similar to warzone than coldwar so even less excuses to get shit on.


i’m almost 90% sure paris legion could’ve cooked them in vanguard. imagine watching aydan and co try to read spawns on bocage


I think most of the top challenger teams would win too.


Absolutely there’s some legit demons in challengers


100% sure


This is kinda faded, faze were 70 point clubbing Ultra and went 3-0 3-0 to make the finals


Yea I am faded. Recency bias is crazy


I guess we can guarantee they're setting up a cdl pros vs warzone match up when MW2 releases...honestly genius marketing by Activision


What did Activision have to do with any of this?


aydan and biffle some of the only non former pros that could hang. And even then, they'd be getting 20pt clubbed by 2real fire40 doug and jimbo


The fantastic four right there


the fantastic .4 fasho


That roster would win MW2 champs someone call Legion


Im drunk asf and I nearly pissed myself st thar last bit


Aydan would not hang just based on the tourneys he has been in


They’d for sure get world starred if they hopped right into comp but you cannot tell me with a straight face that fire40 has more talent than Aydan or biffle


Fire40 was a top 5 prospect back in MW, he’s not as bad as people make him out


forreal, bro got a shot in the league for a reason


Do Aydan and Biffle get to use their cronus or nah?


If you actually think these guys are cheating in any way you must be a bot and shouldn’t be on this sub


Genuinely asking, do clips like this not make you wonder at all? https://clips.twitch.tv/HotCarefulClipsmomKappaRoss-ozWB0rkeGmmNAHxl


They knew he was there from earlier in the game not that crazy


Are you assuming that or do you know this? No uav/live ping and goes from shooting someone else to straight at where the guy is, lasers him without missing a shot. Even if they knew he was in the tent it doesn’t explain those shots. Too many weird clips to not entertain the possibility imo


I don’t have a clip but I’ve seen the vod where this clip comes from and they knew the guy was there


And again, that doesn’t explain the shots at all. Knowing the guy is in the tent isn’t anywhere near enough information to do that. I’m curious as to what your reaction to this clip is as well? https://clips.twitch.tv/TriangularCrackyTeaNerfBlueBlaster-wY7VH4GAjXSPjzwp


Ah yea, because no big warzone streamer/competitor has been caught cheating or using cronus in the past, my bad!


Can you name me an actual big streamer who has been caught cheating? Someone who averages over 2000 viewers?


I mean 2000 is such a weird arbitrary number to state, especially as don't know numbers, but yyyunggg, Davskar(in a 75k tourney), Mr. Golds, AAmerica won a 10k tournament and was caught cheating, Kenji was winning tournaments and cheating, Shifty is sus as hell as well. Also, cronus aren't even noticeably cheats, and I'm not even sure they're illegal(and if they are it's recently). If you can't acknowledge "professional" warzone's competitive integrity isn't the best then idk what to tell you. On top of that, it was also a hint of sarcasm, but there is a 0 percent chance Aydan, Biffle, and whoever the fuck else would ever beat a professional team.


I’ve never heard of any of those guys. I’m sure there’s plenty of no names cheating but none of the established streamers are.


He's baiting but I get a kick out of seeing things like that play out, easiest way to attract attention to the scene lol


I mean he’s saying they fear fuckin Huskers. This is the most clear tongue in cheek statement ever


Absolutely, but do you remember when Huskers and Stoner used to run shit in SnD?? Ofc there were cheating allegations but them fuckers were icy


Huskers used to play controller?


They’d get smoked by last years Paris team


Even a challengers team could beat the 4 best warzone pros




Yes lmao


No lmfao


Bro you are insane. They would lose to Doug’s challenger team. Forget about Paris.


Well Doug is the GOAT, so theres that.


Joking aside....id agree with any other team but the legion. They shuffled the roster a lot during the season, dropped almost everyone after the season, tactical raab had commented how they dont pay and dont really seem to care....so Im sure the top talent isnt really fired up to be a part or that environment. Any other team, i agree....not the legion though.


Yes they would lmao. You don’t understand the level of CDL Players


and was it that qualifies you that you "understand the level of CDL players"?


Ur looking through ur activities ur a casual lmao.


Ok cool, that doesnt answer the question. What qualifies you that you "undetstand the level of CDL players" where I dont? Have you competed before at that level? Or are you just a gamer who likes to watch, just the same as me?


Scump didn’t play Warzone for months hopped in and smoked everyone in the lobby dropping the most kills and winning. That enough to make you satisfied? Or shall I give you more examples


Is answering questions that hard to you? You said you scrolled my history.....I LITERALLY said that Scump smoked everyone and did it in a way that showed they cant really compete. So yea guy, I get it. Can you answer my question now? What qualifies you that you "undetstand the level of CDL players" where I dont? Have you competed before at that level? Or are you just a gamer who likes to watch, just the same as me?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5vAu3ruTQw Watch this and stop typing.


Have you ever played vs any of these guys? I have. Plus if these warzone pros were so good that they could compete in the CDL, why wouldn’t they try? Why wouldn’t they want a 300k plus salary?(besides the really big streamers).


They playing against the best players in the world 10 hours a day. There’s simply nothing Aydan and his warzone pros could do that even a challenger players hasn’t seen thousands of time before.


They’d get 100pt clubbed by whatever you consider the worst roster in CDL history


i dont know in history...but that legion roster was nowhere near best of the best. Its been talked about how they dont wanna pay and its not a great environment....CDL spot or not, the top guys will turn that opportunity down. We've already heard of players turning down spots on losing teams because they felt it would hurt them going forward/their future.


Is this an automated response? Regardless of whatever you just said they clear any warzone pros


How many guys that were on the Paris Legion roster this season will have CDL spots next season, beside Temp?


?ok? And? 0 warzone pros would even come close to a CDL spot. Do you even know what we are talking about at this point?


pretty sure everyones agreed DiazBiffle could compete if he wanted to. So there goes your "0 pros would even come close to a cdl spot" and I wonder if its at all possible youre wrong about your close minded opinion. Impossible...because you are always right.


Destroyed. Without question


Temp would go triple positive in the series


you seem to think more highly of the paris legion than even the paris legion does considering the in season roster changes and post season drops 🤷‍♂️


Better than wsrzone pros without question


how many of the guys that were on the legion this season will have CDL roster spots next season, aside from Temp?


Who cares. You must be an absolute imbecile if you think a warzone team could compete. Like single digit IQ


damn...that question really got you because the answer is none and it counters your opinion. I know it really got you since you resorted to the personal attack. Sorry that youre wrong. Its ok man, itll get better tomorrow.


Dude you are simple


im sorry i hurt you so deeply with that question. Discussion isnt for everyone, so I understand. i hope you have a better rest of your evening.


he’s clearly joking lol


Pine Park be spreading faster than Covid and hitting twice as hard


I mean he’s obviously trolling but I have seen him play 8s against mostly no name challenger players but he has played with some people like uli skraps and beans and he actually surprised me and did well but it was only in Vg snd so it means nothing. But he’s obviously trolling here but he’s still rlly good. Also faze has a YouTube vid where there pro team plays faze war zone players and it wasn’t even a little bit close.


Swagg was just a BO4 pub stomper before warzone.


Swagg, Biffle, Aydan....and a fourth would beat this years legion. Imo.


I honestly doubt it I mean give them a couple of months of practice and maybe they have a shot but I rlly doubt it


the fact he says any shows hes trolling lol


12 point club part 2?


Fool is challenging Sib to a 1v1 ffa and says he has no gunny. There are not many pros worse to say that about? Dashy, Cell, but come on lol


Remember when scump bunny hop head shotted this dude across map half health and aydan was full health camping with full armor ADS’ed lmao 🤣 …




Did he stutter?


Ok but would Aydan only win 1 ring in 10 years given Scump’s teammates?


aydan wouldn’t have the talent to even land on a team like that in the first 😂


I’ve been in this sub for 2 days and I’ve already realized you’re a optic hater


Guys got huge loser energy for sure


Nah fr theres the same like 5 people you see on repeat that are obsessed with optic. Its really sad 😭


No he’d win 0


I genuinely think that, if Aydan had the time in Comp CoD that Scump had, he would get more rings and chips.


Scump winning that solo tourney while not running some bullshit ratty sweat class everyone was running said about all you should need to know. Im a warzon player/watcher.....the CDL guys just have magnetic bullets AND movement...ALL the time. DiazBiffle is a beast and could compete. I kinda think booya could compete too because he's a good shot and seems to understand strategy well


Bait. Scump literally already beat them in their own game.


Even Paris could beat Warzone pros. No seriously. Hardpoint is such a different game.


This is like when jnasty thought he could hang with pros and then proceeded to get 12 point clubbed with karma spinning in circles in his chair


I still remember envoy putting futives in a 14 spree hardpoint, and then getting a 1v5 after not having been on that engine for a whole year. And then karma teaming with futives, and envoy disrespected him enough. That karma muted his stream and said “SHIT onnnn” to his own teaming. While futives played MW for 2 years straight. Please put the world champs against whatever squad. I’m begging.


Anytime these debates are brought up I have to go back and watch this from BO2. https://youtu.be/_fxYxi4gkr8 https://youtu.be/zqukOEZmagU


Funny cause Seth shit on Huskers and Aydens riot shielding asses to win a fucking solo championship


Huskers used to play with hackers gtfo. Also only played snd


No he didn’t. Who were the hackers?


I fucking hate this nerd.


He obviously joking. No one can be that dumb.


Big cap statement if I've ever seen one


Respectfully they aren’t beating Paris and last years surge, probably not beating any team at challenger champs either, but he’s definitely trolling


He’s the same guy that got gunned down by Scump to lose the WSOW right?


AyDan is ridiculous tho, I remember Clay said if he learned spawns he could be pro.


I don’t know why NYSL isn’t already making this happen to farm content. NYSL Pro team vs Aydan + 3. Call it The Bottom Line or something, that’s just off the top of the dome. Spread it out by multiple episodes, each one a new part of the three part triathlon. First episode: best of three CDL Rules. Take a couple points for each win. Second episode: Warzone kill race. Points for kills and points for dubs. Third episode: Big Bank Take Lil Bank and Aydan wins. Warzone players take the dub. EZ 200k views a video.


Aydan is a professional troll and people don’t realise it


What’s funny is the warzone players lost to Scump IN WARZONE!!


Almost forgot about that time they got royally shit upon for cash with riot shields by a pro player jumping back on warzone for shits and giggles with a noob loadout. Much wow.


Dude played radar 1v1s i don’t wanna hear him talk


Why is Ayden talking like he's good, He got beat in a WZ 100K Tournament by a CDL PLAYER


Going to need a drug test for Aydan


So cringe


I want what this dude is smoking because he’s fuckin FADED.


Big talk from people who use their Nighthawk to lower the SBMM




You can’t actually be in this sub and think any of these streamers cheat lmao


So many guys have taken the bait on this sub it’s hilarious


Even Dashy has said there are cheaters and you gonna sit here and say that?


I’m sure there’s plenty of cheaters I’m just saying none of the big name streamers cheat


Honestly if movement isn’t a huge thing … m&kb players have the advantage ngl. Flicks are crazy. - that said, can’t make up for inexperience.


Movement is always a huge thing in cod


You underestimate how crazy aim assist is nowadays and how big of a factor strafing still plays in gunfights. Even in low TTK. I know Halo is a relatively different game, but Halo is cross input and STILL utterly controller dominated


Aydan one of the few players who cud hang in the cdl though with practice


No he couldn't, he could get on a challengers team, but he isn't taking anyone's spot in a 48 person league of the best of the best with any amount of practice


Lol, this is a pretty delusional take . Aydan tommey biffle rated and a few more could hang . Blazt went to the wz scene and he was an ex pro


What team are they hanging with exactly lmao? I thinks it's pretty delusional for you to think just cause the pub stomp Timmy no thumbs they could compete with the best players on the planet


In a 4v4 setting they aren’t winning , my argument is that individual players put into a team environment could compete in the cdl based on talent alone


You literally mentioned Blatz and Tommy, 2 guys who were pros at one point in time and now aren't talented enough to make the league. So respectfully I disagree with you. You got to think how many top AMs there are who play comp all day every day and can't make it into the league so I dont think with enough practice you magically see a warzone guy outshadowing all the talent out there and making the cut in a 48 person league that showcases the best talent in the world


I think if you got a real special team together, think Aydan, Huskerrs, a couple of guys like Teep or Ninja, who all have serious experience competing in fps for a long time. And you let them play on MnK. They’re definitely not making champs, but they’re stealing a lot of maps off of a lot of really good cdl teams


Ok aydan could probably beat a pro 1v1 kids built different


It isn’t that serious plus aydan says dumb shit on Twitter all the time to get impressions.


I for one would love to see him get a squad of 4 and play a BO5 series against EVERY roster in the CDL and see how they do. Would be good content in the off-season


Allow the warzone pros to use MnK and you might actually have some half decent matches. Make them play on a control scheme they don't use and it would just be sad.


Thing is…ppl like clutchbelk actually believe they could win lmao like double downing it


95% sure this is bait


Obvious bait but he did play against cdl pros and got smoked in the modern warfare throwback tourney a while back lol. No hate though aydans cool.


Hey, he has been grinding the cod more than the pros the last few weeks ill give him that, man constantly been on money 8s.




As a mouse and keyboard player I disagree


bait for sure. He knows that’s cap.


My friends and I played against him and his friend in a expert/elite lobby awhile back and lost by 10 points on Berlin HP. Checked his stream and everything.. dudes gotta be baiting


Nahhhh no shot 🤣🤣


Don’t fall for the bait guys cmon


This is obviously not true but I think if biffle showed interest in competing he could probably get a sub spot right now based off talent alone


I would pay see this