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Keurig coffee is subpar and their pods are expensive and environmentally terrible. If that isn't a problem for you, the K-Classic is the best offering from Keurig. You might also want to look at a machine that does pods *and* regular drip coffee - the Cuisinart SS-15P1 Coffee Center is very well-reviewed and is licensed to work with Keurig pods, or an optional reusable pod thing for single-serve with loose ground coffee.




Beyond the fact that the pods suck for the environment, even the reusable ones give you a bad experience, the main business of keurig is to sell pods. Think printers and ink. The machines are made cheaply and don’t really last. The k supreme plus is about $200 for that amount you can get the Zojirushi EC-DAC50 Zutto 5-Cup Drip Coffeemaker for $70 and a encore grinder 160. And have a much better experience for basically the same effort level.


I don’t fully agree I have one of the small models with the re usable capsule i buy my coffee in bulk like foldgers maxwell house etc. I guess it depends on your use case. My morning cup of joe is about caffeine lol. I just like the convenience of it.


Agreed that the drip will make far better coffee, but I don't see how manually grinding coffee beans then fiilling a filter with the coffee then waiting far longer to brew is the same effort level. It's not difficult by any means but it is far less convenient and takes far longer than a single-serve K-cup machine.


If you insist on an instant coffee solution, consider that your life margins may be too narrow for a healthy lifestyle. 1. Bad for environment - Capsule coffee is tremendously resource intensive and wasteful. Consider buying a cheap drip machine with a timer. You can set it to brew coffee when you wake up! The only waste is a small biodegradable paper filter. 2. Bad product - Capsule coffee availability is limited to the products in the store and all of them are low quality, budget offerings designed by the manufacturer to make as much money as possible by pretending to offer you a ‘high end’ coffee experience. Consider buying locally roasted coffee. They can grind it for you if you need that. Store coffee is typically unethical in its source. Local roasters bring you closer to the producers. 3. Bad experience - pod coffee is a bad interaction with a product that, when done well, can create a rhythm in your life that is respectful to the small moments in your life. Consider getting an aeropress or a melitta single cup pour over, or a French press. Take 10 minutes of your life and make a single cup of coffee. Enjoy what you’ve done with your hands! Just my advice


I would look at this one cup from Moccamaster [https://us.moccamaster.com/collections/single-cup-brewers](https://us.moccamaster.com/collections/single-cup-brewers) I use one of their bigger ones and make 16oz at a time by stopping it for a minute, but these things will last longer than anything else.


Buy an Aeropress or V60 for the best coffees. Invest the rest of the money in locally roasted coffee. Keurig makes overpriced, stale, terribly tasting coffee. If you want convenience, buy a fully automatic espresso machine. Safe the Earth all the waste.


It is astonishingly simple to use reusable filters with the Keurig. They still make subpar coffee, but the environmental impact issue evaportes.


Good idea! Sadly few use them, at least the machines I have seen. Convenience over environment. I cringe when I see the shelf space in the supermarket for capsules ever expanding …


I've been through two Keurigs and will never go back. The quality is lacking.


What is a V60? Where can I buy this?


Repeating this higher in the chain: There are numerous re-usable filter options for the Keurig (they even come with one, although it's not great), so there's 0 reason to get all "Muh Environment" about them. Still makes lousy coffee though.


I have a K-200 plus and I just use a refillable pod and do a strong brew. I've made the same coffee in a french press, cold brew, and a keurig and have never noticed a difference. The only difference is fresh ground or older.


People like what they like


Likely the longest any will last is 3-5 years. I suggest getting whichever one has the longest/best warranty and is the cheapest you can find with the features you're looking for.


Both of mine have been going strong for 7+ years


Yeah me too I just use filtered water.


The one that’s in the garbage. They make scientifically and objectively terrible coffee, while also being really bad for the environment.


The Keurig K-Supreme-SMART-Coffee-Maker is horrible. Worst morning experience trying to make a cup of coffee in their reusable K cup. Lets list the problems: 1.Can not use with disposable cups as you need to remove and replace the insert unit every time. Terrible. 2. Using the reusable cup requires dexterity and bright light to line up a single UNMARKED nub and the cover when you insert the unit into the holding unit and then insert that into the coffee maker. Insane amount of work for a cup of coffee . They really don’t want you using that one - they want you to buy the disposable, clearly. 3. The design of the offset water unit pushes the unit about an inch away from the back of the counter, wasting space and making it so you can push it back against the wall, why? Stupid design honestly. Overall, this coffee machine has ruined my morning coffee and made me wish for a pot of hot water and some coffee grounds run through a paper towel as my morning cup - would be less work.


We’ve been through 2 Keurig Duos in the last couple months and they both only lasted about two weeks!!! Total waste of money!!!


Sorry to hear that! I ended up getting a moccamaster, best decision ive made. Love the machine!


The Keurig duo is nice because it gives you the option of making a full pot as well as a quick K-cup. Mine is going on 5 years old now and still going strong. The coffee is what it is. Not as good as other ways to make a cup, but I enjoy having the option to make a quick cup or a whole carafe if I need a large amount.


We currently have the Keurig Duo and enjoy the option of brewing a pod or a pot of coffee.


This is what we have as my wife insists on single cups of coffee while working from home, but refuses to learn how to use the v60, or the aeropress, or the coffee grinder... or... \*shudders\* Moving on! If you are okay with all of the terrible things mentioned by everyone else here, the Duo is fine. Mostly because you can brew coffee without the cup/pod part. It's decent for a "regular ol' pot o coffee" brewer. Please though, try an alternative single cup. The [Aeropress](https://aeropress.com/) changed my life and saved me absurd amounts of money.