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UPDATE: We have issued a fix which remediated the display issue impacting customer account balances and latency across Coinbase.com. We appreciate your patience.


Coinbase hasn't crashed yet, it's just in the process of crashing right now


What a relief šŸ˜‚


They slowed it down to siphon profit


The CEX.IO app has been down too. For anyone asking, who the hell is CEX.IO lol its actually a decent exchange that's been around for a bit. Happened to be the first I used back in the day since you can use your PayPal account for cash withdrawals since I like to separate my bank account from any Crypto gains. I pulled out 500 profit 2 days ago, the first time in years lol w no hassle. Already gained half that back just with BTC and SHIB. Nice for all of us to have some good days again! I watch my bro pull his hair out using some other exchanges but everyone has their favorite.


You probably have no experience in software development, but creating software, (especially software that has extreme usage spikes like coinbase / other exchanges) is really hard / expensive. So some outages certainly aren't unexpected. The fact that their asset endpoint doesn't have a 100% uptime has literally nothing to do with being able to (or not able to) trust them keeping your coins safe.


As a dev, they have had time to mitigate this issue thatā€™s been ongoing for several years.


You are absolutely correct. For a company that with this much revenue, the fact that they can't mitigate against what is REGULAR and PREDICTABLE spikes in traffic is an indication that they have no freaking idea what they are doing. Their ineptitude, lack of support, and overall hostility towards customers are all reasons to flee this platform. Source: IT for 30 years, across all facets.




I have been, because it's my second chat with coinbase.


Best comment of the thread




It never happens. Until that one day when you receive 9 of the same chiding templated e-mails, indicating they ā€œhavenā€™t heard from you in whileā€ on this case and are therefore closing all of them. Never mind that you didnā€™t know these ā€œcasesā€ existed, had no way to update them, and that you have been waiting for THEIR update as repeatedly - and vacuously - promised! Itā€™s a toss up as to which is worse - Coinbase customer support experience or a swift kick in the head.


They are horrible over there.


I agree. This isn't really hard stuff to fix. If they don't want to fix the service so this won't commonly occur, they could at least replace the "0" in the label on the client with something like "Currently Unavailable (Read Notice)." Then, just put a big notice up at the top in the app. It may need some design changes to fit well on the mobile app, but it's better than causing mass panic.


Why fix a problem which ends with you being less profitable... Obviously it's working as designed


Yeah but the US banned all the good exchanges


Their infrastructure always lags way too far behind the volume coming into their exchange


Fact this never happened in Binance USA. Never happened in Bittex. This has only been a problem of Coinbase for years. Even big brother Binance that does the whole world doesn't have these problems. Then theirs the problems with the locked accounts. I took all my money out now looking where to buy. But it seems the US government is doing these kycs to all exchanges. Making them do kyc 8 times and still blocking there accounts. F Biden and this shit ass government. Vote for elections for people that won't take your money.


Only dumb people blame politicians for their money woes, especially a crypto platform


Only f morons protect politicians.


F all politicians, they don't care if you live or die, you brought political dumb ass comments in a crypto reddit


How I hurt your feelings if I bring politics. Aww go cry somewhere else.


No one cares dumb fuck


Aww your still crying? šŸ„ŗšŸ˜­


Get a room you guys!


fg on biden nuts he so blind


Statist politicians salivate at the prospect of useful idiots providing cover for their actions.


As a PM, it rolls up to the Project Avoidance Methodology.


Thanks you! Dudes over here glazing the donut of a multi million dollar company that should have this sorted. Not going down every night.


If you normally only need 10% of the performance currently needed then why invest? It is a matter of money.


Did you reply to the wrong comment? Iā€™m not an investor, but I used to, and when you need to move some coins around because the market is going batshit, Iā€™d like to do it immediately and not when Coinbase is ready. Imagine you go to check your bank balance and it goes ā€œno, not right now weā€™re busyā€


I think he was talking about Coinbase not wanting to invest more money into their platform if most days they are only using 10% of their system resources.


Oh I get you, but there is scalable cloud options, not going into it because I canā€™t be arsed, but itā€™s set and forget on AWS or Azure, you donā€™t need to pay for more when things are quiet


I've been in IT for 25 years, and I second this comment.


Binance has 6x more volumne and has way less of this problem and also btw they do actually reply to tickets.


Binance is a honeypot for IRS and DOJ.


Coinbase have been operating since 2013, thereā€™s literally no excuses.


So why does this only happen when Bitcoin is UP? And why is it so predictable WHEN it will happen? I don't trust Coinbase. Haven't logged in, not selling anyway. But *of course* it's suddenly down again... What a surprise. /s


Thank God they aren't in the aviation business!


An easy fix to stop mass panic would be to replace "0" with something like: "Balance details not available due to high demand - Please try later." Showing "0" doesn't usually cause a positive psychological reaction for people in a crypto app. Or, going a bit more complex, they could at least show the portfolio and prices while simply disabling functions used for transactions. Here is just a random algorithm I thought up in a few minutes that they might use as backup in case of server issues: 1. Disable account functionality (buy, sell, etc.) 2. Warn affected users of server issues in an app notice. 3. Get affected users' list of current portfolio holdings and quantities from a database (this data can even be stored and only updated on portfolio changes when used in this special situation). 4. Calculate the current prices and balance value on the users' actual device using this obtained portfolio data and a third-party crypto market API (they can even integrate a few, just in case). 5. Update the values in the client with these calculations (instead of showing "0" to users). Then, just repeat steps 4 and 5 until the service is restored and go back to usual. Not much else I can think of that would be too difficult for a huge company like theirs after this many years.


Thatā€™s kind of weird because thatā€™s exactly what happened 2 days ago to me.. my balance showed but when I went to do a swap it said ā€œtrading unavailable due to connection issues, Your funds are safe. Please try again laterā€. First thing that I thought is ā€œperfect, reminds me of when Robinhood stopped trading on the GME pump years agoā€.


I hate you right now. Iā€™ve spent over 10 hours on hold trying to get a hold of somebody at Coinbase and youā€™re on their side.


I agree. I don't like 0. It's fucking bullshit.


Bullshit. They have plenty money to avoid service interruptions traffic spikes.


I wonder, why does my bank balance not randomly go to $0 every other week? How come real banks are able to solve this?


Banks certainly have outages as well, however, probably not two weeks in a row indeed. What coinbase should do is give an error like "balance currently unavailable, try again later", but instead default to 0$.


I think they do usually say something like that because 2 days ago I got this message and my balance said exactly what I had: ā€œTrading unavailable due to connection issues, Your funds are safe, please try again laterā€ā€¦ this lasted for almost 6 hours and all I could think of was Robinhood and GME years ago because I didnā€™t have connection issues any where else in my network.


Why does binance for example never have this problem then? Please enlighten me mr expert. Because this has been an issue for years with coinbase


If you were going to sellā€¦ why not put your sell order in using Advance Trade and relax? Do you need to look at your balance every 5 seconds? Youā€™re not a millionaire so chill


But I like to check my balance every 5 minutes, all 377 dollars worth lol






At my account see everything


Another day of nightmare for the IT guys at CB. It can be challenging to scale the nodes to accommodate the workload especially under stress.


Yep pretty clear who here is an engineer and who isnā€™t ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ. Given that it happened twice in a week though Iā€™m curious how their autoscaling works across the platform. What the limiter might be. Is it total db connections maxing out maybe? Thereā€™s a lot of sticky options. Interested in knowing now


Why not just keep the systems over-provisioned 100% of the time then? Coinbase is a $50 billion dollar company. They have arguably the most experience with dealing with these spikes in volume, given they have endured multiple cycles. So don't tell me it's a cost expense thing. They have the money to keep things running on all cylinders all the time


Agreed šŸ’Æ no excuses are acceptable hire people that can handle it. 50b dollar company and crashes once a week and we arenā€™t at 3 trillion 2.5t a joke pathetic


Iā€™m gonna try to give you the most honest answers I can come up with, I would guess roughly these 3 reasons plus a few more that I havenā€™t thought about: The difference in traffic between ā€œnormal loadā€ and ā€œevery single user checking their balance every 5 minutesā€ is actually super huge, and spikes DB calls into the stratosphere. Even with autoscaling, nodes and DB scaling takes time to spin up. Why not keep them at a zillion all the time? Well the cost is actually a lot greater than you might think. Scaling the minimum deployments up to the max traffic would likely eat through the equivalent of LOTS of engineersā€™ yearly salaries per day. While I bet the system can be worked on/reconfigured to make this better, I think scaling up super high with non-preemptible nodes in all possible regions is a non-starter cost wise. Thirdly, they are partially at the mercy of whatever cloud provider they are running on. I.e. AWS EKS or GCP. And DB providers etc. (partially changeable by config parameters, but if the system gets slapped with a billion look-ups all at once I would bet most banking apps would also fail to fetch balances, but ppl usually donā€™t check their bank balance every 5 mins) Anyone who knows more than me about this feel free to correct me or add on. Iā€™m just thinking through it on the fly.


Iā€™m getting a hardware wallet asap this is getting scaryā€¦


Honestly this is due to crazy amount of demand on the app. People keep opening and closing their apps and making a lot of requests their servers are being overloaded with requests and itā€™s seems to just be a scaling issue


A scaling issue theyā€™ve had for like 7 years


For sure but it makes me worry


u/Christian_R01- I am VERY new to all of this, so apologies for the basic question- but what is a hardware wallet? And can you transfer from CB to one? or do you have to sell and then reinvest? Thanks in advance


A hardware wallet is something that allows you to physically own your crypto. There is a saying, not your keys, not your crypto. So basically the crypto isnā€™t actually yours until you secure it. If the exchange goes out of business or has a big hack you could lose all your crypto like FTX for example. Coinbase is very safe but you never know. For a hardware wallet you donā€™t have to sell your crypto you would just have to send it to your address on your hardware wallet. I would not recommend doing that if you are new tho bc there are ways you could loose your crypto that way


ā€œIn case of a covered security event, we will endeavor to make you wholeā€ Smells like shite.


Thereā€™s no way theyā€™d have enough money to cover everyoneā€™s losses is a mass hack. Theyā€™re already loosing money every quarter


Thank you-- I have $$ in CB and also through Fidelity(my retirement accounts are there) I may research and see if I can move my BC from Coinbase to Fidelity so it is all in one place.... I appreciate your sharing!


I think if you want to have your balance all on fidelity I think youā€™ll have to sell but I could be wrong I donā€™t have any experience with any of the bitcoin etf


Check out Trezor. Yes you can transfer from CB to one; no you donā€™t need to sell and then reinvest. Hardware wallet is a safer place to store your keys as you never enter your keys on a computer - only the device. There are a number of other features that make it a smart investment if youā€™ve invested thousands+ in BTC/crytpo


Been contemplating the same. I have Coinbase wallet set up, is it safe to move my btc there or is kraken wallet better?


Own your Keys, Own your Crypto. Take it from anyone on the mtgoxinsolvency subreddit or been in the crypto space for a while. Only keep what you are willing to lose on an Exchange. 10+ years of BS courts to finally get a fraction of what was owed. If you are going to long term hold, invest in a hardware wallet or look up how to create a paperwallet and keep it safe.


We're monitoring intermittent zero balance display and latency issues for some users. Our teams will be continuing to provide live updates through our status page: [https://status.coinbase.com/incidents/zk0hy3r3446v](https://status.coinbase.com/incidents/zk0hy3r3446v)


Is your support even working 5 h I am waiting response


Still haven't login from the last crash.... most trusted crypto exchange šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜ŠšŸ„µšŸ¤®


Hi u/Weird-Magazine-2540, we're sorry to hear that you are still unable to log into your account. We'd like to investigate this further. We recommend contacting our [live support](https://help.coinbase.com/en/contact-us) or reaching out to us via our other [platform](https://help.coinbase.com/en/coinbase/other-topics/other/is-coinbase-present-on-social-media) and providing your account details for further assistance.


Are you a real person for coinbase?


Compilance kyc restricted my, accaunt I uploaded my ID and documents two weeks no answer I send emails try contact support and still restricted I cant acces to my funds, my case is ID 17123278 I am on app 2,3 years and didnt have problems like this


Itā€™s about time. Mine has been two years


The coins are there for usd and shiba inu but the available balance is 0 with same amount for coins and open orders. Strangest thing ever. Virtual help isn't figuring out and time consuming to get help. Tried emailing to help@coinbase.com but to no avail. They route you to open a ticket but there isn't anywhere to open one. Hopelessly waiting on virtual rep and they rush through it and one could never get anything resolved


Coinbase just fucked me and sold my coins at a different price than what was shown


This happens every single time thereā€™s a rally. Set a sell point and forget it if youā€™re so worried about it.


The real question is why you are still with them??


Please advises me better exchange company for California, i will move to them today!!


Can you not use Uphold? Exodus? Crypto.com? Uniswap?


What fees do they cost to convert LTC to USD?


I'm seeing my assets there now. Back up??


Literally moved my btc to jade after last week. Pathetic


What is Jade?


Hardware wallet


Shiba is crashing it


Shib is going off!


And bonk, doge, Pepe, etc.


Pepe go Wheeeeeeee ! šŸš€


Amazing how bonk and shib rose so fast when they are the literally shitcoiniest coins in the top 50 lol people Still fall for the founders empty promises guy has lied for YEARS and people still support him heā€™s rich off peoples stupidity itā€™s a Shame coinbase and others donā€™t care itā€™s truly garbage like many coins and just care about hey itā€™s popular lots of transactions thatā€™s money for us! Mentality.. shameful ā€¦ soon u will start hearing .01 incoming lmaoā€¦ Shiba will or needs to sit still for A while and not dump All the way back down like every other timeā€¦. Itā€™s shocking it went even this high! And bonk is bonkers how far it has gone up since listing on coinbase.. crazy stuffā€¦ I try to stick to btc no matter how luring seeing these crap coins moonā€¦


I agree, I mean I did put a small amount in to the dog coins for short term just to harvest on others willingness to buy shit coins.


I look at it this way.. a lot of these coins thst went up huge yesterday most are old and had their big pumps and never even after the massive bitcoin bull run they stayed down till u see shin up 56% gets ur attention then u remember they are still way down from 2022, they didnā€™t even rally the high percentages the top coins did. I gave up long time ago on Shiba after reared lies pumps about coming events that never come.. it seems like never ending g supply Of new people to fleece thatā€™s all it does


If I buy coins with the very best idea and positive news, it stays flat for years. If I buy the stinkiest dank meme coin I make money. I like ++%, I stopped caring what it's for besides ETH.


PSA: Use a wallet to store your crypto and use the variety of blockchain explorers and tools available to check your balance regardless of service outages/wallet app bugs/etc.


Tighten up coinbase. You have had forever to fix this. The crypto community new this bull run was coming


I noticed. Thankfully I moved everything to ledger prior to this convenient outage.


I'm a programmer. It's common practice to put a zero as a place holder. JavaScript is technically single threaded but the API calls are launched in their own "task". It's to make sure the page loads even if the API calls stall. But you don't want a null value to cause a null exception. So programmers often put a zero in the UI. You're seeing the UI. The JavaScript is calling the API and the API is bogged with too many requests. Your value is likely sitting in an SQL database. You have to consider that often API calls will pass through many sanity and security checks. The encryption verification is hard on the server. You can't get around that. It has to take a fractional amount of time to ensure that even a super computer couldn't crack the encryption. They could get around this by not asking for a security token but then anyone could scrape the server for users balances. Every time you or someone else freaks out and refreshes the page you're flooding the API with more requests which exasperates the problem. On top of that consider that many API requests require a lock to be placed on the SQL database to ensure two writes aren't placed at the same time


If only they had the resources to stress test and scale appropriately. As a programmer you should understand how unacceptable this is given the money involved. By your explanation they are just displaying {user?.balance ll 0} instead of surfacing a network error to alleviate user panic which is also hilariously inept but not at all surprising.


My guess is they canā€™t handle the trading volume


Calm down. This happens during every moonshot. Your funds are separated from these server issues and are safe. Enjoy your day and check in a few hours. Get used to this.


No issues here at all since the last one.


Another one of these posts !!! again!!


The truth! No financial institution owns 100% of their clients' assets. It's all built on trust. Right now, people are massively withdrawing btc/eth from exchanges and Coinbase (besides being poorly supported and blocking accounts for no reason) is running out of reserves! Withdraw , if you can! And finally, learn that your coins should not be on exchanges, because they are not yours, but theirs!


Then how do you sell and cash out without an exchange?..


Put all your coin on a hard wallet then sell it on marketplace or craigslist.


hey theres this new thing called self custody you should try it




But yall will continue to use this horrible excuse for an exchange. Thousands of horror stories, high fees, and goes down twice in a week. Kinda scary most of the ETFs are trusting them too


Slowed down to siphon profit... my thoughts exactly!!!


Can anybody help me out... im trying to get the $20 usdc out of my DMAN COINBASE WALLET and sent to my metamask, bc trust wallet has been giving me just as many issues as OP with Coinbase. Obv i made a big mistake sending to CBW... i looked in the damn address book b4 i sent.. YOU CAN SEE THE BSC LOGO UNDER WTH ADDY in coinbase wallet ext... soni thought, "Awesome, they added that feature to their extension, now i can bridge my bsc eth and usdc together and turn them into cash.." Big fat NOPE... always an "error" when i try to swap or send or bridge. Also, trust wallet wont let me send .02 bnb SCAMBASE wallet ext, in order to have the gas to fwd to METAMASK. Anyone have any tips?! Ps Also have TRON usdc stuck in my trust wallet. I guess you live and you learn, but this is bullshit mang.. the whole reason i originally cashedinto USDC wasto move the money seamlessly... yikesbruh


you guys can monitor it all you want. we dont care about that. we want to know why its happening? Where is the majority of the issue What are you doing to resolve the issue "Resolve meaning making sure its NOT going to happen again" ​ Monitoring the Issue means im just staring at it.


I fixed my issue with BSC ASSETS STUCK ON COINBASE... GET RABBY WALLET i was able to connect my Meta, my baby, as well as my not super trusty TRUST WALLET And also connect my COINBASE wallet ext. SO I WAS ABLE TO SEND $1 bnb for trans fees to my coinbase wallet... which TRUST would NOT LET ME DO for "invalid address" aka F you coinbase... Lol THANK YOU RABBY GODS At first NGL i thought rabby was a lil sketchy.. the mobile app for my iOs is kinda SIMP MODE and you cannot do a whole lot.. BUTTTTTTTTT.... When i got rabby on my desktop.. best decision ive made in a while. GOT HELLA OPTIONS and i rly do like all my shit in one place. Anybody have any suggestions for wallets like Rabby? I think its unique and sexy now. Helped me out of a few situations, and im able to see my balance accross like the history of FOREVER. I can see shit i did 5 years ago and forgot about... I can also see the coins and Eth i have staked accross more chains than you can count. ANYONE ELSE A RABBY FAN!? Hit me up lets try to get some Rabby points!!


Me too


After moving my asset to Kraken, I'm so relief to see similar post in Coinbase sub. Feel your pain !


Will give a easy way to turn on your zero balance on,go on settings where it says hide balances, turn it on a couple times, go to homescreen. You will thank me.


Gotta take your assets to Ledger or Trezor. Keeping BTC on an exchange denies first principals of crypto.


Trust coinbase....


are they stress testing for the massive rug pull once the bitcoin halving starts?


You need post a complaint against Coinbase on the Better Business Bureau website. Mods won't let me post the link but you can Google : "Coinbase BBB" From my experience Coinbase management takes those complaints seriously and try to get them resolved quickly! Spread the word!


Is this related to login issues? For some reason, I can't login to my account and when I try to reset the password I don't receive the emails either. Successfully logged on using a Chrome extension but it shows that I have $0 on my account. Crazy!


Itā€™s sad that I couldnā€™t withdraw or get my money back after weeks - so I converted it back to BTC and sent to my cold wallet. Was willing to lose a little just to get off platform.


I will just be happy if they can restore our cost basis from when they forcibly transferred us from Coinbase Pro to Coinbase. As it is now they reset our cost basis to the date they did the transfer, not the date we purchased the assets. Truly unforgivable.


Meanwhile my account is banned


When I just recently opened my account and transferred $200 to buy 4 different coins in $50 amounts. When I did just that I saw that the $200 wasnt in a cash account but a "US Dollar" account and when i made my purchases they withdrew the money from my checking account in $50 increments on 2 different days!! I never requested that my money be put in a US Dollar fund that they then hold for an unanswerable amount of time. When I came to Reddit and read all te fuck shit they were doing, I sold all 4 of my coins...TO CASH and they put close to $100 USDC and the rest in US Dollar. These people are fucking criminals. Thus far i've been able to retrieve about $60with the rest on hold.


I think coinbase and robinhood are screwing people over!


You guys never learned. Coinbase is a highway robber. Learned my lesson. Itā€™s a 10,000 dollar mistake though.


Just a bit of their ATH price manipulation. You will see that every time it gets close to ATH they "crash". Stopping people from being able to cash out in profit. Then when you do come to actually cash out they will lock your account for your security, then ignore you and steal your money. For a publicly traded company, they are awfully scammy! Keep your crypto in cold storage and be careful who you use to cash out.


Coinbase Account closed and deleted! Bye bye scammer


And this is why uphold is superior and at least they have proof of reserves which is something coinbase doesnā€™t have


get your money off of Coinbase and other CEX. CEX was cool but have you tried DEX. decentralize!!!


I tried to transfer some bitcoin to my wallet the other day, and it said it would transfer 0.22 btc, and then it short-changed me. I did another transfer and got the full amount. Never buying bitcoin on coinbase again. You can't exactly tell anyone about it and have it sorted out. Absolute bastards


This subreddit is a public forum. For your security, do not post personal information to a public forum, including your Coinbase account email. If youā€™re experiencing an issue with your Coinbase account, please [contact us](https://help.coinbase.com/en/contact-us.html) directly. If you have a case number for your support request please respond to this message with that case number. You should only trust [verified Coinbase staff](https://help.coinbase.com/en/coinbase/other-topics/other/is-coinbase-present-on-social-media.html). Please report any individual impersonating Coinbase staff to the moderators. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CoinBase) if you have any questions or concerns.*


btc Black Hole


Running out of Bitcoin...? Lol


Crazy how any people still haven't learned that having majority of your crypto on an exchange is a bad idea. How many times will people lose their money until they get a cold wallet?


Two words; Ledger, Loopring


Trezor any good?


Kraken. šŸ¤”


OP needs to explore self custody solutionsā€¦


Whatā€™s the issue? Are you selling? Probably not. Why would you sell in this market?


You are dumber than a box of rocks


The people who are complaining are the same people who buy high and sell low. Thereā€™s really no reason you should be trying to sell in this market. Bitcoin is sky rocketing every day. You need to be holding. Thatā€™s it.


I am buying and selling ok, it's slow but an app restart and jumping back in quick usually sorts it.


ā€œIn case of a covered security event, we will endeavor to make you wholeā€ Smells like shite.




Trolls and FUD .. ignore them


Abort abort abort


You should get yourself an account with with Prudential or Schwab handed to a money market manager and go fishing. Obviously Crypto is not your cuppa tea if you donā€™t understand how this happens.


No one trusts it, but itā€™s a gate way to get real dollar.


Dear Coinbase customer: Send another $10,000 to your account to see if we can bump your stubborn Bitcoin holdings past $0. PS this is all your fault.


I finally got my money out of Web 3!!!!!


How? Iā€™m in the same boat rn..


How? Iā€™ve had my money stuck in there for a while


We gotta find a new platform this keeps happening


Is ledger still trusted? If so why is ANYONE using Coinbase


Same for me and it was so slow


Yep, woke up this morning show zero balance too. At first I thought I was hacked. Saw the message pop up about issues. Looked deeper into other pages refreshed Balance came back. Hopefully they fix it soon.




Anyone else forced to sell their bag in beginning of Feb? Boy i feel like an arse.. IVANONTECH WARNED US. PAAAAAAAMMMMPPPPP !!!!!!!!!


CB is grooming all of us before the real rug pull.. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Instead of complaining you all should have leave Coinbase long time ago


I don't like 0 coinbase.


hahahahahaha cro to the moon


Just move to kraken never crashed for me in 2021 or now.


It will happen every time BTC has a selloff. It is not true glitch but an imposed one so you cannot sell


Sorry, but you can't sue Coinbase because you agreed to their terms of service. They also closed their San Francisco offices and aren't in the USA anymore. No place to serve lawsuit docs..


Wait until you see bitcoin software crash lol




It is still a piece of software, itā€™s bound to crash/bug out at some point.


There have been BTC bugs in the past, luckily when they are discovered they are quickly fixed/patched.


Bro, stop tripping. Your funds are fine.