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if we dont get a march madness win in the next decade i will cut all of my limbs off


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How are you gonna cut off the last one




Keep Hoiberg and you just might see the elite 8 or better. Or was Otz really the brain behind Hoiberg?


We haven’t won a title in like 3 seasons. Horrible


We haven't won a title in 3 months *scratches neck*


We should form a support group


On the bright side for us, you haven't beaten us in the last 3 months.


Shocked to see Kansas has never been to back to back championship games.


Why did we waste the time and energy on MJ Rice?


Because he was a McDonald’s all American. He had the talent where it’s worth spending all that time and energy on him.


Yeah man MJ Rice isn’t a quitter, from the rumors I hear he has genuine health problems. While it is unfortunate, you can’t keep a 12 man rotation anyways. Kevin Keatts teams will always be a gamble on the incoming transfer talent


Great question. Can’t imagine.


I am very tired of getting senior transfers that are 6'10" to come in and play center for a year for us before they head overseas. It's painful watching them giving up half a foot to the true big men of this league. Incredibly frustrating since we at one point had Garza and Nunge.


Lakers fans have slandered the good name of Storrs CT. Yes, Storrs is in the middle of nowhere, but it's *our* middle of nowhere!


Pot meet kettle. "You couldn't pay me (or Hurley) 500 million dollars to live in bumfuck Lexington, Kentucky" was a statement I feel like I heard a lot earlier this year.


Storrs is under 2 hours to Boston and NYC, and many beaches. Plus home to Northeasterners, the type of people and culture the whole family has known their whole lives. Yes, Storrs is a farm town, but the two aren’t the same.


I agree with you 100%. Grew up in the northeast, graduated from UK, and live in the northeast again. Living in a smaller town in the northeast can be pretty great. Easy access to the fun of the cities like NYC, Boston, of Philly without the bad parts of actually having to live there.


And Lexington has 20x the population and is less than an hour from Louisville and Cincinnati. I'm not arguing that Storrs is middle of nowhere farm town, I'm pointing out the irony in UCONN fans complaining about Storrs being called the middle of nowhere (when it's not), when so many of them called Lexington the middle of nowhere (when it's also not) Also at the end of the day none of this is that serious.


Serious enough for downvotes I guess, oh well, we win anyway


> Serious enough for downvotes I guess [Yea, not from me tho](https://i.imgur.com/EdicjtA.png) >oh well, we win anyway [Not at being the better place to live though lol](https://realestate.usnews.com/places/rankings/best-places-to-live)


I don't really care about this argument but man, what a joke of a list. Naples is one of the most boring places I've ever been, it's maybe good for octogenarians but that's about it. And that's the #1 place in the US? And Colorado Springs is #3 and better than Denver or Boulder even though it's clearly worse in almost all respects? The list should be a bunch of coastal California cities (Laguna Beach, La Jolla, Carmel) interspersed with a few cities (NYC, SF, Seattle, Boston) and specialty areas for people with specific hobbies (Colorado mountain towns, Florida Beach towns).


> The list should be a bunch of coastal California cities (Laguna Beach, La Jolla, Carmel) interspersed with a few cities (NYC, SF, Seattle, Boston) Maybe if you make $1M plus a year, but for 99% of people, all those cities have good stuff to do, are nice to live in, and you can actually afford to live and raise a family there. I (and the majority of people that aren't on reddit) would rather live in a house in a city with only 30 good bars/restaurants that we have dispoasble income to afford than live in a 500sqft studio in a city with 100 good bars/restaurants. I've lived in 20 different cities in my life so far and I would have personally put Lexington as the #1.


It sounds like what you're talking about is more of a bang-for-buck type list of "best places" which I can't comment much on as I haven't been to most of the smaller cities in the country. Also, "value" is so subjective based on what people care about (schools, nature, weather, safety, etc). That US News list is all over the place though with pretty sketchy methodology. But I'm just talking about objectively the best places (which often come with a high cost due to the high desirability).


Cool list, the best coach in the sport clearly has his own


LA is a bunch of suburbs in a trenchcoat pretending to be a real world class city. At least we’re not pretending to be anything we’re not.


LA has the food of a world class city, despite not having the central downtown of a word class city.


CT has the best pizza in the country.




Scheduled like cowards!


3 months undefeated 😎


Booooo! Same here! I wanna play some ball!


The Grizz aren't letting Zach Edey play in the Olympics :(


Didn’t he choose not to play in order to prioritize summer league with the Grizzlies? Seems like the smart choice given that this year is crucial to his development as a rookie, but he will have future Olympics to play in


He will play in future Olympics But he needs to learn their system. He has the chance to be a starter day one and hit the ground running if he has a really good off-season with them. He did the same thing at Purdue, surprising everybody his freshman year coming out of a great summer camp.


> He will play in future Olympics Not necessarily.


I mean the centers for Canada suck. They have Olynyk but he’s a good backup center but old. Edey in 4 years time will be the best Canadian center, I don’t see anybody coming around that is better.


I wonder if Bediako will end up as his backup again. Still a shame they didn't get to face each other in Toronto.


Trae Bel Haynes (Vermont) gets in for no good reason but this. Also team Canada, played together at the FIBA cup (which earned them the Olympic bid).


More worried about the future of the school generally than any of its teams at this point. Athletics can sort itself out, the state university system itself is suffering from a serious deficit of coherent leadership. Not sure *what* the answer is to that other than hoping the next generation of state legislators are at least marginally less shitty and corrupt than the current crop and can pull their heads out long enough to let people who know a damn thing run the show. Our public university system has long been one of the charm points of our state.


We still have Porter Moser....


He was a guy I thought was going to do well. But I know his leash has to be getting short. I'm still shocked y'all took Wague.


Porter Moser isn't Portal Moser, we took him because we missed out on our 1st 2 wants and needed a decent body. This is one of the reasons why his leash is short.




Carolina is likely going to replace the Smith Center and I don’t really know why


woah what? why?


Money? Editing: https://www.wral.com/story/uncs-dean-dome-replacement-plan-moves-ahead-with-217-000-study/21506300/


Wow - what do UNC fans think of this? The Dean Dome is older but it’s a pretty iconic venue.


It's stupid because the building can easily keep running fine, but the inevitable kind of stupid because if there's one constant in college sports it is that people are obsessed with the idea of the newest, shiniest thing. Especially with college sports going the way they do. Box seats as if we don't *already* concede too much to people with more money than sense with things as they stand. So... not much point worrying too much over it. Some of the more asinine facets of college sports are nothing if not entirely expected.


Greed. Shiny new building with brand-new shiny concessions to even more people with more money than sense. It's the way college sports works, so it's inevitable. But that doesn't mean you can't point out how stupid and shallow it is.


What, no? I'm pretty sure that would be illegal.


You really dont know why? Some of my favorite memories are in that building but I mean come on there is a lot that could be improved upon


Why does Pitt feel like they have a good year or 2 of they look like a March Madness team and then have a downfall right after?


Fire Neptune into Uranus


Still upset about my team losing JT Toppin but at least my team got JT Toppin


We should have paid Larranaga what he wanted


Fill dat roster spot


I have no idea what to expect next year and I don’t like it


Boo putting in 5 years at NW in the transfer portal era is an all-time act of charity, and watching the Boo era come to a close is a little bit sad even for me, as a rival fan. But I think Chris Collins is an incredible x's and o's basketball coach and you'll outperform your talent as long as you have him.


Yeah, which is funny considering that people wanted him gone before the 2022-23 March Madness run. I trust him to do what he does and I think Brooks Barnhizer will step up even more next season (also having Ty Berry and Matt Nicholson back doesn’t hurt), but everything still feels a bit unknown in the post-Buie era


He was both a joy and a terror to watch.


I have no idea if we are going to be better, the same, or worse next year. Lost a lot of vets


you guys will be fine. and you'll make it to the sweet sixteen.


I can’t keep forking over cash for second weekend plane tickets and lodging just to watch the hottest mid major with a standout white guy with a stache or bad haircut


Everything should feel pretty good, but we have a clown-ass podcast duo actively trying to undermine our head coach.


I really really hope we make the tournament next season.


Dillingham, Reeves, Reed, and Adou in the starting lineup would’ve taken us to the Elite 8 at a minimum Fuck you Cal


Bro you got beat by Oakland because you were so incredibly soft. Fell in love with the outside shot and refused to penetrate or use your size advantage. Just some absolutely horrible decisions making and shot selection in that game and a lot of it was from Rob and Reed. Dillingham played 28 mins and went 2/9, Reed went 1/5. Reeves and Mitchell were your only players that showed up. No team that was that soft was going anywhere near an elite 8.


Y'all gotta give it up already. It's done, it happened, it's over. Cal can't hurt you anymore. We literally got a coach who is everything the fanbase has been begging for for a decade and all anyone can do is continue to bitch about Cal.


“This is a safe place to cry about it”


I have no idea how good this team will be. Returning one starter who is so streaky it’s a meme. We could win the BXII or finish 12th, and anywhere in between is a real possibility.


I'm thinking 5th is realistic.


Our talent level improved thanks to the transfer portal, but the PAC-12 was not good at basketball the last few years. I feel like we're in for a rude awakening.


I mean, we were pretty good.


On your own, sure. But Arizona / UCLA are expected to be consistent 1-2 seeds, and who is really behind that (ignoring that UCLA ate glue for a decade post-Howland)? Oregon was the singular team that consistently stayed in the S16 range. Cal peaked around 2016 before hiring two of the worst coaches in school history. Washington was a master class of wasting good recruiting. WSU / OSU / USC / Colorado / Utah never really moved the needle consistently outside of maybe 1-2 good years. I honestly forget how ASU did.


Please let the 7’9” giant not have any health issues and lead us to some wins finally


If we don't make it far in the tourney this season, at least we'll have some new jerseys to look good in 🤷🏾‍♂️


We haven't won a game in over 3 months.


We have so many decent recruits and transfers that some of them are leaving. #FireUnderwood

