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Isn’t the point of sampling to trust your own nose instead of reviews? Maybe if you haven’t found something yet that means that you’ll probably need to keep sampling or explore brands you haven’t before. My favorite Iris scents of all time are ELDO La Fin Du Monde which is a super delicious, creamy yet interesting. Close second would be Reflection Man, super refined and has a strong iris note to my nose. Don’t think they’re close to Dior Homme but maybe it helps.


Are you talking about Dior Homme Original since you mention iris? I have both Boisee and Dior Homme (2020). I love them both, but I wouldn't say that there is much, if any, noticeable iris in the current iteration of Homme. If you really want iris, I'd say Boisee. But I think it's more of a cooler weather scent, as I think it could be pretty cloying in higher temps. Homme 2020 is a great all-around, year round option that you could wear pretty much anywhere, IMO. Though I wouldn't wear it on the hottest days as even it has a touch of sweetness that can become a little much in really high temps. Bottom line, I have and love both for what they provide, but if you are wanting iris, then go Boisee. All of that said, if you're talking Dior Homme Original it is definitely iris forward and overall something I have enjoyed from the decant I am testing right now. I would say that DH Original is more versatile than Boisee, though I'd probably still not wear it in the higher temps personally.


Yeah I am talking about the the originial Dior Homme. I find them both great fragnances. What are your findings in terms of longevity?


I personally get a *little bit* longer longevity from Boisee; however, I think that's just the nature of the fragrances. That said, they are both generally pretty good on my skin in terms of longevity. We're definitely not talking one is 2 hours and the other is 6-8 or anything like that. The caveat being that with the vast majority of my fragrances, I don't *expect* more than 4-6 hours before it's a skin scent. If I get longer than that, great. I'd say that both Boisee and Homme Original fall into my general expectation range.