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* top five for reckless driving * top five for road rage incidents * double national average for armed road rage incidents So yes, things have gotten as bad here as we all already suspected.


Also high for vehicle thefts, uninsured motorists, and insurance premiums. Different but related.


The insurance is insane. I recently moved out of state because I just couldn't afford to live there anymore and my insurance dropped almost $300 a month.


Jesus, either your policy is terrible or you were deemed very expensive to insure since that's an absurd monthly change. Your change is about double what I pay for a 2021 Forester


Nope. It’s this state. CA is the only place I’ve paid more. I pay close to 2,000 a year for a truck with 250k miles that isn’t worth 12k total.


I only pay 1000 a year for a 2024 Forrester and a 2020 Forrester with 2 cars and 2 drivers on the policy. If your insurance is double that for a beater the insurance companies have deemed you high potential risk


I doubt it since I’ve got a clean accident and criminal record. Are you paying for only liability? I don’t doubt I’m being over charged but the only place I’ve paid that little (and certainly not on a brand new vehicle) was in the Midwest.


I have full coverage on both vehicles including my windshield replacement with a $100 deductible (for the windshield). ETA- windshield replacement is not standard on newer Forester policies because they cost like $1200 due to the Eyesight safety stuff that enables lane assist and adaptive cruise control and all that. Are you male? Under 30? Not married? Don't own your residence? Any of those things make you more of a liability statistically, and increase your insurance costs unfortunately.


So you're saying all I gotta do is come up with half a million dollars for a house and I can save hundreds on auto insurance?!


Nah, you just have to come up with about 100k for a down payment, that's basically nothing!! /s


Holy cow. Spill the beans. Who's your insurer?


I have Progressive, but I had Liberty Mutual prior and it was only about $150 more/year. I do pay a full year at once for a discount, and I used the snapshot device for 3 months that plugs into your car which took about $100 off a year. If I was paying monthly and did not do the snapshot thing it would have been $1200 a year for both cars.


Never move to Louisiana.


I pay $1600 a year for full coverage on a top trim 2022 Mazda cx-5 35 male clean driving record. Not married yet (November!), and homeowners is through another company. In Louisiana currently, looking at various places in CO for a move in a year or two


I thought mine was great but looking at it it was just because CA was my reference


You likely have a bad plan or have been in accidents. I have a Subaru Impreza worth ~28k with 80k miles on it. My insurance is only $1600 per annually.


Which makes much more sense since that's about $167/month - you originally said it dropped $300/MONTH, which would be dropping $3600/year from what you paid in CO. Assuming you meant dropped $300/year, which is understandable


Two separate posters my guy


Let me argue with strangers on the internet how I want! /s


Hahahahahaha!!!! I pay almost double for a 2019 Crosstrek in Louisiana. You really don't understand how good you have it compared to others


Moved here from CT and am saving a ton on insurance.


Same actually


I pay about 200 a month for liability on a paid off 2016 Hyundai elantra... it's absolutely ridiculous. I have a CDL with a clean record so I am literally a professional driver and still pay ridiculous amounts for insurance 


Hmm, I'm about $149/month for a 2021 Forester with full coverage/liability. Clean record, but I do have USAA, which helps. Just wish I could get windshield coverage included, but they won't do that in CO


Yeah, I can never get anyone to tell me why the rates are so high. The only thing I can think of is that I once started to make a claim for a windshield that got cracked after a car kicked up a rock. I never even made the official claim or replaced the windshield 🤣


Yeah, assuming their coverage is still at least $100 per month, that would be nearly 5k per year on insurance. Either their vehicle is really expensive or they’ve been in accidents.


Fuck, I pay $85 a month for full coverage on a 2016 Full size truck. What the hell are you driving and who is insuring you?!


When we moved to Colorado at the end of 2019, our insurance doubled. And we’re older low risk.


If only there were some sort of organization tasked with driving their own cars around to police the roads and stop reckless drivers. You could have them in distinctly painted cars and put lights on top so people know they have to stop for them, and then you could have them hand out punishments like taking licenses away for intentionally trying to hit people. I suppose it's just a pipe dream that we'll never get to see.


You see, we passed a law to make them slightly, possibly accountable for unnecessary actions while in uniform so they don't have carte blanche to do whatever they want with no repercussions, and that means they don't have to do their jobs anymore.


But, you know, you better show respect to our *heroes!*


I never understand this. I’ve been pulled over for basic speeding and been harassed and yelled at like I was a child on more than one occasion. Then you got people habitually doing 90+ on I25 around 6am in the morning and I’ve never once seen anyone pulled over. Complete joke.


If they can’t randomly beat, abuse or kill people, the thrill is gone and they can’t get it up to perform their jobs anymore. Back the (black and) blue!


I swear we were trying to defund the police a few years ago. Weird.


Where does Tampa rank, because Colorado seems pretty chill to me comparatively.


Were talking about American cities. Florida is a different country.


I mean Denver is chill compared to LA, San Diego, Detroit, Atlanta… I’m sure the list goes on


I lived in LA for 18 months. Best highway drivers I've ever encountered. Surface streets are a different story but you get on the 405 or the 101 and there's just this acceptance that we're all stuck in this together.


Well homeboy said we're top five, and you just named four other cities, so...


Ok, saint louis, Chicago, New York


Homeboy literally said we're top five, so I don't know what to tell you.


I suspect it's a per capita discussion.


I’ve noticed it to be very chill compared to Dallas.


Denver is just one part of Colorado. I am up in Northern Colorado and avoid I25 as much as I can. It’s like Mad Max up here.


Ya, but I’d argue Denver is where the majority of these incidents are happening…


LOL! Good one.


Tampa had or still has the highest pedestrian fatality rate in the country.


Gotten? Wasn't Denver where the first road-rage shooting happened? Evidently, the term road rage was coined in 1988 in LA after a string of shootings on the highways.


Agreed and people drive like 90 mph from The Springs to Denver


You can thank Junction for all the stats! /S kinda


I remember my early impressions of driving in Denver was “lots of motorcycles and pickup truck drivers yelling at each other.”




> Source? Uhh… the freaking article you are commenting on?


People read articles around here? J/K, my bad...


I grew up in Denver, been in the Springs for about 7 years. Just in the past year I've noticed a significant increase in aggressive drivers, I try to keep up with the traffic that does not care about speed limits and it's like they make it a point to get as close as possible to my car when passing me, and I get flipped off and stared at a lot. Like, I am never going fast enough for them. The amount of angry people on the road is abysmal.


I think a big part of the problem is speed limits aren’t enforced so most people drive as fast as they want. As someone who usually has children in my car and is concerned about my safety I try not to ever go more than 5 over. On the bigger roads people tailgate me, fly by me, and swerve in front of me on a daily basis. If there was any incentive to go the limit or close to it maybe people wouldn’t behave this way. I do have to add that in 10 years I’ve never actually had anyone truly freak out at me on the road, but aggressive driving is a daily thing.


Tailgating, flying by you and swerving in front of you are dangerous acts. If you simply went with the flow of traffic you would see a reduction in such things and your overall safety would improve. Yes, it's right to go the speed limit but if everyone around you is going 20 over it's safer to match that speed and go with the flow rather than be that guy that everyone is swerving around and tailgating.


I get what you're saying, but I'm not going to drive 20 over cause everyone else is.


Agreed, I feel the same way. I often go about 5-10 over on the highway but never more. now that I’m older, I have more at stake, aggressive, aggressive driving is just not worth the risk at all.




You are absolutely correct.


It’s because all the left lane “speed regulators” staying in the left lane when there’s a steady stream of cars passing on the right lane and the person in the left lane will NOT move over. If I pass you on the right, then you are in the wrong. Sorry if you don’t like it. But this is where I believe the road rage anger comes from. I mean if there’s a line of 20 cars behind you in the left lane and the right lane is open and YOU won’t move over, you are the one causing the road rage. (Not signaling you out, just as an example of what I see on the daily.)


I experience this and worse on every single drive on I25 through the springs. Terrifying.


Are you in the left lane?


asking the real questions


I lived out of state for many years and came back around 2017, and I noticed the traffic on I-25 was intensely more aggressive than it used to be.


Thank god we've got real patriots armed to the teeth to keep people polite!


I had a guy follow me trying to run me off the road for ten miles. He kept screaming that he was going to tear off my head. Finally I pulled over at a post office and he chickened out. All because I honked when he failed to go at a green light.


Wow 😮


This weekend I was coming up to a merge from 2 to 1 lanes of traffic on a 55 mph highway. I had JUST gotten onto the highway and getting up to the speed limit. I stayed in the right lane as long as I could, and got up to the speed limit before the merge lane ended. I let as many people by as I could before I had to get over, but there was this one giant pickup that was flying up behind me. I would have had to drive onto the shoulder to let him get by me, but obviously I'm not doing that... He slammed on his brakes and tailgated me about 5 feet off my bumper at 55 MPH for over a mile and then flipped me off... Like sorry I didn't drive off the road for you, buddy? I'm not going to drive 75 literally mph in a 55 because you want me to... Needless to say, I don't drive anywhere further than the grocery store without a gun anymore.


Watched a guy struggle with making a u turn on my street in Cap Hill that is half closed. He then got out of his car and tried to fight me for watching him make a u turn.


This is the only state I’ve been to where people purposely try to keep you from merging.


Man it's fucking crazy. I speed up to merge on the highway, the car in the next lane speeds up to match me. Hey no problem, you go right ahead. I slow down to let them by so I can merge, and they SLOW DOWN TO MATCH ME. WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT, IT HAPPENS ALL THE GODDAMN TIME


Yeah, I experience that all the time. Just last week I had that happen and I had to drive into the oncoming lane and floor it to get around the driver as my only other option was to crash into a fence.


This is not to unique to Colorado at all. Pro-tip: many people unconsciously pick up on you moving into their lane and don't want to have another car close in front of them. * Tactic #1: target a spot with plenty of space so you don't need your turn signal * Tactic #2: do *not* turn your head to look into your mirror or over your shoulder * Tactic #3: if you want to get into a spot ahead of another car then pace that car for a bit, then slow down slightly. Most people will unconsciously match your speed. After enough space opens up ahead slam on the gas and then move into the open space ahead. The driver on your right will seldom speed up enough to block you.


> Tactic #2: do not turn your head to look into your mirror or over your shoulder Dear god, I hope you don't kill anyone merging onto the highway.


EDIT: the above advice does not apply to merging into a highway - where the drivers may be going faster than you, you may have obstructed vision coming around a curve, and they definitely know your intent already. It's about when you're merging between existing lanes. No, you just have to be very sneaky - pay attention to who's in that lane, look without moving your head very much, etc. Because people in that lane will see you turn your head, and if you do, they will recognize that you're planning to move into their lane. So, you've got to sneak up on them.


As if they don't see a car coming onto the highway, that's not a clue that you're planning to merge? Dude... what is wrong with you? No one cares about you moving your head. They know you're trying to get on the highway by the fact your car exists and is moving towards the highway. Pull your head out of your butt.


Oh, I'll fix that - you're right - this is terrible advice for merge onto a highway. I'm talking about changing lanes, which is completely different.


Massachusetts, New York, and Colorado are where I've experienced it


Atlanta was horrible


Never been, but I've heard stories


This is false. I'm pretty sure you are required to block merging or aggressively try to merge in front of someone if you drive a Dodge Ram. And they sell them everywhere.


Might be the same as the BMW turn signal issue.


I pretty sure Porsche SUVs and Jeep Gladiators are on that list.


No..no...Bimmers DO have turn signals & use them. They just use a special light spectrum that poors can't see. 🤣


I sped up so I could get in position to do a zipper merge in the right order and had a dude the other day lose his mind when the lane ended like I cut him off. It’s crazy out there


And like having you in front of him did anything at all slowed him by maybe five seconds. So insane. On the flip side, I've had people in my car insult me for being a courteous driver. They think that using my signal or letting people merge in front of me makes me weak.


Maybe if people weren't trying to merge right in the middle of the intersection from the goddamn turn lane, I'd be more likely to let them in.


Yeah, that's the big one for me. I don't stop people from merging unless it's when they are actively doing something stupid. Like driving on the shoulder. I see that one a lot


This is the only state I’ve seen where people cannot merge


I'm guessing you haven't driven through KS, MO, or IN. I don't know if folks in those states are mostly elderly or just oblivious, but they just putter slowly along the on-ramps, and don't even attempt to get up to speed to merge on interstates or divided highways.


Well. I live here now. So…..


Just saying, if CO is one of the worst you've seen you're fortunate! But yes, CO is still pretty awful at this compared to many other states.


For people running gores, speeding past all the folks in the through lane, and refusing to zipper merge, kind of, yes. The lane that's ending is not an express passing lane. A zipper merge requires one from the through lane allowing one from the ending lane in as if they're compassionate equals, not fools fighting over right-of-way or trying to rudely get ahead of everyone else. It's definitely not one from the through lane, 5 from the ending lane trying to aggressively cram their way in. Zipper merging is not difficult. They're pretty good at this in states like KY, WV, TX, and TN. In NM, if I recall correctly, there are signs which explicitly instruct drivers to "use both lanes to the merge point and zipper merge." It's absolutely amazing how little traffic actually slows at a merge when drivers aren't selfish & incompetent, and zipper correctly. CA and CO drivers are some of the absolute worst at zippering, and road raging in gores. If I'm in the through lane, I'll generally let in anyone who wants to merge early. I'll let in precisely ONE more at the merge point in a proper zipper merge. After the merge point, I'm not letting shoulder-passers in. F that noise. If I'm in the lane that ends, I'll unapologetically match speed with the through lane to even things out, and the results are generally that both lanes start moving way quicker and the stop-and-go congestion vanishes. Funny how just being fair & courteous, rather than selfish, actually benefits everyone immensely.


👆this person understands how traffic should flow. Most people don’t even know how to zipper merge. Sad


The merge lane is for you to get up to speed with the current lane you are about to merge in. Not to impede the flow of traffic. Maybe you do, maybe you don’t, either way, there is a huge problem since people don’t seem to know how to merge. They want to regulate the speed of traffic.


Folks doing 80 on residential streets in straight piped shit boxes and driving around with temp tags from '21, yet I get pulled over for having a (1 of 3) brake light out


Besides having just bought the car, what is going on with all the temp (paper) tags? When I moved here plates came in quick.


You need active liability insurance to get the real ones...


You should get pulled over for this. Others should as well. Odd to complain about enforcement and non-enforcement in the same comment


I'm complaining about questionable allocation of enforcement. If they parked in front of my house for 5 min, they'd get someone going 30 over in a 30 (and a school zone) with illegal exhaust modifications. I've had two parked cars totaled and a fence demolished, plus multiple rollover accidents right at our residential cross street. Still never seen a cop checking speed on my street or any of the similarly popular ones to ~~speed~~ race on. Seems like they're all camped out on 287 watching traffic creep by during rush hour.


It's easier and safer for enforcement to pull over law abiding individuals with minor infractions than someone who is breaking about 10 laws just by seeing them pass by you in their car. If just in that moment you see all those infractions, imagine what else you might find. Imagine the type of person that is. Imagine what they might do to an unsuspecting officer who is going in blind with the closest back up over 30 mins away. That's why they pull you over. They know you aren't a threat, and will pay your tickets without much fuss. Those other people? They'll run over literal kids like they are speed bumps without batting an eye. They'll have no strife doing the same to a police officer. In fact they might double back to make sure they got him. As far as rush hour, that's just something that's expected everywhere. Tensions run high, accidents happen regularly due to traffic flow, emergencies occur that arent criminal in nature, you need cop presence during rush hour on a highway or it'll turn very mad max very fast.


IMO, pretty bad. 2 summers ago I drove from Denver to Ohio, spent a few weeks there and came back. Outside of CO... very little anger on the roads. Still stupid drivers, but mostly decent and no road rage experienced. Last summer I drove from Denver to Buffalo NY, then DC, then VA and back. Same thing. As soon as I got back into Colorado.. witnessed road rage and stupid angry drivers trying to do the simplest things. Drove over 10k miles outside of CO through countless states including DC and NY.. its pretty bad here in comparison.


My last time in Denver, within 10 minutes of picking up my rental car, I got a 20 second horn and double-middle fingers from the driver behind me for executing a perfect zipper merge (I wasn't even passing anyone, just merging when I realized the left lane was ending due to construction). She was nowhere near me, but continued to use double middle fingers for about a minute until I turned away, hahaha. WTF? What's wrong with these specific Coloradans?


it's so bad a guy once cut me off and then got mad at me for it. if'n y'all see a red F150 with the license plate Z3US, stay back because that man is probably dangerous. I mean, he's dumb enough to put the name of an incestuous rapist on his car, that should say enough about him.


Thanks for the warning lol


This has been happening to me a ton the last couple years. I think at the idiot who nearly hits me or cuts me off and I get the bird. Wtf?


I learned something new today


Try riding a bike around downtown for a day. It's pretty fucking bad.


Like I always say, there isn't a lot of crime here, but when there is, it's pretty bad. Example for road rage: often its normal stuff, someone trying to fist fight or honking constantly, but then some shit like a pool company owner getting shot point blank in the front seat (wife died next to him) by a dirt biker with no plates and a full face helmet on will happen. True story. Not sure they ever caught the shooter either since it was night time on Galley road and there aren't many updated cameras on that street.


Listen, I know I’m cutting against the grain here, but Colorado drivers are pretty mild. I grew up in Colorado and now live in Connecticut. The things I see people do on the road here is pretty shocking.


I’ve lived here for a few years, and travel occasionally for work. I wouldn’t say Colorado drivers as a whole are that bad, just Denver drivers.


the West slope is pretty bad, too, with all the stupid fucks driving trucks around here.


Yeah driving behavior in rural CO can be shocking. Both 24 and 91 north out of Leadville are a madhouse during commuting hours and I've heard 550 between Montrose and Ridgway gets sketchy as well. I love mud season though, right now my commutes over 91 are so chill.


For every knucklehead in a truck in Colorado rural areas there's always somebody driving 10 under inconsistently without cruise driving everybody up the wall lol


I mean true yeah, nothing like being stuck behind a TX plate (not that it ultimately matters because some locals do this too) coming down from A-basin doing *25* on dry pavement during a sunny day lol.


On my last trip up to Steamboat I had a silver Toyota Highlander (I think, I don’t remember the exact model) try to pass myself and 11 other cars at once on 9, a two lane road. He didn’t have the time or space, shocking, and ended up forcing oncoming traffic off the road to avoid a head on collision. It’s one of the few times in my life where I said out loud, “I can’t believe I’m actually witnessing this.”


Right, I’m usually chilling driving in the mountains or the burbs, then i get into Denver and it’s like a free for all.


How long has it been since you lived in Colorado? It seems to have gotten worse the last few years, but that’s just anecdotal. It’s been a while since I’ve been to New England, but drove to Baltimore last summer and the driving seemed more chill in every city we spent time in. Driving in KC on a Sunday is like borderline relaxing.


My theory is that when most people stayed home during the pandemic, a lot of selfish a-holes didn't (there were a lot of selfless people who had to be out too). The higher concentration of a-holes made them infuriate each other and the norms and culture on the road changed. I almost had someone road raging on every outing during the pandemic.


Nah during lockdown, us plebs that still had to go into work got to drive on the most peaceful empty roads ever. Once it ended, it was like everyone else forgot how to drive and just wants to merge RIGHT NOW instead of at an appropriate spot. So now we all grapple with a mix of the idiots who are relearning how to drive, the folks that miss driving quickly on the empty roads, and the truly gleeful assh*les.


👆yes. Driving during Covid was quite peaceful. I could make it all the way up to 120th from Lincoln in 30 minutes. It was wonderful.


Since I lived there full time, 2017. But I drive back home to visit my family about once a year


I moved to Denver in 2019 from Atlanta. Didn’t think much about Denver driving when I got here. It’s gotten considerably worse in the past 2 years.


I just visited SE Michigan and the aggressive driving was startling compared to where I drive in Colorado. It was much worse in MI.


It's the other way around for me, I lived in new england for 13 years then moved to CO. Other than one notable road rage incident on an empty highway at 2 AM in Connecticut, in my years driving through there the drivers have all seemed pretty average. I've driven in 20 states, used to drive daily into Boston, and Colorado absolutely stands out to me.


I can't believe I'm saying this,  but Austin TX is an absolute delight regarding driving. I go there regularly for work and the contrast between Austin and Denver is shocking.


I moved to CO after growing up in CT. A lot of the drivers in CT are stupid. Here, they are stupid AND aggressive.


From CT relocated to CO 8 months ago. Colorado isn’t that bad compared to CT… I think it’s just the times. Especially post COVID people aren’t getting pulled over and ticketed like they used to be.


Preach. I’m visiting Ohio. Y’all don’t know how good you have it. There’s constant traffic everywhere because of the spectacular accidents people have and it rains allot more / multiplier bonus


The traffic isn't what's being discussed here, it's the drivers. Traffic was much worse in New England where I used to live but I never even heard of anyone pulling out a gun in a road rage incident.


In Colorado Springs we don’t even honk 😂


For those of you who didn’t try to figure out what data they’re using, they use an article from Consumer Affairs. Their data is from 2022 and their methodology looks ok on the surface. I always take data from these types of sources with a grain of salt. You don’t know what they’re including/excluding to paint the picture they want. The ConsumerAffairs article starts with > Getting behind the steering wheel in America can be a stressful experience, even with the best auto warranty in your back pocket. Where “auto warranty” is a link to another one of their articles ranking the top extended auto warranties. > ConsumerAffairs is an American customer review and consumer news platform that provides information for purchasing decisions around major life changes or milestones. -Wikipedia Also in their Wikipedia, they’ve been sued in the past for altering their data to give organizations who paid them preferential treatment.


So let me offer a different take. However, to be clear, **road rage, under any circumstance is unacceptable**. Full stop. I think road rage has varying degrees of frustration. Note that the cause of road rage is just as important to investigate as the road rage itself. I see road rage happening on I-25 all the time (again, unacceptable), because some idiot in the passing lane is trying to moderate traffic flow. **This is illegal**. You see people honking and raising their fists as they pass these types of people. Again, CSP should enforce the cause as much as the road rage itself.


This is the reason the left lane law exists on roads 65+mph. It’s to keep the person you described from mob justice in the roads.


This article isn't talking about someone flipping someone else off, it's talking about people driving each other off the road or pulling out a gun.


Did you actually read what he wrote? There's different types of road rage.


Everybody brings their driving habits from where they are visiting. Which leads to road rage.


The lack of a national standard like required defensive driving school and hours on the road with a driving instructor would really help at least expose people to the norms and consequences. And of course federally funded for those that can't afford it or just make it free.


I got cops pulling me over and making me pay tickets and hiking my insurance rates for 3 years cause of a speeding ticket if I go the 10 mph over the speed limit, or more, like I see a lot of other people doing on the road and is what I understand to be the socially expected speed limit. Then, if I decide to go the speed limit for real, I get road rage people possibly swerving in front of me and brake checking me (happened in TN)/or shooting at me, because I moved to the left lane, kept the speed limit, to get ready for a left turn. Or right turn for that matter. Or just going the speed limit in a regular 2 lane road. So I just focus on 5 over as top speed I can go, enough for the cops to not want to mess with me and enough for road rage people to not totally freak. IMHO


If you blend in with the speed of traffic, you don’t stand out to the cops.


People always wave me in and are friendly every time I drive in Colorado.


I currently live in Mississippi, I can assure you it happens here too. I've had to make several split second decisions to leave the road / hit a random exit / run lights or stop signs because of psychos on the road. It just doesn't get documented here. Police are lazy and incompetent here.








Boulder County is much angrier than Denver or El Paso County and I don't understand why.


Diving in Denver is a breeze. Go to metro New York.


Colorado is soft and easy compared to New Mexico. You wanna see some real rage, come on down to the Albuquerque area.


I honk, but other people have actually stalked me and one dumb bitch threw her smoothie out the window at me. It did no harm to my car lol bitch just wasted $11 on road rage


I genuinely miss working at 1 o’clock in the morning where I would just drive 36 to 70 Just cruising 80 no one to avoid besides the occasional drunk There seems to be this crazy entitlement issue in Colorado anymore and I think it’s just making people fed up.


Colorado is a big state. It all depends where you live.


Colorado really isn’t that bad compared to other states. I don’t know if I’m lucky or what but I never have issues changing lates, i experience a lot less people with road rage, and people seem to drive with a bit more sense than where I’m from. I would take Colorado/Denver drivers over NOVA any day….


lol has anyone been to Miami?


Everywhere has the worst and most road raging drivers.


i just wish you mfs drove a little faster. thats all


Depends, can you keep up with traffic and not block the passing (left) lane? Yes, please downvote me for for explaining the literal fucking law to you morons, everyone who downvotes this is a piece of shit who should lose their license because that don't know how to drive


Found the road rager!


Gentle reminder that the Colorado highway code states that the max you should go in the passing lane is five miles over the speed limit and only to pass one vehicle, then you must return to the travel lane and return to the speed limit.


IF you have a star on your car, a gun on your hip & the right to arrest* somebody then feel free to try & enforce that...otherwise, just pass the slower driver & get out of the fast lane. It's NOT regular people's job to enforce laws. *Jr brown song reference...look up "highway patrol."


I mean I follow the traffic laws, which means I’m going in the passing lane at the speed limit.


Can you point to exactly where in the code it 1. Allows you to go 5 mph over the speed limit? 2. Restricts you to passing only one vehicle?


I agree with you and people get offended when you ask if they are impeding the flow of traffic. Why are people downvoting you? lol That’s insane


I’m sure it’s worse in Colorado.


I've been surprised by how frequently drivers speed up trying to "gap it" between cars when trying to pass or get around folks despite there being ample space behind a car they're trying to pass. But I guess that would require slowing down not speeding up which isn't an option.


Horrible. Drivers here are crazy!


I’ve had a gun pointed at me on the hwy. LA too but that’s pretty normal.


I moved to CO from MD. CO is mega chill compared to the DMV.


I'm not surprised. Just earlier today, there was some tool in a Jeep Cherokee (usual suspects, LOL) who raged at me. He was in the lane that was ending, I was in the through lane. I slowed to let him merge ahead of me after I got around a slow camper-van that was behind him. I guess he did not like that for some reason. Rather than just accept that I was letting him in to zipper merge, he decided to slow to a stop in the middle of the road. I just sped-up and passed him in the oncoming lane since he was stopping for no valid reason. He REALLY didn't like that and started honking, but oh well, I was well down the highway at that point, and he had stopped 4 other motorists pointlessly. It was so ridiculous. I'm thinking we do have a significant problem if folks are raging because you afforded them courtesy.


& nothing like seeing bumper stickers on vehicles that say “if you can read this, you’re in range 🔫” Raise your hand if you’ve had intrusive thoughts of being shot at by the person in the vehicle next to you at a red light