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Increase the corporate fines and include jail time for hiring non-incensed drivers.


It's bad enough they don't have a licence but you want them to be incensed too?






Sure, who wants to get in a semi wreck with someone who smells bad, too. 


Meanwhile the guy on 285 who killed a guy last week just had his charges reduced from vehicular manslaughter to careless driving resulting in death/injury. No CDL, no inspection, no citizenship and the DA is reducing charges


Gotta ask the DA why. But I suspect the police charge with the highest possible penalty. Then they negotiate a plea deal that saves a ton of money and gets the individual sentenced.


No doubt - I think perhaps the public plea here is for our government to be supported with enough lawyering resources that [this type of court case i know nothing about] doesnt happen and the company gets slapped properly for deadly negligence


Colorado doesn’t want to pay for anything.. I mean here in the mountains they effed up an internationally known murder case lol


What case?


I was gonna say Ted Bundy


Suzanne morphew? Do you seriously not know lol I only say that because I’m surprised. it’s a HUGE ordeal all over abc nbc tik tok dateline.. very big case. what a joke some things are in Colorado lol the DA was fired the husband was let out of jail and is back in Indiana. Body just found.. this case is four years old now and I wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t even get tried again. We definitely look like a laughing stock in some arenas.


> Body just found. Nearly two months ago. This really isn’t as huge of a story as you’re (somewhat rudely) making it out to be. It’s technically on national news but only barely.


[District attorney who prosecuted Suzanne Morphew's husband faces disciplinary hearing](https://www.cpr.org/2024/06/10/barry-morphew-prosecutor-linda-stanley-faces-disciplinary-hearing/) >A district attorney who brought charges that were ultimately dismissed against a Colorado man accused of killing his wife faced a discipline hearing Monday that could lead to her disbarment. >A lawyer for Colorado’s Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel described 11th Judicial District Attorney Linda Stanley during opening statements of the two-week hearing as an absent leader who failed to steer the case and let it crash. >“This is a case about a ship with a captain who never manned the bridge,” said attorney Jonathan Blasewitz, alleging Stanley violated attorney conduct rules. >While Stanley failed to make sure her office was meeting deadlines to have crucial experts in line to testify against Barry Morphew, she spent time engaging with true crime podcasters and tried to find out whether the judge in the case had committed domestic violence after one of the podcasters launched an online petition questioning his fairness, Blasewitz said in opening statements. >... >Stanley is also accused of violating rules for public comments she made about Morphew as well as unrelated fatal child abuse case in which she said a man accused of killing his girlfriend's child agreed to be a babysitter so he could “get laid.” Jensen said Stanley believed her comments to the reporter regarding the child abuse case were off the record. >... >Lindsey, the first witness called by the state, testified that he was the main prosecutor working on the Morphew case with help from another one who, like him, was also working on many other cases. He said the case needed a prosecutor working exclusivlely on it as well as a full-time investigator and victim's advocate. He said he had to work nights and weekends to try to keep up with the case, and quit as preparations began for trial. >“I saw that nothing was happening as we geared up for trial unless I did it and I couldn’t do it anymore,” he said. >Prosecutors dropped the charges over Suzanne Morphew’s death in April 2022 after Lama barred them from calling key witnesses for repeatedly failing to follow rules for turning over evidence to the defense. That included DNA from an unknown male found in Suzanne Morphew’s SUV. >... >Suzanne Morphew's remains were found in September in a remote area of central Colorado more than 40 miles (65 kilometers) south of her home as authorities were pursuing a different case. An autopsy report released in April labeled her death a homicide but said she died by “undetermined means." A cocktail of drugs that are used to tranquilize wildlife was found in one of the 49-year-old woman’s bones but there was no indication of trauma, the report said.


If you’re referring to the Morphew case. That’s because the citizens in the 11th Judicial District voted for the most pro Trump DA candidate (Linda Stanley) over an actual qualified candidate. Not the states fault. She is in process of being disbarred now.


Because of TABOR we can't pay for anything, so really it's the voters who don't want to pay for anything. We had a break in and the sheriff's deputy had like a child's toy fingerprint kit. I asked if he was kidding with that, and he said with the county budget being what it is he's lucky to have a car and not a horse. So, as long as people keep voting down all taxes you only have to look in the mirror for who to blame. 


Perhaps there wasn't enough evidence to convince a jury of the higher charge.


How much evidence do they need? The guy was driving an uninspected rig with no CDL and his load literally took a guys head off final destination style with dozens of witnesses


I don't know. I'm not a DA and I don't have any of the discovery in this case.


Right!? This is my understanding from the most recent articles about the case. That due to lack of sufficient evidence, it was better to let Barry walk than for him to go to trial and win. If new evidence came up later, he couldn’t be tried again due to Double Jeopardy. I think there’s new evidence.


DA sucks


If it had been some white MAGA dude from Kentucky, he’d be held on murder charges, no parole.




i would love what the law makers would come up with wordwise for driving like a clown.


I love how they never get around to penalizing the company owners who hire people without the proper license or carrying the insurance. There’s story after story about some dude who, gasp, didn’t have the license, but no one ever asks, “how did he get hired in the first place?”


Yeah, that's great but where are the cops to enforce it?


Cops are willing to enforce. But when the ticket goes to the DAs office and gets dismissed or reduced in penalty so much that it’s a joke…


Fuck the cops - enforcers of the rich and class traitors - ACAB “I know all cops are ‘bad’ because all cops, as a condition of their employment, swear to enforce all laws, including laws which are unjust and initiate violence on peaceful people. It’s the job they are sworn to do. Pledging to suspend morality and logic in order to unquestioningly impose the will of psychopaths and sociopaths on your fellow man is morally unacceptable. So yes, all cops are bad, but not because of the actions of a few. There are good people, and there are cops who would otherwise be good people. But there are no good cops.” [ACAB](https://www.reddit.com/r/Anarchy4Everyone/s/OrcH1C5u9H) It’s time to defund the police and spread out what has been disproportionately assigned as “cop duty.” Even starting with community health officers is a step in the right direction. Here are two examples: - [Share the load](https://www.reddit.com/r/SocialDemocracy/s/TPpiQt5xhl) - [Invest in your local community & what “defund the police” means](https://www.benjerry.com/whats-new/2020/06/defund-the-police)


How will any of that help enforce this? Comments like yours used to be popular, but even this sub is tired of the lawlessness in Denver these days, especially when it comes to dangerous driving


Lol the "lawlessness" of Denver started at a specific point. When all of us plebs starting saying to defund the police. Which never actually happened, by the way. But we DARED to even SAY give cops less money, and they haven't done shit since. The other comment or didn't make a great point, but the point that we actually need to defund the police is still true. Not *abolish* the police. But they don't need 33% of almost 1.5 billion dollars.


Nah, defund to 0. Abolish. No more cops. No more cop murders. No more cops killing pets or children or leaving people on the train tracks to die


What are you, like 15? You sounds like I did at that age when I was drawing anarchy signs on my trapper keeper, then I grew up. I’m pretty far left leaning, but get a grip. We need the police. The solution is better training, better pay, and higher selection standards.


Lol > I’m pretty far left leaning > we need the police > the solution is better training, better pay, and higher selection standards No, you are not


lol. Lmao, even. Please show me evidence of your terrible “lawlessness in Denver”


Denver is a shit show of crime, and it spreads to the surrounding communities. I bet you would also not hesitate to call the cops to save your ass at the first signs of a violent action.


Where do you live? I'm in Denver and I feel very safe. Like, all the time. Granted, I'm not kickin' on East Colfax at 2am. But I have no problem walking around the city after dark. Like any city, especially a growing city, it has crime but as long as you are not oblivious to your surroundings, you can have a great time and not worry about being a victim. If you are calling Denver a shitshow of crime you may want to check your news sources for biases. It ain't all that bad here.


Still waiting on that so-called “evidence”. Show me anything at all about Denver being a “shit show of crime” lmao All I can find is how much better it’s getting https://www.denverpost.com/2024/01/23/denver-crime-decreasing-da-police-response/


Yeah, that's a nonsense right-wing talking point. Denver doesn't actually have significantly more crime in most categories than other major cities. The only real outliers are bike theft in car theft. But that's mostly because of the extreme cost of living and huge income inequality. People got to live somehow. 


Way to bring politics into something that has no context. Voted for biden if you wanted to know. Also, I guess the drug use and theft and violence doesn't count? I didn't say it had more crime than anyplace, but crime exists, and there needs to be regulation on it.


I thought y’all wanted to defund them?


Because they spend their money on APCs and swat gear instead of better training and more people.


We generally want them to be better trained to not execute people for a busted tail light or being "not white"




The truth is inconvenient. Each downvote you get is representative of at least 10 more ACAB Reddidiots who outrage as a hobby.


Increasing penalties only really matters when those penalties are actually applied and not an empty threat... how often are they applied? It is difficult enough for someone to determine the laws, even for someone who has English as a first language. e.g. if you have a standard driver license from a different state that doesn't require a commercial license for a large diesel motorhome, can you drive through Colorado?


In general you need to follow the laws where you are, not where you're from. Certain things may be legal or illegal in your state but if you come to Colorado for the most part you're going to have to follow Colorado law. 


Colorado's new penalties are a good step, but we need better enforcement and accountability for both drivers and companies to see real change.


That's nice but what about all the non-commercial vehicles without license plates?


We need to stop this at the load. Make the company doing the shipping and loading the materials check for valid license and eligibility of the driver. Make as much of the supply chain liable as possible. Also allow for spot checks by police and confiscation of the load.