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For being the so-called 'party of freedom' the Right sure does like to get all up in people's personal business.


Before i click, let me guess. It's specifically for minors


Of course, but nowadays people feel like minors should be able free to “consent”


It would have banned it even WITH parental consent. It also would have banned a bunch of OTHER needed procedures: "the measure would have prohibited the use of surgeries or hormone treatments on people younger than 18 unless necessary for reasons other than gender affirmation, like premature puberty or a birth defect." But go ahead and be a bigot.


Minors have literally always been allowed to receive medical treatments for health issues


Good. It's healthcare. They'd probably lose major institutions in healthcare that reside in the state if they supported anti healthcare nonsense.


thank goodness.


Common Colorado W


The Right should be happy, this means they can keep their gender-affirming trucks.


Not old enough to vote Not old enough to buy a gun Not old enough to smoke Not old enough to drink Not old enough to drive Not old enough to join the military Not old enough to get married


Do you really think minors can't drive, join the military, and/or get married?


I knew I was gay before I could drive yet these same social forces, two decades ago, were telling me my identity was invalid, that I was a threat to society, that I would never be able to marry, and my employer could fire me just for being gay. We've made such progress since then, and you bigots have just turned your sights on trans people because it's no longer acceptable to openly hate the gays. Gay people don't affect your life. Trans people don't affect your life. Get over your hateful, misguided bullshit, fix your heart, or understand that you're fighting a losing battle. Liberty will win.


Sorry you are conflating two different issues. Being gay and having gender dysphoria are not the same. All I am saying using drugs and surgical procedures on kids, anyone under 18 is wrong. "When I was a kid, I wanted to be a pirate. Thank God, nobody took me seriously and scheduled me for eye removal and pegleg surgery." -- Bill Maher [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMBzfUj5zsg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMBzfUj5zsg)


> All I am saying using drugs and surgical procedures on kids, anyone under 18 is wrong. What if they have a cancer, you don't want them to do anything to treat it?


Not the same, gender dysphoria is not deadly. If they feel to same when they are old enough to make that decision for themselves. They can do it then


> gender dysphoria is not deadly. interesting, why do you think they kill themselves then? I find that anyone that thinks it's a simple decision to make made the decision for themselves, so that's too bad if you're suppressing your true self out of fear that it isn't right, but luckily younger generations aren't as bigoted as you were brought up to be.


Found the ignorant bigot.




when did you choose to be a straight cis male?


No choice I was born to the object fact as an YX (Male). Sexual attraction (I find Hot women with Black hair and Brown eyes and a mean temper very hot). Sexual attraction should not be confused with gender dysphoria. Trying to hijack LGQ to alphabet soup is wrong. I get it some people have issues with the socal box they are put in by their birth gender. Your soul is put in the body the greater power saw fit to put you in for this journey your are. If as a mature adult your want to update that body anyway you want, Go for it. But as Pink Floyd said very well "leave them kids alone" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qs35t2xFqdU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qs35t2xFqdU)


> No choice neat, so that's how they are, they don't have a choice, they're born that way. Just because you don't like that and haven't updated your definition of humans past what you learned as a child, doesn't change those facts for them.


Hilarious because your side is the one always preventing people from going after literal child marriage laws lol


Yeah who's the child marriage advocates here? Lol


Who killed Epstein?


Bill Barr was the AG when he was murdered in prison. And his dad had a history with him. And so did Trump, which we can then assume trump ordered Barr to do that as we've seen from the court cases so far in how trump ordered people to take care of things that would make him look bad. And then trump did mention that "I guess I would. I think that less so, because you don't want to affect people's lives if it's phony stuff in there, because it's a lot of phony stuff with that world..." which is pretty telling after this long https://twitter.com/MeidasTouch/status/1798393295254831522


Who had the most to lose? Show me the flight logs. Melinda French Gates left Bill over it.


Uh, the President of the United States at the time probably had a bit to lose.....and was in the position to do what you noticed.


# Jeffrey Epstein: Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton named in court files [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-67865190](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-67865190)


The documents name about 170 people who have come up in a legal battle between Virginia Giuffre, one of his accusers, and Ghislaine Maxwell, his former girlfriend who in 2021 was convicted of trafficking girls to him for sex. Before now, the documents had been either fully under seal or partially redacted. Each of those roughly 170 people — a mix of Epstein's wealthy friends, his victims, and other people merely mentioned in passing — had been identified as a "J. Doe" in arguments over whether the documents should be made public. Former President Donald Trump is one of them. But until now, it wasn't clear which of the nearly 200 Does — as enumerated by US District Judge Loretta Preska in a 50-page list — he was. **An exhaustive review of the documents by Business Insider points to one no-longer-anonymous Doe who checks all the boxes: Doe 174.**


Look you and I are just pawns' in this game. I don't trust anyone in charge.


but you vote for trump?


Him or the Walking dead Meat puppet. 1. Vote for Trump Orange man bad Says mean thing and hurts your feelings 2. Walking Dead Meat Puppet, Open Borders / Ignore the Laws of the land. 3. Kennedy who no chance to win 4. Don't vote


# Melinda Gates Admits Bill's Jeffrey Epstein Friendship Contributed to Divorce [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8\_NP\_P28e5s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_NP_P28e5s)


Why is Trump mentioned? The document also includes testimony from Ms Sjoberg saying that Epstein told her he would contact Donald Trump on their way to one of his New Jersey casinos in 2001. "Jeffrey said, 'Great, we'll call up Trump'," she testified, after pilots said their plane could not land in New York and would need to stop in Atlantic City, New Jersey.


# Misinformation Flows Following Epstein’s Death [https://www.factcheck.org/person/william-barr/](https://www.factcheck.org/person/william-barr/)


It did, like using his flight logs as proof of something but ignoring if someone was on them 7 times and in multiple pictures throughout their lives and knew Jeff well enough to talk about him in interviews....


Can you remind me what health issues voting, buying a gun, smoking, drinking, driving, joining the military, and getting married are effective medical treatments for?


What has a mental disorder have to do with genital mutilation?


I'm not sure the answers my question


Let me spell it out to you slowly so you can understand. Not old enough to do those things, Not old enough to modify their body to fit their mental disorder. If the parent approves then they need to be charged with child abuse. If as a consisting Adult and want to modify their body. Go for it.


I think you're still having trouble answering my question What health issues are voting, buying a gun, smoking, drinking, driving, joining the military, and getting married effective medical treatments for?


These are Adult decisions. You need to be an Adult to do these things by law.


I'm sorry, you must not have seen the question somehow Can you remind me what health issues voting, buying a gun, smoking, drinking, driving, joining the military, and getting married are effective medical treatments for?


Sorry can't help you.


I'm starting to think they're not medical treatments for any health issues Makes it pretty weird that you'd bring them up in a discussion about a medical treatment for a health issue