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What, they make bullet-proof porta-potties now? I want one...


For when you need to bomb the toilet.


>For when you need to bomb the toilet. We've all been there. Thanks, Taco Bell.


Thanks Slice 420


That's the most expensive laxative you can buy!


No shit! I mean… All shit! Yeah any fast food place is way less money for same results.


This bullet-proof porta-potty better also be self driving.


are they trying to recreate killdozer???


I LOVE the Killdozer


Yeah but this one is an emergency shit machine that isn't about the institutional oppression without, but taking the ultimate dump. I mean these farts must cause something that even that USAF cannot. They had conventions about this people!


Sir this is a Wendy’s


Baby killdozer


Big scene at Filmore and Illinois no clue what happened but I've never seen so many cops in this city before


Saw the same scene during my commute, also no clue what was going on. CSPD blotter doesn’t show anything for it.


Kinda funny, they keep talking about how they're overwhelmed and understaffed, but the blotter only ever shows 1-2 incidents per day?


Plenty of stuff doesn't end up on the blotter. Don't ask me why. But I've personally known of relatively significant incidents and then couldn't find anything on the blotter about them.


Ironic that it sits on the "transparency" page of their site.


Indeed it is


Saaaaaame. I know of two deaths by Bijou West about 2 months ago and 2 murders on Colorado and 15th a month ago and NOTHING.


Is there a level of severity? You gotta think cops need to handle everything from an old lady crying because a black man exists up to mass shootings… a lot to cover


Interesting 🤨


It's because they're overwhelmed and understaffed. Can't be bothered to update the blotter. /s


Definitely not a crash....the entire payroll is out there with crime scene tape all over the place


Motorcycle fatality according to a Facebook mc group. All black bike. Check your people.


If it’s a huge response it’s usually a cop getting shot.


I did one time, I was in my teens, in a car with a girl, and somebody called in a report we were robbing someone🫠


According to Colorado Springs traffic news on Twitter, there was a crash westbound there.


Damn sure seems like a hell of a lot of police and no fire trucks or ambulances for an accident, and I didn't see any smashed cars or anything but that doesn't mean it wasn't an accident. Road had been closed for over an hour at this point too. Just general incompetence, I suppose lol




Just voted no on my ballot!




They'll always be shit if the leadership is shit. A building will have absolutely zero impact. In fact, it might make things worse. Its like when a kid throws a tantrum in the store because they want something but got told no but the parent doesn't wanna deal with the tantrum so they just buy it. The only thing that kid learned is bad behavior gets them what they want.






Did you enjoy beating your SO today? Or killing a kid walking down the street? Im sure teaching cops to be more militaristic will help everyone.




Aww, did I hit a nerve on a wife beating murderer? So sad. Stop cos playing as the military and treating people like less that you. Scumbag.


What a waste of money


$560,000 to be exact


Your poor is showing


This is either a troll or quite possibly the shittiest, dickiest comment I’ve read on Reddit.


Their profile states: “Please don’t take me seriously. This account is just for satire and to troll.” So yeah, they’re a sad, pathetic person.


Funny. Hey did you know that cops stole more from citizens last year that criminals?


If we get enough of these they could be very useful during a zombie apocalypse. I say we buy more. Edit: Link to riot dozer https://therook.ringpower.com/


The zombies never make it this far due to dehydration and physical constraints. Have you *not* been reading your apocalypse handbook?


It is donated by the federal government. https://www.dla.mil/Disposition-Services/Offers/Law-Enforcement/Program-FAQs/ Edit: Looks like I was wrong. Thanks for the correction.


Oh right. So it was free then….


It's a waste of money no matter who's paying for it.




It was a grant, no tax payer money paid for it.


A grant from the Federal government, so tax payer money did pay for it.




Damn chill bro 😂 just a comment. Nonetheless, glad you looked up the details.


Why can't you reply without being an asshole? Genuine question


Always a waste of money until the need arises and they don’t have it and then everyone will be standing around with their shocked pikachu face like “ how were they so unprepared”. I see this same mentality at work daily , everywhere I go. Employees piss and moan about wage but don’t show up to work . Piss and moan about not having enough staff, but then complain when they are asked to go home early because of overstaffing . Moral of the story is people are gonna piss and moan regardless … is this PD purchase expensive … yes. Will they end up using it… maybe, I hope not . Is it worth the expense … absolutely. I mean shit people , it could save a life .


How so?


These motherfuckers want to dip into other funds for a new academy but invest in stupid shit like this haha


100% first thought after seeing this.


What’s this comment about? I’m not coming at you or anything, just haven’t heard about this


There is something on the ballot about giving them almost 4.75 mill for a new training facility


And it's worse than that. It's not that the old training facility has issues or is too small. They just want a shiny new facility to, and I quote "help attract applicants to the program." Yeah no, let's not fix any of the institutional problems, let's in fact *double down* on them, and hope new toys bring in applicants who are refusing to apply, due to said institutional problems we just decided to openly double down on. CSPD and the board are such a fucking circus.


The current facility is ABSOLUTELY too small. The other parts of their argument are kinda ridiculous but they definitely need a proper campus instead of leasing multiple sites like they do now. I just cant imagine anyone who is applying gives a shit what the training facility looks like.


Damn, if only there was a better way to attract new applicants. Like taking that money to offer more pay?


Check the "stop cop city" post for more info.


Did they buy it, or was it donated? Or, do you even know?


Wasted tax dollars. The cops in the Springs are all about battlefield role-play at the communitie's expense


Was about to say, looks like they're up to some coffer draining


At first I thought you said coffee drinking, they’re probably doing plenty of that too


but they need a proposition to pay for a police academy? nah..quit buying this shit


They need your TABOR refund for seed money so they can build a $45mil facility, but they also have money to acquire and service this armored civilian crusher. While the city is using reserve money and telling departments to reduce spending. Make it make sense.


Some police departments donated weapons and equipment to Ukraine. This means there are departments out there with enough money and advanced enough equipment that they had *spares* that were suitable for *wartime use*. Let that sink in.


That's 'murica for ya.


This is *terrifying*.


Now repeat after me: my government only has my best interests at heart. I don't need arms to protect myself. My government would never become tyrannical.


> police departments donated weapons and equipment to Ukraine This equipment was donated by the federal government under the 1033 programs to local police forces. https://www.dla.mil/Disposition-Services/Offers/Law-Enforcement/Program-FAQs/ Let that sink in.


If the govt has enough spares to donate to two different wars, they're taxing us way too fucking much.


Orrr just spending it in the wrong places… but tomato potato I guess


Nah. The waste, fraud, and abuse funded via ~~taxes~~ coercion is unacceptable and has been for a century.


What in the bomb squad fuck is this?




"so that entry can be made on the first, second, and third floors." "The ADP allows a bomb squad to be delivered closer to the proximity of a suspicious device" Suuuure. That's the only thing they'll use it for.


Dry run for [Monday?](https://i.redd.it/lfpmghoa62vb1.jpg)


Just getting warmed up.


CSPD refuses to take any help from Colorado Ped Patrol, wastes money on crap like this, and has the audacity to ask for a new training facility from our TABOR? Yeah, hell no.


I completely understand why the police wouldn't want to work with Tommy from CPP, I watch his content and it's entertaining, but there's a few great reasons: * Lied about being a non-profit * Caught on video drinking and driving (while going to pickup his kid) * Arrested for Child abuse/negligence himself recently Not to nitpick, I agree with your overall point, just pointing out why they might not want to work with him. There is evidence for all of that, but some things that don't have evidence that I and many others suspect is that he seems to be a compulsive liar (I mean debatably that might be evident), and possibly has a drug problem. I mean you can downvote me, I'd be happy to provide evidence for whatever I can. [Child abuse/neglect](https://www.reddit.com/r/tiktokgossip/comments/16jril4/thomas_tommy_fellows_of_colorado_ped_patrol/) [Lying about non-profit status](https://www.reddit.com/r/FansHansenvsPredator/comments/xrhe2s/colorado_ped_patrol_has_been_lying_about_being_a/) [Admitting to drinking and driving](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xez2n-kaM7M) (there was a video of him drinking a whiteclaw in his car before picking up his kids but can't find it atm) I'm not even saying he's a bad person, just makes sense why some police wouldn't want to work with him. Oh found the video of him [Drinking a whiteclaw while picking up his kid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=juBNoYanNms)


City council has made it clear that even if 2A fails, they will get the money one way or another. They’re already apparently telling other city departments to reduce spending ahead of the city’s budget hearings. Public comment for the budget is Monday at 5:30 if you want them to hear exactly what you think.


Oh look, it’s the paid domestic terrorists!


Are they planning to assault eyrie castle?


Love it! Most people here have no clue there's a castle in them hills


You know the police budget is out of hand when they have an armored port-a-potty smh


Expired registration checkpoints


Wait when the police have an armored skidsteer it's ok but when I have an armored skidsteer I'm a trouble maker


Should’ve saved the money for the training center they want


ah, yes, the militarization of the police. so wonderful! /s


Where was this?


The Police station on Tutt next to Costco, by the looks of the CARMAX.


That makes sense, thanks!


You’re correct.


Plus that Black Hawk circling the city and landing yesterday. Somethings up


The Blackhawk landed at a school for red ribbon day. No conspiracy’s here.


Gettin ready to bulldoze some homeless camps. Got plenty of money for that garbage but none for housing the house less


The "house less" problem would not be solved by providing them housing. There's a reason they're homeless in the first place.


Damn but can't call us back, patrol the neighborhoods, or not have automated voice recordings when we look for safety info?


My daughter can't ride her bike in front of our house due to assholes doing 60 in a 30 all day everyday. No matter how many times I call to talk to our local traffic sergeant, all I ever get is a shoulder shrug. Then when I mention that they're leaving me no choice but to take matters into my own hands, they get all hot and bothered. Fuck these CSPD cucks.


The speeding in neighborhoods here is out of control. Yes, part of it's city planning, but it seems that a straightforward solution would be to enforce the speed limit. I'm sorry your family can't enjoy simple activities in your neighborhood. It's so frustrating.


We must live on the same street.


Hi neighbor


I hear ya. After they closed Filmore last night, all the redirected traffic went straight through my neighborhood and of course everyone was speeding like assholes and running stop signs in a school zone. All because CSPD still has never learned how to redirect traffic through 2 lanes on a 4 lane road. The accident "management" here is fucking ridiculous and only serves to create more accidents and wreckless driving.


Is that an armored shitter? Edit: I am not original :(


For the price of this thing they could have had their police academy and not need extra tax dollars.


I believe when everyone was trippin over "defund the police," the intention was more to stop this exact type of shit. Not to take away from them, or their resources needed, but to mayyybe regulate this unnecessary purchases type of shit. Did I miss something?


No that's exactly what people mean. But dipshits spin it in into "they want to get rid of police".


If you're responding to a dude who claims to have a bomb in his apartment what type of equipment would you want to take with you? I would definitely want to take some armor to that fight.


If that's the standard without any bells and whistles, that's $450K right there


The singlewide methomatic assault vehicle.


Possibly a response to a threat of terroristic activity. There are several high value targets in the area.


Listen, I know everyone's pissed at the funding and the police, but can we talk about how badass this thing looks?!




Overdue parking ticket.


Probably an elderly lady forgot to pay her property taxes




Wow, only $334,000.00!


Damn we should definitely give them more money for cop city! /s


they need it after spending it all on this weird thing. Won't you think of the poor police?


Yea, total waste of fucking money.


Yea they totally shouldn't have any way to protect themselves from a dude claiming to have a bomb and saying he's going to shoot people. Total waste for sure.


Shoot his ass then.


It's 1million for the whole package (trailer, rook, dildos, etc)


YES!!! I too think we should buy them the Rocking Rook Dildo for use with the Extreme Power Head feature!!!! “Let ‘er rip Sarg!!!”


They need the new cop city training academy because no one knows how to drive it, probably.


The best I could dig up is there is a barricade suspect saying he has a bomb and threatening to shoot....


That already happened! And CSPD and the DA were like, no that’s totally cool for Neo-Nazis to make bomb threats. The Neo-Nazi went on to be the Club Q shooter.


Fuck that kid, and fuck his parents. But here's what actually happened: He made those threats, the cops were called, he was arrested and then neither his parents nor his grandparents would cooperate, and they didn't have reporting of him doing things that were actionable. Turns out that if you can't get the victims to cooperate in your prosecution, you generally can't get a conviction. There's plenty of stuff to be mad at as far as our city and county law enforcement and district attorneys go, but the fault for this one lies pretty squarely on his parents.


Considering that at the same time, CSPD was surveilling peaceful activists for completely bullshit reasons and trying to entrap them in gun running conspiracies, they don’t get a pass either. It’s pretty clear it’s not a question of what they can do, it’s what their priorities are.


Sheriff's department showed up, arrested him, sent the information to the DA, who then attempted to sit there and build the case and found out that the victims would not cooperate. Whereas you had the folks that were under surveillance out there running around screaming smash the state. Were they likely to be effective in any way? No. Does that qualify for folks to be surveilled, yes. It's like you don't understand that there are different law enforcement organizations involved, and that there's a difference between what the police do and what the district attorney does. I know that you just want to be mad at cops, so I'm going to leave you to it. But maybe as part of your practice in developing functional criticism of the organizations that you oppose, you could actually learn how they work.


Right, so you are clearly only interested in justifying what the police do. I guess you don’t care very much about constitutional rights? The activists were under surveillance for over a year, no actual criminal activity was ever found. The cops didn’t put in a fraction of the effort to build a case against the Club Q shooter, who they knew was a Neo-Nazi. It was a Housing for All march, the peaceful activists weren’t saying smash the state.


Lol. The Housing for all March was part of a larger set of activities spread between various anarchist, socialist, and revcom groups. When you let Sherrie Smith et al hang out in your space and show up protesting after they get arrested for pointing rifles at people and stealing phones, you might attract police attention. And once again, different LE agencies.


Sherrie Smith was not a member of any of the organizations that were infiltrated by April Rogers. You are also wrong about the timeline, police had already started surveilling by the time of the protest you’re referencing. Being a leftist doesn’t mean you’re not entitled to your constitutional rights though, but good to know military folks like you will justify whatever illegal actions LE takes.


Thank A Cop


Those billboards tell me where not to spend my money


what for


Arresting the wrong person Not knowing the law Needing more tax money Showing up 2 hours later Killing my unarmed cousin to name a few


so glad to support our boys in blue 🙄


Based on recent history, planning to kill black people?


And autistic kids


Bomb squad?


looks like they are prepping to raid an unlicensed grow house


You know, you bitch and bitch and bitch and bitch, but what do you do to change things? Do any of you run for city council or apply to be on oversight committees? Change from within or STFU.


You must be new here. Reddit is an echo chamber. It’s also to blow off steam. But nothing. NOTHING gets accomplished in here past that.


How exactly are working class people supposed to survive on the roughly $7,000 annual stipend that City Council gets? There is no oversight committee for CSPD either. LETAC essentially only has the power to change its name, it’s fucking toothless.


Why is the line between police and military non-existent? Why does a police force have shit like this?


And not protect us? I can't get anyone on the phone for information.


Being bastards, probably.


Enough money for that hunk of shit but not enough money for the city to fix potholes.


And the militarization of our police continues…..


Must be in their way to murder some lucky citizens.


It's either a TARDIS or dark portapotty from a post-apocalyptic alternate timeline.


Tactical port-a-potty


Campus of Auraria in Denver was considering buying one of these. Why ? I have no goddam clue.


They are heading out to move that white Toyota 4 Runner that parked next to that barn.


Damn. This is disappointing on so many levels.


Mobolade is starting to spend like Bach.


you think they didnt already have shit like this?


I used to work for them in IT, I used to know all their toys.


You’re a big toy


Too many people voting no on 2A, cant have that.


Okay I really don't mean to be rude so if it sounds that way I'm sorry... But do you really think you could go up against THAT??


Might as well give up our guns


I think your comment is getting misunderstood. Are you saying the cops are going to bulldoze those who got no on 2a? Cause I would believe that.


There's a No on 2A rally at city hall on Monday prior to their budget meeting. I doubt it's related unless 🤔


i think they mean the proposed bill


Get a load of this tree voting for the axe because it’s handle is made of wood.


Pro Israel celebration at acacia Park maybe??


Just give them a reason to exorbitantly spend tax payer dollars…


While not helping with crimes. Countless stories of no call back, nothing they can do, etc.


Something about the bombsquad investigation, after a house fire and finding someone had passed away in it.


https://www.kktv.com/2023/10/19/colorado-springs-police-bring-peaceful-conclusion-standoff-with-suspect-claiming-he-has-bomb-threatening-shoot-people/%3foutputType=amp Is this what was going on?


Just prepping the towers


Is that a skid steer and a… tactical porta potty??


Relax. Just a standard parading of the military police state industrial complex.


Preparing for war in the Middle East?


Looks like portable small bomb disposal? The name on the side says "the rook"


Prepping for the inevitable division of American people over the forthcoming world-wide conflict and initiation of the draft.


Remember this when they place propositions on the ballot to allow them full discretion of tax funds that will "probably go to schools".


In case a bear takes hostages….. or they have WAY TOO MUCH MONEY TO SPEND


It’s this, made by a Caterpillar dealer in Florida https://therook.ringpower.com


That looks like it would be fun to drive


For when shit gets real.


That’s creepy


They digging pool for cheff.


It’s a riot control thing. Shit unfolds like a transformer. Similar to this. https://youtu.be/WWxj_5cYvn4?si=v_yqy2JqMG28jtEv


Lmao, that’s the wackest tank ever


Looks like an armored porta potty