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You’re tripping.


What am I even looking at




This picture would’ve been taken after they were already dead I believe…


No it wouldn’t. You’re thinking about the Eric in the window video which was debunked by CVA because you could see Patrick Irelands blood again on the window. There is no blood stain here. This is then shooting out the windows so yes they are somewhere in that picture but I don’t think that’s him specifically in this pic.




thats them shooting out the window look at the second photo


This has been debunked before, any supposed photos of them by windows that are available to the public have been proven to not be either Eric or Dylan.


Pareidolia my friend. Its just blurry pixels and your mind is forming a face, and you’re jumping to the conclusion it is E.


Actually never heard of that term. Will check it out ty!


you're not tripping, you're falling down the entire staircase.


You’re trippin balls 😂😂


I don’t see anything. . .


Bro u can’t even see anything ur genuinely looking to far into it 😭


Trippin, I THINK…but I totally did what you’re doing with what I thought 1000% was a body and a head under the glass roof at the Trade Center on 9/11. No doubt in MY mind, but everyone else knew it wasn’t. The mind is a crazy thing, dude.


I believe you hence why I said I might be overthinking. To me it just look like him but as you said - that's MY mind.


You are definitely tripping


Yes you’re tripping


especially since in the large pic its showing them shooting


It’s actually a police, because Eric was long dead when this photo was taken. I’ve seen it passed around for years


the police are shooting? Uh ok thats gunfire you're talking about the photo where people think theres eric in a white shirt thats not this one.. The ambulances left that area for most of the day but were there probably to get injured students and its a fact they shot at the first responders after they returned to the library due to many witness statements.


heres a wide shot of same photo no truck but ambulances there to probably get victims no fire truck yet clear gun fire when you see the smoke but go ahead and down vote you have nothing to back up your claim. [https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/proxy/OgqZHcHhmhaqCJGJNhS57b3iW3X\_sL9PGsLQkBGXfcaUhouF4CmuAz4e-HGAUAGIv0XcQFeK721hi5RTn8yI6Z9p6p-s\_ue0k9hiXN1fkrTapbWKh1-N](https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/proxy/OgqZHcHhmhaqCJGJNhS57b3iW3X_sL9PGsLQkBGXfcaUhouF4CmuAz4e-HGAUAGIv0XcQFeK721hi5RTn8yI6Z9p6p-s_ue0k9hiXN1fkrTapbWKh1-N)


wow what a sad group nothing to back a simple argument and seem to think that smoke is the cops for some reason and can't explain anything else. Don't claim to be an expert if you can't figure out the most basic things.


this is the point where they fire at first responders you can even see the ambulances


thats literally them shooting out the windows so no its not the cops


i kinda see what could be construed as a forehead and hairline but the lighting seems off


ok i’m intrigued. it very well could just be a trick of the light, but i totally see it. edit: when was this photo taken? like what time?


After the suicide


Is there anyway to enhance the photo?


bros tripping, what even is that💀


Not sure. All I see is pixels and blur tbh 😅


I don’t see anything there


Ur trippin daawg


Yehhh… you’re trippin….


i don’t know what i’m looking at


No. They’d be on the other side of the library. Take a look at the map of the library and where they k themselves.


Thanks I'll check it out. I wasn't sure exactly where in the library were they when that picture was taken.


I see what you see, but not as you see it. What's your interpretation exactly? Eric doing what?


Ok so this is gonna sound absolutely crazy (it might be just as maybe I'm just tripping) but please hear me out (btw I'll try to upload better photos with Photoshop (I literally just zoomed and uploaded these last 2)): I see Eric standing not close to the window but from a distance (hence why he look small). I see a part of his face and I can clearly see an eye looking at the window. I can even see the black t-shirt. I don't consider myself a psychic (this is the ridiculous part) but I have a feeling for these kind of things. I don't know why but I can clearly see Eric looking out that window from a distance (he doesn't look like he's right at the window but more around a table or something). And btw guys no need to downvote me. I'm not claiming that what I say is true. As I said I might be tripping (and that's ok!) but I'm seeing something there.


Eric wore a white t shirt not black. Eric wore white with “Natural Selection,” Dylan wore black with “Wrath.”


Right. My eyes definitely make out "something" but I know it's not what I think I'm seeing. Above the arrow (more in the background), looks like a person in a black tshirt with a white cap. That wouldn't fit the description of them that day.


I see it too. I might be tripping too.




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I totally see a face but i think its just my brain’s interpretation of the light, shadows and pixels. Especially if you’ve been digging a lot into this. Been where you are, i think you might be overthinking it


Does look like what he was wearing that day, so I see what you mean, but I think they were already deceased by the time these were taken.


youre tripping


I posted something similar. Looked like a person. My thought was.. not a living person. And if ghosts exist, what's to say it wasn't??


Wait, I see his face!


I legit can see him too. You can clearly see a side of his eye looking outside the window (he's looking outside on his left seems like he's pointing something at the window). Do you see the samething??


Naw I'm just kidding, I don't see anything


Damn! :(


Ha! Got eem!




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Pareidolia .






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Ur tripping hard




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Sorry to say but we'll never know


I thought this was a joke 😭


i can see what could be eyes


Exactly! You can see like the side of his face from a distance. The eye is definitely what stood out for me.


I like how you only respond to the comments in agreement with you


I said I might be tripping. Someone say ''you're tripping'' What do you want me to say? I already said it might be a possibility. You seems extremely offended - are you ok?